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Tarea 5


Estudiante: Anderson Steven Barrera Daza

Grupo No.


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Escuela Ciencias de la Educación

Licenciatura en filosofia


Sogamoso 2021
Tema 1 comparisons
Nicolás Natalia

I have two very beautiful Friends, one is called Nicolas and the other Natalia, and then I am
going to make a brief comparison of the meetings.
Nicolas and Natalia:
Nicolas is as tall as Natalia,
Nicolas is not as beautiful as Natalia.
Natalia is the same age as Nicolas.
Natalia studies harder than Nicolas.
Nicolas has black hair but not like Natalia who has brown hair.
Natalia has fair skin not like Nicolas whitch is pale.
Nicolas and Natalia are middle-aged.
Nicolas has plump cheeks and Natalia has elongate cheeks.
Tema 2 activities in progress

When you get to your mothers house, you find a very cozy house where three people live,
my father, brother and mother. While two of these people work, the third one studies. My
dad works with public transportation, my mom is a housewife and has an extra job dealing
with crafts with crafts with ceramics, porcelain, country and foamy. While my brother
studies in telecommunications engineering. My mom gets up early every day and leaves
lunch ready. He goes out to buy his merchandise. Makes sales of magazines deliver orders
when they reach people who ask for something. My you enter that my father gets up every
day at three in the morning to go by the vehicle whit witch he works, to get to the bus stop,
make the corresponding line to be able to leave dispatched and start picking up passengers
and taking them to the destination that each passenger needs. And also get to the next
location to be able to return to the initial location until the time that corresponds to work
and get his salary and the vehicle in which works.
Tema 3 talking about routines

I get up at 8 in the morning I have breakfast I take a bath and brush my teeth, then I do
university activities, I take a break at 1 in the afternoon I have lunch I go out to exercise 1
hour I get home and I come back to do more university activities , I read a book that I am
reading at the moment and at 9 at night I brush my teeth and I go to sleep.
Tema 4: Talking about a town

Sogamoso is a Colombian municipality located in the center-east of the department of

Boyacá in the Alto Chicamocha region. It is the capital of the Province of Sugamuxi, it is
located 228.5 km northeast of Bogotá, the capital of the country, and 75.8 km from Tunja,
the capital of the department. It has an altitude of 2,569 m, has average temperatures of 17 °
C.6 The economic base of the city is interregional trade between the Eastern Plains and the
center of the country; the steel and construction materials industry; and the exploitation of
limestone, coal and marble.7 It is one of the municipalities with the highest quality of life in
Colombia and is categorized by the DNP as a municipality with a robust development
environment.8 It is known as the Ciudad del Sol and Steel

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