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Course: Ingles III

Teacher: Melina Barrantes Morales / Rocío Munaico Antonio

Exercise: (AC-S09) Week 09 - Task: Assignment - A Peruvian Legend

Student: Manuel Alberto Jaulis Ortiz

Eslin Cesar López Villanueva

Breydi Jeremías Beramendi


Breydi Jeremías Beramendi Manuel Alberto Jaulis Ortiz Eslin Cesar López

A Peruvian Legend
Breydi: Good afternoon, everyone! Today we are here to share with you a
fascinating legend from Peru. I'm Breydi, and I'm pleased to introduce Manuel
and Cesar, who will also be participating in this exposition about the legend of
the Golden Ear of Corn.

Manuel: Hello, everyone! We are excited to take you through this magical and
mysterious story. It all began when a humble farmer named Juan discovered
something extraordinary in his cornfield.

Cesar: It all started when Juan, a dedicated farmer who had a deep connection
with the land, found a golden and radiant ear of corn in his crops. This Golden
Ear of Corn was unlike any he had ever seen before.

Breydi: Previously, it was said that this golden ear possessed magical powers
and brought prosperity to those who found it and treated it with respect. Juan,
aware of the significance of his discovery, carefully took the ear of corn and felt
a special energy in his hands.

Manuel: After finding the Golden Ear of Corn, something extraordinary began to
happen in Juan's life and his community. The crops in the neighboring fields
flourished and yielded abundant harvests. The news about the golden ear
spread rapidly.

Cesar: Farmers from the surrounding areas sought advice and guidance from
Juan. Everyone wanted to learn how to cultivate their fields with reverence and
respect, following Juan's example. The Golden Ear of Corn became a symbol of
unity and hope for the community.
Breydi: Next, the stories about the Golden Ear of Corn were passed down from
generation to generation, becoming part of Peru's rich folklore. The legend
highlights the importance of caring for and valuing our natural resources, as well
as the profound connection between human beings and nature.

Manuel: Finally, at the end of our story, the Golden Ear of Corn symbolizes the
abundance and prosperity that can be found when we treat nature with respect
and gratitude. The legend teaches us to cultivate a harmonious relationship with
our environment and to value the gifts it bestows upon us.

Cesar: We appreciate your attention and encourage you to explore more about
the legends and folklore of Peru. There are many fascinating stories that
connect us to our cultural heritage.

Breydi: Thank you for joining us in this exposition about the legend of the
Golden Ear of Corn. We hope you found it as captivating as we did.

Manuel: Yes, it truly is an amazing story. We invite you to delve into the
richness of our folklore and discover the wonderful legends that have been
passed down through generations.

Cesar: ¡Goodbye, everyone! Take care and see you next time..

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