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Abide by-accept /follow-We have to abide by the laws of the country

Account for-to explain-They have to account for the loss

Ache for-want a lot-I am aching for you

Act for-officiate-Mr Bose will act for the Director

Act on –act according to –She has acted on my advice

Act on –to produce effect-The medicine will act on the patient after some time

Act out-to perform how something happened Tthe children started to act out the whole incident

Act up-behave badly-My computer is acting up

Act upon-to take action-The police acted upon the case

Add on-include in a calculation-You have to add VAT on this item

Agree with-affect-That party did not agree with my stomach

Aim at-to target-The magazine is aimed at teenagers

Allow for-include in a plan-We should allow for delays while planning a journey

Allow of-permit-The rules do not allow of any exceptions

Argue down-defeat in a debate-He tried to argue me down but could not

Ask after-enquire about-He asked after you, I told you are fine

Ask around-invite-We asked them around for a dinner

Back out of –withdraw –Rahul backed out of his commitment

Back up-support-I backed him up during the election

Back up-make a copy of computer data-You must always back up your important files

Back down-abandon a claim-She refused to back down on a point of principle

Back off-to retreat-Seeing his intense anger ,she backed off

Bag out-criticize-Don’t bag out him unnecessarily

Bail out-save/rescue-The government had to bail out the RTC from loss

Bail up-talk and delay-I was late as he bailed up me on phone

Balls up-spoil-He ballsed the presentation up

Bang about/around-move in a place making noise-He is banging about in the kitchen


Bank on-count or rely on-I am banking on your help

Bawl out-scold/shout at-She bawled me out for coming late

Bear away-win-Anil bore away the first prize in sports

Bear down-overpower-She was born down with grief

Bear out-confirm-The result will bear out his outstanding skills

Bear up-to remain cheerful-He has to bear up much for the love

Bear with-be patient-He had to bear with her rude behavior

Bear upon-relevant to-This testimony did not bear upon the inquiry

Beef up-make stronger or solid-He beefed up the case by giving more proof

Belt out-sing loudly-They belted out the national anthem

Big up-exaggerate/make big-He bigged himself up

Bliss out-be happy-He blessed out on the beach

Blow away-kill-He grabbed a gun and blew his enemy away

Bog in-eat enthusiastically-The beggar bogged the food in when food was served

Bog off-get lost-The teacher asked the student to bog off

Boil down-reduce to essentials-The report was boiled down to two pages

Bone up-study hard for a reason-I will have to bone up to get result

Book in/into/up-reserve in advance-She booked in the ticket for her journey

Book out-leave a place in hurry-Lets book out this place

Boot up-start a computer-He booted the computer up and started work

Boss about/around-use excessive authority-She bosses every one about

Bottle away-store up-He kept his feelings bottled away

Bottle out-lack courage-Since she was bottled out ,she did not say anything

Brace up-feel more confident-You should brace up and stop worrying

Branch out-move into different areas-the supermarkets have branched out

Break away-leave an organization-The SDP broke away from the Labour Party

Break down-stop working due to fault-Car broke down on the highway

Break in/into-enter illegally-The burglar broke in to the managers champers


Break into-do something at once-She broke into tears when she heard the news

Break of-stop a habit-He is trying to break himself of drinking

Break off-stop,discontinue-He broke off his relation with Rani

Break out-escape-The convict broke out of the police custody

Break out-begin suddenly-The world war broke out in 1939

Break up-end-The meeting broke up late at night

Breeze in-enter a place quickly-He breezed in and started shouting at us

Bring about-cause-What has brought about the quarrel in the family

Bring down-make something down-The technological development brought down prices

Bring forth-give rise to-This act brought forth discontent among the people

Bring in –earn-His business brings in a lot of money

Bring off-achieve successfully-The movement brought off no considerable gains

Bring on-produce/cause-Poverty brings on social revolution

Bring out-produce/reveal/publish-The publisher has brought out a new edition of his dictionary

Bring round-succeed in changing one’s opinion-He brought his father round to his view

