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How Much Of An Atom Is Empty Space?

Google: How much of an atom is empty space?

You will find conflicting information, even on the first page! Why is this the case?

For this assignment, you will read through multiple Google sources on this topic.
As you read them, try to figure out why this conflicting information exists. Then,
you will try to identify what the best answer to this question is. You will then write
approx. 200 words describing:

1) What you believe the best answer is. Im judging my decision off the newer
atomic model. And that is that instead of the electron being in a fixed orbit
around the nucleus it is that theres a cloud of probability that explains that
the closer to the nucleus the higher the probability is of a electron being
there and the farther away from the nucleus the less likely there is to be a
electron so there isn't really a diffined answer because we cant pin point the
electrons. It is supper hard to prove things at this size because we cant see
them and we will never be able to see them.

2) WHY you believe it is the best answer. Some questions you could ask
yourself are: what is the quality of the sources? Does the way the articles
are written affect your opinion? Do some articles present a wider range of
information than others? Why is there not a clear answer? Etc.

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