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Immune responses in the skin in old age

Milica Vukmanovic-Stejic1, Malcolm HA Rustin2, Janko Nikolich-Zugich3
and Arne N Akbar1

A marked increase in the susceptibility to cutaneous infections contributes to the increase in cutaneous malignancies
and malignancies has been observed in older humans [2,3]. This indicates that defective cutaneous immunity
indicating that cutaneous immunity becomes defective with develops during ageing and the purpose of this article to
age. In this review we will focus on recent developments in the assess recent data that clarify the nature of the defect
understanding of age-related changes in immune function of that occurs.
the skin with a particular emphasis on how alterations in the
interaction between cells involved in innate and adaptive The investigation of antigen-specific T cell
immunity leads to decreased cutaneous antigen-specific T cell responses in the skin
immunosurveillance. Since the induction and amplification of cutaneous immu-
Addresses nity is an integrated multistep process, in vivo experimen-
Division of Infection and Immunity, Department of Immunology, tal models are the most informative. A particularly useful
University College London, London W1T 4JF, United Kingdom experimental system is the delayed type hypersensitivity
Department of Dermatology, Royal Free Hospital, London NW3 2QG,
United Kingdom
(DTH) response, where recall antigens are injected intra-
Department of Immunobiology and the Arizona Center on Aging, dermally [4–6]. This is a classical model of an antigen-
University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, AZ 85719, USA specific memory T cell (secondary) response since indi-
viduals (mice or humans) who have not been exposed to
Corresponding author: Akbar, Arne N (
the antigen do not respond to the antigen challenge [4–7].
The level of DTH reactions in humans is determined by
Current Opinion in Immunology 2011, 23:525–531 the diameter of cutaneous induration and the extent of
This review comes from a themed issue on
erythema at the site of antigen injection at 48 h after
Immune Senescence antigen injection or in mice by the amount of ear or
Edited by Beatrix Grubeck-Loebenstein and John Cambier footpad swelling at 24 h [4–7]. There are some differ-
ences in the kinetics and nature of the response in mice
Available online 22nd June 2011
and humans, possibly due to the different site of antigen
0952-7915/$ – see front matter injection nevertheless, broadly speaking, the cellular
# 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. infiltrates are similar in both species [4–7]. While other
experimental models for the study of cutaneous immu-
DOI 10.1016/j.coi.2011.05.008
nity in mice exist [8,9], in humans, the DTH response
provides an ethically acceptable model to study the
kinetics and regulation of a memory T cell response in
Skin and immunity vivo. In subsequent sections we will mainly discuss the
The skin forms the body’s largest interface with the human DTH response and how it has been used to study
environment and its principal function is that of a barrier. changes in cutaneous immunity during ageing.
It protects the organism by being impermeable to a multi-
tude of harmful exogenous substances and maintains From a histological perspective, antigen exposure and
internal homeostasis by preventing excessive water and trauma to the skin induce non-specific danger signals to
heat loss. In addition there is a highly specialised immune recruit and activate cells of the innate immune system
system consisting of leukocytes that are resident, recruited and at very early time points (4–6 h) the majority of
or re-circulate within the tissue (Table 1). These cells are infiltrating cells are neutrophils [5]. This cellular infiltra-
distributed in the epidermal and dermal layers of the skin tion is dependent on the production of pro-inflammatory
and participate in both adaptive and innate immune cytokines such as IFN-g and TNFa that stimulate
responses. They are also responsible for distinguishing expression of adhesion molecules on the endothelium
self from non-self which is of fundamental importance and increase permeability of the local blood vessel [10].
since the skin comes into daily contact with exogenous E-selectin is induced on capillary endothelium as early as
substances. Close interlinking between innate and adap- 1–2 h after injection and by 12 h adhesion molecules
tive pathways of immunity plays an important role in the ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 are also expressed [7]. These
initiation and amplification of immune responses in this molecules interact with LFA-1 and VLA-4 on monocytes
tissue. However, there is a decrease in cutaneous immune and lymphocytes allowing the accumulation of these cells
function in older humans that leads to increased bacterial in the dermis [7,11]. In parallel with the endothelial
(such as Streptococus and Staphylococus induced celluli- activation and conditioning at the site of antigen
tis) and fungal infections (often candidaiasis) [1] and exposure, antigen presenting cells from the skin transport Current Opinion in Immunology 2011, 23:525–531

526 Immune Senescence

Table 1

Cells of the adaptive and innate immune system in the skin

Resident Recruited Recirculating

Innate Keratinocytes Monocytes Natural Killer Cells
Endothelial cells Granulocytes Dendritic cells
-Vascular -Basophilic
-Lymphatic -Eosinophilic
Dendritic cells -Neutrophilic
Mast cells Mast cells ?Promonocytes
Tissue macrophages Epitheloid cells
Adaptive T lymphocytes T lymphocytes T lymphocytes
B lymphocytes