Bring up-rear-He was brought up by his grand mother

Brush off-ignore-The minister brushed off the criticism

Brush up-improve-He brushed up his English by his reading novels

Bucket down-rain heavily-Take an umbrella, its bucketing down

Buff up-improve/clean-The vessel shined after buffing up

Build up-increase/develop-His tension has been building up as his result day was nearing

Butt in-interrupt-Don’t butt in to others issues unnecessary

Butt out-not interrupt-this is none of your business ,butt out

Buzz around-move around a place-the reporters were buzzing around the place of accident

Buzz off-leave somewhere-I am buzzing off now , I want to meet some people

Call after –name someone after somebody else-He was called after his grandfather

Call around-visit-I called around my uncle

Call for-require-The exploit situation calls for an action


Call for-demand-The manager called for an explanation

Call forth-make something happen-

Call in-summon-Call in a doctor, she is seriously ill.

Call off-cancel-The meeting was called off at the eleventh hour

Call on-go to visit-The prime minister called on the president

Call round-visit-I called round my grandfather yesterday

Call up-to telephone-Call me up tomorrow morning

Call up-summon-The soldiers were called up during the war

Cancel out-put off-I cancelled the class out today

Carry away-get very excited-The public was carried away by his speech

Carry forward-include for a later calculation-The cashier carried forward the amount

Carry off-win-She carried off the first prize

Carry on-continue-He carried on the business after his father’s death

Carry out-execute-he carried out the wishes of his father

Carry over-postpone-The meeting was carried over to next week

Cast about for-try to find something-They are casting about for support

Cast aside-ignore-He cast me aside

Catch at – take hold of something-She caught at my sleeve while I was leaving

Catch on-understand-I did not catch on his words

Catch up-get work up to date-I must catch up my work that I missed

Catch up with-meet someone after a period-I will catch you up with next week

Charge with- accuse somebody of a crime-She was charged with smuggling

Check in/into –enter-They checked in the airport sometime ago

Check out-die/leave-She checked out from this world

Chicken out-be too afraid – She is chickened out to go alone at night

Chill out-relax-I am chilling out after a hectic schedule

Chip in-contribute-Many people chipped in the sick person

Choke off-restrict-Outsiders are choked off into the park


Chop down/up -cut down-They chopped down many trees in the forest

Chuck away-dispose-I chucked away all my old books

Come about-happen-How did the incident come about

Come across-find by chance-I came across my purse in the kitchen

Come along – accompany-May I come along with you?

Come apart-break into pieces-It came apart when I tried to lift it

Come back – return- You must come back soon

Come before- appear in a court-He came before the court on charges of speeding

Come by – visit- I shall come by after work

Come round-recover-The patient is coming round

Come round-to change one’s mood or opinion-The principal is coming round of the views of the

Come in-arrive-When does the train come in?

Come in-to involve in something-Do you want to come in to the business?

Come into-inherit-My friend came into his father’s property

Come of-be a result of-His success comes of his hard work

Come off-take place-The ceremony did not come off

Come to-be a question of/about-When it comes to giving time to others, he shys away

Come to –amount to-Office expenses come to rupees five hundred per day

Come up-arise-Many problems came up during the meeting

Come up to-be equal to-He will come up to the expectation of his teacher

Come upon-discover/find unexpectedly-He came upon the hidden treasure in a cave

Do away with-discard-Do away with your superstitions

Do for-ruin-He is done for

Do out of-cheat-The land lords do the illiterate farmers out of their rights

Do over-do again-He will have to do the exercise over to improve health

Do over-renovate-I am doing my house over

Do up-comb and fasten-She has done her hair up


Do up-wash and press-That laundry does up the clothes

Do with-manage with or without-I can even do with a little money

Do without-manage without-The poor have to do without luxurious life

Dole out-distribute-They doled out sweets to friends

Doss about/around-spent time doing very little-We dosed about our holidays

Dress down-dress casually-The staff are allowed to dress down on Fridays

Dress down-scold-She dressed me down for being rude

Dress up-dress very smartly-We must dress up for a party

Drop in/around/by-visit without prior information-We dropped in their house on Sunday

