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Học tại Prep, đỗ mọi kỳ thi tiếng Anh https://prep.


EXERCISE 1: Find words and phrases in the sentences below that mean the same as the
phrases given
Banning Mobile Phones in Public Areas
For Against

Most public areas have free phones As public phone booths seem to be on the
that can be used in case of verge of extinction, it would be irresponsible to
emergency. ban mobile phone use.
Mobile phones can be used to take Mobile phones save lives as emergency
photos and videos and so violate services can easily locate you when you call.
other people's privacy. Instead of imposing a ban, it would be more
They are intrusive and have an practical to have designated areas for cell
adverse effect on the environment of phone users.
other people. Many people think that a ban would curtail their
In hospitals and airplanes, they can personal freedom.
interfere with sensitive equipment Cell phones are a relatively recent invention and
They are a permanent distraction people just need a little more time to learn how
when they are allowed in the to use them properly in public


1. affecting someone's private life in an annoying way: ___________

2. negative; harmful: ___________
3. places set aside for a particular purpose: ___________
4. to act against something that should be treated with respect: to ___________
5. to be at the point where something is about to happen: to be ___________
6. to reduce; to limit: to ___________

EXERCISE 2: Use the verbs in the box to complete the sentences about whether or not
technology has helped people become more social
Technology Has Helped People Become More Social
Agree Disagree

Everyone can easily belong to multiple Phone calls and messages constantly
online communities. _____ (4) face-to-face conversations and
Communication technologies _____ (1) friendly get-togethers.
distances and enable everyone to Many people end up spending more time
connect around the globe. onscreen than in face-to-face interaction.
Through social media, anyone can When in company, people cut themselves
_____(2) a network of like-minded people.  off from their surroundings and _____(5)
Certain apps enable families and friends phone calls and messages.
in different corners of the world to chat It is easy to _____(6) false information
for free 24/7. online in order to ruin someone's

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Many people have been able to _____ (3) reputation 

with long-lost friends through a social Under the veil of anonymity, many people in
networking site. chat rooms and on discussion boards
easily become offensive.

abolish         build up         disrupt         disseminate         prioritise         reconnect

Number 1. ___________
Number 2. ___________
Number 3. ___________
Number 4. ___________
Number 5. ___________
Number 6. ___________

EXERCISE 3: Choose the correct option to present arguments for and against the idea that the
gap between old and young people has widened because of technology.
The Gap Between Old And Young Has Widened Due To


It is much easier for younger people to master new technology because they were _____ in an
environment where it was omnipresent.

A. born
B. not born

.Most schools now teach computer skills, whereas _____ people have to start learning from

A. younger
B. older

The relevance of new technology _____ quite obvious if you have lived happily without a PC or
mobile phone for forty years.

A. is
B. is not

_____ adults have difficulty keeping abreast of technological change.

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A. Many
B. Few

As parents and children spend _____ time onscreen and _____ with each other, the generation
gap widens.

A. less/less
B. more/less
C. less/more
D. more/more


Family bonds are _____ when children teach their parents and grandparents how to use new

A. weakened

B. strengthened

Mobile phones and social media make it _____ for grandparents to keep in touch with their
children and grandchildren.

A. easier
B. more difficult

Many elderly people _____ to keep on learning.

A. wish
B. do not wish

Technological skills and knowledge have _____ been passed down from one generation to the

A. never
B. always

Parents and children can play video games together, which _____ family bonding.

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A. fosters
B. impedes

EXERCISE 4: Match the sentences below with the “For” category if they support the argument
that mankind is now dependent on technology, or “Against” if they do not.
Mankind is Now Dependent on Modern Technology
We drive everywhere, so walking and cycling For
have become hobbies or sports
For the majority of people, the issue is not Against
dependency on modern technology but
access to it
“What's your wi-fi password?" is one of the undefined
first questions people ask when they visit you
Wishing to live with the times is not the same undefined
as dependency
Internet addiction is now recognised as a undefined
mental disorder

Less than half of the world's population use undefined
the Internet
Digital detox holidays are growing in undefined
Many people have found ways to increase undefined
face-to-face time with family and friends
We tend to rely on technology more than undefined
before, but this does not mean that we
cannot live without it
People look at you strangely if you ask for undefined
directions in town or for a wake-up call at a
EXERCISE 5: In arguments 1-5 below, there is one extra word which does not fit. Spot the
incorrect extra word.
Technology Increases the Gap between Rich and Poor
Agree Disagree

The most sophisticated hospitals are Thanks to technology, countries that were
private and cater mainly for wealthy stil underdeveloped half a century ago are
patients.  now among the world's superpowers. 
Increasing the automation in Increasingly, public places they offer free

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‘manufacturing means many workers lose Internet access. (3) 

their jobs while factory owners increase Advances in aviation technology have
profits. (1) made travelling by air very much more
The use of cutting-edge technology in elite affordable. (4) 
private schools gives children of wealthy In countries without landline
parents a big advantage over poorer communications, mobile phones provide
children. any access to jobs, education and
Poorer people get into a debt to buy state- healthcare. (5) 
of-the-art digital devices. (2) Advances in agricultural technology have
Highly profitable hi-tech companies improved the health and standard of living
relocate to developing countries where of people in developing countries.
labour costs are lower.

Argument 1. ___________
Argument 2. ___________
Argument 3. ___________
Argument 4. ___________
Argument 5. ___________

EXERCISE 6: Identify the two arguments which are in the wrong category.

The Internet is Mankind’s Most Important Invention
Agree Disagree

A. It is an inexhaustible source of F. It was invented only three decades ago, so we

knowledge and information. can only speculate about its future impact.

B. It enables people around the globe to G. Without the wheel, it is unlikely that mankind
communicate in writing and speaking in would ever have reached an advanced stage of
real time. technological development.

C. Information can be disseminated H. Only about half of the world's population has
faster than ever before. access to the Internet.

D. Thanks to the Internet, universal I. It is the first invention that turned our planet into
access to education will soon be a a global village.
J. It is hard to imagine how our civilization would
E. The invention of the telephone, the have evolved without the engine.
light-bulb and the computer made the
Internet possible.

Argument 1. ___________
Argument 2. ___________

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