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VETERINARY MEDICINE (Oven Journal Openventio Case Report Cosmetic Tail Docking - An Option for Severely Injured Tai in Dog: A Case Report Maben Fesseha, MVS<.OVET Depertment oeterary Surgery ond Dagrstc lnopng Scheele Vtenmary Medcne, Wola Sede Unrerty PO. Bar 138 Welots Sade Eamaper “Camrespanding author Habeen Fesseha, HYS¢, DVM ‘Arran Potesra Dsparment ef Wcernary Surgery and Dagrosic hag School oktarmary Madsine Weis Sado Unnariy. PO Box I28 Wain Soda Enrepa Fa #751910737790: Eat seen heb Article information (Received: May 22% 2020 Revived fy 27,2020, Accepted: iy 26° 2020: Pubished dy 26°,2020 Che this ertiche Fesaha H Comet el dock ~ a epion for tverl injured dln dog A ena rapart et Mad Open} 2000: 8(2) 26.29 da 10 I714OVMOYS 145 Japstaact 1 ‘Tal docking is usuily performed on those dogs whore tail o associated structures have been injured. A rwo-year-okl male dos, ‘was presented Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH) with complain of injury on the tilde to bite by another doy, The injured ste Of the uil was contaminated with the debris on presentation and the dog wat in severe pain. Amputation of the til atthe level bene the injury site of the tal was ullen. Care for surgery, onytetraychne wound speay was applied wn the mession site of the tall Pen Strep and Mclosicam were given foe three-day. The suture mater was remewed 10%ay post-surgery and the tall samp healed uneventfully: Hence, tal amputation isthe best option of treatment for severing traumatic til and successful management of theinjued tall was presented inthe present eae repiet Keywords Dag Injured tail; Cosmetic tll docking. INTRODUCTIONT onvenience surgery isthe definiton of a set of surpical in rcrventions in pets that are not justified from a veterinary redial perpeetne! These fverventionsineladetaldocking ex ‘erppine, declawing, and debarking. Animal tails are hoon eo be important for socal malig in seme anal species’ Docking is a sungeal remaval animal tal ether for therapeubc reason o pre senoun uf efferent injures Tad dishing ean be done in eiber of the ewotechanguen The firs technique involves Blocking the Boon! supp wrwand the tail wich a rubber lature foe a few das une theta falls off Whereas, the second one imvolves the amputation of the tad with surgeal scissors oF a salpel. The length to which 12h are docked vanes by breed and is often specified i the brced standin! Tall docking is practiced for centuries and although it ‘could be painful, #14 often done without any ancsthetic* With tail docking, all o part of an animal's tal is amputated * The tail docking has a long history since the bepinning of domestcating animale Ie understoud wo date atleast wo the Roman Empire Tal docing it done for eversl eatons. For inceance, in most long t Case Report Youume S| sue 2] dog breeds its dene for preventing injunes during exercising and ‘ighang whereas in hunting does sis done to minumize the rk Cf gevning cut up by brushes and thorns as the dog waps its til “Thus. this is contested by a wide range of groups and is sometimes comsatered a form of animal cruelty, and this practice i restricted bby many European countries * Historical tail docking in many dog breeds isan estab lished custom believed to have been introduced some 2-years aga In Linger breed dog, docking has ben practiced to prevent

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