Drop out-leave-He dropped out of the picnic

Draw back-retreat-He drew back from his proposal

Draw on-depend-He drew his savings to buy a small piece of land

Draw into –drag-She drew me into an argument

Draw to-attract-They were drawn to each other

Draw up-make or write careful planning-She has drawn up the plan for us

Ease off/up-reduce pressure-She was eased off by the counselor

Egg on-encourage-The winner was egged on by his friends

Fall apart-break into pieces-The box fell apart when I picked it up

Fall back on-use in emergency-Save something not to fall back on in old age

Fall behind-make less progress-If you do not work you will fall behind

Fall for-be attracted-He fell for luxuries

Fall in-collapse-The roof fell in

Fall in –to agree with-He fell in his ideas

Fall off-decrease-Textile business falls off during the rainy season

Fall off-False friends fall off in adversity

Fall out-quarrel-He has fallen out with his neighbor

Fall through-fail-The scheme fell through for lack of funds

Get about-walk-She cannot get about much distance


Get ahead-succeed-You cannot get ahead without proper planning

Get ahead-proceed-You have to be careful to get ahead with your life

Get ahead of-surpass/overtake-He got ahead of the other candidates

Get along-manage/be friendly-How are you getting along in your studies

Get around-circulate-Bad news gets around very fast

Get at-keep criticizing-Why are you always getting at me?

Get away-escape-The criminals got away after killing three men

Get away with-do something bad but unpunished-Criminals get away with all sorts of crimes

Get back from-return-He got back from Patna this morning

Get back to-to return to something-Now he has got back to his normalcy

Get by-manage unpleasantly-I hope I will get by this unruly crowd

Get down to-attend seriously-Let us get down to the business

Get off-come down-She got off the train at Pune

Get on-make progress-How are you getting on your studies?

Get out-publish-We are getting a new book out

Get out-be released from-You can get out from here

Get over-recover from-I have got over my difficulties

Get round-persuade-He got me round to his point of view

Get through-succeed in-He got through the examination

Get to-reach-I got to my friend’s house very late

Get to-start-He gets to work at 10a.m

Give away-distribute-The principal gave away the prizes

Give in-surrender-The enemy finally gave in

Give in-give consent-Mother gave in our request

Give off-emit-The chimney gives off smoke

Give out-be exhausted-Her courage gave out

Give up-abandon-He gave up smoking

Give up-lose hope of-The doctor gave up hope when she was in coma

Give way-collapse-The mud hut gave way as it rained heavily

Go about-continue to do-He is going about with his job in a systematic manner

Go against-be opposed to-She went against the wishes of her father

Go ahead-make progress-He is going ahead fast in his business

Go ahead-continue-They are going ahead with the scheme

Go along with-accompany-I will go along with the group to Europe

Go along with-agree-Joe went along with my scheme

Go around-circulate-Rumours go around fast in our colony

Go around-be sufficient-There is no enough cake to go around

Go attack-attack The dog went at the stranger and bit him

Go back on-fail to keep promise-Don’t go back on your promise

Go by-be guided by-The public servants must go by the rules

Go by-judge from-You should not go by appearance

Go down-believe-Your statement will not go down by him

Go for-attack-The militants went for the poor farmers

Go in for-to have something interesting-Don’t go in for cricket in this time

Go into-examine-The principal is going into this case

Go off-leave-He went off in a hurry to catch the train

Go off-proceed-Our school fete went off well

Go off-explode-The gun went off accidently

Go on-happen-What is going on here?

Go on-continue-The exam went on in this time even

Go over-review-He went over the file after office hours

Go through-pass through-She is going through hard days

Go through-complete-He will go through with his plans

Go with-match-His tie goes with his suit

Go without-manage without-We cannot go without food for long

Hand down-give-The justice handed down the judgment


Hand down-passon/transmit-Our culture has been handed down to us from ancient tribes

Hand in-submit-Kindly hand in your assignments

Hand on-transmit-The secretary handed the message on to the officer

Hand out-distribute-He handed out the prizes

Hand over-transfer-She handed over the business to her son

Hang around-loiter near-Teenagers generally hang around fast food restaurants

Hang on-hold-He hanged on to the mast till the ship sank

Hang together-remain united-Hang together as we work in a place

Hold back-restrain-She held herself back from abusing him

Hold back-keep secret-Do not hold back anything from your mother

Hold down-control-The government must hold down prices

Hold good-apply to-This holds good for every one

Hold on-wait on the phone-Please hold on, I have send for my uncle.

