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Chu Ngọc Lam 22A4050269 nhóm 35

1. The difference between working as an accountant and working as an auditor is that

accountants have to prepare the statutory financial accounts of a company at the end of every
financial year. While auditors investigate and test the accuracy of the accounts, they are
appointed by the shareholders to ensure objectivity. If I have a chance to get a job in a Big 4
company, I will do my best to be promoted to a higher position. First, I will improve my skills to
deliver increasingly better results for my company and pay attention to people who have been
promoted so that I can learn good social skills from them. Second, I want to expose myself to a
broader range of company activities that enable me to broaden my knowledge and experience.
Last, I will try to express my desire and find opportunities to advance my career. 

2. The auditing process has 6 steps. Step 1 is defining the scope of the audit. In this stage,
there are small steps like having an interview with the company's management, looking at
problems in the previous audits, deciding what will be inspected and what the method will be
used, making a plan and timetable for the audit. Step 2 is examining the company's accounting
systems and looking at the company's documents including invoices, receipts, ledgers, bank
statements, etc. and check for accuracy or frauds. Step 3 is examining the internal controls to
see if the staff follow the company’s rules. After step 3, we have to run substantive tests: visiting
warehouses, factories, offices. This helps auditors make sure the assets really exist. At step 5,
we need to write a letter to management to describe what has been found and what needs to be
corrected and require the management to correct the mistake. After that, auditors will sign off
the accounts. The last step is completing the audit report in which they declare that in their
opinion the accounts are accurate and give a true and fair view of the company's position. And
then report the results to the shareholders in annual reports. As an external auditor for a
company, to make the auditing process run smoothly, I think the most important thing is to
discover mistakes and refine accounting procedures. Besides, we also need to gather
documentation for our procedures in order to eliminate ommisions in the whole process.
Retaining clients and staff might help speed up the auditing process. Furthermore, good and
detailed planning is required to make the auditing process efficient. In my opinion, practicing the
process over and over is really important, the more I practice it, and the more seriously I take it,
the easier and faster future audits will be.

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