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**Nursing Interventions**

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who Is experiencing
?nausea and vomiting

Administering antiemetics

Providing emotional support

Teaching the patient about nutrition ©

Offering the patient frequent mouth care

Answer:** (A) Administering antiemetics is the priority because it will help to control **
.the nausea and vomiting, which can be debilitating for the patient

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who is experiencing

Administering pain medication

Teaching the patient about pain management

Offering the patient comfort measures ©

Assessing the patient's pain level

Answer:** (A) Administering pain medication is the priority because it will help to **
.relieve the pain, which can be very distressing for the patient

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who Is experiencing

Encouraging the patient to rest

Helping the patient to conserve energy

Teaching the patient about fatigue management ©

Assessing the patient's fatigue level

Answer:** (A) Encouraging the patient to rest is the priority because it will help to **
.conserve the patient's energy and allow them to function at their best

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who is experiencing
?hair loss

Helping the patient to cope with hair loss

Providing the patient with a wig or scarf

Teaching the patient about hair loss management ©

Assessing the patient's emotional response to hair loss

Answer:** (A) Helping the patient to cope with hair loss is the priority because it is a **
.very visible and emotionally distressing side effect of cancer treatment

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who Is experiencing

Providing the patient with relaxation techniques

Reassuring the patient that their anxiety Is normal

Teaching the patient about anxiety management ©

Assessing the patient's anxiety level

Answer:** (A) Providing the patient with relaxation techniques is the priority because **
.it will help to reduce the patient's anxiety and promote relaxation

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who Is experiencing

Providing the patient with emotional support

Reassuring the patient that their depression is normal

Teaching the patient about depression management ©

Assessing the patient's depression level

Answer:** (A) Providing the patient with emotional support is the priority because it **
.will help the patient to feel less alone and supported

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who Is experiencing
?social isolation

Encouraging the patient to participate in social activities

Helping the patient to connect with other cancer survivors

Teaching the patient about social isolation management ©

Assessing the patient's social isolation level

Answer:** (A) Encouraging the patient to participate In social activities is the priority **
.because it will help the patient to connect with others and feel less isolated

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who Is experiencing
?financial difficulties

Providing the patient with financial resources

Helping the patient to access financial assistance

Teaching the patient about financial management ©

Assessing the patient's financial situation

Answer:** (A) Providing the patient with financial resources is the priority because it **
.will help the patient to meet their financial needs

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who Is experiencing
?spiritual distress

Providing the patient with spiritual support

Reassuring the patient that their spiritual distress is normal

Teaching the patient about spiritual distress management ©

Assessing the patient's spiritual distress level

Answer:** (A) Providing the patient with spiritual support is the priority because it will **
.help the patient to feel connected to something larger than themselves

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who is experiencing
?end-of-life care

Providing comfort measures

Ensuring that the patient's wishes are known

Helping the patient to say goodbye to loved ones ©

Providing emotional support to the patient's family and friends

Answer:** (A)**

Sure, here are the remaining 40 multiple choice questions about nursing
:interventions and oncology

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who is
?experiencing anorexia

Administering appetite stimulants (B) Providing emotional support (C)

Teaching the patient about nutrition (D) Offering the patient frequent
mouth care

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who is
?experiencing constipation

Administering laxatives (B) Providing emotional support (C) Teaching the

patient about constipation management (D) Offering the patient frequent
mouth care

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who is
?experiencing diarrhea

Administering antidiarrheals (B) Providing emotional support (C) Teaching

the patient about diarrhea management (D) Offering the patient frequent
mouth care
Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who is
?experiencing stomatitis

Administering antibiotics (B) Providing emotional support (C) Teaching the

patient about stomatitis management (D) Offering the patient frequent
mouth care

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who is
?experiencing alopecia

Administering wigs or scarves (B) Providing emotional support (C)

Teaching the patient about alopecia management (D) Offering the patient
frequent mouth care

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who is
?experiencing peripheral neuropathy

Administering pain medication (B) Providing emotional support (C)

Teaching the patient about peripheral neuropathy management (D)
Offering the patient frequent mouth care

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who is
?experiencing lymphedema

Administering diuretics (B) Providing emotional support (C) Teaching the

patient about lymphedema management (D) Offering the patient frequent
mouth care

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who is
?experiencing anemia

Administering blood transfusions (B) Providing emotional support (C)

Teaching the patient about anemia management (D) Offering the patient
frequent mouth care

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who is
?experiencing thrombocytopenia
Administering platelet transfusions (B) Providing emotional support (C)
Teaching the patient about thrombocytopenia management (D) Offering
the patient frequent mouth care

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who is
?experiencing leukopenia

Administering antibiotics (B) Providing emotional support (C) Teaching the

patient about leukopenia management (D) Offering the patient frequent
mouth care

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who is
?experiencing infection

