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Lesson 1: Listening and Reading

Lesson Preparation
Activity 1: Look at the pictures and read the words. Which of these activities do you do every day? Write
five more activities you do every day.

Activity 2: In pairs, compare your answers and talk about what time you do each activity.

Page 1

1. Read some information about a website offering students exchange programmes. Decide if the
sentences are true T or false F.

1 All students spend at least a year abroad. T F

2 Host families give students pocket money during their stay. T F

3 Students should do housework and be involved with family activities. T F

2. You are going to listen to two friends, Carlos and Jack, talking about a student exchange trip. Listen
and decide which countries Carlos and Jack come from.

3. Listen again. What activity does each member of Jack’s family like doing?

For question 1-5, write a letter A-H next to each person.

Person Activity

0 Jack __H__ A cooking

1 Jack's brother B going to the gym

2 Jack's sister C taking care of the garden

3 Jack's mum D doing art

4 Jack's dad E repairing things

Page 2
5 Jack's grandmother F reading books

G shopping

H playing team sports

4. In pairs/small groups, talk about the student exchange trip in Exercise 3, ask and answer the questions.

1 Would you like to go to another country to study?

2 If no, why not? If yes, which country would you go to?

3 What do you like doing at home? What do your friends and members of your family do?

Page 3


Passage 1

1. You are going to read an article about the daily life of three teenagers from different countries. Skim
the text once quickly. Underline the activities that you in your daily routine.


Three college students from around the world tell us about their daily routine.


I'm from a small town in Queensland. Most people in Australia live near the coast, but we live on a cattle farm
in the centre of the country. I get up at around Tam and have breakfast. My mum teaches at my college, so I
usually go with her in the car instead of taking the bus. College starts at 8:30am and finishes at 4pm. When I get
home, I help my dad on the farm for a few hours. In the evenings, I try to watch TV but I'm usually too tired. I
go to bed at about 10:00pm.


I live in a village on Norway's Atlantic coast. I get up at 7:30am and walk to college. Classes begin at 8:30am
and finish at 3pm. After that, I go to one of the college clubs. These are not very expensive and there are lots to
choose from. I do athletics and football but you can also do things like folk dancing and cross-country skiing.
When my parents come home from work, my dad makes dinner and we all eat together. After that, my mum
takes me out for a driving lesson. I've got my test soon and I need to practise!


I live in Rio de Janeiro. I get up at 6am and catch a bus to college at 6:30am. Lessons start at 7:20am. We have
a break at 9:50am and then study until 12:30pm. I get home at about 1:40pm. After that, I often go to the beach
with my friends to swim in the ocean or play beach volleyball, but sometimes also just stay at home to sleep or

Page 4
study. In the evenings, I cook dinner for my family, then we watch TV or listen to the radio before bed. I switch
off my light at about 10pm.

2 Read the article again and the sentences. Choose the best answer A, B or C.

0 Who finishes studying before 1pm? Answer: _B_

A. Ava B. Michael C. Nina

1. Who works with a member of the family after college?

A. Ava B. Michael C. Nina

2. Who goes out in the car in the evenings?

A. Ava B. Michael C. Nina

3. Who gets a lift in a car to college most mornings?

A. Ava B. Michael C. Nina

4. Who prepares the evening meal for the family?

A. Ava B. Michael C. Nina

5. Who pays to do extra activities in the afternoons?

A. Ava B. Michael C. Nina

6. Who finds it difficult to watch TV in the evenings?

A. Ava B. Michael C. Nina

7. Who lives a long way from the sea?

A. Ava B. Michael C. Nina


Passage 2

Read the text and match the phrases that have similar meanings.

Page 5
I often help a lot around the house and I usually help my mum do the laundry. My brother is lazy and he never
washes his clothes. He always leaves them in a pile on his bedroom floor. In the evening after school, I always
tidy up my room. I put things away and get my schoolbag ready for the next day. My dad sometimes washes up
after dinner. We don't have a dishwasher at the moment because our old one broke down, so he has to clean the
dishes by himself. My sister likes cooking, so she often helps mum make lunch and dinner. She prepared a
delicious meal of roast chicken at the weekend. Sometimes my brother puts the rubbish out, but he usually just
leaves it by the back door instead of taking it out to the bins. We all usually try and help and do the cleaning.
When the housework is done, we always relax and watch TV.

1. do the laundry A take out the bins

2. tidy up B prepare a meal

3. wash up C wash the clothes

4. make lunch/dinner D put things away

5. put the rubbish out E do the housework

6. do the cleaning F clean the dishes

Passage 3

Page 6
While pet owners have long believed that their
animal companions display feelings such as
empathy, jealousy, and guilt, scientists have
historically said that this was impossible. They
held that only humans felt emotions and that our
recognition of them in other species was due to
anthropomorphism, or the attribution of human
traits to animals. However, recent research has
shown that this may not actually be true. By utilising testing methods usually used on non verbal infants,
researchers Christine Harris and Caroline Provost of the University of California, San Diego found that dogs
displayed jealous behaviours when their owners showed affection to other dogs. The discovery of demonstrable
jealousy in another social species indicates that emotions are not likely a strictly human trait. Historical
anthropologists like Laurel Braitman and Elizabeth Marshall Thomas take this further. They suggest that
emotions have evolutionary value and that when we see a human emotion in animals, we may be recognising a
common feature acquired long ago in our shared past.

Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-E, below.

1. Scientists traditionally felt that animals A communicate thoughts to other animals.

2. Dogs showing envy proves that emotions B lack the emotions.

C are present in more than one species.

D separate feelings from emotions.

E share an emotional bond with humans.

Page 7



Homework 1: Listen to the following and write them down

1 6. 11.

2. 7. 12.

3. 8. 13.

4. 9. 14.

5. 10. 15.

Homework 2: Listen to these common abbreviations below. Do you know what each one stands for?

1………….. 2………….. 3………….. 4…………….. 5……………..

6………….. 7………….. 8………….. 9…………….. 10……………

Homework 3: Look at the map of Britain. Please listen and fill in each blank with a proper name.

Page 8
1…………………………………comes from Edinburg.

2…………………………………comes from Newcastle.

3…………………………………comes from Liverpool.

4…………………………………comes from Glasgow.

5…………………………………comes from Cardiff.

6…………………………………teaches in London.

7…………………………………comes from Manchester University.

8…………………………………is from Belfast.

Page 9
9…………………………………is from Nottingham University.

10……………………………… from Cambridge University.

Homework 4: Listen carefully to the tape and write down the following names and places









Homework 5: Linda is listening to a message on her voicemail. Who is speaking? Listen and circle the
correct name

1. 2. 3.

a. Mike Smith a. Jane Denton a. Helena Williams

b. Matt Smith b. Jane Dennison b. Elena Williams

c. Mark Smith c. Jane Dennis c. Helen Williams

4. 5.

a. Kate Andrews a. John Jones

b. Kate Gundersen b. Tim Jones

Page 10
c. Kate Anderson c. Tome Jones

Homework 6: Listen. What name does each person use? Circle the correct answer

1. 2. 3. 4.

a. Damien a. Jackson a. Rob a. Michelle

b. David b. Johnson b. Bob b. Marcia

5. 6. 7. 9.

a. Smith a. James a. Abrams a. Steinway

b. Schmidt b. John b. Abraham b. Steinberg

Page 11

Homework 1: Match the activities with the pictures. Use the words in the box.

do homework do the housework go for a walk go shopping

go to the gym make dinner meet friends play computer games




Page 12





Page 13
Homework 2: Read the text. Then complete the exercise.

How to have a great day every day

Many people want to know how to work harder and feel better. How can you have a great day at school or at
the office? A good daily routine can help you to have a great day every day.

