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How to use the semicolon (provide examples)

● We can use semicolons in sentences that we already use commas. In that way, we obtain a
clear meaning.

➢ First, peel the fruits; then, chop the fruits; finally, mix the chopped fruits.
➢ Some people have special abilities in science, like math, biology or chemistry;
buth other people have abilities in art that includes painting, drawing and dancing.
➢ Valentina is a nurse; Carlos, a lawyer; Karla, a nutritionist; and Tamara, a physical
➢ There are beautiful places in the world that people can visit: Machu Picchu, Peru;
The Great Wall of China, China; and the Eiffel Tower, France.

● When there is no coordinating conjunction (and, or, so, nor, but, yet and for) to link two
independent clauses, we can use semicolons.

➢ The ice cream which we bought was delicious; it also had a strawberry flavor.
➢ Pamela has bought a pair of jeans; Andrew has bought a suit.
➢ I have grilled fish, boiled potatoes, vegetable salad and a glass of orange juice for
my lunch; I think they are good for my health.
➢ I am going to order a bowl of fruit salad; Macarena is going to order a cup of

● When there is a conjunctive adverb (moreover, nevertheless, however, otherwise,

therefore, then, finally, likewise, indeed, and consequently) or transitional phrases (such
as, in fact, as a result) linking two independent clauses, we have to use a semicolon.

➢ All participants of the microbiology conference were on the site at 8:00 pm;
however, the speaker was late for the conference.
➢ I have studied a lot for my exam; as a result, I obtained the highest grade.
➢ I will go to your graduation party tomorrow; nevertheless, I will arrive a little late.
➢ Michael Jordan was playing his last game; meanwhile; Kobe Bryant was
preparing for the beginning of his successful career.

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