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Classes and Objects: The program defines classes such as Job, Candidate,

SoftwareEngineerJob, and SalesJob. Objects of these classes are created and used to model
real-world entities and their behaviors.

Inheritance: The classes SoftwareEngineerJob and SalesJob inherit from the base class Job.
This allows them to inherit the common attributes and methods defined in the base class while
adding their specific requirements and behaviors.
Polymorphism: The isQualified() method is declared as a pure virtual function in the Job base
class and overridden in the derived classes SoftwareEngineerJob and SalesJob. This
demonstrates polymorphism, where different implementations of the same function are invoked
based on the type of the object.

Encapsulation: The member variables and member functions in the classes are encapsulated,
meaning they are declared as private or protected to control access and provide data
abstraction. Public member functions, such as isQualified(), provide the interface to interact
with the class objects.
User Input and Output: The program uses cin to accept user input for job choice and candidate
information. cout is used to display messages and results to the user.

Control Flow: The program uses control flow statements such as if-else to make decisions based
on user input and determine the qualification of a candidate for a specific job.

Object Creation and Initialization: Objects of the SoftwareEngineerJob, SalesJob, and

Candidate classes are created and initialized using constructor parameters and user input.

Member Functions: Member functions are defined in the classes to perform specific tasks such as
entering candidate information, checking qualification, and displaying results.

Header Files and Namespaces: The program includes the necessary header files, such as
<iostream> and <string>, to use predefined functions and data types. The using
namespace std; directive is used to avoid the need for explicit qualification of standard library

Overall, the program demonstrates object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts like classes,
objects, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and utilizes user input, control flow, and
standard library functions.

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