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Review aricle IMELLEMICVETMED C26 614) 6310 TENE Nata) LW a]] B® Surgical management of screw tail and tail fold pyoderma in dogs Vasiadou C, Papazoglou LG Clinic of Companion Animals, Department of Clinical Studies, School of Vetcrinary Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki HI Voutyra street, 54627 Thessaloniki BD Xnpovpyuei avriperdmen rs Pideryis ovpas Kar TMs Mvdbov¢ Sepparinidas tov Seppanixiy ntv7zov Basvééou X, Handzoy.ov AT Kisww ton Zisen Eempogti, Towins Kiva. Tawa Koyratpucs. Aperorticvo Havceamgse Scooniovinns, Bovrepé HI. 54827 Ocaaionian ABSTRACT. Screw tail ic an abnormal deviation of the terminal coceygeal vertchrae resulting in tail fold pyoderma. ‘This condition is commonly met in brachycephalic breeds, especially English bulldogs. Tail fold pyoderma, the end result ‘of skin maceration and bacterial colonization, may ercate pain and discomfort in these dogs. Local antibacterial com- bined with systemic antibiotic therapy are aiming at decreasing the number of surface bacteria ofthe skin and alleviate

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