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1. 0:00.

Hi guys welcome back to Indian Skate Noob, as we continue our tutorial

series, today we will start with jumps. Let's start with very basic jump and I will
show you how different is jumping on normal shoes and jumping on Inline Skates. By
shooting video of both I will show what are the differences, in slow motion also I
will show what are the differences and there are lot of differences if you think
that there is no difference, then you are wrong and in for a surprise. So if you
haven't seen the previous tutorials, I'm linking them in the (i) button above,
they're very important because we're going step by step, if you don't know the
scissor position for example, jumps There will be difficulty. So go and watch those
tutorials first and then let's see today's. So now I'm shifting you to the
comparison, jump of normal shoe and jump of Inline Skate. Then we will do the
breakdown and see how to jump start actually. We will reverse engineer the jumps,
first you see how the jumps are done and then we will see what are the steps
required to reach there. so look.


2. 0:56. When I'm jumping without skates, I'm jumping forward and I'm jumping with
a one leg surf-push. So this is quite a different thing in comparison to Inline
Skates. Look again I will jump forward and do it with one leg.


3. 1:13. If I am in the jump of inline skates then I am jumping upward not forward
and jumping with both the legs together, landing together. In this case, the
distance that is there automatically clears my speed, I have to jump only upward.
The higher the speed, the distance will automatically become clear. Look again from
this angle, I am jumping with both legs together and while landing always keep in
mind that I have to land in the middle of the skate between the 2nd and 3rd wheel.


4. 1:40. What you want to do in the beginning is you start with very small jumps in
the mud or grass like I'm doing here. mostly cracks etc. or small pits etc. will
come out from this if you are on high speed. Now you don't have to do this thing,
here I am jumping from my upper body not jumping from knees and it is very
inefficient. You have to do this thing, see I am jumping with my knees. Knees
should come on you, knees to chest should be your motive. In this you will get more
height, control will be more and this jump is also very efficient. Look at the same
thing from another angle, knees to chest should come up then it is a good jump.

5. 2:22. Now all those are not good techniques for high jumps but everything has a
positive side too, so this can be a very good technique to clear small cracks if
you are at high speed. So like I just did this light jump, very light and did it
mostly from upper body, I am not using much knees but the crack became clear.

6. 2:42. Now if you want to learn proper jump then this one leg hop is not the
right technique. Means you can use it anywhere, but proper jump looks something
like this, you jump on both legs, you land on both legs. You will fall just like
that. To jump straight up is absolutely straight. straight will make you clear the
distance automatically.

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