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Saboundji sofia


Group 5

The translation of the exam text

Development in the academic domain is not

limited to a specific discipline or language, therefore
researchers a cross the world enthusiastically look
at every new academic work . The hardworking
academic researcher make an effort to acess
everything that is new and updated in his field of
specialisation , also to be able to use it as a
reference for his academic study.
However, the researcher may find it difficult to get
these academic outputs ,or he may face an obstacle
in understanding and comprehending the academic
work , since it was done in a different language from
that of the researcher. Which demands the need to
provide the academic translation of these works , as
they may constitute a turning point in the path of
the researcher in establishing his academic studies .
Seeing that ,the abundant of academic value that its
texts carry , they need great care when translating
them academically into another language. This
requires the availability of many qualities in
translator of the academic texts . Including moving
away from bias when doing academic translation of
academic texts , that insures the translator to
preserve the scientific value as its for them .
Additionally his enjoyment of academic ethics;which
involves having knowledge of the manner and form
in which academic papers are prepared.

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