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In your opinion, what are some of the biggest challenges facing young people in terms of
mental health today?
2. How would you evaluate the current mental health resources available to students within the
Peel District School Board?
3. What gaps do you see in the current mental health support offered by the Peel District
School Board?
4. What more could the Peel District School Board do to promote mental health awareness and
reduce stigma among its students, staff, and community?
5. Do you have any recommendations for mental health training or education programs that the
Peel District School Board could offer to its teachers, staff, and students?
6. How can the Peel District School Board better engage with families and communities to
support the mental health of its students?
7. What role can technology play in supporting the mental health of students, and how could
the Peel District School Board leverage technology to improve mental health support?
8. How can the Peel District School Board create a safe and inclusive environment for students
with mental health issues?
9. In your experience, what role does a positive school culture and student engagement play in
supporting the mental health of students?
10. Are there any particular mental health concerns that are unique to the Peel District School
Board or the broader Peel region?
11. What would be the impact of increased mental health support on student academic
performance and overall well-being?
12. How can the Peel District School Board balance the need to support the mental health of
students with the demands of the curriculum and standardized testing?
13. How can the Peel District School Board measure the success of its mental health initiatives?
14. What role can parents and families play in supporting the mental health of students, and how
can the Peel District School Board better engage with families in this regard?
15. Finally, what message would you like to share with the Peel District School Board, its staff,
and its students, in terms of creating a mentally healthy school environment?

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