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4. Complete the sentences with an appropriate word or expression from the box. cyclists | speed limit | traffic stop motorway | junction pedestrians | roundabout | pedestrian one-way | bus lanes | petrol station crossing traffic lights | brdge roadworks car park 1. We need to get some fuel. There's a just up the read. 2. The fastest way of getting from London to Oxford is to take the 3. There's always a lot of on the roads in the morning and evening. 4, The High Street is closed because of 5. Go over the turn leftatthe first____. and then take the third exit on the 6. You can't leave your car here. You'll have to use the 7. Many towns have so that people using public transport can get into and out of town more quickly, 8. Wait for the to turn green before you continue walking across the street 9. The in most towns and cities is 30 miles per hour. 10.Many fail to keep their bicycles in good condition or obey the rules of the road. 11. You can't turn right into that street. It's a__ street. 12.When you're driving through town, be careful of crossing the street. 13.This road is very busy and dangerous. If you want to get to the other side, use the 14.1 need to get a bus inte town. Is there a near here? AKING How often do you travel? What places have you visited so far? ‘What kind of transport do you preter for travelling? Why? Do you like travelling alone or with your friends/family? Why? a OP How long can you stay away from home when travelling? Do you feel homesick when you are away? 5. What season do you think is the most favourable for travelling? Why? Look at travel problems below. Have you ever had any of these problems when travelling? The crossing was cancelled owing to bad weather. We had a flat tyre. The driver got lost. We ran out of petrol We missed our stop. Parken a We couldn't find our tickets. 3, Simon and Jenny Carter are booking their summer holiday with a travel agent. Listen and find six mistakes in the booking information form. The first one has been done for you. ° Trailblazers) Customer Booking Information Booking Ret. | 9873459 lier: Mr & Mrs Carter Fights From London (LHR) to Vancouver (YVE} une aman] acess [dep 1230] ar 1425 [No. people: 2 [Gost per person: 6780, From Calgary {YYC) to London (LHA} June 20h [ao862 [Dep 2200 Ar 0786 Hotale Goat (prpn / breaklast included) Metropaitan Vancouver a> No of aghes 2 160 Emerald Lake Lndge 4° No_of nights: & E150 Fairmont Jasper Park Ledge 4* [No.of nights: 2 e250 Westin Calgary 4* No. of nights: 1 £54 Gar hire: | (Gompact) E25 per day Ths quote vai or 14 cays. GRAMMAR WAS / WERE El verb to be té dues formes de passat; was i were. Funciona igual que el present perd substituent am / is per was 1 are per were. 1 was was not Was |... at home No, | wasn't wasn't yesterday in the evening? You wee werenot= Were you...? Yes, you were werent He, She, was wasn't ‘Was he /sheit...? No, she wasn't It We wee werent Were we..? Yes, we were You wee werent Were you...? No, you weren't \ They were werent Were they...? Yes, they were SOME EXAMPLES Mary 1s 23 now and she was 22 last year. Jean was ill last week, he is better now. My friends were in Paris last summer holiday. Lys very tired last night. The film wasn't very good. | didn't like it very much Were you at work this morning? “No, I wasn’t. | was at the doctor”. GRAMMAR PRACTICE 1, Where were these people yesterday at 3 in the afternoon? 2. Complete the sentences. Use the verb to be in the present or in the past. 1, Last year she was 22, so she is 23 now. 2. Today the weather, nice, but yesterday it very cold. 3.1 hungry. Can I have something to eat? 4.1 feel fine this morning, but LL very tired last night 5.Where____— yout 11 o'clock last Friday morning? 6. Don’t buy these shoes. They. very expensive 7. | like your new jacket, it expensive? 8. This time last year I An Paris, 9. Where, the children? “I don't know. They here a few minutes ago”. 3. Complete the sentences with was/were or with wasn’t/ weren’t. 1, We weren't happy with the hotel. Our room ws very small and it wasn’t clean. 2. Mark, at work last week because he. ill. He’s better now. 3. Yesterday a public holiday, so the banks closed __ They're open today. 