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Build Lasting Relationships With Customers Using These 13 Tactics

1. Include A Personal Touch

“In the current business climate where every customer is bombarded with digital messaging, remember
that a personal touch counts. Sure, you should send them targeted marketing materials, but also
consider sending them a bottle of wine to enjoy with their spouse on their anniversary or a handwritten
card on their birthday. Those small personal acts make a difference in building business relationships.” -
Jenni Smith, EGR International

2. Work With Them Through The Lows

“The best customer relationships are built for the long haul. Initially, relationships are formed and begun
based on results — hopefully great results. Over time, as relationships deepen, they are solidified by
how you respond to adversity or how you recover from a problem. Some of the deepest relationships I
know are a result of working through the lows as well as the highs.” - Lon Otremba, Bidtellect

3. Put Client Interests Before Your Own

“Each of your competitors will also claim they can bring as much value as you can, if not more. Our
approach is to consider the best interest of the client before ours and to make sure they know that this is
how we see our relationship with them. On some occasions, this could mean we don’t sell something or
downsize our proposal if we determine that they are not ready.” - Christophe Caïs, Customer Experience

4. Embrace And Impress Disgruntled Customers

“A Nashville tech firm used to joke that their customer service made Comcast look good. They turned it
around by inviting customers to Nashville — one of the hottest tourist destinations in the country — for
an in-depth education on the company's products and a fun time in the city. Lesson learned: Embrace,
don't hide from disgruntled customers and they'll become your biggest fans. - Jeff Bradford, the Bradford

5. Make It Easy To Relate To Your Brand

“Today's savvy customers care about more than the product they're purchasing. They invest in and form
long-lasting relationships with brands they identify with. To win customers over and stand out in a
crowded marketplace, brands should think about what they want to represent, live those values and
showcase to their communities that they do more than talk the talk — gimmicks won't work.” - Mae
Cromwell, PACIFIC

6. Give Memorable Promotional Products

“There's an episode of Entourage where Johnny Chase requests an odd soda from the cute office
assistant and justifies it by saying that if you order something unique, you're more easily remembered. It
works the other way, too. Just ask MailChimp. They built a die-hard customer base by randomly mailing
out promotional items like t-shirts, beer koozies, wrestling belts, beanies for cats and more.” - Michael
Kilcullen, Social Report

7. Be As Generous As You Can

“An insider tip is to turn down money — be generous when you can. You can prove you're a partner by
putting your client's needs first, even if it means buying the cheaper solution, spending less on
advertising for the same outcome, etc. Working with us should be the best part of our clients' days.” -
Tripp Donnelly, REQ

8. Narrow Down Your Ideal Customer

“When it comes to retaining customers, it's time to be honest with yourself. It's not about serving every
prospect who walks in the door but serving the prospect you can help propel forward. If you want to
retain more customers, start with getting picky about who you take on; assist them to the best of your
ability and the rest will take care of itself.” - Bernadette Coleman, Advice Local

9. Take Advantage Of Every Opportunity

“There is no one more valuable to a brand than someone who not only loves your product but someone
who talks about it. A brand can’t survive without authentic relationships built on mutual understanding,
shared values and respect. To build these connections, brands need to actually connect with consumers,
and understand their needs. Treat every company function as a relationship-building tool.” - Brian
Salzman, RQ

10. Engage Customers With Educational Content

“Having no budget at all is a challenge, but in the digital era, it can be done. Create valuable content via
social media, blogging, creating videos, hosting podcasts, or designing infographics. Most importantly,
help yourself by helping others. Provide useful information. By educating your audience on problems
they care about, you grow your customer base and position yourself as the solution.” - Cagan Sean
Yuksel, GRAFX CO.

11. Create Exclusive Access Groups

“Brands are using social media to create platforms and groups where only VIP or paid members are
admitted. Exclusive content, apps, and product "drops" send loyal customers into a frenzy and encourage
them to spend to get the limited edition drop before it sells out because it's so exclusive. This is a
fascinating trend in customer relationship building.” - Brandon Stapper, Nonstop Signs
12. Build A Great Loyalty Program

“Loyalty programs have been proclaimed by some experts as being overused and that they oversaturate
the market. I disagree, and retail data shows that consumers have an insatiable appetite for points and
rewards with brands they feel connected to. Engaging your customers in a meaningful dialogue and
having them feel valued by sharing content on the brand's behalf is a powerful combination.” - Wendy

13. Just Be Human

“Supporting and recognizing your clients’ personal successes as well as business wins in a genuine,
honest way is the best way to forge lasting relationships. They have families, kids, personal pursuits and,
for many, their jobs are just a means to enjoy those ends. If you ‘get’ them, they’ll value the relationship
beyond the great work you’re doing and take you with them on their next gig, too.” - Jeff Majtyka, Ellipsis

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