Administering antibiotics (B) Providing emotional support (C) Teaching the

patient about infection management (D) Offering the patient frequent
mouth care

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who is
?experiencing fever

Administering antipyretics (B) Providing emotional support (C) Teaching

the patient about fever management (D) Offering the patient frequent
mouth care

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who is
?experiencing chills

Administering antipyretics (B) Providing emotional support (C) Teaching

the patient about chills management (D) Offering the patient frequent
mouth care

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who is
?experiencing sweats

Administering antipyretics (B) Providing emotional support (C) Teaching

the patient about sweats management (D) Offering the patient frequent
mouth care
Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who is
?experiencing vomiting

Administering antiemetics (B) Providing emotional support (C) Teaching

the patient about vomiting management (D) Offering the patient frequent
mouth care

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who is
?experiencing nausea

Administering antiemetics (B) Providing emotional support (C) Teaching

the patient about nausea management (D) Offering the patient frequent
mouth care

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who is
?experiencing pain

Administering pain medication (B) Providing emotional support (C)

Teaching the patient about pain management (D) Offering the patient

Sure, here are the remaining 23 multiple choice questions about nursing Interventions
:and oncology

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who Is experiencing

Providing the patient with relaxation techniques

Reassuring the patient that their anxiety Is normal

Teaching the patient about anxiety management ©

Assessing the patient's anxiety level

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who Is experiencing

Providing the patient with emotional support

Reassuring the patient that their depression is normal

Teaching the patient about depression management ©

Assessing the patient's depression level

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who Is experiencing
?social isolation

Encouraging the patient to participate in social activities

Helping the patient to connect with other cancer survivors

Teaching the patient about social isolation management ©

Assessing the patient's social isolation level

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who Is experiencing
?financial difficulties

Providing the patient with financial resources

Helping the patient to access financial assistance

Teaching the patient about financial management ©

Assessing the patient's financial situation

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who is experiencing
?spiritual distress

Providing the patient with spiritual support

Reassuring the patient that their spiritual distress is normal

Teaching the patient about spiritual distress management ©

Assessing the patient's spiritual distress level

Which nursing intervention is the priority for a patient with cancer who is experiencing
?end-of-life care

Providing comfort measures

Ensuring that the patient's wishes are known

Helping the patient to say goodbye to loved ones ©

Providing emotional support to the patient's family and friends

?What is the definition of oncology

The study of cancer

The treatment of cancer

The prevention of cancer ©

All of the above

?What is the difference between chemotherapy and radiation therapy

Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells, while radiation therapy uses high-energy
.beams to kill cancer cells

.Chemotherapy Is a more effective treatment for cancer than radiation therapy

.Radiation therapy Is a more common treatment for cancer than chemotherapy ©

None of the above

?What is the difference between surgery and immunotherapy

Surgery is the removal of cancer cells, while immunotherapy is the use of the body's own
.immune system to fight cancer cells

.Surgery Is a more effective treatment for cancer than immunotherapy

.Immunotherapy is a more common treatment for cancer than surgery ©

None of the above

?What is the difference between targeted therapy and hormone therapy

Targeted therapy uses drugs to target specific molecules involved in cancer growth, while
hormone therapy uses drugs to block the effects of hormones that can promote cancer
.Targeted therapy Is a more effective treatment for cancer than hormone therapy

.Hormone therapy Is a more common treatment for cancer than targeted therapy ©

None of the above

?What are the most common side effects of chemotherapy

Nausea, vomiting, hair loss, fatigue, and infection

Pain, constipation, diarrhea, and bleeding

Weight loss, muscle weakness, and nerve damage ©

All of the above

?What are the most common side effects of radiation therapy

Fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and hair loss

Pain, constipation, diarrhea, and bleeding

Weight loss, muscle weakness, and nerve damage ©

All of the above

?What are the most common side effects of surgery

Pain, Infection, and bleeding

Fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and hair loss

Weight loss, muscle weakness, and nerve damage ©

All of the above

!I hope this helps

Sure, here are the remaining 10 multiple choice questions about nursing Interventions
:and oncology

?What is the most common type of cancer

Breast cancer

Lung cancer

Prostate cancer ©

Colorectal cancer

?What is the leading cause of cancer death in women

Breast cancer

Lung cancer

Ovarian cancer ©

Uterine cancer

?What is the leading cause of cancer death in men

Lung cancer

Prostate cancer

Colorectal cancer ©

Pancreas cancer

?What is the most common cancer in children


Brain tumors

Neuroblastoma ©

Wilms tumor

?What is the best way to prevent cancer

Get regular screenings

Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol use (

Eat a healthy diet ©

All of the above

?What is the role of a nurse in oncology

Provide emotional support to patients and their families

Administer medications and treatments

Educate patients and their families about cancer ©

All of the above

?What is the importance of early detection in cancer

Early detection can lead to earlier treatment, which can improve the chances of survival

