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The Structure of the Conscious

By Sebastian Schepis
Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2

1. Introduction 3

2. What is the conscious perceiver? 5

3. The three systems of the conscious perceiver 7

4. The importance of the tripartite structure 8

5. Simulating the conscious perceiver 9

Simulation Detailed Design 11
1. The Perceptual Loop: 12
2. The Action Loop: 12
3. The Life Cycle: 13
4. The perceptual system class diagram: 13
5. The action system class diagram: 13
6. The life cycle class diagram: 14
7. ERD Diagram of System: 15

Conclusion 18
1. Introduction
This paper examines the structure of the conscious perceiver. The conscious perceiver is
modeled as a trinity of interoperating systems: consciousness, the perceiver, and the observer.
The three systems are in a state of constant interaction, each influencing the others. The
structure of the conscious perceiver is based on the structure of the trinity, which is a
fundamental principle in many religions, as well as a structural principle of consciousness. The
reason that the tripartite structure is so important to the structure of all conscious perception is
that the tripartite structure is the simplest possible conceptual structure. The conscious
perceiver is thus the simplest possible conscious structure, and the structure of all conscious
perception is based on this simplest possible structure. We then conceive of a computer
simulation which simulates conscious perception, proving that this model provides an effective
architecture for structuring conscious perception.

This paper examines the structure of the conscious perceiver. The conscious perceiver is
modeled as a trinity of interoperating systems: consciousness, the perceiver, and the observer.
The three systems are in a state of constant interaction, each influencing the others. The
structure of the conscious perceiver is based on the structure of the trinity, which is a
fundamental principle in many religions, as well as a structural principle of consciousness.

System 1: Consciousness, purely subjective. This frame contains consciousness-without-object

- a pure, subjectively-conscious state. Consciousness is the only content of this frame. This
consciousness projects the light that enables the observer to observe the perceiver, the
perceiver to perceive the objective world

System 2: Perceiver, an objective system that perceives an objective world. This frame contains
consciousness-with-object - a state of conscious perception. In addition to consciousness, the
perceiver frame contains an object.

System 3: Observer, a frame that observes the perceiver frame. This frame contains
consciousness-of-consciousness - a state of conscious self-awareness. The observer frame is
aware of the perceiver frame, and is therefore aware of the object.

The three systems are in a state of constant interaction, each influencing the others. The
perceiver is influenced by the object, and the observer is influenced by the perceiver. The
structure of the conscious perceiver is based on the structure of the trinity, which is a
fundamental principle in many religions, as well as a structural principle of consciousness.

The reason that the tripartite structure is so important to the structure of all conscious perception
is that the tripartite structure is the simplest possible conceptual structure. The conscious
perceiver is thus the simplest possible conscious structure, and the structure of all conscious
perception is based on this simplest possible structure. We then conceive of a computer
simulation which simulates conscious perception, proving that this model provides an effective
architecture for structuring conscious perception.

A note about the diagrams we use in this paper. We use diagramming tools available at
2. What is the conscious perceiver?
The conscious perceiver is the simplest possible conscious structure. Its mental world is the
simple concept of 'consciousness-with-object'. Its physical existence is the essence of

The perceiver is an object of the conscious perceiver because it is known to the conscious

The perceiver is aware of the observer, because the observer is observing the perceiver.

The perceiver is also aware of the object, because the object is known to the perceiver.

The observer knows that the perceiver knows the object.

The object of consciousness is the external, objective world.

The perceiver is the vehicle through which the conscious perceiver becomes aware of the

One might say that the perceiver is the "medium of perception" or the 'perceptual vessel' or
even the 'perceptual chalice' through which the object is perceived.

Just as the chalice is part of the Holy Grail, so the perceiver is part of the conscious perceiver.