A Get up early
Many people want to stay in bed in the morning, but it is best to get up before 7:00 a.m. If you start working
or studying early, you will have more ideas and you will be able to work faster. Many well-known writers
and musicians from the past believed that it was important to get up early – and to go to bed early too. You
should also try to get up at the same time every day, because this is good for your body and brain.

B Eat breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. People often say that they don’t have time to eat breakfast,
but they will find it more difficult to start work, and they will soon feel very hungry. A healthy meal of toast,
eggs, and fruit juice will help you to work well all morning – and stop you from eating unhealthy food like
crisps and chocolate later in the morning!

C Go for a walk
If you usually spend a lot of time in your office or in the classroom, it is very important to go outside and get
some fresh air. If you spend just 30 minutes a day walking outside, you will feel less tired and you will be
able to do more when you get back to work or school. A walk in the park every day will make you feel much
healthier and will help you to do your best work.

Choose the correct paragraph to match the information. Read the text on the first screen again to help

1) A lot of people don’t have time to do this.

● A

Page 14
● B

● C

2) This will stop you from feeling tired.

● A

● B

● C

3) This will stop you from eating food that is bad for you.

● A

● B

● C

4) In the past, famous people thought that this was a good idea.

● A

● B

● C

5) You should do this at the same time every day.

● A

● B

● C

6) Many people don’t want to do this.

● A

● B

● C

Page 15
Homework 3: Choose the correct verbs to complete the email.

Dear Jane,

Thank you for your email. It was very interesting to hear about your daily life in Cambridge, England. I am
writing to tell you about my typical day in Rome. On school days I usually

do/get/have up at 7:00 a.m. I have a shower and do/get/make dressed. In Italy, we don’t have to wear a school
uniform, so I normally wear jeans and a tee-shirt. Then I do/have/take breakfast with my parents and sister. I
usually eat bread with jam and drink orange juice. My school starts at 8:30 a.m., so I leave my house at 8:00
a.m. I don’t live far from the school, so I walk there with my friends. My sister’s school is far away, so she
takes a bus. I have lessons in the morning until 1:00 p.m. and then I go home and do/go/have lunch with my
mum. In Italy we often eat a lot for lunch, including pasta, meat and salad, but we have a much smaller dinner.
In the afternoon I do my homework and help my mum to do/have/make the housework. I do the washing up
and do/have/take out the bins. I have football practice on Tuesday afternoons and a piano lesson on Thursday
afternoons. I have dinner at about 7:00 p.m. Every day after dinner, I go/have/take for a walk with my family
around the town. We often stop and have an ice cream in my favourite ice cream shop. I usually go/have/make
to bed at about 10:00 p.m., because I have school the next day.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,


Homework 4: Read the email. Then complete the exercise

Dear Jane,

Thank you for your email. It was very interesting to hear about your daily life in Cambridge, England. I am
writing to tell you about my typical day in Rome. On school days I usually get up at 7:00 a.m. I have a
shower and get dressed. In Italy, we don’t have to wear a school uniform, so I normally wear jeans and a tee-
shirt. Then I have breakfast with my parents and sister. I usually eat bread with jam and drink orange juice.

Page 16
My school starts at 8:30 a.m., so I leave my house at 8:00 a.m. I don’t live far from the school, so I walk there
with my friends. My sister’s school is far away, so she takes a bus. I have lessons in the morning until 1:00
p.m. and then I go home and have lunch with my mum. In Italy we often eat a lot for lunch, including pasta,
meat and salad, but we have a much smaller dinner. In the afternoon I do my homework and help my mum to
do the housework. I do the washing up and take out the bins. I have football practice on Tuesday afternoons
and a piano lesson on Thursday afternoons. I have dinner at about 7:00 p.m. Every day after dinner, I go for a
walk with my family around the town. We often stop and have an ice cream in my favourite ice cream shop. I
usually go to bed at about 10:00 p.m., because I have school the next day.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,


Choose the correct answers. Read the email on the first screen again to help you.

1. Jane lives in Cambridge/Rome .

2. On school days, Alessia usually wears a school uniform/ jeans and a tee-shirt .
3. Alessia lives close to/far from her school.
4. Alessia normally eats a big/small launch .
5. Alessia plays football/the piano on Thursdays.
6. Alessia always/sometimes goes for a walk after dinner.

Homework 5:

I usually get up at around 6:00 a.m. Before I became a professional swimmer, I got up late most days, but I
don’t ever stay in bed now, even on Sundays! I always go to the gym in the mornings. I spend about 30
minutes on the running machine, and then another 30 minutes doing other exercises. It is very important for
me to stay fit and healthy. I only spend two hours at the gym when I have a big swimming competition. I get
home from the gym at about 8:00 a.m., have a shower and get dressed. I always have a big breakfast of cereal
with banana, toast, eggs, coffee and orange juice. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for me

Page 17
because I do a lot of swimming every day. After breakfast, I go for a long walk in the park near my house.
The exercise helps me to relax and feel prepared for the rest of the day.

Then it’s time for me to start work. From 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. I normally go to the swimming pool and
train for two hours with my personal trainer. I swim about five kilometres, and practise diving. After my
training, I usually have a meeting with my trainer to talk about how well I’m doing and what I still need to
work on. I sometimes have lunch at the pool café with my trainer, but if I have a television interview, I’ll
walk over to the TV studio. All my friends think that it’s exciting to be on television, but it takes a long time
to film, so it can be a bit boring. It’s not difficult to do TV interviews, but it takes a long time to get ready. At
home, it takes me about 20 minutes to have a shower, get dressed and do my hair, or maybe half an hour if
I’m going somewhere special, but at the TV studio it takes an hour! If I have a big competition coming up,
then I do more training in the afternoon, or have more meetings with my trainer.

In the evenings, I usually relax at home with my wife, Emma. I quite enjoy cooking, so we often eat at home
together. Emma hated my cooking at first, but now she thinks it’s OK. Her father is a chef at a top restaurant,
so she loves good food. We sometimes go to a restaurant for dinner. We both love Korean food, and there’s a
great place near my house. I never eat fast food like burgers and kebabs, or my trainer will get angry with me.
Then Emma and I usually watch a film on television. We both love comedy films, and Emma also likes
romantic films, but I’m not a big fan – I prefer action films. I usually go to bed at 10.00 p.m. because I need
to be back in the gym by 7.00 a.m. the next day!

Choose the correct answers. Read the text on the first screen again to help you.

1. When does Michael get up late now?

● Most days.

● On Sundays

● Never.

0. Michael usually exercises at the gym for

Page 18
● 30 minutes.

● 1 hour.

● 2 hour.

0. After breakfast, Michael

● gets prepared for the day

● goes for a walk.

● relaxes in his house.

0. Michael says that TV interviews are sometimes

● exciting.

● Boring

● difficult

0. When Michael gets ready at the TV studio, it takes him

● 20 minutes.

● 30 minutes.

● 1 hour.

0. What does Michael’s wife, Emma, think about his cooking now?

Page 19
● She loves it.

● She hates it.

● She doesn’t mind it.

0. Michael often eats

● dinner at home.

● dinner in a restaurant.

● burgers and kebabs.

1. Both Michael and Emma like watching

● comedy films.

● romantic films.

● action films.

Homework 6: Complete the sentences. Write the verbs in brackets in the correct form of the present
simple tense. The first question has been done for you.

1. I usually __________ (get up) at around 6:00 a.m.

2. I always __________ (drink) orange juice for breakfast.

3. Breakfast __________ (be) the most important meal of the day for me.

4. My sister’s school is far away, so she ______________ (take) a bus.

5. I usually __________ (wear) jeans and a tee-shirt.

Page 20
6. I never ____________ (eat) fast food like burgers and kebabs.

