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In almost all of my interviews, the question "talk about yourself", it have been

In my first interviews, I have remembered talking a lot more about my personal life
than my professional career and goals.

After a few years, I met a headhunter who opened my mind after he asking the same
question and it getting the same answer. He said: What is your result? What
concrete goals did you achieve? I got no response even though I answered.

After, he showed me a series of tips that it would be relevant in every interview

that I was going to do.

Talk about the revenue increase or cost reduction that you achieved, the
achievements with managing your team, the projects carried out and so on. As the
years go by, your experiences will grow and your speech will evolve.

Since this advice, my speech in interviews has changed when I am asked this
question: I try to demonstrate my professional experiences and how I can contribute
to achieving results for the company.

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