4 Kate and Bill at the party? “Kate but Bill 5. Where are my keys? “Idon’t know. They___an the table, but they're not there now’ 6. You, at home last night. Where, you? 4, Write questions using these words. Put them in order + was/were, 1, (late / you / this morning / why?) r >> The traffic was bad 2. (difficult / your exam?). —> No, it was easy, 3. (last week / where / Sue and Chris?) —> They were on holiday. 4. (your new camera / how much?) => Sixty pouncs. 5. (angry / you / yesterday / why?) > Because you were late 6. (nice / the weather / last week?| —> Yes, it was beautiful 5. Translate into English. 1. Vaig estar a Voficina fins les 7. On eres aquest mati a tes 10? A quina hora era el concert? Els teus pares van ser molt amables. Era tard, teniem gana i feia fred. Ve fer bon temps? Va estar ennuvolat Nounun Per qué arribes sempre tard? SRAMMAR THE PAST SIMPLE COM ES FA? Verb AFIRMATIVA +ed ® En els verbs regulars es fa afagint -ed. or 3) She watched the football match on TY last night. irregular ist! Els verbs irregulars no segueixen cap regla, els hem d'aprendre de memon¥@rbs list! (segona columna del llistat p. 11). © They went to the cinema last night. ® Tant en els regulars com als irregulars la forma del verb és igual per totes les persones del singular i plural. @ she watched the football match on TY last night. 2 They watched the football match on TV last night. NEGATIVA | PREGUNTA ® Negativa: did not = didn’t + v (en forma base). didn’t + She didn’t work very hard yesterday. verb (base They didn’t go to the cinema last night. one Interrogativa: did + subj + v (forma base) Alles respostes breus: Yes (No + pronom + did / didn’t Did she work very hard yesterday? Yes, she did. . Did they go to the cinema last night? No, they id + subj didn’t. + verb (base form)? usos © Expressar accions passades: They spent their holidays in France. © Dir alld que vam fer en un moment concret del passat. We watched that film last month. Explicar accions consecutives en el passat: ‘Anne visited her sister. Then she went to the library. © Explicar com eren les coses en un altre temps: in the past people wore elegant clothes to go to the opera, REGLES ORTOGRAFIQUES Regles si acaba en e muda: només afageix la d. D't sil.taba, acabat en t vocal + consonant: dobla aquesta consonant. De 2 sil-labes, accentuada la darrera: dobla la consonant f Acabat en una: dobla aquesta lletra Si acaba en consonant + y: canvia lay per i abans d’afegir-hi ed. EXPRESSIONS DE TEMPS © Les més freqiients s6n: forma base bake stop prefer travel wy last... night / week (anit, la setmana passada...). In the past (en el passat). Yesterday (ahir) at + una hora on + un dia o una data ago (fa) sempre es posa al final de la frase past simple baked stopped preferred travelled tried “bess oe ade LEARN Irregular verbs list infiiivo ‘astsimple —_particino posao, be (serfesta was/were been beat bate beat beaten hecomne fvowerse) became become bogin (emperor? began begun Ite (moner) bie bitten blow (sooiar blew blown break (romper) broke broken bring freer) brought brought Dutlé (construc) ult built bay (comprar) bought bought exch (coger) caught caught choose fesceger) chose chosen come (venit) came come cst leastar cost cost eat (corte) cut cut do (hacer! did done rave (oiouja) drew drawn, dels debe drank drank drive (condusi) ——drowe driven 3 fcomer) ate eaten fall oer) fell fallen fel Genur) felt fick (woh) fought fought ud fenconter) found found Ay (volar flow flown forget (otuisor) ——forgor forgotten < (Unidad 52) got got give (or gave given © (i) went gone qeow (erecer] grew grown hung olga) hung hung have (tore) had shad fois heard heard de esconiee) hid hidden hit (otpear) hit hit hold (suetor! held held huct (nerrt burt hurt “ep (ovntever) kept kept ow (saberfconace? knew known leave feirfise) Nef left lend (orestar) lent Tent Estos verbos pueden ser requiores (-ed) 0 irregulares (ot): Infinitive | past simple / narticipio pasado burn burned 0 burnt dream dreamed 9 dreamt infiitiva past simple portioionsais let faeirfpermitir) ee tet lie tumbarse) lay ain Ligh fenceader| Hit lit wore (beret) lost lost snake fhacer) made made mean (vgn'fca) meant meant meet (encontrar) met met pay (payor) paid paid put pat read (redi# read (red) rode ridden rang, rung rise (levanracl rose risen rn (corre) ran run aay fdeci said said sell verse) sold sold send (eavier} sent sent shine (bree) shone shone shoot féisnoree! shot shot show tmosini showed shown shut