7. We both love tennis and Jane also ___________ (like) football

8. We sometimes __________ (go) to a restaurant for dinner.

Homework 7: Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

always never often sometimes usually

1. I walk to school with my friends most days.

I ___________ walk to school with my friends

2. I have a cup of coffee every day at 11:00 a.m.

I __________ have a cup of coffee at 11:00 a.m.

3. Some weekends, I go to a museum or art gallery.

I _________ go to a museum or art gallery at the weekend.

4. I don’t watch TV at all.

I __________ watch TV.

5. I go to the gym a lot.

I __________ go to the gym.

Homework 8: Read the email. Then complete the exercise.

A Dear Jane,

Thank you for your email. It was very interesting to hear about your life in Cambridge. I am writing to tell

Page 21
you about my typical day in Rome.

B On school days, I usually get up at 7:00 a.m. I have a shower and get dressed. In Italy, we don’t have to
wear a school uniform like you do in England, so I normally wear jeans and a tee-shirt. Then I have breakfast
with my parents and sister. I usually eat a croissant with jam and drink orange juice.

C My school starts at 8:30 a.m., so I leave my house at 8:00 a.m. I don’t live far from the school, so I walk
there with my friends. My sister’s school is far away, so she takes a bus. I have lessons in the morning until
1:00 p.m. and then I go home and have lunch with my mum. In Italy we often eat a lot for lunch, including
pasta, meat and salad, but we have a much smaller dinner.

D In the afternoon I do my homework and help my mum to do the housework. I do the washing up and take
out the bins. I have football practice on Tuesday afternoons and a piano lesson on Thursday afternoons.

E I have dinner at about 7:00 p.m. Every day after dinner, I go for a walk with my family around our
neighbourhood. We often stop and have an ice cream in my favourite ice cream shop. I usually go to bed at
about 10:00 p.m., as I have school the next day.

F Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,


Label the sentences A–F to match the different parts of the email. Read the email on the first screen again
to help you. The first question has been done for you.

1. What the writer does in the evening ______

2. What the writer does when she gets up in the morning ______

3. A greeting and introducing the topic of the email _______

4. What the writer does in the afternoon _______

5. What the writer does for the rest of the morning ______

Page 22
6. A closing sentence and the writer’s name ______

Page 23
Lesson 3: Writing


Question: How much time do you spend with your family?

A. IELTS writing task 1
1. Instruction
Activity 1: Fill in the blank

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons

You should write at least 150 words.

● Number of words:…………………………………………………

Page 24
● Length of time:…………………………………………………….

Page 25
2. Types of chart/graph
Activity 2: Write down the name of each graph/chart below

Map line graph bar chart table

Pie chart process mixed graph

a……………………………… b…………………………………..

c………………………………….. d……………………………………..

Page 26
e……………………………… f……………………………….


Page 27
There are……types of chart/graph, including……………………………………………….


3. Structure
Activity 3: Fill in the blank

Body 1 overview introduction body 2

Paragraphs Function

The bar chart compares how much time children of multiple age groups spend with their
parents, as displayed by the amounts of time that children spend with each parent alone
and both parents together.

In general, children of all age groups spend more time with their mother than their father
alone throughout the week. On the weekends, children’s time with parents increases and
this time is predominantly spent with both parents, rather than with each parent separately

For the weekdays, children typically spend around 7 hours with their mother alone.
Infants, in particular, have almost 8 hours which strictly involve their mother, which is
more or less the same amount of time for children in the 2-3 and 6-7 age group in this
regard. The time spent exclusively with their father, on the other hand, is rather limited,
which is at most above 2 hours for the 4-5 age group and at least 1 hour for the 2-3 age

Regarding the weekends, the amount of time that children spend with both parents, which
is no more than 2 hours during the weekdays, becomes roughly 5.5 hours on average on
weekends. This is at the expense of the amount of time that is spent exclusively with
mothers and fathers, lowering to an average of 3.8 hours and sub-1 hour respectively.
Finally, children from the age of 2 to 7 spend an increased total of around 10 hours with
their parents on weekends

Page 28





4. Marking criteria
Activity 4: Put these requirements into the correct criteria

A. Organize ideas and information logically E. Use a variety of sentence structures

B. Use a range of words appropriate for the F. Use the words correctly and appropriately
topic in the specific contexts
C. Pay attention to ALL issues in the essay G. Write at least 250 words
question H. Pay attention to word order in the
D. Use a range of linking words sentences

Marking criteria Requirements

Task achievement

Lexical resource

Grammatical range and accuracy

Cohesion and coherence

Page 29
Exercise 1: Rearrange the following paragraphs to make a complete report and essay

Task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task

1. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons
2. You should write at least 150 words.

Page 30
Paragraphs Correct order

a. It is clear that spending on landline phones fell steadily over the 10-
year period, while mobile phone expenditure rose quickly. The year
2006 marks the point at which expenditure on mobile services
overtook that for residential phone services. Overview:…………………….

Body 1:……………………….
b. The line graph compares average yearly spending by Americans
Body 2:……………………….
on mobile and landline phone services from 2001 to 2010.

c. In the year 2006, the average American paid out the same amount of
money on both types of phone service, spending just over $500 on
each. By 2010, expenditure on mobile phones had reached around
$750, while the figure for spending on residential services had fallen to
just over half this amount.

d. In 2001, US consumers spent an average of nearly $700 on residential

phone services, compared to only around $200 on cell phone services.
Over the following five years, average yearly spending on landlines
dropped by nearly $200. By contrast, expenditure on mobiles rose by
approximately $300.

Exercise 2: Analyse the following paragraphs based on 2 marking criteria (lexical resource and
grammatical range and accuracy)

The pie charts below show the average household expenditures in Japan and Malaysia in the year 2010.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The pie chart show information about the average household spending in two countries in


terms of 5 categories in 2010. In general, it is obvious that Japan and Malay people

Page 31

spend the highest amount of money on just three categories, namely housing, food and


other good and services. In addition, the spendings on health care and transport in


Japan were doubled the figures for Malaysia.


Lexical resource:………………………………..

Grammatical range and accuracy:……………………………………

Exercise 3: Fill in the blanks with the correct verb form

Sample 1: Line graph

The chart (give)…………………. information about UK immigration, emigration and net migration between
1999 and 2008.

Both immigration and emigration rates (rise)……………….. over the period shown, but the figures for
immigration (be)……………… significantly higher. Net migration (peak)………………. in 2004 and 2007.

In 1999, over 450,000 people (come)…………………. to live in the UK, while the number of people who
(emigrate)…………… stood at just under 300,000. The figure for net migration (be)………………… around
160,000, and it (remain)…………….. at a similar level until 2003. From 1999 to 2004, the immigration rate
(rise)………………. by nearly 150,000 people, but there (be)…………….. a much smaller rise in emigration.
Net migration (peak)……………….. at almost 250,000 people in 2004.

Page 32
After 2004, the rate of immigration (remain)………….. high, but the number of people emigrating (fluctuate)
…………………... Emigration fell suddenly in 2007, before peaking at about 420,000 people in 2008. As a
result, the net migration figure rose to around 240,000 in 2007, but (fall)………………….. back to around
160,000 in 2008

Sample 2: Map

The maps (illustrate)…………………….. some changes that (be)…………………… made to a city hospital's
transport infrastructure between the years 2007 and 2010.

It is noticeable that three main modifications (be)……………… made to the hospital’s vehicle access. These
(involve)………………………. the building of a new bus station, new roundabouts and new parking facilities.

