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8 Types of demand in marketing

Negative demand
Negative demand is a kind of demand which is created if the product might be beneficial but the
customer does not want it.

Example: Car service center where people does not want problems with their car and they prevent
measure to avoid the same.

Nonexistent demand
Non-existent demand where a product does not have any demand.

Example: Education courses there is very low demand and no demand.

Latent demand
Latent demand is a demand which the customer realize later , Thus , while buying the product they
might not desire some product. But later on they might think about those feature and buy the

Example: Normal phone smart phone , people now days want more and more feature on their phone.

Declining demand
When a demand for a product is declining it is called declining demand.

Example: E-mail vs post box , after inventing internet people now days send their letter application on
e-mail. And the post box is declining its demand.

Irregular demand
Irregular demand can be demand which is not consistent. It is also called seasonal demand.

Example: Umbrella ,people only use umbrella when it is raining or extreme hit of sun.
Unwholesome demand
Unwholesome demand is the other side of negative demand. Unwholesome demand is the type of
demand the customer should not desire the product, yet the customer wants the product badly.

Example: Cigarette is a unwholesome demand because people cigarettes are injurious but often they
smoke it.

Full market demand

Full demand means that the company demand is meeting the supply potential of the company. It also
means that the market is happy and people want to buy from the same company . It is an ideal
environment , a company should always have full demand.

Overfull demand
When the company manufacturing capacity is limited but the demand is more than the supply that is
called overfull demand.

Example: Cement factory ,Generally most cement factory has limited manufacturing capacity but high

The segmentation targeting and positioning is an action

to shift demand to a more desire state

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