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Initially, my impression of the NSTP subject was it just an extra subject that
students were mandated to attend. Firstly, we were introduced to the history of
NSTP, its history, who and how it was implemented, its different components and
their aims.
The discussions on the first semester were all about self-assessment and
improvement which made us assess ourselves and helped us realize our strengths
and weaknesses. It also taught me what it means to be a good and patriotic citizen
of my country, it also made me aware of current issues that our country is currently
experiencing such as drug abuse, natural disasters, environmental and ecological
issues, and national security threats. The second semester was much more focused
on community, to understanding the community, how to interact to the people
within the community. From helping through volunteering and conducting
community outreaches. To which we conducted one community outreach on Villa
Imelda, we conducted interviews and chose a family to help and adopt.
My NSTP experience was truly enriching, aside from helping me become a better
student and person, I was able to make new friends. Our teachers were both kind
and considerate, we learned a lot from them not only academically but also lessons
in real life. NSTP gave me a lot unforgettable learning experiences, build
friendships and it made me very aware of everything from myself to everything
going around me.

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