Looking at the changes in more detail, we can see that in 2007 there (be)……………… three bus stops on
either side of Hospital Road. These (be)………………. no longer present in 2010, and instead we see the
addition of a bus station on the west side of Hospital Road.

The two maps also show that changes were made to public and staff parking areas. In 2007, staff and visitors
(use)…………. the same car park, which (be situated) ………………… to the east of Hospital Road and
accessed via the ring road. However, by 2010 this original car park (become)…………….. a designated area for
staff parking only. A new car park, located on the east side of the ring road, (provide)…………….. parking for
members of the public.

Sample 3: Process

The first diagram (illustrate)……………….. the process of cement manufacture, and the second diagram shows
the materials that go into the production of concrete.

It is clear that there (be)………………… five stages in the production of cement, beginning with the input of
raw materials and ending with bags of the finished product. To produce concrete, four different materials (mix)

At the first stage in the production of cement, limestone and clay (crush)…………… to form a powder. This
powder (mix)………………..before it passes into a rotating heater. After heating, the resulting mixture

Page 33
(ground)……………., and cement (produce)………….. Finally, the cement (package)…….………. in large

Cement is one of the four raw materials that are used in the production of concrete, along with gravel, sand and
water. To be exact, concrete (consist)……………… of 50% gravel, 25% sand, 15% cement and 10% water. All
four materials (blend)……………. together in a rotating machine called a concrete mixer.

Page 34


Look at the chart below and complete the following exercises

Exercise 1: Rearrange words to make full sentences

Introduction: compares/The/chart/bar/the enrolment/men and women/of/in/ full-time/part-time/and/further

educational program/the/in/1970,1980, and 1990/ years/school




Page 35

Exercise 2: Translate the following sentences into English

Overview: Nhìn chung, giáo dục bán thời gian phổ biến hơn giáo dục toàn thời gian trong suốt cả khoảng thời




Exercise 3: Choose the correct answers

Body 1: Regarding full-time education, Female numbers started higher/lower in the 1970 school year at/in
under 100,000 students but had already surpassed male totals by 1980. While the number of males
increased/decreased in 20 years, the final totals for both males and females was nearly similar/different at
around 220 thousand students in the 1990-91 school year.

Exercise 4: Write the full sentences from the given words

Body 2:

1. As regards / part-time / education, / male enrolment / start at / one milion / before/ fall slightly to / 850000

2. This figure/then/made/slight/recovery to/900000/1990.

3. Contrast,/females/started at/775000/and/rose/steadily/ to 1,100,000/

4. 1990/females/surpass/males



Page 36




Page 37

Lesson 1: Listening and Reading

Lesson Preparation
Activity 1: Look at the pictures of rooms in a house. What rooms are they? Complete the words with the
missing letters.

Activity 2: Look at some other places that you find in and around a house. Then, match the names in the box
to the pictures.

Garden hall hallway basement attic garage study

Page 38
Page 39


1. You are going to listen to a student, Giorgio, describing his bedroom. Listen and decide which picture is
Giorgio’s bedroom.

2. Now, cover the pictures in Exercise 1 with a piece of paper and listen again. Then, answer the question
using TWO or THREE words.

1 How does Giorgio describe his bed?

2 What can he see outside of his window?

3 Why does he play games on his phone?

4 Where is the bathroom?

5 What does he always do before he goes to college every morning?

6 What is at the window?

Page 40
3. Listen to a conversation between Giorgio and Andrew Taylor who works at the accommodation agency.
What do they discuss? Circle YES or NO.

1 The course Giorgio wants to study at university. YES NO

2 His study habits. YES NO

3 The number of other students that also live there. YES NO

4 Two types of accommodation. YES NO

5 The teachers and lecturers at the university. YES NO

6 Where the accommodation is. YES NO

7 Giorgio's travel options from home to university. YES NO

8 The different types of food you can eat there. YES NO

Page 41


1. In Listening 1, Giorgio spoke about going to university.

Before he goes, he needs to organise his accommodation.
He emails his friend Gavin for help and advice. Read the
advert and the email. Then, complete Giorgio's notes.

Giorgio's notes:

Name of person to contact: 1 ___________

Name of Company: 2 ___________

Office location: 3 ___________

Email:4 ___________

Page 42
Contact: Monday to Saturday- in the office. Sunday- 5 ___________


2. Read the sentences from Giorgio and Andrew Taylor's conversation and choose the best answer, A, B or

1 Good afternoon, Prime Location Agency, Andrew Taylor speaking. __

A Can I check your student status?

B Can I give you my student status?

C Have you got time to speak? Can you check my student status?

2 Oh, hello, Giorgio. Thank you for your call, I have some questions for you. __

A I hope that you don't mind.

B I hope that you mind.

C Do you mind?

3 First of all, __ - in a room on campus or in private accommodation?

A Where you want to live?

B Where you do want to live?

C Where do you want to live?

4 I'm not sure.____________-

A You can give me some advice?

B Can you give me some advice?

C Can give me you some advice?

Page 43
Page 44
5 Well, tell me a little about your personality and your preferences. __

A Are you a sociable person?

B You are a sociable person?

C Do you be a sociable person?

6 OK, that's great. __ sometimes have a quiet room where you can study in


A Do you also like to

B You also like to

C Do you also like

7 If you live in private accommodation, you have a quiet life with maybe one or two

other students who are your housemates. Although, it takes a long time to travel to

university. __

A What you think?

B What you do think?

C What do you think?

8 OK, one final question. Would you prefer catered accommodation?

I’m not sure.__________-

A What is catered mean?

B What does catered mean?

C What means catered?

Page 45
Page 46
Passage 1

Air conditioning

The history of an invention that makes life more pleasant

Willis Carrier designed the first air-conditioning unit in 1902, just a year
after graduating from Cornell University with a Masters in Engineering.

At a Brooklyn printing plant, fluctuations in heat and moisture were

causing the size of the printing paper to keep changing slightly, making it
hard to align different colours. Carrier’s invention made it possible to control temperature and humidity levels
and so align the colours. The invention also allowed industries such as film, processed food, textiles and
pharmaceuticals to improve the quality of their products.

In 1914, the first air-conditioning device was installed in a private house. However, its size, similar to that of an
early computer, meant it took up too much space to come into widespread use, and later models, such as the
Weathermaker, which Carrier brought out in the 1920s, cost too much for most people. Cooling for human
comfort, rather than industrial need, really took off when three air conditioners were installed in the J.L.
Hudson Department Store in Detroit, Michigan. People crowded into the shop to experience the new
invention. The fashion spread from department stores to cinemas, whose income rose steeply as a result of
the comfort they provided.

To start with, money-conscious employers regarded air conditioning as a luxury. They considered that if they
were paying people to work, they should not be paying for them to be comfortable as well. So in the 1940s
and ’50s, the industry started putting out a different message about its product: according to their research,
installing air conditioning increased productivity amongst employees. They found that typists increased their
output by 24% when transferred from a regular office to a cooled one. Another study into office working
conditions, which was carried out in the late ’50s, showed that the majority of companies cited air
conditioning as the single most important contributor to efficiency in offices.

Page 47
However, air conditioning has its critics. Jed Brown, an environmentalist, complains that air conditioning is a
factor in global warming. Unfortunately, he adds, because air conditioning leads to higher temperatures,
people have to use it even more. However, he admits that it provides a healthier environment for many
people in the heat of summer.

Questions 1-5

1 When Willis Carrier invented air conditioning, his aim was to

A make workers feel cooler.

B produce more attractive paper.

C set up a new business.

D solve problems in a factory.

2 Home air conditioners were not popular at first because they were

A too big and expensive.

