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Behavior: Using Barrier Protection

Health Problem: STI

Target Audience: New Jersey High School (ages 15-19)

Program Evaluation

Evaluation Plan

Process Evaluation

A comprehensive evaluation plan is necessary for a health education program to

promote barrier protection during sexual activities for the top 4 counties with the Highest

proliferation cases of STI infections in New Jersey. On this front, a two-tier strategy is

necessary – pre-program and post-program surveys. The former aids in establishing a

baseline of the student’s knowledge of STI barrier protection. Further, it is initiated before

the beginning of the program. At this stage, it is imperative to consolidate students’

opinions about their understanding of various STIs. The latter – Post Survey applies at the

end of the program to help in the determination of the impact of the program on

knowledge acquisition among the students about STI barrier protection. Hence, pre-

program and post-program surveys are effective evaluation strategies that aid in

determining the participant’s knowledge before and after the program.

Impact Evaluation

An impact evaluation is an essential component of this program. A post-program

survey will be an effective strategy for conducting the impact evaluation. The elements that

will be subjected to the impact evaluation through this post-survey include attitude,

knowledge, and behavior relating to the program's objective. The post-survey will play an

important role in determining whether, by December 2024, 85% of the program’s

participants can successfully pinpoint various STIs, name the existing barrier protection

methods and demonstrate how the methods are applied to offer optimum protection.

Hence, it is imperative for every student to provide feedback, which will be used in

determining the program's impact on the student and the attainment of the program’s

objective. Additionally, the post-survey approach will measure the rate of STI proliferation in

these places after the program's implementation.

Outcome Evaluation

Primarily, the most effective approach for outcome evaluation is conducting follow-

up surveys. The follow-up is implemented after the lapse of long duration. The follow-up

surveys are important since they aid in determining the long-term impact of the program.

Moreover, the approach helps shape and solve problems of high STI among students or a

target population. This aspect is in consonance with the program’s primary objective, which

is reducing STIs among high school students (15–19-year-olds) by creating awareness of

STIs. Also, it aids in increasing knowledge about the use of protection methods, such as

using male and female condoms. If there is a long-term positive impact on the proliferation

of STIs among students, the logical inference will be that the program has achieved its goals.

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