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Activity #4

Answer these questions

1. What is your name?

Karla Giselle Mojica Cortés
2. What is your first name?
3. What is your middle name?
4. What is your last name?
5. What is your address?
6. What is your house number?

7. Where do you live?

I live in La Chorrera, Altos de San Francisco
8. What is your phone number?
+507 6791-0865
9. What is your social security number?
I don`t have social security number
10. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
I have 2 brothers and 1 sister.
B- Create a short dialogue by using these questions

- Karla: Good afternoon, i would like to know how i can apply for a career in
preschool education.
- Señora x: Yes,whats ir your name?

C- Vocabulary about everyday activities

1. Get up: levantarse

2. Take a shower: tomar un baño

3. Brush my teeth: cepillarme los dientes

4. Floss my teeth: pasar hilo dental por mis dientes

5. Shave: afeitar
6. Get dressed: vestirse

7. Wash my fase: lavarme la cara

8. Put on makeup: maquillarse

9. Brush my hair: cepillarme el pelo

10. Comb my hair: peinarme

11. Make the bed: hacer la cama

12. Get undressed: divertirse

13. Take a bath: toma un baño

14. Go to bed: ve a la cama

15. Sleep: dormir

16. Make breakfast: hacer el desayuno

17. Make lunch: hacer el almuerzo

18. Cook/make dinner: hacer la cena

19. Eat/have breakfast: desayunar

20. Eat/have lunch: almorzar

21. Eat/have dinner: cenar

F- Create a short dialogue about everyday activities

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