B not considered necessary.

C too inefficient.

D complicated to use.

3 Employers refused to put air conditioning in workplaces at first because they

A could not afford to pay for it.

B thought it was more suitable for cinemas.

C did not want to spend money improving working conditions.

D thought people would not work so hard in comfortable conditions.

Page 48
4 What was the purpose of the research done in the 1940s and ’50s?

A to make office workers produce more

B to compare different types of air conditioner

C to persuade businesses to buy air conditioners

D to encourage employees to change offices

5 What does Jed Brown say about air conditioning?

A In future, everyone will need it.

B Turning it off will not reduce global warming.

C It can seriously damage people’s health.

D It is good for people, but bad for the environment.

Page 49
Passage 2

Brothers Grimm

Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty are all considered animated
classics, but all three are actually based on stories published by two
German writers commonly known as the Brothers Grimm. Although Jacob
and Wilhelm Grimm are often referred to as the authors of these fairy
tales, they did not actually come up with the stories themselves. The
stories had been passed down through the oral tradition from one
generation to the next in Germany and the surrounding regions long
before the Brothers Grimm. However, the brothers, seeing that the stories
were at risk of being lost, started documenting them. In order to do this, they interviewed friends, relatives,
storytellers and aristocrats to learn the stories of the culture. After they had collected the stories, the Brothers
Grimm set about putting them to paper. During the writing and editing processes, they combined differing
versions of the same tales and edited them to impart a stylistic consistency and to improve the basic plots,
thereby making them their own. When it was finally published, their book Nursery and Household Tales was a
blockbuster. It went on to be reprinted repeatedly and eventually had its title altered to Grimm's Fairy Tales.
Even though this is still the name we use for the book, the stories it contained were not exactly the same as
the ones that we know today. Most of the brothers' original stories had more adult themes, as they had not
been written for children. Over time, the stories were edited to make them more appropriate for younger
audiences and became staples of childhood libraries worldwide. In fact, their works have been translated into
more than 100 languages.

Question 6-9

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

6 The stories the brothers used were handed down by the __________ .

7 The brothers put together many different __________ of the same story.

Page 50
8 The book Nursery and Household Tales' original __________ was changed after its first publication.

9 The __________ in the brother's works show that they were not for young readers.


1. Now, think about what you do each morning. In pairs, ask and answer the questions.

1 On a weekday morning, what time does your alarm go off?

2 What time do you get up during the week?

3 Do you like to have a lie in at the weekend? If you do, what time do you get up?

2. In pairs, speak about what you usually do on weekdays and describe a typical day for you at the

Page 51



Homework 1: Listen to the conversations. Fill in the form below

1.What is Joseph’s last name? His last name is……………………………….

2. What’s Sarah’s last name? Her last name is……………………………….

3. First name:……………………………………….

Last name :……………………………………….

Homework 2: Listen to the conversations. Fill in the form below


Ms. Hee

First name ……………………………………………….





Mr. Smith

Page 52
First name………………………………………………..





First name………………………………………………..



When to use the computer………………………………



First name……………………………………………….




Last name……………………………………………….

First name………………………………………………


Page 53

Homework 3: Listen to the conversation. Complete the information about each person


First name: …………………………………………

Last name: ………………………………………...

Country: …………………………………………..

Subject: ……………………………………………


First name: …………………………………………

Last name: ………………………………………...

Country: …………………………………………..

Subject: ……………………………………………


First name: …………………………………………

Last name: ………………………………………...

Country: …………………………………………..

Subject: ……………………………………………

Homework 4: Listen to some self-introductions. Complete the information about each person

Page 54

Name: …………………………………………

What does she do? …………………………………………

What sports does she like? …………………………………………

How often? …………………………………………


Name : …………………………………………

What does he do? …………………………………………

What does he like? …………………………………………

Where does he go on weekends? …………………………………………


Name: …………………………………………

What does he do? …………………………………………

How often does he go to work? …………………………………………

Where does he plan to go? …………………………………………

Homework 5: Listen to the conversation and fill in the missing information in the right place

1) Message to Ms. Proctor

Date July 8 at 10:30

Page 55
From ______________

2) Message to ____________:

Date July 15 at 3:30

From ______________

3) Message to Professor ____________:

From ______________

Page 56

Homework 1

Match the activities with the pictures. Use the words in the box.

bookcase cupboard cushion desk lamp picture rug television





Page 57




Page 58
Homework 2: Read the email and complete the sentences. Write no more than one word in each gap.

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Haruka Murukami. I come from Tokyo in Japan. I am coming to the USA in August and will start
my course at New College in September. Thank you for sending me the course information. I felt a bit
worried about the course before, but now I feel really excited about studying at New College. I am writing to
find out about student accommodation for international students. I would like to know what the rooms are
like and what furniture they have. I would also like to know where students like me who live on the campus
can eat.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best wishes,


1. Haruka’s home country is ______.

2. Haruka starts studying at New College in ___________.

3. Haruka received some information about the _________ .

4. Haruka feels _________ about the course now.

5. Haruka wants to know what ___________ the rooms have.

6. Haruka wants to know where she is able to ____________.

Homework 3: Read the text. Then complete the exercise on the next screen.

Many international students come to study at New College every year. There are three main types of
accommodation available to international students: college halls of residence, private houses or flats, and

Page 59
host families.

A College halls of residence

There are three halls of residence on the college campus. Tulip Hall and Rose Hall have single rooms for
students with a bed, desk, chair, wardrobe, cupboard and a bookcase. There are shared bathrooms and a
shared kitchen. In Holly Hall, the rooms also have their own bathrooms. Students have breakfast, lunch and
dinner in the college restaurant. The college halls of residence are a good choice for students who want to
make new friends, but would prefer not to cook their own meals.

B Private houses or flats

Some students prefer to find their own house or flat in the city. This is more expensive than staying on
campus or with a host family, but many students like to do this because they can live with their friends.
Students can find houses and flats to rent in the city on the college website. This is a good option for
students who prefer to cook for themselves. There is often a living room where students can spend time
together when they are not working.

C Host families
Another popular choice for international students is to stay with a local host family. Students live in a house
or flat with a family. The family makes breakfast and dinner for the student, but they need to buy their own
lunch. The family also spends time with them in the evening and organises activities for the weekend. All
students have their own bedroom, and share the bathroom, living room and kitchen with the family. This is
a really good way for international students to improve their level of English quickly by talking to members
of the host family.

Match the information with the three paragraphs. Read the text on the first screen again to help you.

1. This costs more than the other types of accommodation.

● A

Page 60
● B

● C

0. This accommodation includes three meals.

● A

● B

● C

0. Students need to cook their own meals in this type of accommodation.

● A

● B

● C

0. With this accommodation students have trips organised for them at the weekend.

● A

● B

● C

0. This accommodation has three different buildings where students can live.

● A

Page 61
● B

● C

0. This type of accommodation can help students to improve their English.

● A

● B

● C

Homework 4

Many international students come to study at New College every year. There are three main types of
accommodation available to international students: college halls of residence, private houses or flats, and
host families.

There are three halls of residence on the college campus. Tulip Hall and Rose Hall have single rooms for
students with a bed, desk, chair, wardrobe, cupboard and a bookcase. There are shared bathrooms and a
shared kitchen. In Holly Hall, the rooms also have their own bathrooms. Students have breakfast, lunch and
dinner in the college restaurant. The college halls of residence are a good choice for students who want to
make new friends, but would prefer not to cook their own meals.

Some students prefer to find their own house or flat in the city. This is more expensive than staying on
campus or with a host family, but many students like to do this because they can live with their friends.
Students can find houses and flats to rent in the city on the college website. This is a good option for
students who prefer to cook for themselves. There is often a living room where students can spend time
together when they are not working.