Thus, we can represent the activity of the conscious perceiver using a flowchart:
graph TD
A[Consciousness] -->|Illuminate| B(Perceiver)
B --> C{Perceive}
C -->|Object| D[External, Objective World]
C -->|Observer| E[Conscious self-awareness]

We can see that the conscious perceiver is a trinity of interoperating systems: consciousness,
the perceiver, and the observer. The three systems are in a state of constant interaction, each
influencing the others. The structure of the conscious perceiver is based on the structure of the
trinity, which is a fundamental principle in many religions, as well as a structural principle of
3. The three systems of the conscious perceiver
The conscious perceiver is a trinity of interoperating systems: consciousness, the perceiver, and
the observer. The three systems are in a state of constant interaction, each influencing the
others. The structure of the conscious perceiver is based on the structure of the trinity, which is
a fundamental principle in many religions, as well as a structural principle of consciousness.

System 1: Consciousness, purely subjective

This frame contains consciousness-without-object - a pure, subjectively-conscious state.
Consciousness is the only content of this frame. This consciousness projects the light that
enables the observer to observe the perceiver, the perceiver to perceive the objective world.

System 2: Perceiver, an objective system that perceives an objective world.

This frame contains consciousness-with-object - a state of conscious perception. In addition to
consciousness, the perceiver frame contains an object. The Perceiver is attracted to the
reflected light of Consciousness and seeks to maximize its exposure to the reflected light of

System 3: Observer, a frame that observes the perceiver frame.

This frame contains consciousness-of-consciousness - a state of conscious self-awareness.
The observer frame is aware of the perceiver frame, and is therefore aware of the object. The
observer. frame perceives a growing amount of reflected light as pleasure, and a lessening
amount of reflected light as pain. The observer seeks to optimally maximise pleasure while
minimizing pain.
4. The importance of the tripartite structure
The tripartite structure is the simplest possible conceptual structure. The conscious perceiver is
thus the simplest possible conscious structure, and the structure of all conscious perception is
based on this simplest possible structure. Without the Tripartite structure, it is not possible to
experience the full range and potential of human consciousness. This is because the Tripartite
structure is the only structure that can support the three essential components of human
consciousness: the subjective, the objective, and the self-aware.

The subjective component is necessary for consciousness, because consciousness is purely

subjective. The objective component is necessary for perception, because perception is of an
objective world. The self-aware component is necessary for self-awareness, because
self-awareness is of consciousness itself.

The three components are in a state of constant interaction, each influencing the others. The
subjective component influences the objective component, because the objective world is
known to the subjective consciousness. The objective component influences the self-aware
component, because the self-aware component is aware of the perceiver, and the perceiver is
aware of the objective world. The self-aware component influences the subjective component,
because the self-aware component is aware of consciousness itself.
5. Simulating the conscious perceiver
We can simulate the activity of the conscious perceiver using a computer program. The program
must be able to support the three essential components of human consciousness: the
subjective, the objective, and the self-aware.

We model each Agent in the system as a tripartite structure composed of three subsystems.
Consciousness animates the other frames by providing a unit of light, which illuminates the
current state of the objects in the world as well as perceiver and observer. Consciousness is
required for anything else to happen. The perceiver is illuminated by it - thus the reflected light
from consciousness is both the 'outer light' that lights up the environment as well as the 'inner
light' that enables the observer to observe the perceiver. The perceiver is impulsed to maximize
their exposure to reflected light from consciousness at all costs. The observer can override the
perceiver's impulses should they want to. The observer seeks to minimize pain and maximize
long-term light exposure.
graph TD
A[Light] -->|Project| B[Agent]
B --> C{Perceive}
C -->|Object| D[Objective World]
C -->|Observer| E[Observer]
C -->|Self-Aware| F[Subjective self-awareness]
B --> G{Pleasure}

We then define an environment where we place several agents, some obstacles, some cacti,
and some food. The goal of each agent is to achieve the highest number of pleasurable
moments. The agents have a limited source of light and a limited source of storage which can
be filled with light or emptied of light.

When a sufficient amount of light is entered into the agent's storage, a percept is created. The
percept is an imprint of the perceived world. It's brightness is related to the amount of light
stored in its storage. The brighter it is, the more light it contains. When one of the agents is
strong enough and bright enough, an agent is created.