feerad| shut shat sing fant sang, sung Sit oentarse) sat sat eep ormir) slept slept speak fiabine) spoke spoken spend (g0stor/naser) spent spent stand [estar de ie! stood stood steal frobar} stole stolen vim (rade) swam swam ake (omarfiowd — took taken teach fensefor)——tanght tought | tear (caso tore torn j tell (alec told told think (penser) thought thought threw iad threw thrown understind (entender) understood understood wake espero woke ‘woken wear flevor puesto) wore sworn win foanar) won write eserbin) written * proneniacia infiritivs pst simple / partingio pasdo learned o learnt smelled o smelt i nell 10 6. Complete the sentences with the past simple and one of the following verbs: dean die enjoy finish happen open rain start stay want 1 4 < my teeth three times yesterday. 2. [twas hot in the room, so | the window. 3. The film was very long. It at 7.15 and. at 10 o'clock, 4. When |was a child, | to be a doctor. 5, The accident. last Sunday afternoon. 6. I’sanice day today, but yesterday it all day. 7 We. our holiday last year. We ata very nice place. 8. Anna’s grandfather. when he was 90 years old. 7. Write the past simple form of these verbs. 1. get 5 9. copy 2. see 6 10. know 3. play 7 11. put 4. pay 8 12. speck 8. Read the text about Lisa's trip to Madrid. Write the verbs in the correct form. Last Tuesday Lisa (fly) from London to Madrid. She (get), up at 6 o'clock in the morning and (have), 2 Cup of coffee. At 6°30 she (leave) home and (drive) to the airport. When she (ety there, she (park) the car, (walk) to the airport building, and (check). in. Then she (have) breakfast at a café and (wait)________for her flight. The plane (depart. on time and (arrive) in Madrid two hours later. Finally she (take), a taxi from the airport to her hotel in the centre of Madrid. 9. Write sentences about the past. James always goes to work by car. Yesterday he went to work by car. Rechel often loses her keys. She. last week. Kate meets her friends every evening. she. yesterday evening. | usually buy two newspapers every ¢ay. Yesterday | We often go to the cinema at weekends, Last Sunday we | eat an apple every day. Yesterday | Tom always has a shower in the morning, This morning he Our friends often come to see us. They. last Friday. eNeuaene 10. What did you do yesterday? Write sentences about you. " 11, Translate into English. Vaig viure a Argentina quan era petita. Nownwn Vaig veure el teu germa al cine Ahir vaig anar al cine. La pel-licula va acabar a les 11°30 Na Sue fen Sam van venir ahir. Et votien veure. Na Laura sabia el nostre nimero de telefon. N'Andreu es va asseure, va obrir el (libre i va llegir unes pagines. Vaig pagar el compte, em vaig posar l’abrig i vaig anar a casa. 12. Complete these sentences in the negative form of the past. 1.1 saw Joe, but I did't see Jane, 2. They worked on Nonday, but they 3. We went to the post office, but we. 4. She had a pen, but she 5, Jack did French at school, but he, 13, Write questions using Did..? 1, | watched TV Last night. How about you? 2. l enjoyed the party. How about you? 3. Thad a good holiday. How about you? 4. | finished work early. How about you? 5.1 slept well last night. How about you? on Tuesday. to the bank. any paper. German. 14. What did you do yesterday? Write positive or negative sentences, 1. (watch TV) ed TV at 2. (get up before 7 o'clock: 3. (have a shower) 4, (buy a magazine) 5. (eat meat) 6. (go to bed before 10°30) 15. Write questions using the following expressions: arrive cost go go to bed late 1 a: We BM Ww went to New York lase month 3 some friend 2 Twas Late for the meet ty What time 2 «: Half pas: nine I played tennis this affernons 7 No, | ost. 42 [hada nice holiday, 3 &: Good, Where To the mountains happen coer have a nice time stay win We came home by taxi a: How much fen pounds s: Tim sited this morn No, but I didn't sleep very well sy We went oo the ch yesterday Yes it was great v: The window is broken, ub: How T don't know. 16. Translate into English. 7. Vas netejar (a cuina ahir? 8. Ahir no vam jugar a tenis 9. Yas veure la tele ahir? -No, vaig sortir amb els meus amics 40. Aquina hora va comencar la reunié? 11, Per qué vas venir tan tard? it; En Pau i na Julia no van anar de vacances a Londres, van anar a Paris. 