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Sources of food

1.We make our own food in the kitchen, and hence we are producers. True or
false? Give reasons.
• This is because the food that we cook in the kitchens is originally prepared
by the plants. A producer is an organism that can produce its food from
non-living materials such as carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water.
Thus, we are not producers.
2. Why does a mosquito not have teeth?
• There is no need for mosquitoes to have any teeth because they do
not digest food in the same way people would. Mosquitoes feed on liquids
(nectar), not solid food.
3. Both carnivores and parasites depend on other animals for food. In what way
is a carnivore different from a parasite?
• Carnivores eat a dead animal whereas parasites eating
living animals. Parasites eat the food or suck the nutrients from the body of
their host which can be either plants or animals. But carnivores can only
eat meat in any form.

4. How are the teeth of carnivores different from those of herbivores?

• In general, meat-eating carnivores have teeth for tearing and skulls
capable of biting with great force, while the plant-
eating herbivores have teeth and skulls equipped to grind tough
vegetation. Omnivores, which eat both plants and animals, have skulls and
dentition suitable for a wide range of foods.
5. In what way is a scavenger useful to the environment?
• Scavengers are the organisms which feed on the dead and decaying these help the environment to be clean by eating out all the
waste these organisms help the environment by cleaning the
dead and decaying things. ... So scavengers helps to clean the environment.

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