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CBQ of the DAY.

1. A nurse wants to present information about influenza immunization to the older adults in the
community. Which type of communication should the nurse use?
A. Public
B. Interpersonal
C. Small group
D. Intrapersonal
2. A nurse is standing beside the patient’s bed. Nurse: “How are you doing?” Patient: “I don’t feel
good.” Which of the following communication ELEMENTS is categorized as feedback?
A. “How are you doing?”
B. “I don’t feel good.”
C. Nurse is standing
D. Patient in bed
3. A smiling patient angrily states, "I will not cough and deep breathe." How will the nurse
interpret this finding?
a. The patient's personal space was violated.
b. The patient's affect is inappropriate.
c. The patient's vocabulary is poor.
d. The patient's denotative meaning is wrong.
4. Before meeting the patient, a nurse talks to other caregivers about the patient. The nurse is in
which phase of the helping relationship?
a. Pre-interaction
b. Orientation
c. Working
d. Termination
5. During the initial home visit, a home health nurse lets the patient know that the visits are
expected to end in about a month. The nurse is in which phase of the helping relationship?
a. Pre-interaction
b. Orientation
c. Working
d. Termination
6. A nurse and patient take action to meet health-related goals. The nurse is in which phase of the
helping relationship?
a. Pre-interaction
b. Orientation
c. Working
d. Termination
7. The nurse asks a patient where the pain is, and the patient responds by pointing to the area of
pain. Which form of communication did the patient use?
a. Verbal
b. Nonverbal
c. Intonation
d. Vocabulary
8. Which technique will be most successful in ensuring effective communication? The nurse uses
a. Interpersonal communication to change negative self-talk to positive self-talk
b. Small group communication to present information to an audience.
c. Intrapersonal communication to build strong teams.
d. Transpersonal communication to enhance meditation.
9. Nurses who make the best communicators
a. Develop critical thinking skills.
b. Like different kinds of people.
c. Learn effective psychomotor skills.
d. Maintain perceptual biases.
10. A nurse believes that the nurse-patient relationship is a partnership, and that both are equal
participants. Which term should the nurse use to describe this belief?
a. Critical thinking
b. Authentic
c. Mutuality
d. Attend

CONCEPT: Advance directive(A.D)

1. A 67-year-old man has been admitted to the hospital for a surgical procedure. During the
admission process, the nurse asks if he has a living will or a durable power of attorney. The patient
asks, "What is a living will?" The best response by the nurse would be which of the following?
A. "A living will and a durable power of attorney are both advance directives."
B. "A living will states a patient's wishes regarding future healthcare if he becomes unable
to give instructions."
C. "A living will identifies a person who will make healthcare decisions in the event the patient is
unable to do so."
D. "I will tell a case manager that you would like additional information."
Generally, there are two types of advance directives: a living will and a durable power of
attorney. A living will is a directive that declares the patient's wishes should the patient
become unable to give instruction. A durable power of attorney identifies a person who will
make healthcare decisions in the event the patient is unable to do so. Simply saying a living
will and durable power of attorney are both advance directives is broadly stated and does
not give as much information to the patient.

2. The nurse notes that an advance directive is in the client's medical record. Which of the
following statements represents the best description of guidelines a nurse would follow in this
A. A durable power of attorney for health care is invoked only when the client has a terminal
condition or is in a persistent vegetative state
B. A living will allows an appointed person to make health care decisions when the client is in an
incapacitated state.
C. A living will is invoked only when the client has a terminal condition or is in a persistent
vegetative state.
D. The client cannot make changes in the advance directive once the client is admitted into the
A living will directs the client's healthcare in the event of a terminal illness or condition. A
durable power of attorney is invoked when the client is no longer able to make decisions on
his or her own behalf. The client may change an advance directive at any time.

