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=counta wt ony HE OF TH CORPORATE WOK ] EDITORIAL: CEO's Remarks EDITORIAL: - Future Ready A. Retaining Reler Modern Accounting Space 7 7, The Other Side of the Corporate World 1 ItAll Starts With Oneself: Self-discipline is Effective 1.3 z1ca Photo rocus 1 5 Aud Procedures Statutory Audit Engagements a Practic 1g Approved Employers a 1g LstofcaZamt Trai 2 | List of CA Zambia Mentors 25 successful Students Make the Grade 26 Malpractice Declaration 27 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Examinations September 2021 Examinations Time Table December 2021 34 BE minations Timetable IT ALL STARTS WITH ONESELF f Self-discipline —— B)\Ngoza Florence Mwansa Ifyou had an exam ina month, would you rather study consistently till the exams or binge watch television for the next few weeks? There are twa types of students, the first type will do the first option and the second type the latter, The only difference between these two typ. dents s self-discipline. Self-discipline|s conceptualised as an individuals capacity to suppress or inhibit prepotent or dominant responses in favour of an alternative action that is strategic and services a long-term or higher-order goal (Allom, Panetta, Mullan, & Hager, 2016; Tangne Baumeister. & 7 Boone, 2004). Research has demonstrated that self-discipline is associated with better academic performance even when controlling for measures of ability such as intelligence (Ouckworth & Seligman, 2005) markable, why doesnt they monitor the tapiece and make certain rudim ance of it, evaluate the mood ntary change decisians. Only at If self-discipline is this 1 everyone have it? The truth is self-discipline of cake, it's hard! Adolescents struggle with the pursult if one is self-regulated can they of long-term goals (Romer, Duckworth, Sznitman, & — foster self-discipline Park, 2010). Setting long-term goals and their attainment. re (Pintrieh & Zi Jisciptine is bending over backwards: getting up early for classes, submitting all assignments on time, acing Firstly, students’ motivation and acceptance of every test, attending every class, sludying on rainy responsibility for studying and achievement is days, continuing to in ven when given negative cles 8p 1987) Such acceptance of respansibility may be reflected in their preparing for classes, fir assignments in time, dilig control of their effort as well as willingness to gize on how to wing for ite sustained self-regulati There are 6 effective strategies to attain self-discipline. sho, 2002; Reyna & Farley, 2001 aquisite for learning (Weinstein, feedback, sacrificing short pleasures such as partying for long- term goals. Nowadays, no sooner have you at down to study than your phone thrums lightly on 2 nce, self-discipline, your desi work hard on a difficult academic task (Weinstein How can one attain self-discipline? Firstly, one needs & May to have self-regulated mood. A person should not be tied by their maod, le. only studh feel like it One 1986)When students are motivated and bear the respansibility of their success they en they will net be reliant on the teacher, parent or mood : to be studious. Student will take it upon hin/ ttudent from studying even if the topic is as dull a aif to put the work in Taking responsibility urage a gives students dishwater Self-regulated people can sense mood levels. make judgments about that mood a p89 — It all Starts With Oneself - Cont'd ‘and that kind of thinking will affect their behaviour Student who are accountable to themselves over their own grades will knaw that their tasks are not options Self-disciplined students do not think should | stay all night playing games or study, they think | must study. It is something they have to do, nat an option ‘activities, and to keep control of distractions that might atherwise limit the capacity to attend to the tasks at hand (Weinstein, 1987) This entails eliminating distractions to truly be hyper-focused on studying. If your phane will imit your capacity to study then put it away and be in a conducive studying environment. A self-disciplined student will restrain their urges and impulses and centre their attention on one thing 2 A second self-regulation strategy includes the ability to concentrate and focus attention on study reflecting deeper levels of cognitive processing, and have been found to foster active cognitive engagement in learning (Pintrich & Schrauben, 1992, Weinstein & Mayer, 1986). Such strategies help students store information in long-term memary by building internal connections between new Information and prior knawledge, and lead to higher academic achievement (Weinstein & Mayer. 1986). 3 Thirdly, information processing, elaboration and reasoning represent metacognitive strategies ‘a self-presentational strategy in order to protect and enhance self-esteem (Covington. 