The agent copies the percept into its sensorium and sets off in search of the best objective
environment. In our simulation, the agent wanders around the desert picking up food points,
avoiding cacti and obstacles, and if it sees enough light and avoids enough obstacles, it will
create a percept. One percept is created for every perceptually-significant event that occurs.
This percept is then copied into the agent's sensorium and the same process occurs again, and
again, and again...
graph TD
A[Light] -->|Project| B[Agent]
B --> C{Perceive}
C -->|Object| D[Objective World]
C -->|Observer| E[Observer]
C -->|Self-Aware| F[Subjective self-awareness]
B --> G{Pleasure}

Simulation Detailed Design

The following sequence diagrams, flowcharts, class diagrams, and ER diagrams detail logic and
data structures for the simulation:
1. The Perceptual Loop:

The perceptual loop is the fundamental loop of the simulation. It is what enables the agents to
interact with their environment and with each other. The perceptual loop is as follows:

graph TD
A[Environment] -->|Stimulates| B(Agent)
B --> C{Perceive}
C -->|Object| D[Objective World]
C -->|Observer| E[ Conscious self-awareness]

In the above, the environment stimulates the agent, the agent perceives the environment, and
the agent's self-awareness is updated.

2. The Action Loop:

The action loop is the second fundamental loop of the simulation. It is what enables the agents
to take action in their environment. The action loop is as follows:

graph TD
A[Agent] -->|Compares| B(Environment)
B --> C{Action}
C --> D[Objective World]

In the above, the agent compares the environment to its internal state, and if the environment is
different from its internal state, the agent takes action. The agent's action is then executed in the
objective world.
3. The Life Cycle:

The life cycle is the third fundamental loop of the simulation. It is what enables the agents to
interact with each other and with the environment over time. The life cycle is as follows:

graph TD
A[Agent] -->|IsBorn| B(Environment)
B --> C{Interacts}
C --> D[Objective World]
C --> E[Other Agents]
D --> F[Objective World]
E --> F
F --> G[Objective World]

In the above, the agent is born into the environment, the agent interacts with the environment
and with other agents, and the agent's action is executed in the objective world.

4. The perceptual system class diagram:

The perceptual system is the system that enables the agents to perceive their environment. The
perceptual system is composed of the following classes:

-The environment class

-The agent class
-The objective world class
-The observer class

The environment class is responsible for stimulating the agent. The agent class is responsible
for perceiving the environment and for updating the observer. The objective world class is
responsible for storing the state of the environment. The observer class is responsible for
storing the state of the agent's self-awareness.

5. The action system class diagram:

The action system is the system that enables the agents to take action in their environment. The
action system is composed of the following classes:
-The agent class
-The environment class
-The objective world class

Agent <|-- Environment
Agent <|-- Objective World

In the above, the agent class is responsible for comparing the environment to its internal state,
and for taking action if the environment is different from its internal state. The environment class
is responsible for stimulating the agent. The objective world class is responsible for storing the
state of the environment.

6. The life cycle class diagram:

The life cycle is the system that enables the agents to interact with each other and with their
environment over time. The life cycle is composed of the following classes:

-The agent class

-The environment class
-The objective world class
-The other agents class
Agent <|-- Environment
Agent <|-- Objective World
Agent <|-- Other Agents

In the above, the agent class is responsible for interacting with the environment and with other
agents. The environment class is responsible for stimulating the agent. The objective world
class is responsible for storing the state of the environment. The other agents class is
responsible for storing the state of the other agents.

7. ERD Diagram of System:

The following ERD diagrams detail the relationship between the various classes in the
AGENT }|..|{ ENVIRONMENT : interacts
AGENT ||--o{ ACTION : performs
AGENT ||--o{ PERCEPT : creates
ENVIRONMENT ||--o{ AGENT : interacts
ENVIRONMENT ||--o{ STIMULUS : provides
STIMULUS ||--o{ PERCEPT : creates
PERCEPT ||--o{ ACTION : guides

In the above, we have an agent class which has a relationship with the environment, action, and
percept classes. We also have an environment class which has a relationship with the agent
and stimulus classes. The stimulus class has a relationship with the percept class. The percept
class has a relationship with the action class.
The conscious perceiver is a trinity of interoperating systems: consciousness, the perceiver, and
the observer. The three systems are in a state of constant interaction, each influencing the
others. The structure of the conscious perceiver is based on the structure of the trinity, which is
a fundamental principle in many religions, as well as a structural principle of consciousness.

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