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Actividad 2 . Me apoyas con estas Oraciones.


● Change sentences from present simple to past simple

Sentences are given in the present simple tense. Change them into the past simple


He runs in the park every day. (Present Simple)

He ran in the park yesterday. (Past Simple)

Change these sentences in the present simple into the past simple:

1. My mother watches the weather news in the morning.

2. I work at the Weather Channel.
3. My wife runs a retail store.
4. My sister lives in Panama.
5. She earns a living by predicting the weather.
6. He wants to be a journalist.
7. Anna cooks fish every Sunday.
8. My students study hard to learn English.
9. She writes a children book once a year.
10. Do you play any sport?
● Change sentences from active voice to passive voice

Sentences are given in the active voice. Change them into the passive voice.


Prominent figures filled the opening ceremony with speeches. (Active voice)

The opening ceremony was filled with speeches by prominent figures. (Passive

Change these sentences in the active voice into the passive voice:

1. We made hotdogs for the party.

2. They based the movie on the book.
3. Meteorologists predict the weather.
4. The committee is presenting the results of the survey at the meeting.
5. The reporter is interviewing the Carnival Queen.
6. The City Council has selected the city’s mayor.
7. The police caught the thief.
8. My sister set our house on fire.
9. The weathermanforecast short spells of rainfall.
10. Many people celebrate the city festival with concerts and parades of giant
Components of the assignment: This work must include:

● Cover page.
● Introduction.
● Body of the work (Sentences).
● Conclusion.
● Picture Gallery. (One picture per sentence)


● Font: Arial, size: 12, spacing: 1.5.

● Write the introduction and the conclusion on your own. Avoid plagiarism.
● You have to add pictures that represent the action in each of the
sentences. You must include them in your “Picture Gallery.”


Individual work.
Foro 2

Me ayuda indicando como se dice estas estrofas en ingles para presentar mi


Viernes: Será un día lluvioso, por el cual le recomiendo llevar paraguas y

mantenerse abrigado

Sábado: El pronóstico indica un dia lluvioso, con tormenta electrica, tener


Domingo: Se espera un dia despejado con algunas rafagas de viento,

Lunes: Dìa parcialmente nublado con temperaturas bajas, mantenerse abrigado.

Martes: Se pronostica un día soleado, usar protector solar.

Analyze the picture above to give your weather predictions. Introduce yourself in the
video, present the weather report, and give advice to the audience for bad weather
when needed according to the picture.

Suggest appropriate leisure activities according to the weather prediction for each

Be creative and have fun!

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