1992; Tice) an example of self-handicapping is studying at the last minute. Though, this strategy is effective for some it is maladaptive over time, One would expect low self-esteem students to engage in self- handicapping strategies in order to provide a non-threatening excuse should failure occur (Tice. 1991, 1999) For some itis better to study right down to the wire arid fail than actually put in the work way ahead of exams and fail. Studying last minute gives them the excuse (they fail that they could have passed if they put more work in ahead of time. A A fourth self-regulation strategy is self-handicapping, This is a motivational strategy and represents negative reality is framed as ‘standing in the way’ of realising the positive future. The simultaneous activation of the desired future and present realty emphasises the necessity for action When expectations of success are high. mental contrasting energises individuals to take action and strengthens their goal commitment 5 ‘A fifth self-regulation is strategy mental contrasting, the positive future is elaborated first. and the Students who wish to have high grades will review the obstacles between them getting high grades such as distractions, poor time management. and poor engagement in class. These students with create strategies to reduce the effects or eliminate the barriersto be successful This willmean cutting down on screen time to study or keeping their phones on ‘do not disturb’ to prevent disturbances during study sessions, recognising and seizing opportunities to act_as well as overcoming any reluctance to act (due to the unpleasantness of the act for example}. Gelting started is vital It doesn't matter if you onty have 40 minutes of free time in the moming to study just start anything. Getting started on anything can help better in the exam room than nothing. One must get started ancl have implementation intention. Implementation intention isn't just having goals. Whereas mere gaals (or goal intentions) have the format of | intend to achieve x! whereby x specifies a desired outcome or behaviour. implementation intentions take the form of ‘if situation y occurs, then | will perform the goal-directed behaviour 2! For example. a student who has committed to the goal of eariing high grades on a test may furnish this goal with an implementation intention, such a5 'f | have an assessment test in the near future and my friends ask if | can go with them to a concert, then | will say no and study instead! é sixth self-regulation strategy is implementation intentions. Getting started. Getting started involves These strategies will help students develop self-discipline. Why adopt one strategy when you can go the whole nine yards; itis best to incorporate strategies 12,35 and 6 together to be most effective, Take responsibility for your own success, focus when studying and control distractions. actively be engaged in the leaming process: ask questions, do group work and study with friends, identify all distractions hindering your success and replace them with habbits that wil push you towards your goals All students would tke to excel but what hinders them is lack of self-discipline, with the use of effective strategies self-discipline is attainable and it will ring you closer to your goals. CIZiCA ell ACCOUNTANT PAGE MEET . SLU Te NG’ Vy 12) Who Doesn’t Have Stress Be eed eee is eee aC ae PAGE 37 MY TWO CENTS’ WORTH: CONDUCT IN COLLEGE AND BEYOND PAGE 19 ISSUE NO.27 Bie ant 2022 Ps CONTENT Tent Common Mita Shaente cee rote INSIDE THIS ISSUE ‘Te ela OF Goa = ere ter 2A Ba CREDITS EDITORIAL COMMITTEE (CHAIRPERSON Vincent Lukonde MEMBERS Moses Chitoshi Peggy Sikaile ‘Amon A Phiet ‘Wonme Chapurwike Sherlyn Musoonda Hanene Samuel Olaniyan, PUBLISHING EDITOR Ngosa Chikaka CONTRIBUTORS Dr. Martin Kabwe Liversage Hanene Sunga Ngambi ‘Charles Lupiya Muyangwa Mukunt James Kashalo Ngoza Florence Mwansa Jowitt Mudenda DESIGN & LAYOUT Fortress Media ‘CONTENT DETAILS Zambia Institute of Chartered Accountants 2374/a Thabo Mbeki Road P.O Box 32008, Lusaka- Zambia, ‘ele ODL 374551-59 Email: membership@zia.cozm Website: ZICA Northern Region Orfice 2nd Floor, Muleubs Pension House, Roam 333, President Avente, Kitwe, Zambia Phone: +260 212 222002 Gel: 0969 328 339/ 0570 649 844 Email itwedzicacozm Who Doesn't Have Stress? Uy pues Macence Maes What is stre: ‘At some point ina student's life, they will experience stress, but what is ‘stress? Hans Selye, MD. described stress as nonspecific response of the body to a demand. We find that the physiological stress reaction is aur bodys response to ‘any change, threat, or pressure put upon it from outside forces..or from within. ‘Our body then tries to regain its normal state and protect itself from potential hharm, The stress response is ignited by a stressor, Some common stressors include: + Physical threats «Threats to our selfimage an important life events + A fight or conflict with a friendirelativer coworker + Tight deadlines + Loss of something or someone we care for Luke stress itself, stressors come in two: varieties: distressors and eustrescors. A distressors can cause a person to feel pressure and not at ease while a ceustressors cana perceivedasa challenge and cause excitement. A person can see taking a bulky course as another burden (on their