? indicates that there is a possibility, in this case, rather than strong evidence.

antigen to the lymph node where they present it to and receptors (TLR) are one of the most important transdu-
activate memory T cells that subsequently migrate via cers of ‘danger signals’ [20], resulting from the presence of
blood into the site of inflammation in the skin [10]. The antigen and trauma to the skin. TLRs are expressed by
infiltration of T cells during a DTH response is biphasic, various cells of the innate immune systems including
comprising an early non-specific infiltration of these cells monocytes, macrophages (MF), dendritic cells (DC)
that appear around dermal blood vessels approximately and Langerhans cells (LC) as well as keratinocytes.
12 h after challenge [7] and a later peak of antigen- Evidence in humans and mice suggest that TLR expres-
specific T cell accumulation [4,5] that may be partly sion or TLR induced production of inflammatory
due to the proliferation of these cells in the skin mediators by cells of the innate immune system is
[12,13]. Maximal numbers of macrophages are present reduced during ageing (reviewed in [22]). Furthermore
at 24 h but by 48 h the majority of infiltrating cells are T a recent study demonstrated the decreased production of
cells [5,7,14]. pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-a, IL-6 and IL-
12 from circulating DCs in old individuals stimulated
Recently elegant studies of cutaneous infection with with various TLR ligands [23]. It is possible therefore that
HSV-1 have suggested that HSV-specific cells that have one reason for defective cutaneous immunity during
migrated to the site of Ag exposure, remain resident in the ageing may be related to defective conditioning of the
skin following Ag-clearance [15,16]. These long-lived skin environment by innate cells resulting from defective
skin resident cells provide a rapid response to subsequent TLR signalling.
re-exposure to the same pathogen, presented by tissue
resident DC and could contribute to the initial steps of Skin APC and ageing
activation and to the initiation of the inflammatory cas- The main components of the innate immune system in
cade [15,16]. the skin are Langerhans cells, dermal dendritic cells and
skin resident macrophages. These antigen presenting
Older humans and mice have been shown to have defec- cells produce inflammatory mediators in response to
tive DTH responses [17–19]. At first glance this appears TLR signalling, present antigen and provide co-stimu-
to suggest that this may reflect the development of lation to T cells both in the skin and in the draining lymph
defective immune memory to antigen during ageing. node. A number of recent reviews have covered in detail
However as will be discussed later, the decreased mani- changes in the innate immune cells that occur with ageing
festation of antigen-specific cutaneous immunity is actu- [24,25], this section highlights some of the recent studies
ally due to altered coordination between innate and that are particularly relevant to the antigen presenting
acquired arms of the cutaneous immune system in older cells in the skin.
subjects [11]. In order to fully appreciate the implica-
tions of this, it is first necessary to consider the data In general, the number and phenotype of cutaneous DCs
available on defects of individual leukocyte populations are comparable in young and old subjects during ageing
that accumulate during ageing. however migration, phagocytosis and capacity to stimu-
late T cells may be decreased [24–26]. A study using a
Toll-like receptors and ageing mouse melanoma model by Grolleau-Julius et al. found
The endothelial activation and conditioning of the skin that aged DC have impaired capacity to migrate from the
environment at the site of antigenic challenge, which periphery into the LN despite expressing equivalent
enables the recruitment of leukocytes from the blood, is levels of CCR7 as young cells [27]. However even when
considered to be due to the secretion of proinflammatory the defective migration was corrected these aged DC
cytokines by cells of the innate immune system that are in were less efficient at inducing anti-tumour immunity
turn activated by ‘danger signals’ [10,20,21]. Toll like suggesting an additional functional defect that correlated