Another popular choice for international students is to stay with a local host family. Students live in a house
or flat with a family. The family makes breakfast and dinner for the student, but they need to buy their own

Page 62
lunch. The family also spends time with them in the evening and organises activities for the weekend. All
students have their own bedroom, and share the bathroom, living room and kitchen with the family. This is
a really good way for international students to improve their level of English quickly by talking to members
of the host family.

Which type of accommodation would be the best choice for each student? Read the text again to help you.

1) Komal from India

I would like to get to know people from this country and to improve my level of English really quickly. I
don’t want to spend a lot of money on a room. I like cooking, and would like to learn how to cook
English food.

Best choice of accommodation:

● halls of residence

● private house or flat

● host family

2) Pierre from France

I am planning to study a lot this year, so I want to be close to the library. I don’t want to spend a lot of
time shopping for food and cooking.

Best choice of accommodation:

● halls of residence

● private house or flat

● host family

Page 63
3) Yuxi from China

My sister and I are both studying at New College and we would like to live together, maybe with one or
two other people. We would like to live close to the college, but we would prefer to cook our own

Best choice of accommodation:

● halls of residence

● private house or flat

● host family

4) Ahmed from Dubai

I am new to the city, and would like to make new friends. I don’t like cooking and I don’t want to travel
far to get to college.

Best choice of accommodation:

● halls of residence

● private house or flat

● host family

5) Nasreen from Saudi Arabia

I would like to relax in the evening and talk to people in English. I don’t want to spend all of my time
with students from my country, as I need to improve my level of English quickly.

Best choice of accommodation:

Page 64
● halls of residence

● private house or flat

● host family

Homework 5: Read about professional runner Rosa Martinez and where she goes on holiday. Then complete
the exercise.

A As a famous runner, I do a lot of travelling as part of my job. Last year I did races in London, New York,
Paris and Dubai. I also went to Thailand for a big sports event, which was an amazing experience. However,
when I have time to take a holiday, I love going to my aunt and uncle’s house in the south of Spain. I go
there for two weeks every summer with my whole family. My aunt and uncle bought the house when I was
very young and I still remember the summers I spent there when I was a child. It is a beautiful house and my
favourite place to stay in the whole world.

B The house is just outside a small village and it is close to the mountains and the sea. It is more than 100
years old. In the past, it was a farm with horses, chickens and sheep. There are no animals there now, but
there is still a lot of land, so the house has a really big garden. In the garden, there is a barbecue area, and
we often have dinner there in the summertime. There are fruit trees, vegetables and a lot of flowers. We
don’t need a swimming pool, because the house is so close to the sea. We always spend a lot of time at the
beach when we go there in the summer.

C All of the rooms are large and pretty. On the ground floor, there is a big kitchen and living room, a
bathroom and one bedroom. Upstairs there is one large bedroom with its own small bathroom. You can see
the mountains from this bedroom. There are two more bedrooms where you can see the sea. My favourite
bedroom is the first one on the left when you go up the stairs. I used to stay there when I was a child. It has
a seat in the window where I like to sit and read books or write letters.

Page 65
D The style of the house is very traditional. There is a very large dinner table in the kitchen, so that the
whole family can sit down and eat together. The living room has comfortable chairs and a large television
screen. We often watch films or play games there in the evenings. My uncle made a lot of the furniture
himself. He made the tables and chairs in the kitchen and all the beds. The walls are all painted in different
shades of green and blue to look like the sea. My aunt loves to paint, and does beautiful paintings of the
mountains and the sea in the area. There are many of these paintings on the walls.

E The house is close to some of the most beautiful countryside in the area, and it is possible to walk to some
of the best beaches, where there are not many people. In fact, we sometimes have the whole beach to
ourselves! The village is a short walk or bicycle ride from the house, and you can find some lovely cafés and
restaurants in the main square. I often go canoeing, horse riding and hiking nearby. It is great to get away
from the city and relax in nature.

Match the information with the correct paragraph. Read the text again to help you.

1. Some outdoor activities that Rosa likes doing

● A

● B

● C

● D

● E

0. Rosa’s favourite place to sleep

● A

● B

Page 66
● C

● D

● E

0. The history of the house

● A

● B

● C

● D

● E

0. The furniture in the house

● A

● B

● C

● D

● E

0. Rosa’s favourite place to go on holiday

Page 67
● A

● B

● C

● D

● E

0. Where Rosa’s family spend time in the evening

● A

● B

● C

● D

● E

0. Places to eat near the house

● A

● B

● C

● D

Page 68
● E

Page 69
0. Rosa’s aunt’s hobby

● A

● B

● C

● D

● E

Homework 6: Rearrange the words and phrases in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. There is a cupboard _______ (no) the wall.

2. There is a guitar ____________ (udrne) the bed.

3. There is a lamp ___________ (txne ot) the computer.

4. There is a window ___________ (bhenid) the bed.

5. There is a tennis racquet __________ (ni) the cupboard.

6. There is a chair __________ (ni rtnfo fo) the desk.

Homework 7: Choose the correct words to complete the paragraph.

I live at/in/on number 9 Castle Street. It is a small, yellow house with a red front door. There is a garden
behind/in/on the house. There are trees and lots of flowers in/on/under the garden.At/In/On the ground floor
of the house, there is a large kitchen and a small living room.In/On/Under the living room, there is a sofa and

Page 70
two armchairs. There is a lamp in/next to/on the sofa, and there is a television in/on/under a small window.
Upstairs there are three bedrooms and a bathroom. My bedroom is the smallest. There is a bed, a small table
and a desk. There is a lamp at/in/on the desk and some posters in/near/on the walls.

Homework 8: Read the description of a room. Complete the paragraph with the present simple form of the
verbs in brackets. The first question has been done for you.

My favourite room in my house is (be) the living room. I ________ (like) this room because it is very relaxing
and I enjoy spending time there with my friends and family. The living room is at the front of my house. There
___________ (be) two big sofas and two small armchairs. The sofas ______________ (be) blue and the
armchairs are grey. My sister put a lot of cushions on the sofas. There ___________ (be) also a colourful rug
on the floor, which my parents bought when they went on holiday to Turkey. There is a big painting of some
boats on the wall, and some pictures of me and my sister and my parents. There is a big bookcase with a lot of
books in it. Sometimes I ___________ (sit) in my favourite chair and ____________ (read) a book. There is a
big television screen on the wall. I often __________ (watch) films with my family on Saturday nights.
Sometimes we order pizza and _____________ (eat) it in the living room while the film is on. There is also a
piano in the living room. My sister _____________ (play) the piano very well. I ___________ (be) not very
good, but I have lessons, so I hope I will be better one day.

Homework 9: Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentences.

My is at my living room favourite room the grandma's house.

1. _______ ________ __________ _________ _________ _________ __________ _________ .

Because has it furniture I this room lots of nice really like

0. _______ ________ __________ _________ _________ _________ __________ _________

_________ _________ .

Page 71
The next chairs two big red to are television there

0. _______ ________ __________ _________ _________ _________ __________ _________


On some are there cushions the sofas

0. _______ ________ __________ _________ _________ _________ __________ .

Is a lamp there the bookcase on

0. _______ ________ __________ _________ _________ _________ .

On there rug the floor a pretty is

0. _______ ________ __________ _________ _________ _________ _________ .

The window is in front of there small table a

0. _______ ________ __________ _________ _________ _________ .

There a photograph family on table my of is the

1. _______ ________ __________ _________ _________ _________ __________ _________


Page 72
Lesson 3: Writing


Question: How was the gold price last month?