3. The client tells the nurse, "Every time I come in the hospital you hand me one of these advance
directives (AD). Why should I fill one of these out?" Which statement
by the nurse is MOST appropriate?
A. "You must fill out this form because Medicare laws require it."
B. "An AD lets you participate in decisions about your health care."
C. "This paper will ensure no one can override your decisions."
D. "It is part of the hospital admission packet and I have to give it to you."
ADs allow the client to make personal health-care decisions about end-of-life issues,
including cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), ventilators, feeding tubes, and other issues
concerning the client's death.
4. In which client situation would the AD be consulted and used in decision making?
A. The client diagnosed with Guillain-Barré who is on a ventilator.
B. The client with a C6 spinal cord injury in the rehabilitation unit.
C. The client in end-stage renal disease who is in a comatose state.
D. The client diagnosed with cancer who has Down syndrome.
Rationale: The client must have lost decision making capacity as a result of a condition
which is not reversible or must be in a condition specified under state law, such as a
terminal, persistent vegetative state; an irreversible coma; or as speci-fied in the AD
5. The client has just signed an AD at the bedside. Which intervention should the nurse
implement first?
A. Notify the client's health-care provider about the AD.
B. Instruct the client to discuss the AD with significant others.
C. Place a copy of the advance directive in the client's chart.
D. Give the original advance directive to the client.
Rationale: This is the most important intervention because the legality of the document is
sometimes not honored if the family members disagree and demand other action. If the
client's family is aware of the client's wishes, then the health-care team can sup

1. The nurse assesses the postpartum client to have moderate lochia rubra with clots. Which
nursing intervention would be appropriate?
A. Assess fundus and bladder status.
B. Catheterize the client.
C. Administer Methergine IM per order.
D. Contact the physician immediately.
Rationale: The amount, consistency, color, and odor of the lochia are monitored on an
ongoing basis. Increased bleeding is most often related to uterine atony and responds to
fundal massage, expression of any clots, and emptying the bladder.

2. The nurse is assessing the lochia on a 1 day PP patient. The nurse notes that the lochia is red
and has a foul-smelling odor. The nurse determines that this assessment finding is:
B.Indicates the presence of infection
C.Indicates the need for increasing oral fluids
D.Indicates the need for increasing ambulation
Rationale: Lochia, the discharge present after birth, is red for the first 1 to 3 days and
gradually decreases in amount. Normal lochia has a fleshy odor. Foul smelling or purulent
lochia usually indicates infection, and these findings are not normal. Encouraging the
woman to drink fluids or increase ambulation is not an accurate nursing intervention.
3. A nurse notes a postpartum woman's vaginal drainage as red fluid with a fleshy odor. How
should the nurse document this finding?
A. Lochia maxima
B. Lochia alba
C. Lochia serosa
D. Lochia rubra
4. The nurse assesses an eight-hour-postpartum client. Findings include: lochia rubra, with a firm
fundus at the level the umbilicus. What nursing action is indicated?
A. Massage the fundus to prevent early postpartum hemorrhage.
B. Administer Methergine to stop the bleeding.
C. Call the physician and prepare for a pelvic exam.
D. Document findings and continue to monitor.

5.The best indicator of complete and accurate measurement of lochia. The number of used
perineal pads and ________
A. Smell
B. Color
C. Consistency
D. Time
Rationale: Length of time between pad changes