Current Opinion in Immunology 2011, 23:525–531

Skin and old age Vukmanovic-Stejic et al. 527

with a selective reduced DC-SIGN expression [27]. Sim- Cutaneous T cells during ageing
ilarly human DC from elderly individuals showed Normal, healthy human skin contains large numbers of
impaired migration towards MIP-1b despite equivalent antigen experienced CD4+ and CD8+ T cells [42,43].
CCR7 expression [28]. According to some calculations there are approximately
20 billion skin-resident T cells in healthy human skin,
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (PDC) are a unique dendritic nearly twice the number present in circulation [43].
cell subset, which is present in the normal skin in very small Schierli et al. suggested that the majority of human T
numbers. However, they play an important role in viral cells in healthy skin express CCR8 and act as immune
infection (for example VZV) and inflammatory skin dis- surveillance cells, which recognise peptide–MHC com-
orders (such as psoriasis, lupus erythematosus and lichen plexes on epidermal APC and trigger an immune defense
planus) [29]. PDCs have also been described in skin program involving monocytes, granulocytes, inflamma-
tumours (melanoma, BCC, SCC, CTCL) [29]. Skin injury tory T cells and antibodies [42]. In this scheme activated
(by tape striping or by chemical treatment) also results in immune surveillance T cells play a dual role. Through
rapid recruitment of PDCs [30] and in rapid and transient the secretion of TNF-a and IFN-g after antigen chal-
secretion of type I interferon that promotes wound healing lenge, they initiate inflammatory cascades that lead to the
[31]. In contrast to classical DCs, there is clear evidence recruitment of other leucocytes. Secondly, these cells
that PDC cytokine secretion is reduced with age [23,32]. may migrate to the draining LN where they may pro-
Jing et al. also observed that circulating PDC number and liferate themselves or accelerate the activation of other
IFN-a production decreased in older subjects [33]. The antigen-specific T and B cell responses. It is possible
evidence that older people often have problems with VZV that one of the reasons for impaired cutaneous immunity
reactivation, causing shingles, supports the possibility of in the elderly may be due to changes in the skin resident
the impaired function of PDC in the skin, either through T cells.
decreased migration, activation or cytokine secretion.
Repeated antigenic stimulation throughout life may com-
A number of macrophage functions decline with ageing, promise antigen-specific T cells in two ways [44]. First,
including diminished TLR expression (or reduced cyto- they may become functionally exhausted and lose essen-
kine secretion in response to TLR stimulation), reduced tial functional activity that is necessary for immune
phagocytic capacity and a decline in secretion of chemo- protection [45,46]. Functional exhaustion is a way of
kines and cytokines (reviewed in [24]). In the DTH limiting the magnitude of effector T cell responses and
model, there is decreased ability of macrophages in the is often associated with the increased expression of sur-
antigen-challenged skin of older humans to secrete face inhibitory receptors. Although this may safeguard
inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-a following antigen against autoimmune responses, it may also compromise
challenge [11]. effective immunity against infectious agents and tumours
[47]. Second, repeated T cell stimulation can lead to a loss
Langerhans cells are myeloid-derived dendritic cells that of replicative capacity of some antigen-specific T cell
reside in the epidermis, in close contact with keratino- populations as a result of telomere erosion and/or unre-
cytes. Until recently LC were considered to be the main paired DNA damage (a process known as replicative
antigen presenting cell in the skin, responsible for pro- senescence) [48,49]. Interestingly, accelerated telomere
moting immune response to invading pathogens [10]. erosion has been observed during immune response in
The classical view is that LC capture and process the skin, because of inhibition of the enzyme telomerase,
cutaneous antigens then migrate into the LN where they by type I interferon [12]. It is not clear at present if skin
present the antigen to T cells [10]. More recently it was resident T cells, or those that are recruited during anti-
reported that Langerhans cells play a crucial role in the genic challenge, may be compromised by either exhaus-
induction of IL-22 secreting T cells (Th22) [34,35] that tion or senescence in older humans and this requires
play an important role in cutaneous immune responses. further investigation.
Other studies have suggested that LC play an important
role in downregulating immune responses [36]. For Regulatory T cells accumulate in the skin
example, Langerhans cells are required for UV-radiation during ageing
induced suppression, and this immunological unrespon- Regulatory T cells play a crucial role in regulating the
siveness is mediated through the induction of Tregs [37– magnitude of an immune response. We and others have
39]. The ability of LC to migrate to draining lymph nodes shown that 5–10% of T cells resident in normal human
has been shown to decline with age [40,41]. Collectively skin express Foxp3 and have other characteristics of
these results suggest that a wide range of defects may Tregs [11,13,50]. These regulatory cells also proliferate
occur in innate populations of leucocytes in the skin in the skin during the course of a DTH response [13]. A
during ageing but it is not clear how this may lead to recent study has shown that Tregs (as well as responder T
the susceptibility of older humans or mice to skin infec- cells) circulate between the skin and LNs and vice versa,
tions or malignancy. in the steady state and during an immune response [9]. Current Opinion in Immunology 2011, 23:525–531

