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My Skill

By hailey
Table of contents

-why it’s important to me

-how long i’ve done it for

-where i am now and how i got there

-core competencies

-how to improve
I had a hard time choosing what skill to choose because i don't have
many. I chose hockey because out of the few sports i play hockey is
my favourite.
Why my sport is important to me.
I really enjoy playing hockey. I have tried
many sports and didn’t enjoy any as much
as i do hockey.
How long i’ve done it for
I started playing hockey when i was 10-11 in grade 5, i went to skate
days in grade 4 to practice so i could play the next year. I played for
one year in a co ed and only girls team. I didn’t play in 2020 because
of covid. I started playing hockey again last year really getting into it.
Core Competencies
Learning involves generational roles and responsibilities. I connect my skill
to this core competency because with certain positions there is certain
responsibilities, like being a goalie you have the responsibility of trying to
not get scored on.
How to improve
I want to improve my hockey skills by working on my slapshots and
my tight turns, they are not my best features and i would like to
practice those to be better.

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