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ANIMAL FARM ( 8-10):

1. At first, Napoleon decides to sell the timber to Mr Pilkington.

However, he ends up vending it to Frederick, despite of the rumors
that had been spread about him.

After, Frederick has taken the timber, they discover that the bank-
notes were forgeries. Afterwards, Frederick and his men attack the
farm. They wanted to get the title deed of the farm and mainly, they
wanted to knock down the windmill.

This battle is called the Battle of the Windmill. The difference

between this one and the Battle of the Cowshed is that, in the one
that happened first, the animals were more scheduled and less of
them died; and in the Battle of the Windmill, they weren’t ready to
fight and it was more bloody.

In a nutshell, even though both battles were won by the animals,

the first one was more encouraging for them than the second one
since in this one the windmill, in which they have put a lot of effort,
was destroyed and many of their comrades died.

2. From my point of view, Boxer was a respectable horse since he

is was loyal to his friends and to the revolution. He was also hard
working, he didn’t care if he was in pain, he still continued with his
labour. Some of his friends were worried about him because he had
lost all his strenght, but he didn’t pay attention to this and still
worked hard.

Even though he was respected and valued, he finally died in the

knacker’s. In the book, the animals preferred to believe that he
passed away in a luxurious hospital, but that’s not true. In fact, the
pigs sold him in order to have more money.

I also believe that it’s a pity that he trusted that much the pig and
specially Napoleon and that he was foolish because he didn’t see
what the pigs were doing with him.

3. At the end of the book it is narrated how the pigs are gathered
with the owners of the other farms. Firstly they seem to have a good
relation, but eventually they have an argument and the animals that
are gazing this think that they can’t distinguish pigs from men.
That’s because, at first, the rebellion started because they hated the
way humans lived and treated them, for example they didn’t have
enough food, meanwhile humans lived in houses with all the
amenities; and now the pigs live just exactly how men did: they are
special, have more food, live in the farmhouse, etc.

Even though they could actually distinguish pigs from men, that’s a
way of saying that they haven’t done what they promised at first and
that they have changed all their opinions about men, who had all
the power.

4. During book, most of the animals trust that the pigs are doing the
best for them and that their life has improved.

The animals also say that they don’t remember their live with Mr
Jones, therefore is easy for the pigs to manipulate them and make
them believe that they work less hours and that they eat more.

In fact, not only their quality of live hasn’t improved, that it has
worsen. This is mentioned at the end of the book, when the owners
of the neighbour farms are gathered with the pigs and one of them
congratulates the animals for their achievements in the farm, such
as giving the animals a low ration of food or making them work for a
lot of hours.

To sum it up, their life hasn’t improved, but they are happier than
they used to, at least at the beginning of the revolution, since they
believe they have control over their own life.

5. On the one hand, this book is good to read in class since it talks
about an interesting topic that we have to study in history class.
However, if I hadn’t had to read it in class, I probably would not
have chosen this book since I’m not into history.
Therefore, I wouldn’t recommend it to my friends because we have
a similar taste in books and they as well would prefer any other
book which had a more amusing topic.

On the other hand, I believe that it is useful to learn English and it

does help you with learning new vocabulary because it has specific
words referred to farms and plants.

In conclusion, it’s an interesting book since it helps you to

understand the history of the world and even though it hasn’t been
difficult to read, I would have chosen another book which had a
topic that I enjoyed more.

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