528 Immune Senescence

These Tregs can directly inhibit both T cells and antigen immuno histology. Since the DTH response is widely
presenting cells (APC) such as dendritic cells and macro- considered to reflect a secondary (memory) T cell
phages [51,52]. Using a mouse model of melanoma, response to antigen, these results were thought to
Richards et al. demonstrated that Tregs can suppress very indicate a general age-related decline in T cell-mediated
early stages of the inflammatory response after Ag chal- immunity [19,62]. In contrast, a recent study in humans
lenge [53]. Following depletion of Tregs, there was a has shown that DTH responses to bacterial, fungal and
significant increase in neutrophil infiltration, secondary to viral antigens are reduced with age, despite similar
increased concentrations of neutrophil chemoattractants responsiveness of circulating T cell to the same antigen
(CXCL1, CXCL2) [53]. in vitro [11]. This suggests that the decreased cutaneous
reactivity is a defect in local and not systemic immunity
Older mice and humans individuals have increased pro- and highlights the possibility of defective migration of
portion of Tregs in normal skin [11,54]. These Tregs may specific T cells into the skin after antigenic challenge. An
interfere with the effective initial proliferation/function of age associated defect in cutaneous antigen-specific T cell
resident antigen-specific T cells, or they could inhibit the migration is supported by studies in the mouse model of
activation of the innate immune response that may lead to accelerated ageing (SAMP1 mice) where Toichi et al. also
the decreased immunity in these individuals. The negative observed defective T cell migration [18].
effect of Treg accumulation on the induction of effective
immune responses in the skin is well documented in a The decreased ability of T cells to migrate into the skin
number of cancers. Increased numbers of Tregs have been after a DTH response in old humans was not found to be
observed in primary melanoma, melanoma metastasis and due to defective chemokine receptor or integrin expres-
basal cell carcinoma [55,56,57]. Furthermore, in human sion by circulating T cells [11]. Furthermore the T cells
squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, 50 percent of T cells from older humans also had unimpaired physical capa-
that are present are Foxp3+ [57]. Topical treatment with bility to migrate across monolayers of endothelial cells in
a TLR7 agonist imiquimod that has been shown to be an vitro [11]. Instead the reason for the reduced DTH
effective therapy in these patients, reduces the percentage clinical and cellular response appears to be lack of acti-
of Treg and their suppressive function [57]. In addition, vation of the endothelium. Activation of the endothelium
Klages et al. have shown that in the mouse model of results in the upregulation of E-selectin, VCAM and
melanoma, selective depletion of Foxp3+ cells synergises ICAM, adhesion molecules crucial for T cells transmigra-
with vaccination strategies to elicit anti-tumour responses tion into skin. TNF-a and IFN-g, are the main inducers
[58]. In a similar model Simon et al. demonstrated that of the endothelial activation [63] and in the DTH
Tregs suppressed innate immune response and that their response of young humans, these cytokines were mainly
removal improved tumour rejection [59]). secreted by macrophages [11]. The secretion of these
cytokines was significantly reduced at the site of antigen
The reasons for and the mechanism by which Tregs injection in the skin although macrophage numbers were
accumulate in the skin and other tissues of older humans normal in older humans after antigen challenge [11].
and mice is not clear [11,54,60]. It is known that Tregs The macrophages however were perfectly capable of
can be induced in the skin by UV irradiation, and that the secreting these cytokines when isolated from the skin
UV-induced Tregs then affect the function of dendritic and stimulated with TLR ligands in vitro, suggesting that
cells, through the secretion of IL-10, resulting in the they were being inhibited in vivo. The importance of
induction of more Tregs by these ‘tolerogenic’ DC TNF-a in effective cutaneous immunity is supported by
[52]. Alternatively, circulating Tregs may preferentially anecdotal evidence that rheumatoid arthritis patients on
home to the skin as a large proportion of them express anti-TNF-a therapy show increased susceptibility to skin
CLA. Collectively these data suggest that the accumu- infections and cancers [64].
lation of Tregs in the skin during ageing may contribute
to the defective cutaneous immunity in these individuals One explanation for the decreased secretion of pro-
by inhibiting either the T cells themselves or cells of the inflammatory cytokines after cutaneous antigenic chal-
innate immune system. lenge in old humans may be that the increased proportion
of Tregs that are found in the skin of these individuals
Reduction in human antigen-specific both before and after antigenic challenge may inhibit
cutaneous immune response during ageing – macrophage activation and cytokine secretion. Tregs
evidence for reduced immune surveillance have been shown to inhibit TNF-a secretion and steer
Previous studies indicated that old subjects have reduced macrophages towards and anti-inflammatory functional
ability to mount cutaneous DTH reactions after chal- profile [51].
lenge with recall antigens and that this occurs in both
humans and rodents [17–19,61]. This included decreased Conclusion
erythema and induration at the site of antigenic challenge In older humans, there is increased incidence of certain
as well as decreased infiltration of T cells as assessed by cutaneous malignancies and infections that point to

Current Opinion in Immunology 2011, 23:525–531

Skin and old age Vukmanovic-Stejic et al. 529

defective immunity in the skin. Immune ageing is a 11. Agius E, Lacy KE, Vukmanovic-Stejic M, Jagger AL,
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ditioning of the skin environment at the site of the associated reductions in TNF-a production in cutaneous macrophages
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simplex virus reactivation to examine the stimulation of tissue-resident
AA) and National Institutes of Health (grant awards AG20719 and
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AG03319, National Institute on Ageing to JN-Ž). CD8+ T cell responses can be initiated within peripheral tissues through a
tripartite interaction that includes CD4+ T cells and recruited dendritic
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