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Phan Huynh Thanh Bach-21001463

Homework week 4: Individual project ideas

Part 1:

The 3 topics that I choose are:

1. Children in Vietnam increasingly suffer from obesity.

2. Large online classes on Zoom lack efficiency for both teachers and students. What can be


3. How can District X raise awareness of its residents of the environmental issues?

Part 2:

1. Children in Vietnam increasingly suffer from obesity.

I chose this subject because obesity among children in Vietnam is on the rise, especially
in the country's main cities, from childhood through adulthood. In this study, I will look
at the causes, effects, and potential remedies for the problem of growing childhood
obesity in Vietnam. This must be a fascinating subject for me, so I'll give some concrete
examples, such common eating practices that accidentally result in childhood obesity or
actual statistics from Vietnam's Ministry of Health on the prevalence of childhood

2. Large online classes on Zoom lack efficiency for both teachers and students. What

can be done?

Zoom was a well-liked application among teachers and students during the Covid 19

outbreak two years ago, which is why I picked this topic. In this topic, I will look at the

reasons why students find it difficult to learn well when using Zoom and offer

suggestions that can help both students and teachers learn. You may conveniently interact

online with the Zoom software. I'm excited about this initiative and want to learn more
about it. I'll offer some unique Zoom application features when I look into this project to

make learning more comfortable for everyone. To give everyone more options, I will also

suggest a few online learning tools similar to Zoom.

3. How can District X raise awareness of its residents of the environmental issues?

Because environmental issues are becoming more and more popular with people,

including myself, I chose this theme. In this project, I will investigate the difficulties that

the environment is facing, the causes of the environment's rising levels of contamination,

the polluted places, and potential solutions. I have a strong interest in this topic because it

happens every day. I will concentrate on research on methods to reduce environmental

pollution as well as specific instances of areas with pollution issues and how the locals

there may resolve the issue to make the project more interesting.

Part 3:

How can District X raise awareness of its residents of the environmental issues?

 Purposes: My research aims to understand the origins and consequences of childhood

obesity. In addition, find strategies to support children with obesity problems and

measures to combat obesity, and offer strategies to raise awareness among people,

especially children.

 Audience My project will focus on parents, child care managers, but more importantly,

children who are already at risk of obesity.

 Information: In this project, I will research ways to raise awareness among children and

parents about the consequences of obesity. In addition, my project will investigate the
factors that lead to obesity and why children are increasingly at risk of obesity in today's


 Benefits: In my opinion, this project helps the health of the growing children. All of us

especially as parents have a responsibility to support our children to give them healthy

lives and an environment for their holistic development.

 Objections: There will be a large number of people protesting because this is an

unimportant matter. For many parents, they love their children and indulge their interests.

What's more, many people assume that the obesity problem has modern medicine and

exercise sessions to deal with its consequences.

 Context: The context of the project will be to promote awareness among parents and

children about the health consequences as well as the inconveniences that obesity causes.

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