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Renungan, Selasa 6 Juni 2023

Dear, conferes good morning. Some of the religious leaders (Pharisees) and civil leaders
(Herodians) ask Jesus about paying taxes to Caesar. These Pharisees and Herodians were sent to trap
Jesus in His speech.Those men were very politically minded and loved to pick sides and find fault with
others. So, they came to Jesus with what appeared to be an innocent question. They appear to presume
that Jesus would voice opposition to paying the census tax to Caesar, and, if He did, they were ready to
report Him to the civil authorities. They didn’t care about the truth; they only cared about trapping our
divine Lord. Jesus responds with brilliant answere, “Repay to Caesar what is Caesar’s and give to GOD
what belongs to GOD.” Jesus thus demonstrates by the fact that He has no Roman coin that He owes
nothing to Caesar, but He is willing to give to His Abba-Father everything He has because everything
belongs to GOD. This is also became a lesson for us that Good answers come from good questions. But
tricky questions will yield surprising answers.

We must respond to whatever challenging situations we find ourselves and render to GOD that
which belongs to GOD – that is everything that is truly GOoD, for GOD is GOoD all the time. The personal
quetion for us today: Am I able to give to GOD what belongs to GOD, or do I “buy into” the ways of the
world and seek only the worldly things? How can I be more open to the Good which GOD is constantly
providing to us? See, the gospel today clearlly teach us that we are called to be part of society while at
the same time expressing God's will for the common good, especially in the chalenging situation. So,
may God blees us to be a fruitfull man for others. Amen.

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