Hold on-grasp-Hold on to the bars, while climbing up the stairs

Hold up-delay-The flight was held up due to fog

Hold up-stop by force-The bus was held up by the terrorists

Keep away-not go near-Keep away from wild dogs

Keep back-conceal-He kept his love for her back from all

Keep off-stay away from-We should always keep off the grass

Keep on-continue-She kept on running till she collapsed

Keep out of-stay away-She kept out of my room

Keep to-adhere to-Keep to the promise you made

Keep up-have same pace-He could not keep up with the progress of the class

Keep up-maintain-Keep up your prestige

Lay by-reserve for the future-Lay by some money for the difficult time

Lay down-sacrifice-The soldier laid down his life for the country

Lay down-fix/establish-New rules have been laid down to deal with the tax evaders

Lay off-dismiss-The factory had to lay off some employees


Lay out-arrange-Lay out the table for dinner

Lay up with-confined to bed-She is laid up with malaria

Look after-take care of-She looks after her uncle’s dog

Look ahead-plan for the future-One should look ahead for the future

Look around-search-I am just looking around for the pencil

Look at-to direct ones gaze seriously or with concentration-The teacher took a look at what she was

Look down on/down-hate-One should not look down upon the poor

Look for-search-He is looking for a job

Look forward to-expect with pleasure-I am looking forward to the visit of my sister

Look in—make brief visit-She looked in to see her old aunt

Look into-make investigation-The army is looking in to this case

Look on-regard as-L look on him as an authority on Shakespeare

Look over-examine-The finance minister looked over the budget before placing it in parliament

Look through-go through-She quickly looked through the news papers

Look to-expect from-He looks to his father for guidance

Look up-improve-Share prices are looking up these days

Look up-search-I am looking up the word in dictionary

Make away with-steal-The servant made away with ten thousand rupees

Make for-rush to-We made for home when it rained

Make off-hurry away-The car made off after the shooting

Make out-understand-I can’t make out anything in his paper

Make out-claim-He makes himself out cleverer than he is

Make out-argue-The lawyer made out the case of Mr Verma successfully

Make out-make from-He made a beautiful idol out of wood

Make over-transform-He made over his old office

Make over-transfer-He made over all his property to his family

Make up-fabricate-The boy made up a story for his absence


Make up-apply cosmetics-She makes herself up when she goes for a party

Make up-compensate for-The losses of the riot victims have not been made up by the government
Make up-take decision-She made up her mind to go abroad

Nag at-criticize repeatedly-My boss is always nagging at me

Name after-give name to remember someone-I was named after my grandfather

Open up-start to talk freely-She hates to open up her feelings

Opt for-choose-I opted for science course

Pass away-die-His uncle passed away at Delhi

Pass back-return-Teachers passed back project files

Pass by-go by the side of-I waved to her as I passed by her

Pass down-transmit information-The tales were passed down for centuries

Pass for-be accepted as-She passes for a model in the city

Pass off-represent falsely-He passes himself off as a scholar

Pass on-give-Mr Gupta passed his property on to the Trust

Pass over-ignore-Let us pass over what they said

Pass out-distribute-The report was passed out to all those who were present

Pass through-undergo-He is passing through a difficult time

Pull down-demolish-The old house was pulled down by the new owner

Pull in-arrive-When will the Shatabdi Express pull in?