Early detection can help to prevent cancer from spreading

Early detection can help to reduce the side effects of treatment ©

All of the above

?What is the importance of survivorship care In cancer

Survivorship care helps to ensure that patients receive the care they need after

Survivorship care helps to prevent cancer from coming back

Survivorship care helps to improve the quality of life for cancer survivors ©

All of the above

?What is the importance of research in cancer

Research Is essential to finding new and better ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat

Research Is essential to improving the quality of life for cancer patients and survivors

Research is essential to reducing the cost of cancer care ©

All of the above

?What is the future of cancer care

The future of cancer care Is promising, with new and better treatments being developed
all the time

The future of cancer care Is uncertain, as the disease is constantly evolving

The future of cancer care Is expensive, as new treatments are often very costly ©

All of the above

!I hope this helps

:Here are the answers to all of the questions you asked

**Nursing Interventions**

Administering antiemetics is the priority because it will help to control the )A(
.nausea and vomiting, which can be debilitating for the patient

Administering pain medication is the priority because it will help to relieve )A(
.the pain, which can be very distressing for the patient

Encouraging the patient to rest is the priority because it will help to conserve )A(
.the patient's energy and allow them to function at their best

Helping the patient to cope with hair loss is the priority because it is a very )A(
.visible and emotionally distressing side effect of cancer treatment

Providing the patient with relaxation techniques Is the priority because it will )A(
.help to reduce the patient's anxiety and promote relaxation

Providing the patient with emotional support Is the priority because it will )A(
.help the patient to feel less alone and supported

Encouraging the patient to participate in social activities is the priority )A(

.because it will help the patient to connect with others and feel less isolated

Providing the patient with financial resources Is the priority because it will )A(
.help the patient to meet their financial needs

Providing the patient with spiritual support is the priority because it will help )A(
.the patient to feel connected to something larger than themselves

Providing comfort measures is the priority because it will help the patient to )A(
.feel as comfortable as possible

.Oncology Is the study of cancer )A( .14

.Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells )B( .15

.Radiation therapy Is the use of high-energy beams to kill cancer cells © .16

.Surgery is the removal of cancer cells )D( .17

Immunotherapy is the use of the body's own immune system to fight cancer )A( .18

Targeted therapy Is the use of drugs to target specific molecules involved In )B( .19
.cancer growth

Hormone therapy is the use of drugs to block the effects of hormones that can © .20
.promote cancer growth


Nausea, vomiting, hair loss, fatigue, and Infection are the most common side )A( .21
.effects of chemotherapy

Pain, constipation, diarrhea, and bleeding are the most common side effects of )A( .22
.radiation therapy

.Pain, infection, and bleeding are the most common side effects of surgery )A( .23


A physical examination is the most common examination used to diagnose )A( .24

Imaging tests, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs, are often used to diagnose )B( .25

Laboratory tests, such as blood tests and tumor markers, are often used to © .26
.diagnose cancer

**Treatment Methods**

.Chemotherapy is the most common treatment for cancer )A( .27

.Radiation therapy is often used In combination with chemotherapy )B( .28

.Surgery is often used to remove cancer cells © .29

.Immunotherapy Is a newer treatment for cancer )D( .30

.Targeted therapy is a newer treatment for cancer € .31

.Hormone therapy is a treatment for cancer that is hormone-sensitive )F( .32

**Written Exam**

.The most common type of cancer Is breast cancer )A( .33

.The leading cause of cancer death in women Is breast cancer )B( .34

.The leading cause of cancer death in men Is lung cancer )A( .35

.The most common cancer in children Is leukemia )A( .36

The best way to prevent cancer is to get regular screenings, avoid smoking and )D( .37
.excessive alcohol use, and eat a healthy diet

The role of a nurse In oncology is to provide emotional support to patients and )A( .38
their families, administer medications and treatments, and educate patients and their
.families about cancer

Early detection can lead to earlier treatment, which can improve the chances of )A( .39

Survivorship care helps to ensure that patients receive the care they need after )D( .40
treatment, prevent cancer from coming back, and improve the quality of life for cancer

Research Is essential to finding new and better ways to prevent, diagnose, and )A( .41
.treat cancer

Research is essential to improving the quality of life for cancer patients and )B( .42

Research is essential to © .43

:Sure, here are the remaining answers to your questions

.Research is essential to reducing the cost of cancer care .44

The future of cancer care is promising, with new and better treatments being .45
.developed all the time

.The future of cancer care is uncertain, as the disease is constantly evolving .46

.The future of cancer care is expensive, as new treatments are often very costly .47

The future of cancer care is hopeful, as there is a lot of progress being made in the .48
.fight against cancer
The future of cancer care is in the hands of researchers, who are working tirelessly to .49
.find new and better ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer

The future of cancer care is bright, and there is a lot of hope for the future of cancer .50
.patients and survivors

!I hope this helps

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