13, Ahir vaig fer la comora i després vaig anar al cine. 14, al final no em vaig comprar la camisa perque no m'agradave. STEN and WATCH Shakespeare http:/ /learnenglish. Are these sentences true or false? The original Globe was built in the late 16th century. The original Globe was destroyed in a fire in 1630. The fire started during a performance of Hamlet. In Shakespeare's time, female characters were played by men and boys. Match the expressions with similar meal Youre tate! VU see you in abit Let's go. I've got @ question. Hurry upl ‘Where have you been? Can | ask a question? Come ont Whatis wrong? Get a move on! {Ilse you later. What's the matter? Put the sentences in order. Sthephen tells Asnlie that ne’s got a job as an actor. Stephen and Ashlie look at some copies of traditional costumes. ‘A guide gives Stephen and Ashlie a tour of the theatre. Stephen and Ashlie meet in the centre of London. Stephen leaves Ashlie and goes to get his costume. Ashlie meets Stephen and they look at his costume. Stephen and Ashlie go to the Globe theatre, B Read what Joanna wrote on an Erasmus website. | lived, I loved, I cried... | stayed the first night at a hotel. In the morning | bought a map and went to see the University, and | rented a room in a house. | walked ‘through the city to my classes every morning: Italian men said: “Ciao bella!” | liked it! | spoke a little Itatian from school but when | arrived in Rome | couldn’t understand people, and spoke English or Polish with other Erasmus students. But then I started going to Italian classes and I also made friends with some Italians. They helped me a lot! After three months | could speak quite well. Another problem was that Rome is very expensive, but | found a job in an Irish pub and | worked three evenings a week learnt a lot about Italy and Italians: you can’t start the day without “un caffé”; Italian food is the best in the world- but don’t ask for ketchup! And the number one topic of conversation in bars is politics and football. Erasmus changed my life. | lived a different life in a fantastic city. | met new people from all over the world and made some wonderful friends. | learnt to understand antother culture. Of course it wasn’t all perfect: living in another country isn’t easy, and an Italian boy broke my heart! | came back from Italy a year ago, but a small part of me stayed in Rome. I drink expresso every morning, eat a lot of pasta, and | use my hands a lot when | speak. Now I feel European, not only Polish! 1. Read the text again and find the past tense of the verbs. Write R (regular) | (irregular). 1, stay 9. make 2. buy 10. find 3. rent 17, learn 4. say 12. change é oe ta meet 6, speck . meet 7. can f can’t 15. break 8. start 16. come back i \ \& 5 ke, 2, Answer these questions about t} xt. Where is Joanna from JOamma 43 20M Polandl, . Why did she travel to Italy? How did she go to class every day? . Did she find Rome expensive? What did she do to earn some money? r 2 3. 4 5. Was her Italian good when she arrived? What did she do to improve? 6. Did she like Italian food? 7. What topics were common in Italian Dars? 8. Did she fall in love during her Erasmus experience? “ . Did Joanna enjoy living in a foreign country? Was it a rellevant experience? Why? 3. Do you know anyone who went to live or study in another country? Where did they go? Did they have a good time? 4, Translate and learn these words and phrases from the text. make friends break your heart use your hands the best in the world speak falian quite well 1 feel European ayear | three days / a week ego 5 SPEAKING Make questions anc answer them with your partner. DAVID BOWIE David Bowie is a music legend. He was one of the most original, innovative nd influential rack stars in music history, He was also an actor, fashion icon, record producer, artist and art critic. He was born in London on the 8th of January, 1947 and died at the age of 69 on the 10th of January, 2016. His real name was David Robert Jones but he changed it because there was anether David Jones singing in the 1960s. David Bowie first became famous following his 1969 hit Space Oddity’. This song was released just ten days before the first Moon landing. In 1972, Bowie became a leader of the glam rock movement. He wowed and shocked people with his make-up, dresses and flamboyant costumes. His Ziggy Stardust persona was the first of many different characters Bowie would use every time he changed musical direction. