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- DRA. ZILDA ARNS NEUMANN Public School- Elementary and high school.

Student:_____________________________________________ Grade:8ºA,B,C Number;_______

Grammar: will,Synonyns,Antonyms Second trimester. Value 3,5 Score______
- -Atividade Complementar não presencial. ( Entregar até dia 03/06/2020).
English test. TEACHER: DENIZE.

1) Qual é o auxiliar que aparece no texto indicando o futuro.(0,2)

-The more that you read,

the more things you will know. ____________________________________

The more that you learn, _____________________________________

the more places you'll go.”

Dr. Seuss

2) Marque verdadeiro ou falso , conforme o texto.(0,5)

Modern Technology.
Modern Technology a. Modern technology is changing the way we live our lives. Clever gadgets make
everyday activities easier and enable people to use their time effectively. But what impact will this change have
in the future and is it really a positive thing? People are busier than ever before. Technological advances mean
that things are often possible with the touch of a button. A hundred years ago, however, things were very
different. Everyday jobs, like doing the laundry, would take a whole day, and the telephone was a new
invention! Nowadays, almost every household has a washing machine and a dishwasher, and there are more
than 70 million mobile phones in use in the United Kingdom alone.
According to the text about technology mark true (T) or false(F):

( ) Modern technology doesn´t change the communication in general.

( ) The impact of modern technology on everyday life happened over the past century.

( ) It is our responsibility when choosing to use modern technology.

( ) Modern technology isn´t changing the way we live our lives.

( ) Technological advances mean that things are often possible with the touch of a button.

3) Marque a resposta correta Conforme a ordem dos verbos regulares no passado que estão em

-walked -played -wanted - shouted -worked -wished -laughed - watched -invited -asked -
washed- listened -pulled

a) Joguei, pulou, cantou, trabalhou, riu, convidou, perguntou, lavou.dançou, comeu, leu, riu,sujou..
b) Andei, joguei, quis, gritou,trabalhou, desejou,riu, assistiu, convidou, perguntou, lavou,ouviu,puxou.
c) Gritou, cantou, convidou, lavou, ouviu, jogou, trabalhou, perguntou,comeu,pulou,limpou.andou.

4) Leia o texto e marque a alternativa correta.(0,8)

A football Match.
Two friends are on the phone, on a Sunday afternoon.
John: “Next Saturday evening Arsenal will play against
Manchester United. I bought two tickets yesterday. Will you
come with me?

Mike: I won’t come, I will work because I’ll take an exam on

next Friday.

John: OK… I’ll go with my brother Tom. We will take

photos and I’ll show them to you on Sunday morning.”

4.1)Which football clubs will play next week? 4.3) Who will go to the match with John?

a) Arsenal against Manchester United. a) Mike will go to the match with John.

b) Brazil against France. b) John´s brother will go to the match.

4.2.)When did John buy tickets? 4.4) What will John do on next Sunday?

a) He will buy tickets tomorrow. a) He´ll go to a football match.

b) He bought tickets yesterday b) He´ll go to a basketball match.

5) Match the words with their 6) Escolha o antônimo correto

synonyms:(0,6) para cada palavra em negrito: 5. pretty :
(0,8) a) younger
(Relacione as palavras com b) ugly
seus sinônimos:) 1. loud:
a) fast 6) fast
a) start ( ) wealthy b) soft a) slowly
b) tall
b) pretty ( ) ill 2. older:
a) younger 7. Expensive
c) rich ( ) frightened b) elder a) cheap
b) full
d) sick ( ) enormous 3. full:
a) quiet 8.Dark.
e) scared ( ) fast b) empty a)near
b) light
f) quick ( ) begin 4.young:
a) fast
g) large ( ) lovely b) old

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