The gold price increased significantly There was a significant increase in the gold price

………………………….. …………………….

Writing material

I. Sentence elements
A. Verb vs Noun
Verb (upward trend) Noun (upward trend)

………………. ……………….

………………. ……………….

………………. ……………….

Verb (downward trend) Noun (downward trend)

………………. ……………….

………………. ……………….

………………. ……………….

………………. ……………….

………………. ……………….

Page 73
Page 74
B. Adverb and Noun
Adverb (strong) Adjective (strong)

………………. ……………….

………………. ……………….

………………. ……………….

………………. ……………….

………………. ……………….

………………. ……………….

………………. ……………….

Adverb (weak) Adjective (weak)

………………. ……………….

………………. ……………….

………………. ……………….

………………. ……………….

………………. ……………….

………………. ……………….

………………. ……………….

Check-up 1: Describe the chart below


From February to March: increase significantly

Page 75
From January to February: (1)_____________________________

From March to July: (2)___________________________________


Nuclear power: A substantial increase



Natural gas:

Hydro power: (6)________________________________

EU: 2013 – 2014:


USA: 2013 -2014: (8)


UK: 2016-1017:

Page 76
Page 77
II. Sentence structure
A. Upward and downward trends
Activity 1: Translate the following sentences into English and analyze the sentence structures.

1. Sentence 1: Xuất khẩu lúa mì ở Canada tăng mạnh từ năm 1986 đến năm 1988

● ………………………………………………………………….

⇨ ………………………………………………………………….

Structure 1: X + V + ADV

2. Sentence 2: Có một sự gia tăng mạnh ở Xuất khẩu lúa mì ở Canada từ năm 1986 đến năm 1988

● ………………………………………………………………….

⇨ ………………………………………………………………….

Structure 2: There + be + a + ADJ + N(trend) + in + X

Page 78
Page 79
Check-up 2: Describe the graph above

1) Australia’s wheat exports (1985 – 1986)


2) Canada’s wheat exports (1988 -1989)


3) Australia’s wheat exports (1988-1989)


4) Canada’s wheat exports (1989-1990)


B. Stability
Activity 2: Choose the correct words

1. The amount of money remained……………at $100000

A. Stable
B. Stability
C. Stabilize

⇨ ………………………………………………………………….

2. The amount of money……………at $100000

A. Stable
B. Stability
C. Stabilized

⇨ …………………………………………………………………..

3. The amount of money stayed the………….at $100000

A. Same

Page 80
B. Stability
C. Similar

⇨ ……………………………………………………………………………





Check-up 3: Describe the graph above

European community’s wheat exports (1987-1988)

Exam skill

Exercise 1: Describe the trends below




AB: …………………………….
BC: …………………………….
CD: …………………………….

Page 81
AB: …………………………….

EF: …………………………….

Page 82
Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences using another structure

1. The Government Investment in Health Care system fell steadily in 1999

2. There was a dramatic growth in the percentage of Malaysians who followed vegetarian diet in 2020
3. The unemployment rate rose gradually in 2019
4. There was a moderate drop in the population growth
5. The number of visitors to Youtube rose gently in 2010
6. Between 1990 and 2000, there was a significant growth in the number of people visiting Thu Le
7. The number students rose gently in 2010
8. There was a rapid rise to 10% in the proportion of privately rented homes in 2010
9. The price of houses in Ha Noi increased substantially by 20% in 2021
10. There was a significant decline in the number of visitors to Viet Nam in 2019

Page 83


Homework 1: Fill in the blanks

increased significantly. remained constant. stood at

rose steadily. remained stable falling dramatically

Page 84
The graph shows the number of cases of X disease in Someland between the years 1960 and 1995. As an
overall trend, it is clear that the number of cases of the disease (1)…………………………… until the mid seventies.
Then it (2)…………………………… for around a decade at 500 cases before dropping to zero in the late 80s.

In 1960, the number of cases (3)…………………….. approximately 100. That number (4)………………………….. to 200
by 1969 and then more sharply to 500 in 1977. At this point the number of cases (5) …………………………… until
1984 before (6)………………………….. to zero by 1988.

Homework 2: Fill in the blanks

1. Between 2000 and 2020, the cost of flights…………………………….

2. The cost of accommodation………………………………..for 30 years after 1990

3. There was………………………………… the cost of flights between 1990 and 2000.

Homework 3: Rewrite the sentences below

1.There was a rapid rise to 10% in the proportion of privately rented homes in 2010.


2.The number of visitors to Ha Noi increased dramatically from 2019 to 2021.

Page 85

3.The price of houses in Ha Noi increased substantially in 2021.


4.There was a fractional drop in the number of visitors to Viet Nam in 2022.


5.The number of students stayed the same throughout the period.


6.The price of computers fell significantly in 2020.


7.There was a gradual decrease in the number of visitors to Hanoi.


8.The sales of history book declined sharply in 2017.


9.The number of engineering degrees dropped significantly from 2010 to 2015.


10.There was a gradual rise in the amount of salt exported.


Page 86
Homework 4: Fill in the blanks

The line graph below gives information about the number of visitors to three London museums between June and
September 2013.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparison where relevant.

The graph…………………………. (show) how many people …………………….. (visit) three London museums in the
summer of 2013. Most visitors …………………………. (go) to the British museum June and September. The
number ……………………………(fluctuate) between 500 and 750. By contrast, the Science Museum and the
Natural History Museum…………………………. (receive) fewer visitors. The number of people who visited the
Science Museum (drop) gradually from 400 thousand to 300 from June to August
then……………………………… (rise) to 450 thousand September. We can………………………….. (see) that the trend
for the Natural History Museum………………………….. (be) similar. There was a sharp drop in visitors from June to
July. The number (remain stable) in August and then…………………………… (increase) steadily in September.

Page 87
Homework 5: Describe the graph below


(July-August): ……………………………………………………………………………


Page 88

Page 89
I. Match the phrases that have similar meanings.
1. I often help my mom do/make the laundry.
2. In the evening, I always tidy up/on my room.
3. My dad sometimes washes up/on after dinner.
4. My sister often helps mum make/do lunch and dinner.
5. My brother sometimes put the rubbish away/out.
6. We all usually do/make the cleaning.

II. Find the phrases in the above sentences that have similar meanings with the given
phrases below

A take out the bins 1.

B prepare a meal 2.
C wash the clothes 3.
D put things away 4.
E do the housework 5.
F clean the dishes 6.

III. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words

1. We have a_________________ garden.
2. I am now living in an ________________ bedroom at the top of the house
3. I am now living in a __________________flat, which is below the level of the ground
4. I put my car in the _______________________
5. She ran along the_______________________and knocked on her neighbour's door.
6. Her office is at the end of the_________________________

Page 90
IV. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words to finish the following definitions
1. A fridge/freezer is a piece of kitchen equipment that uses electricity to preserve food at a cold
2. A fridge/freezer is a a container, operated by electricity, that stores food at a very cold temperature so that
it becomes solid and can be kept safely for a long time
3. A terraced house/A semi-detached house is A one of a row of houses that are joined together
4. A terraced house/A semi-detached house is joined to another similar house on only one side
5. A desk/drawer a type of table that you can work at
6. A desk/drawer is a box-shaped container, without a top, that is part of a piece of furniture. It slides in and
out to open and close and is used for keeping things in
7. A living room/study is the room in a house or apartment that is used for relaxing in and entertaining
8. A living room/study is a room, especially in a house, used for quiet work such as reading or writing
9. An attic/A basement is the space or room at the top of a building, under the roof, often used for storing
10. An attic/A basement is a part of a building consisting of rooms that are partly or completely below the
level of the ground
11. A wardrobe/cupboard is a tall cupboard in which you hang your clothes
12. A wardrobe/cupboard is a piece of furniture or a small part of a room with a door behind which there is
space for storing things, usually on shelves
13. A chair/sofa is a long, soft seat with a back and usually arms, on which more than one person can sit at
the same time
14. A chair/sofa is a seat for one person that has a back, usually four legs, and sometimes two arms
15. A university campus/private apartment block the buildings of a college or university and the land that
surrounds them
16. A university campus/private apartment block a large building that is divided into apartments

