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Restructuring the human resource department of The Luxe Group

of premium hotel chain involves creating new subdivisions within

the department to streamline operations and enhance HR functions.
These subdivisions will focus on different aspects of HR
management, ensuring ef ciency, and aligning with the
organization's overall goals. Below are the various activities under
each new subdivision in the Department, along with corporate
examples to illustrate their implementation.

1. Talent Acquisition and Recruitment:

2. The Talent Acquisition and Recruitment subdivision will be
responsible for attracting, sourcing, and selecting quali ed
candidates for open positions within the organization. This
subdivision will handle activities such as:
a) Job Posting and Advertising: Developing job descriptions,
creating engaging job advertisements, and strategically posting
them on relevant job boards, social media platforms, and the Luxe
Group's website. For example, the HR team can collaborate with
the Marketing department to create visually appealing job ads and
use targeted advertising to reach potential candidates.

b) Candidate Screening and Selection: Conducting initial

screenings, reviewing resumes, and shortlisting candidates based
on their quali cations and t with the Luxe Group's values. The HR
team can utilize applicant tracking systems to streamline the
screening process, ensuring a smooth work ow and ef cient
candidate evaluation.

c) Interviewing and Assessment: Designing and conducting

structured interviews, assessments, and tests to evaluate
candidates' skills, cultural t, and potential for success. The Luxe
Group can adopt innovative interviewing techniques such as video
interviews or gami ed assessments to assess candidates' abilities

d) Employer Branding: Developing and promoting the Luxe Group's

employer brand to attract top talent. This includes showcasing the
organization's values, bene ts, and unique selling propositions to
create a positive employer image. HR can leverage online platforms
and social media channels to share employee testimonials, behind-
the-scenes glimpses, and stories that resonate with potential

Corporate Example: The Luxe Group can take inspiration from

Marriott International, which focuses on employer branding through
their "You Can Make It Here" campaign. Marriott showcases diverse
career opportunities within the company, emphasizing personal
growth and development, and highlighting employees' success

2. Learning and Development:

3. The Learning and Development subdivision will focus on
nurturing talent, improving skills, and enhancing employee
performance through training and development initiatives.
Activities within this subdivision include:
a) Training Needs Analysis: Identifying skill gaps and training
requirements through performance evaluations, surveys, and
discussions with managers. This analysis will help HR determine
the learning priorities and design targeted training programs. For
example, the Luxe Group can use online surveys or competency
assessments to identify areas where employees require additional

b) Training Program Design and Delivery: Creating and delivering

training programs that align with the organization's goals and
individual career development needs. This can include both internal
training sessions conducted by HR professionals and external
trainers. The Luxe Group can invest in interactive e-learning
platforms, virtual classrooms, and gami cation to make training
engaging and accessible.

c) Leadership Development: Implementing programs to develop

leadership skills and groom future leaders within the organization.
This can include workshops, mentoring programs, and executive
coaching sessions. The Luxe Group can identify high-potential
employees and provide them with opportunities to develop their
leadership capabilities.

d) Performance Management: Establishing a performance

management system that includes goal setting, regular feedback,
and performance appraisals. The HR team can work with managers
to de ne SMART (Speci c, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant,
Time-bound) goals and provide tools for continuous performance
tracking. The Luxe Group can also implement a 360-degree
feedback mechanism to gather comprehensive feedback from
peers, subordinates, and supervisors.

Corporate Example: Hilton Worldwide is renowned for its robust

learning and development programs. They offer various training
opportunities, such as the Hilton University, an online learning
platform accessible to all employees, and the Elevator Program, a
leadership development initiative that prepares high-potential
individuals for future leadership roles.

3. Employee Engagement and Well-being:

4. The Employee Engagement and Well-being subdivision will
focus on creating a positive work environment, fostering
employee satisfaction, and ensuring their overall well-being.
Key activities in this subdivision include:
a) Employee Recognition and Rewards: Implementing programs to
acknowledge and reward employees for their contributions and
achievements. The Luxe Group can establish an employee
recognition platform or organize regular events to celebrate
outstanding performance. This can include rewards such as
bonuses, incentives, or non-monetary bene ts like extra paid time
off or personalized gifts.

b) Internal Communication: Developing effective communication

channels to keep employees informed about company updates,
policies, and opportunities. The Luxe Group can utilize a
combination of intranet portals, newsletters, town hall meetings, and
digital platforms to facilitate transparent and open communication.
Regular engagement surveys can also be conducted to gather
feedback and address concerns.

c) Work-Life Balance: Promoting work-life balance initiatives that

support employees' personal and professional well-being. This can
include exible work arrangements, wellness programs, employee
assistance programs, and promoting a healthy workplace culture.
The Luxe Group can organize wellness challenges, provide gym
memberships, or offer meditation and mindfulness sessions to
prioritize employee well-being.

d) Diversity and Inclusion: Developing strategies and programs to

foster diversity, inclusion, and belonging within the organization.
The HR team can work towards creating a diverse talent pipeline,
implementing unconscious bias training, and establishing employee
resource groups to support underrepresented communities. The
Luxe Group can also participate in industry-wide initiatives
promoting diversity and inclusion.

Corporate Example: Airbnb has implemented a unique Employee

Resource Group (ERG) program, which supports various
communities within the organization, such as Women@, Black@,
and Pride@. These ERGs provide employees with a sense of
belonging, networking opportunities, and a platform to voice their
experiences and ideas.

In conclusion, the restructuring of the human resource department

within The Luxe Group involves creating new subdivisions, each
with speci c activities to optimize HR functions. The Talent
Acquisition and Recruitment subdivision focuses on attracting and
selecting top talent. The Learning and Development subdivision
nurtures employee skills and growth. The Employee Engagement
and Well-being subdivision ensures a positive work environment
and overall employee satisfaction. By implementing these
subdivisions and their corresponding activities, The Luxe Group can
enhance its HR processes, leading to a more engaged and
productive workforce.

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