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PT Bina Megah Indowood Surface Laminate Process QC Form

Date (tanggal) 28-Sep-22 No. Pallet 12

No. Order Adhesive Type (jenis lem) Jowat 950.80
No. Telly Sheet 190*190 , 19*75 (edge) Adhesive batch Number E100162
(no. batch lem)
Width (mm) Length (mm) Glue spread rate (g/m²)
Time (jam) W1 (g) W2 (g)
(lebar) (panjang) (gramasi lem)
7.00 90 600 758.4 772.23 256.11
9.45 90 600 762.67 776.14 249.44
11.00 143 620 912.36 934.73 252.31
13.05 146 600 1008.52 1030.08 246.12
14.30 146 500 992.45 1010.77 250.96

Sampling do before spreading glue to the materials

(sampling dilakukan setiap sebelum proses oles lem)
Glue spread rate standard (standar gramasi lem) 240 - 250 (g/m²)
(W2 - W1 ) x 1000000 W2 = weight after applied adhesive (g)
Glue spread rate (g/m²) =
width x length W1 = weight before applied adhesive (g)
(W2 - W1 ) x 1000000 W2 = berat kayu setelah dioles lem (g)
Gramasi lem (g/m²) =
lebar x panjang W1 = berat kayu sebelum dioles lem (g)
QC Production Manager

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