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Bowie continued to break new ground with his music. In 1975, he experimented with soul music and had a number one hit in the USA with the song Fame’. He also helped to pioneer the electronic and new romantic movements in the mid-1970s. In the early-80s, he was one of the first artists to use videos to promote his songs. Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, Bowie continued to experiment with musical styies, including industrial and jungle. His fans thought he had given up making music after a ten-year break starting in 2003. He surprised the world by suddenly announcing a new album, The Next Day’ in 2013. He released his final album days before his death. Many believe the album was Bowie's goodbye to his fans. 7 Work with the text. 1. Match these synonyms. A.legeng 2. original 3. released 4. wowed 5. persona 6. experimented 7. plonaer 8. promote 9 styles 10. fans 2. Match these phrases. Phrase match 1 He was a 2. criginal, innovative and Bet 4. He wowed and 5. flamboyant 8. every time he changed musical 7. throughout the 8. Bowe continued to break 9. use videos to 10. Bowie continued 1o experiment 11. ne released his final album ‘synonym match a. amazed ». develop o cealive d. publicize genres {icon ¢. character h. followers i. made available i explored a. costumas b. direction ©. influential dd. music legend shocked people fentie 9. new ground h. promote his songs i. with musical styles J. to his fans 1970s and 1980s 18 3. Read the text again and answer these questions. 1, Where was David Bowie from? . Why is he considered @ music legend? . He wasn’t only a singer, what other things did he do? What song made him famous in 19697 . What important event took place the same year? What different music styles did he experiment with? . What happens between 2003 and 20132 en nue wn . When did he release his last album? 4, Do you know the name of his final album? 5. Do you like David Bowie’s music? If so, what’s your favourite song? MAR THERE WAS / THERE WERE Es el passat cel verb haver. There was és en singular mentre que there were es fa servir en plural. EXEMPLES: There were two students in the classroom when | arrived. Last year there was only a computer in the classroom but this year there are three. RACTICE 1. Look at the pictures. What was there in the room last week? Make sentences using there was... or there were... + these words. anarmchair a carpet some flowers a sofa some books eeleek three pictures a small table There w on the wall near the window. on the floor. on the wall near the door. ——_________ in the middle of the roam. on the table. on the shelves, in the corner near the door. opposite the armenair, 2. ___Complete the sentences with: there was / there wasn't / was there or there were / there weren't / were there, | was hungry, but t/ie/c wesn't anything to eat, 1. 2 any phone messages for me yesterday? 3. Lopened the envelope, But it was empty, nothing in it. 4. We stayed at a very nice hotel. -Really? a swimming pool? 5. Did you buy any eggs? No, anyin the shop. 6. 7. . The wallet was empty. any money in it. many people at the meeting? No, very few, 8. We didn’t visit the museum.. enough time. 9. I'm sorry I'm late a lot of traffic, 40. Twenty years ago, many tourists here. Now there are a lot. 20 1. Read the newspaper article once. Does the journalist think that taking photos in museums is a good thing or a bad Tz frttime taciced ths phenomenon wad afew years thing? ago. in St Peter's Basilica in Rome - a etWid of people standing round Michelangelo's Pieta, taking photos with cameras and mobile phones, Then last week I saw it az Museum of Modern Art (the MOMA) in New York. At st. wasn’t too worried when I saw people he paltinge Iwas be MM tate mike me angry. Then the sad truth hte Ms ofthe people taking photos without looking at the paintings themselves. ' hi re taking the photos so that the ro Id admire th - ‘when they got home? This w able cal nere to see the sto had been there nen it got worse. New people were taking photos of thei friends who were psig next (2, mous paintings. Neither the photographers nor person they were photographing had looked atthe at itself alte [saw that sometimes they read the make sure i i ist really was famous. At least nobody asked me to 2 « jRead the article:again. of