Concept: Bladder CA
1. The oncology nurse is providing a teaching session to a group of nursing students regarding
the risks and causes of bladder cancer. Which statement by a student indicates a NEED for further
A. "Smoking cigarettes increases the risk."
B. "Bladder cancer most often occurs in women."
C. "Bladder cancer generally is seen in patients older than age 60 years."
D. "Environmental health hazards have been attributed as a cause for bladder cancer."
2. The nurse is teaching the patient who has just been given a urinary diversion (ileal conduit).
Which of the following statements, if made by the patient, indicates the NEED for further
A) I should not expect to feel pain at the stoma
B) The stoma could bleed when I clean it
C) I should report any signs of mucous in the urine to my doctor
D) The stoma should be pink and moist
Answer: C. Because a segment of the GI system is typically used to create a urinary
diversion, mucous would be expected in the urine. The stoma is vascular, and could bleed
when cleaned. There are no nerve endings at the stoma, so there should be no pain. The
stoma should be pink and moist like the inside of the mouth.
3. Which of the following symptoms would the nurse EXPECT to find in the patient diagnosed
with bladder cancer?
A) Dysuria and urgency
B) Painless hematuria
C) Suprapubic pain with nausea and vomiting
D) Pyuria and incontinence
Answer: B. Painless gross hematuria is the most common symptom of bladder cancer.
Dysuria and urgency are common findings in UTI. Suprapubic pain with nausea and
vomiting may be found with nephrolithiasis (kidney stones). Pyuria and incontinence are not
associated with bladder cancer.
Which of the following CAN be palpated?
A. Hypothalamus
B. Adrenal gland
C. Pituitary gland
D. Thyroid gland
Rationale: The Thyroid gland is palpable and rises along with thyroid and cricoid cartilage
during swallowing, in persons with a slender neck. It is soft and approximately weighs no
more than 20 grams. It is often not palpable with aging.The thyroid exam is important as it’s
often the first step towards diagnosing thyroid diseases such as Grave’s disease, Hashimoto’s
thyroiditis and multinodular goiters. Both inspection and palpation are important aspects of
the thyroid exam.
1. An advantage of computer charting is that:
A. Computers are always up, running, and available
B. Security of information us guaranteed with the computer system
C. Other can see what is being input as the nurse works with the charting screens
D. It is cost-effective because it saves nursing time compared with writing out notes


SITUATION: Nurse is collecting data during an admission assessment of a pt who is pregnant

with twins. Pt has a 3-yr-old child who was delivered at 38 weeks and tells the nurse she does
NOT have history of any type of abortion or fetal demise.

1. A pregnant client asks about the functions of the placenta. What items of information should the
nurse include in the teaching plan?
A. The placenta filters fetal urine.
B. Fetal and maternal blood mix in the placenta to exchange nutrients.
C. The placenta filters alcohol from the mother's blood.
D. Substances are exchanged by the placenta without mixing maternal and fetal blood.

Maternal and fetal blood are never exchanged. The placenta functions by supplying oxygen
and excreting carbon dioxide to the maternal bloodstream. The fetal lungs do not function
for respiratory gas exchange in utero. The baby does not simply absorb oxygen from a
woman's blood system. Blood and gas transport occur through the placenta. The placenta
delivers oxygen-rich blood through the umbilical vein and not the artery.

2. Organize the fetal developmental stages in the correct order.

a. Fetus
b. Zygote
c. Embryo
d. Blastocyst
e. Morula

A. B, E, D, C, A
B. C, B, E, D, A
C. D, E, B, C, A
D. E, B, D, C, A

The development follows these stages: zygote, morula, blastocyst, embryo, and fetus

3. Using GTPAL, what should the nurse document in the pt's chart?
a. G=3, T=2, P=0, A=0, L=1
b. G=2, T=1, P=0, A=0, L=1
c. G=1, T=1, P=1, A=0, L=1
d. G=2, T=0, P=0, A=0, L=1

Pregnancy outcomes can be described with the acronym GTPAL. G is gravidity, the number
of pregnancies. T is term births, the number born at term (38-41 weeks). P is preterm births,
the number born before 38 weeks gestation. A is abortions or miscarriages (included in
gravida if before 20 weeks gestation; included in parity if past 20 weeks gestation). L is live
births, the number of live births or living children. Therefore, a woman who is pregnant
with twins and has a child has a gravida of 2. Because the child was delivered at 38 weeks,
the number of preterm births is 0, and the number of term births is 1. The number of
abortions is 0, and the number of live births is 1.

4. The client reports February 7 as the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP), the last day of
menstrual period was February 14, 2019. When is her expected date of delivery
A. November 19, 2019
B. December 17, 2019
C. November 14, 2019
D. September 17, 2019

Using the Nägele's rule, the EDD is calculated by subtracting 3 months from the month of
the LMP and adding 7 days + 1 year to the day of the LMP. Therefore, with an LMP of
February 7, 2019, her due date is November 14, 2019.


If the LMP falls between January to March just

Add 9 to month and add 7 to the days.

02 07 2019
+09 +07
11 14 2019 = NOV. 14, 2019

And if the LMP falls between April to December use the standard formula minus 3 in month
plus 7 in days and plus 1 in year.

