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The future of commerce and technology will be increasingly interconnected. Today, e-

commerce is revolutionizing the way companies conduct business and consumers shop. In this
sense, the use of mobile devices, social networks, artificial intelligence and big data allow the
personalization of the user experience, which makes it possible for companies to reach their
public in a more precise and effective way. The technology will also have a great impact on
logistics and the supply chain, allowing the optimization of processes and the reduction of
costs. Artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT) enable greater automation and
efficiency in tracking and managing inventory and merchandise movements. On the other
hand, virtual reality and augmented reality will transform the way consumers interact with
brands and products, allowing them to view products in 3D or try them out virtually before
making a purchase. In addition, blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize
security and transparency in the supply chain, ensuring the authenticity and traceability of
products. In short, the future of commerce and technology will be increasingly personalized,
automated and efficient, which will improve the user experience and the productivity of

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