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Course Code:CSZD2343

Course:Approaches in Teaching Affective Development for Young Children

Name: Vanessa Yew Tze Chin

Matric No: Unu2200565

Lecturer’s Name / Tutor’s Name: Sowbaakawathy Ganesan

Submission Date:14/6/2023
Introduction about the activity for the lesson that you have planned

Personal competence is crucial for children as it encompasses a range of skills, abilities,

and qualities that contribute to their overall well-being and success in various aspects of
life.Children who have personal competence in themselves are better able to grasp their
own feelings, thoughts, strengths, flaws, and values. Children who are confident in
themselves are better able to make wiser choices, establish realistic goals, and overcome

Emotional intelligence, which entails identifying, comprehending, and controlling one's

own and other people's emotions, is a component of personal competency. Children that
possess high levels of emotional intelligence are able to control their emotions, empathize
with others, and resolve problems in a healthy way. Better relationships, communication,
and overall emotional health are all benefits of these talents.

Children who have personal competency are more able to overcome obstacles and
overcome failures. Resilience is the capacity to adjust, adapt, and cope with adversity.
Children who are resilient are better able to overcome obstacles, endure through trying
circumstances, and keep a positive outlook, all of which are crucial for their general
mental and emotional well-being.

Children who possess personal competence are better able to set meaningful goals, devise
plans for achieving them, and maintain motivation. Children who trust in their talents and
have a sense of personal competence are more inclined to take on challenges, work hard,
and persevere in the face of difficulties.

Children who have personal competence in themselves have the ability to solve problems
and make choices. They are able to evaluate circumstances, take into account many
viewpoints, come up with original ideas, and make wise decisions. These abilities are
useful in the classroom, in social situations, and in potential future careers.

Self-regulation, often known as controlling one's behavior, impulses, and emotions, is a

component of personal competency. Children who have stronger self-control are better
able to manage their emotions, avoid instant satisfaction, and make deliberate choices.
This ability is crucial for developing self-control, healthy relationships, and academic

Children who possess personal competence develop their freedom and autonomy. It
enables children to accept accountability for their deeds, make decisions in accordance
with their ideals, and forge a sense of individual identity. Children who are independent
are more likely to grow up to be self-reliant, confident, and feel that they have some
control over their lives.
Overall, personal competence gives kids the abilities and traits they need to deal with the
challenges of life, form wholesome relationships, accomplish their objectives, and
succeed in a variety of areas. It lays the groundwork for their long-term success, both
personally and academically.

The activity I have chosen for the children is emotional charades.A popular acting and
suppositional game that many kids enjoy is emotional charades. To act out the emotion
without saying, while others try to guess what the child is performing, is the goal of the

As teachers, we must never forget to promote imagination and enjoyment while students
act out the words or phrases. To make it more thrilling and engaging for everyone,
encourage the kids to make overt gestures and facial expressions.
Explanation about the level of affective development involved (is it suitable to
children’s age target?).

Children at age 6 are able to play emotional charades by making adjustments to make the
game easier compared to when adults play it. Use visual images to convey the emotion
instead of words or phrases to express it. Younger children will find it simpler to
understand and interpret the clues as a result. Give a few examples of how to act out the
emotions before you begin the game. Teach children how to communicate their meaning
without speaking by using body language, gestures, and facial expressions.Encourage the
students to cooperate as a team. They can talk and assist one another in figuring out the
clues. They can help one another in this way, which will make them feel more invested in
the game.You can lengthen the time limit from the typical one or two minutes because
younger children might require longer time to act out the clues. To give them ample time
to act out and predict the words or phrases, think about giving them more time.Keep in
mind that encouraging children to have fun are the major objectives. Don't obsess too
much over the rules or the score. The primary goal of the game should be to enjoy
performing and making guesses.Children around the age of six can take pleasure in
playing charades and develop their creativity, communication skills, and cooperation
abilities in a fun and participatory way by making these adjustments and providing a
supportive environment.

An excellent game to teach kids diverse skills and abilities is emotional

charades.Children must use nonverbal communication to convey ideas and messages
when playing charades. They gain the ability to communicate more effectively by
learning to use gestures, body language, and facial emotions.Children are encouraged to
think imaginatively and use their imaginations by acting out words or phrases in
charades. They are encouraged to think creatively by having to come up with original
methods to express the hint.Children are exposed to a variety of words and expressions
when playing charades. As they act out and try to solve various puzzles, kids pick up new
terminology. It can improve their vocabulary, understanding, and language
development.Children solve problems while they are acting out hints or attempting to
guess them. To determine the right response, they consider the gestures and actions, draw
connections, and apply deductive reasoning. Critical thinking and cognitive growth are
encouraged by this. Since charades is frequently played in groups, it promotes
collaboration and social contact. In order to win the game, kids discover how to
cooperate, speak clearly, and assist one another. It encourages interpersonal harmony and
teamwork among the players.Children's self-confidence can increase through playing
charades. They feel a sense of satisfaction and boost their self-confidence when they
successfully act out clues or accurately guess them. It gives kids a stage on which to
express themselves and demonstrate their abilities in an encouraging setting.In the end,
charades is a humorous and enjoyable game that makes people smile. It fosters a happy
and enjoyable environment that enables kids to have a blast while learning and growing
in a variety of ways.In general, charades is a flexible game that has many educational and
developmental advantages for kids. It effectively and interactively blends creativity,
communication, problem-solving, and teamwork.
Elaboration on each step involved in the lesson plan.