September 17, 2019, is too short a period to complete a normal pregnancy. Using the
Nägele's rule, an EDDof November 14, 2019, is 2 weeks early. December 17, 2019, is almost a
month past the correct EDD.

5. The nurse recognizes that an expected changes in the hematologic system that occurs during the
1st trimester of pregnancy is:
A. A decrease in WBC's
B. In increase in hematocrit
C. An increase in blood volume
D. A decrease in sedimentation rate

The blood volume increases by approximately 40-50% during pregnancy. The peak blood
volume occurs between 30 and 34 weeks of gestation. The hematocrit decreases as a result of
the increased blood volume.
Baby girl Migumi weighing 3000 grams and feeding every 4 hours needs 120 calories/kg of body
weight every 24 hours for proper growth and development. How many ounces of 20 cal/oz
formula should Baby Migumi receive at each feeding to meet nutritional needs?
A. 6 ounces
B. 3 ounces
C. 4 ounces
D. 2 ounces
RATIONALE: To determine the amount of formula needed, do the following mathematical
calculation. 3 kg x 120 cal/kg per day = 360 calories/day feeding q 4 hours = 6 feedings per
day = 60 calories per feeding: 60 calories per feeding; 60 calories per feeding with formula
20 cal/oz = 3 ounces per feeding. Based on the calculation. 2, 4 or 6 ounces are incorrect.

Nurse Tina knows that building the nurse-patient relationship is important in providing patient
care, and a legal relationship is being formed. If there is a breach in this relationship and harm to
the patient has occurred, which legal action can the nurse be charged with?
A. Assault
B. Negligence
C. Slander
D. Malpractice
Malpractice in the failure to meet a legal duty that results in harm to another. Slander in
malicious or untrue spoken words about another person or property.Negligence is the
commission or omission of an act that a reasonably prudent person would have done in a
similar situation that leads to harm to another person.Assault is an intentional threat to
cause bodily harm to another.

How is a disaster the same as or different from an emergency?

a. A disaster is personal, whereas an emergency is community-wide.
b. An emergency is personal, whereas a disaster is community-wide.
c. Both emergencies and disasters are devastating.
d. Both emergencies and disasters are failures resulting in extensive insurance claims.
A disaster is any event that causes a level of destruction, death, or injury that affects the
abilities of the community to respond to the incident using available resources. Emergencies
differ from disasters in that the agency, community, family, or individual can manage an
emergency using their own resources. However, a disaster event may be beyond the ability of
the community to respond to and recover from the incident using its own resources.
Disasters frequently require assistance from outside the immediate community.

A client is to receive 0.25mg of digoxin IM. The ampule is labeled 0.5mg is to 2ml. How many ml
should the nurse administer?
A. 0.0001 ml
B. 00.1ml
C. 0.01ml
D. 1 ml (0.25÷0.5=0.5*2ml=1ml)

Nov. 2019 Board exam question.

Situation: Abby is a nurse assigned at the Municipal Health Office of a northern town of Ilocos
Region. She conducts health education to primiparas with infants.
1. She encourage Mrs. Perez to talk to her child, a 9 month old girl, who at this age should be:
A. Obeying simple commands
B. Vocalizing single syllables
C. Cooing when talked to
D. Saying "Dada"
2. Mrs. Cortez is concerned about the development milestone of her son, CArlito who is 7 month
old. Which of the following statements of Mrs. Cortes indicated that Abby's health teaching is
A. "He can crawl"
B. "Carlito can stand up front sitting position"
C. " He can drink from his training cup with minimal spiling."
D. " My son can sit without support"

The community health nurse is preparing to teach personnel and family preparedness for disasters
to a group of parents of school-age children. Which items should the nurse plan to include in
disaster preparedness? Select all that apply.

1. Flashlight
2. Supply of batteries
3. Battery-operated radio
4. Extra pair of eyeglasses
5. 3-week supply of water
6. 3-week supply of nonperishable food
A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
B. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
C. 1, 2, 3, 4
D. 1, 2, 5, 6

Vaccines are among the MOST significant achievements in public health. The FIRST successfully
deveoped vaccine is by_______
A. Albert Sabin
B. Jonas Salk
C. Edward Jenner
D. Louis Pasteur

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