Pull off-succeed in a plan-Reena pulled off a business deal

Pull out-leave-I pulled out of the partnership in the business

Pull through-recover-She has pulled through her illness

Pull together-cooperate-All have to pull together for a good cause

Pull up-reprimand-He was pulled up by his commanding officer

Put across-convey-He puts his ideas across convincingly

Put aside-leave-Put aside the unrealistic plans

Put aside-save-We must put aside some money for difficult time

Put away-give up-He put away his dreams of wealth


Put down-suppress-The army put down the rebellion

Put down-write-Please put down your address on this paper

Put off-postpone-The judge put off the hearing of the case

Put off-extinguish-The lights were put off by the servant

Put on-wear-She put on a pretty dress for the party

Put on-add to-She is putting on weight

Put out-extinguish-The lights were put out

Put out-offend-She was put out as she was not invited

Put up-erect-He put up a stall at the fete

Put up-lodge-I put up at my aunt’s house for the night

Put up with-tolerate-I can no longer put up with his temper

Put up with-stay-She is putting up with her friend

Run across-happen to meet-She ran across her friend in a busy street

Run after-chase/follow-The police man ran after the thief

Run along-go away-Now boys, run along

Run down-say unkind words-We should nor run down anyone

Run down-tired-I feel run down today

Run down-stop-The watch has run down

Run down-hit-A boy was run down by the car

Run for-contest election-He has run for president ship but lost

Run into-meet by chance-She ran into an old friend in the town

Run into-collide-The train ran into a private bus

Run out of-exhaust the supply of-We have run out of sugar

Run over-hit with-The man was run over by a truck

Run through-examine quickly-I ran through the case before going to the court

Run through-spend recklessly-He ran through his father’s savings

Run to-reach an amount-The bill ran to a thousand rupees

Set apart-reserve-Some seats are set apart for the handicapped


Set aside-nullify-The Supreme Court has set aside the decree of the lower courts

Set aside-keep-I have set aside some amount for the wedding

Set about-begin-We immediately set about fixing the roof

Set back-check progress-The pandemic set back the developmental works

Set forth-begin a journey-He set forth for Mumbai on Sunday

Set in-begin-The spring sets in the flower bloom

Set on-determined-She is set on starting a business

Set off-start-Her remark set off a controversy

Set out-start-When do you set out for the tour?

Set up-establish-He set up a new software company

Take aback-surprised-I was taken aback when I heard of his accident

Take after-resemble-Veena has taken after her mother

Take after-follow the example of-We must take after great persons in life

Take back-withdraw-He did not take back his comments

Take down-write-I said students to take down the notes

Take for-mistake for-He took me for my brother

Take in-comprehend-It is difficult to take in his speech

Take off-remove-He took of his shoes before entering the house

Take off-leave the ground-The aeroplane took off at 10.30

Take out-delete/remove-Take that word out of the sentence

Take out-insurance-He took out a policy on his life

Take over-acquire control-the government took over the sick mill

Take to-addicted to-He has taken to drinks

Take up-pursue-He took up the problem with his father

Take up-consider-The question was taken up in the meeting

Turn against-become hostile-Neha turned against her friend

Turn away-not allow to enter-The commuters were turned away by the security as the room was full

Turn down-reduce the volume-Turn the TV down a little


Turn down-reject-His request was turned down by the teacher

Turn out-prove-She turned out to be more intelligent

Turn out-expel-He was tuned out of the school for cheating

Turn over-give/pass on-I turned over the business to my brother

Turn up-come/be found-The missing boy turned up in the evening

Urge on/upon-encourage-The crowd urged the players on

Use up-finish all of something-We used up all the olive oil

Vacuum up-consume-He vacuumed up all the food

Veg out-relax-I am going to veg out watching TV

Vie with-compete with-The athletes vied with each other for first place

Work off-get rid of-She must work off her extra weight by dieting

Work out-solve-Please work out this problem as early as you can

Work out-devise-I worked out a plan to apply for a loan

Work out-prove satisfactory-Nothing works out in a poor man’s family

Work up-prepare-I have to work up a programme for the conference

Work up-agitated-He was worked up over his wife’s bills

X out-to cross out-If the answers are wrong,X it out

Zero in on-direct on/move towards-The police are zeroing in on the culprit

Zero out-cut off funding-The debt was zeroed out by the department

Zip up-keep quit-We told him to be zipped up

Zoom in-focus more closely-The camera zoomed in to show people’s faces

Zoom out-focus less closely-The camera zoomed out to show all the crowd


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