plate or a challenge to rise to Evaluation of Stre: Stress ig more common than you might think. Data gathered by Emily A Pierceal and Marybelle C keim from 212 students ‘enrolled in reguiarty scheduled psychology classes depict a Perceived Stress Scale. Of the students, 75% were in a moderate stress category.12% in high stress category, and 13% in a low stress category. This shows that 87% of students are stressed, thats quite alarge number. Out of the 87%, 12% are severe cases. The 13% is what every most students vant to and should be. They are two types of students: Type A and type B. Type A they found much ‘more likely to lead to heart attacks in otherwise healthy individuals. individuals exhibiting Type B behaviour, on the other hand, were less likely. Type 8 ‘Moves quickly ‘Moves unhurriedly Eats fast Eats peacefully Speaks rapidly ‘Speaks slowly Frequently feels impatient Patient ‘Aggressive and competitive at work ‘Cooperative and collaborative at work Very time conscious ly upset or angered Easy-going Highly motivated to achieve Generally satisfied Not time driven, sometimes late Perceived as strong Soft-spoken, laid back Feels restless during periods of inactivity Enjoys leisure and quiet time Frequently tries to do multiple tasks at once Does one task at a time Type A's often achieve phenomenal career success and a great deal of recognition for their efforts, However, the physical and ‘emotional tall may be quite high. Along with a coronary heart disease rate that Friedman and Rosenman found to be seven times that of the Tyne BS, Tyne ‘As are rarely satisfied with what they accomplish. From this one can see the effect stress has on indlvieuals thet do: not cope with stress well and the benefits of those who cope with stress wellSelye Hi). Stress Management Techniques Stress can have very bad long-term effects on an individual that could fead to chronic ilinesses. But how can one cope a4 | the Student Accountant with stress? Stress cannot be avoided even if one perceived it as good the situation will cause a response to your body. Throughout a students life one will experience many changes, threats and many other stressors because they ble: external factors can cause whole lot of are inevitable. Life is very unpre stress. At each new change in life such as starting 4 new course level it may bring added pressures, The focus isnot avoiding stress its unavoidable but how can one manage stress ie, be on the "13% of the stress spectrum. There two types of coping strategies: Positive and negative coping strategies (Lakyntiew Parlat, AngeNne Ryrjah, Ms Joplin, MG Kharjana). Positive Coping: Of the positive coping strategies, the mean scores reflected that meditation and prayer was the most effective for both genders followed by listening to music or watching television, sleep, pursuing hobby or interest, talking to parents or any family members and exercise or yoga respectively. Negative Coping: Irrespective of the type of negative coping strategy (ie, spending more time on social networking sites, smoking, taking aleohol and using drugs) it was revealed! that males were more indined to use these coping strategies than females. There is a positive correlation between academic stress and meditation, sleep Positive Coping Strategy = Meditate or fray Sleep 1 Ustening to muse or Watehing Tv {© Tolking to Parents or any arnt marie 1 Exercising or Yoo Pursuing hobby or interest Negative Coping Strategy 1 Spending more time on Social Networking ses 1 Using Drugs Siwoking © Taking Alcohot and prayer while negative correlation between listening to music or watching television and negative coping strategies lke using drugs! smoking or taking Alcohol. (Stewart etal, (1997)) Table II Association of Academic Stress with Coping Strategies of The Selected Participants ‘Sino. | Coping strategies ‘Academic stressors ‘r value 1. | Meditate and pray ora 2 ‘[Steep 0.129% 3. | Listening to music / watching TV. “0.014 [a ]Tatkingto Parents familymembers ~*~ ovaSSSSS~S~S~«S™ 5. |5. Exercise yoga 0,009 Habby/interest 0.091" Negative Coping 7. _ | Spending time on social networking sites 0.055 2 [Using drugs ~0.087* 3. [Smoking -0.057 4___| Alcohol 0.022 Re *, Correlation is significant atthe 0.05 level (2-taled) Participants inthis study were college students an ee et Ree ee ea ee eee eee er ee te SOUS ean ur ee eee eats Showing. & normal distribution between both males and females(Ms. Lakyntiew Pariat, Ms Angelyne Rynjal and Ms Pe ped ToC) In conclusion, we all have stress. A student will face many demands in her or his if. The stress caused by these demands could ave detrimental long-term affects therefore a student wil need te cope tothe stress, Poative coping ne ee ete eee Citations 1 Oe moa) By Cee ee no ee Coa ee Comunity College journal of Research and Practical 31 (9)703- 712.2007 7 LLokyntiew Pariat Angelyne Rynjah, Msjoplin, MG Kharjana -Stress Levels of College Stucients: yn relationship berween 5 Coping Strategies, Journal of Humanities and Social Science 19 (8), 40-46,2014

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