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Name:_______________________________________ Section:____________________________

Fertilization is a reproductive process wherein 1.______ of the genes of the father and mother combine to form a 2._____ cell;
the new cell then 3.______ and forms more cells. This ball of cells enters the 4.______ and attaches itself to the 5.____ wall.
The attachment of the developing cells to the uterus is called 6.______. Pregnancy is the time when a new cell is formed
during fertilization, grows and develops into a baby in the woman‟s uterus. From the time that the ovum and the sperm cell
unite until the end of the eight week, the developing human is called 7._______. From the 8.______ week until birth, the
developing human is called the 9.______. A normal pregnancy generally lasts until 10.______ months or 38-40 weeks.

Write your answers below:

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

Name:_______________________________________ Section:____________________________

Fertilization is a reproductive process wherein 1.______ of the genes of the father and mother combine to form a 2._____ cell;
the new cell then 3.______ and forms more cells. This ball of cells enters the 4.______ and attaches itself to the 5.____ wall.
The attachment of the developing cells to the uterus is called 6.______. Pregnancy is the time when a new cell is formed
during fertilization, grows and develops into a baby in the woman‟s uterus. From the time that the ovum and the sperm cell
unite until the end of the eight week, the developing human is called 7._______. From the 8.______ week until birth, the
developing human is called the 9.______. A normal pregnancy generally lasts until 10.______ months or 38-40 weeks.

Write your answers below:

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

Name:_______________________________________ Section:____________________________

Fertilization is a reproductive process wherein 1.______ of the genes of the father and mother combine to form a 2._____ cell;
the new cell then 3.______ and forms more cells. This ball of cells enters the 4.______ and attaches itself to the 5.____ wall.
The attachment of the developing cells to the uterus is called 6.______. Pregnancy is the time when a new cell is formed
during fertilization, grows and develops into a baby in the woman‟s uterus. From the time that the ovum and the sperm cell
unite until the end of the eight week, the developing human is called 7._______. From the 8.______ week until birth, the
developing human is called the 9.______. A normal pregnancy generally lasts until 10.______ months or 38-40 weeks.

Write your answers below:

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.
Name__________________________________________ Section:_____________________________

During pregnancy, a woman‟s body undergoes many changes. As soon as 1. im_la_t_ti_n happens, the mother‟s uterus
releases special hormones, which is only released by the woman‟s body during pregnancy. Some of the hormones produced
by the pregnant woman‟s body makes her nauseated, this situation is called 2.“m_r_in_ s_ck_e_s” and usually lasts for 3
months. The same hormones make the woman‟s breasts enlarge and prepare to produce 3.m_ _ _. Over the 9-month period,
the woman‟s 4. u_e_us stretches to hold a full-sized newborn baby. This stretching makes her abdomen gets larger. A
pregnant woman also experiences swelling of legs, difficulty in
5. sl_ep_ _g, restlessness, and irritability as the fetus gets larger.

WRITE YOUR ANSWERS HERE. 1._______________________________ 2.____________________________ 3.____________________

4.____________________________________ 5._______________________________________


1.The easiest part of pregnancy

2.Breast tenderness
3.Hemorrhoids and constipation
4.Breathing difficulty, the expanding uterus is just below the rib cage, leaving lungs less room to expand.
5.From week 13 to week 27
6. From week 28 to the birth
7. Nausea with or without vomiting, also known as morning sickness
8. Breast changes
9. Sleep problems are common during this period
10. Missed menstrual period
11. The passage of a baby from its mother‟s uterus to the outside of her body is called ______________________.
12. _____________________ is the process that lasts from the time contractions start until the delivery of the child and the placenta.
13. In this procedure, the doctor surgically removes the baby and the placenta from the mother‟s uterus. _________________________
14-15. This is a simple procedure to find out if the baby has a congenital metabolic disorder that may lead to mental retardation or even
death if left untreated. (2POINTS)____________________________________________.

Name__________________________________________ Section:_____________________________

During pregnancy, a woman‟s body undergoes many changes. As soon as 1. im_la_t_ti_n happens, the mother‟s uterus
releases special hormones, which is only released by the woman‟s body during pregnancy. Some of the hormones produced
by the pregnant woman‟s body makes her nauseated, this situation is called 2.“m_r_in_ s_ck_e_s” and usually lasts for 3
months. The same hormones make the woman‟s breasts enlarge and prepare to produce 3.m_ _ _. Over the 9-month period,
the woman‟s 4. u_e_us stretches to hold a full-sized newborn baby. This stretching makes her abdomen gets larger. A
pregnant woman also experiences swelling of legs, difficulty in
5. sl_ep_ _g, restlessness, and irritability as the fetus gets larger.
WRITE YOUR ANSWERS HERE. 1._______________________________ 2.____________________________ 3.____________________

4.____________________________________ 5._______________________________________


1.The easiest part of pregnancy

2.Breast tenderness
3.Hemorrhoids and constipation
4.Breathing difficulty, the expanding uterus is just below the rib cage, leaving lungs less room to expand.
5.From week 13 to week 27
6. From week 28 to the birth
7. Nausea with or without vomiting, also known as morning sickness
8. Breast changes
9. Sleep problems are common during this period
10.Missed menstrual period
11. The passage of a baby from its mother‟s uterus to the outside of her body is called ______________________.
12. _____________________ is the process that lasts from the time contractions start until the delivery of the child and the placenta.
13. In this procedure, the doctor surgically removes the baby and the placenta from the mother‟s uterus. _________________________
14-15. This is a simple procedure to find out if the baby has a congenital metabolic disorder that may lead to mental retardation or even
death if left untreated. (2POINTS)____________________________________________.



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