1. Begin by having a conversation about various emotions with the kids. You can
discuss universal feelings like joy, sorrow, rage, surprise, fear, and contempt. To
help the kids comprehend each feeling, describe it and give examples.
2. If the kids have never played emotional charades before, explain the game to
them. Explain that in emotional charades, participants act out the emotion or
sentiments by utilizing solely body language and gestures in place of speaking.
3. Make a list of the many emotions that the kids will portray during the game. On
small pieces of paper or index cards, list various emotions, fold them, and put
them in a container.
4. Depending on the number of players, divide the kids into two or more teams.
While the other teams guess, each team will take turns acting out the various
5. A player is chosen by the first team to portray a certain feeling. Without showing
it to anyone, they choose a card from the pile, read the emotion aloud, and then
begin acting it out.
6. The player must portray the desired feeling without speaking by using body
language, gestures, and facial expressions. Encourage the kids to perform in a
creative and expressive way.
7. Set a time restriction for each acting round, perhaps five or ten minutes. The other
teams will get a chance to guess before the correct answer is revealed if the team
fails to identify the emotion within the allotted time.Rotate the team members
after each round so that everyone has a chance to express a feeling. Play on until
all feelings have been expressed or until both sides agree to quit.
8. Take the chance to talk about each emotion that was displayed after the game.
Ask the kids how they were able to identify the different emotions, and what
gestures or facial expressions they used to make the right assumptions.
9. Children who play emotion charades gain communication, empathy, and
emotional intelligence. It teaches individuals to pay attention to and comprehend
the feelings of others, improving their social interactions and relationships.
Discussion about the effective development activity planned in detail.


Class : Dino 6

Age :6

Date : 15 June 2023

Time : 10.00 am to 11.00 am (60 minutes)

Number of Children : 20 children

Theme : Feelings and emotions

Title : Guess my emotion!

Main Strand : Personal Competence

Content Standard : KD 1.2: Know the emotions of others

Learning Standard :KD 1.2.2 : Can express other people’s emotions based on
Integrated Strand : 1. Creativity and Aesthetics
2. Physical and Aesthetics Development

Elements across the Curriculum:

Medium of instruction : Interaction with peers

Creativity and Innovation : Critical thinking and creative movement

Values : Cooperation and follow instruction

Learning Objective : At the end of this activity, children will be able to:
1. Able to understand and identify emotions- Personal
Competence (Main Strand)

2. Able to act out according to emotion – Creativity and

Aesthetics (Integrated Strand 1)

3. Perform creative movement- Physical and Aesthetics

Development (Integrated Strand 2)

Previous knowledge : Children know the names of different emotions.

Thinking skill (TS) : Generate ideas, analyze and classify

Teaching Material (TM) : Emotion picture cards.

Multiple Intelligences (MI) :Interpersonal, Spatial and kinesthetic

Vocabulary : Sad, happy, angry, scared, bored, confuse, worried,

surprised and sick
Create an appropriate and suitable material for the activity. You may provide
pictures of the material provided for the activity in the report.

This template is the possible harder version of the game with no visual aid.
This template is the easier version of the game with visual aid.

In conclusion, it is crucial to promote children's awareness of emotions because it is crucial to

their entire growth and wellbeing. We give children valuable life skills that have a wide range of

advantages by assisting them in understanding and managing their emotions.

Children can first and foremost become more aware of themselves by comprehending emotions.

Children get a greater knowledge of their inner experiences when they can recognise and label

their emotions. Because they are self-aware, they can successfully express their wants, ask for

help when they need it, and make decisions depending on their emotional condition. It

establishes the framework for ongoing introspection and personal development.

The promotion of appropriate emotional regulation is another benefit of understanding emotions.

Children who understand the variety of emotions they could encounter are better able to control

and handle them. Instead of turning to irrational or destructive behaviors, they can learn to

express their emotions in healthy ways. This ability is crucial for fostering emotional intelligence

and resilience, enabling kids to adjust and succeed in a variety of real-world scenarios.

Children's social and empathy skills are also enhanced by an understanding of emotions.

Children who understand their own emotions are better able to empathize with others'

sentiments. They can create lasting relationships, make friends, and handle social situations with

more awareness and compassion because of their empathy. It encourages healthy relationships

based on mutual respect and trust as well as compassion.

Additionally, emotional intelligence aids children's cognitive growth. Cognitive functions

including attention, memory, and problem-solving are affected by emotions. Children can more
effectively manage their cognitive resources, improve their focus and concentration, and make

wise judgements if they can identify and comprehend their emotions. Complementing

intellectual prowess, emotional intelligence supports total cognitive and academic performance.

In conclusion, fostering children's emotional intelligence is essential for their overall

development. They gain the ability to manage their own emotions, build wholesome

relationships, control their behavior, and succeed academically. By giving kids the skills they

need to recognise and control their emotions, we help them develop resilient, empathetic, and

emotionally healthy traits that will serve them well throughout their lives.





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