them together, smiling in front of a Picasso! Mark the sentences T (true) or | think that photography in museums should be Basing, but | F (false). #8 less drastic solution. I think that people who want to ke a photo of an exhibit should be forced to look at it first, for The journalist saw tourists taking photographs of works of art in Rome and in New York. 2. When he first saw people taking photos in the MOMA he didn’t understand what they were really doing. Then he realized that the photographers were not looking at the paintings. They were taking photos because they wanted to look at the paintings later. Later a couple asxed him to take 2 photo of them in front of a painting, He suggests two possible ways of solving the problem. 3. Look at the highlighted words in the text. Guess their meaning from the context. crowd irritating pushing make sure prove posing label banned 2AMMAF straight - straighter large - larger honest-more honest Lite ho Conca cf expensive-more dangerous- expensive more dangerous popular-more beautiful-more ~ popular beautiful One-syllable adjectives * confident-more difficult-more confident difficult ooo [em long - longest tall - tallest cute - cutest large ~ largest big - biggest hot - hottest honest - mosthonest famous - most famous happy ~ happiest crazy ~ craziest narrow — narrowest gentle - gentlest expensive-most dangerous- expensive most dangerous popular- beautiful- most popular most beautiful confident- difficult- most confident most difficult good - best many - most bad ~ worst little - least far - farthest far - furthest 1. Fill in the gaps with the comparative form of the adjectives given. 1. A rock is than a leaf. (heavy) 2. Our house i: than yours. (big) 3. The princess i than the witch. (beautiful) 4, Tom isa student than Mary. (good) 5. Bicycles are than motorbikes. (safe) 6. July is than January. (hot) 7. Alion is so than a cat. (dangerous) 8. Helen is _) than Mary. (happy) 9. Computers are than telephones. (expensive) 10. 1 think golf is than football. (boring) 2. Fill in the gaps with the superlative form of the adjectives given. 1. Itis the shop in town. (large) 2. Monday is the day of the week. ibad) 3, Ben was the person in his family. (noisy) 4, Sam is the in the class. (popular) 5. Which is the subject at school? (difficult) 6. Jim is the player in the football team. (good) 7. Elephants are the animals. (heavy) he aie 8. Let's pick the apple of the tree. (D1g) 9. mary Is the girl in the class. (thin) 10. That is the sofa in our house. (comfortable) 3. Fill in the gaps with the comparative or the superlative form of the adjectives given. This armchairis oC _ than the old one. (comfortable) . Trains are Lae aeroplanes. (slow) slou-er. bought the mos souvenir | could afford. (expensive) In this classroom there are _aa0L@ girls than boys. (many) Ann is the ou hild in the family. (young) 1 2, 3, 4. 5, 6. That TV sets the of all. (cheap) 7. 8. 9. 1 . You are herelthan there. (safe) safer . Fifiis A than Kate. (pretty) - This is the emo5% film | have ever seen. (exciting) 0. Tim is more. _ than Peter. (talented) % ‘Aquest quadern s'ha elaborat amb une finalitat purament educativai sense anim de lucre. Sihan fat servir materias de fonts diverses i s’adjunten tot seguil algunes reverencies: -Pag. 1, Portada Canva Pag. 2, English File Pre-intermesiate, Oxtora University Press. Scudent’s book (p-) ag. 51 6, One Stop English i = based-l stoning tesions/environment-ratural-cisasters/551224 article Pag. 718, Essenciai Grammar in Use, caribridge Unlversity Press 2008 (p. 23) Bae. 1. Essential Grammar in Use, Cambridge University ress 2008 (p-234) “pag. 12:14, Essential Grammer in Use. Cambridge University Press 2008 (p. 25, 27, 29) "Pag, 14, Shakespeare. Learn Engliah British Council. Word on the street. htip://Aearnoaglish.britishcouncilorg/en! word-street/shakespezre-icene-4 8. 151 16. 17. Carva, English File Elementary. Oxford University Press 2012. Teacher's resources “Pag. 18 119. David Bowie, http://www famouspenplolessons.con/¢/david-bowie, tin “Pag. 20, There was/were. Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press 2008 (p. 79) Pag. 21. English Fle Pre-intermediate. Oxford Univesity Press 2012. Student's book (p. 19) Pag. 25. Perfect Englih granvnar, Rtip:// www. 3B = on peels SE "=~

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