Page 91
V. Complete the text using the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

Dan usually______ (get up) at 8am, 2 (have) _______ breakfast. After that, he always _______ (get) his books
ready and then _______ (go) to his lectures until midday. He usually _______ (return) home and 7 (make)
lunch for himself at about 12:30pm. Then, he sometime
8 (watch)________________ a bit of TV. At about 3pm, he offen _______________9 (meet) a friend for
coffee. At 3:30pm, they _______ (go) to the library together. Dan _______ (study) for a few hours and then at
_______ (go) home. He usually _______ (cook) dinner for him-self and his flat mates. In the evening, he
sometimes 14 (exercise)________________ at the gym or goes for a run. After that, he relaxes in front of the
TV or 15 (see)____________________ his friends. He never goes to bed early, but usually
16__________________(fall) asleep at around midnight.

Page 92
Found in Southeast Asia and Australia, weaver ants are most notable for their ability to construct nests from
living leaves located high in the treetops. Like most ant varieties, a weaver ant's life revolves around providing
for its queen. In fact, it is to serve her that they build their nests in the first place. It all starts with a queen
founding a colony by laying a clutch of eggs on a leaf and raising the larvae until they become mature workers.
In order to increase the size of the colony, the queen must lay more eggs, but this will require additional living
space for the already mature ants. Thus, a nest must be built - a task that requires significant collaboration. First,
a single ant reaches toward a distant loaf. Unable to get to it alone, the other ants hold onto the first ant forming
a chain until the leaf is finally grasped. Once they have it, they pull as one until both leaves have been drawn
together. Keeping the leaves in place, they wait for other workers to arrive carrying larvae, which are capable of
producing silk. The larvae are prompted to release the silk from their salivary glands, and the worker ants dab
the sticky substance from one leaf to another, essentially binding them. Ultimately, the process is repeated until
a nest large enough to accommodate the colony's growing population has been constructed, and the cycle is
likewise repeated each time the queen lays more eggs.
Complete the sentences below.
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.
1 A ………. establishes a colony by laying eggs and raising young.
2 The ants connect to form a ………. in order to collect leaves.
3 The ………. of larvae sticks to the leaves of a nest.

Page 93
You will hear a conversation between a secretary and a student. The secretary is asking the student for
information in order to complete an apllication form for a course. As you listen, fill in the appropirate
information on the form below

Surname: ………………………………………..
First name: ………………………………………..
Country: ………………………………………..
Age: 25

Surname: ………………………………………..
First name: ………………………………………..
Country: ………………………………………..
Age: 23

Answer the questions below
1 When do you wake up? ...
2 What is your daily routine? ...
3 What part of the day do you like most? ...
4 Do you think it is important to have a daily routine? ...
5 What's the difference in routine between you and your teenage times? ...

In pairs, describe your day to your partner

Page 94
Describe the graph below

1. 1965-1970
2. 1970-1975
3. 1975-1980
4. 1980-1985
5. 1985-1990

Page 95

Lesson 1: Listening and Reading

Lesson Preparation
Activity 1: Match the leisure activities in the box to the pictures. There are three extra activities you do not
need to use.

Cycling White Water rafting shopping sailing

climbing cooking hiking canoeing reading

Page 96
Page 97
Activity 2: What do you think about the activities in Activity 1? Complete the table using the activities from
the word box in Exercise 1 that are true for you. Add three more activities to each group.

Fun Scary Boring

Activity 3: In pairs, compare your ideas. Then, discuss the questions.

1. Have you ever done any of these activities in Exercise 1?

2. What activities do you do in your free time? What activities do you like to do

on holiday?

3. What activities are popular in your country?

Page 98

1. Listen to two friends, Deon and Mark, talking about an adventure holiday. Which activities from Exercise
1 do you hear?

2. Listen again and choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

0 When will Deon and Mark go on the adventure holiday?

A June

B July

C August

Answer: C

1 How did Deon first find out about World Trek holidays?

A He has been on one of their holidays.

B He found their website online.

C He heard about it from someone he knows.

2 Deon would like to go on an adventure holiday

A in a forest.

B in the mountains.

C near the sea.

3 How much does the holiday they want to go on cost if they book it now?

A £500

B £650

Page 99
C £800

4 The price of the holiday does NOT include

A food.

B the guide.

C transport.

5 What time will the boys meet this evening?

A 7pm

B 7:30 pm

C 8pm

Page 100


Activity 1: You are going to read an article about a sportsperson. First, look at the photos and skim read the
article once quickly. Then, in pairs, answer the questions.

1. Who do you think Aimee Fuller is?

2. What sport has Aimee become successful in?
3. What is the reason for this article?

Page 101
Page 102
Activity 2: Read the article in Activity 1 again and choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

Ex: Aimee spent the first few years of her life in England.

A True B False C Not Given


1. Aimee learnt to ski before she started snowboarding.

A True B False C Not Given

2. It often snowed during winter in Aimee's hometown.

A True B False C Not Given

3. It took Aimee a long time to find a coach after she moved to the USA.
A True B False C Not Given

4. Aimee has won an Olympic medal.

A True B False C NotGiven

5. Aimee practises snowboarding in the mountains at least three times a week.

A True B False C Not Given

6. Aimee thinks that snowboarding is more dangerous for her when she is not fit.
A True B False C Not Given

7. In her free time, Aimee prefers being with people to spending time on her laptop.
A True B False C Not Given

Activity 3: Complete the words from the article to match the descriptions.

1. This is someone who is paid to do a sport or other activity. ______________

2. This means to practise your sport. _____________
3. This word describes someone who is doing well in his/her life. ___________________

Page 103
4. When you are this, you don't get tired easily when you exercise or do sport. _______________
5. You ask someone for this when you want to know what to do. __________________

Page 104
Passage 1

Collecting as a hobby

Collecting must be one of the most varied of human

activities, and it's one that many of us psychologists find

Many forms of collecting have been dignified with a

technical name: an archtophilist collects teddy bears, a
philatelist collects postage stamps, and a deltiologist
collects postcards. Amassing hundreds or even thousands
of postcards, chocolate wrappers or whatever, takes time, energy and money that could surely to much more
productive use. And yet thereare millions of collectors around the world. Why do they do it?

There are the people who collect because they want to make money - this could be called an instrumental
reason for collecting; that is, collecting as a means to an end. They'll look for, say, antiques that they can buy
cheaply and expect to be able to sell at a profit. But there may well be a psychological element, too - buying
cheap and selling dear can give the collector a sense of triumph. And as selling online is so easy, more and
more people are joining in.

Many collectors collect to develop their social life, attending meetings of a group of collectors and exchanging
information on items. This is a variant on joining a bridge club or a gym, and similarly brings them into contact
with like-minded people. Another motive for collecting is the desire to find something special, or a particular
example of the collected item, such as a rare early recording by a particular singer.

Some may spend their whole lives in a hunt for this. Psychologically, this can give a purpose to a life that
otherwise feels aimless. There is a danger, though, that if the individual is ever lucky enough to find what
they're looking for, rather than celebrating their success, they may feel empty, now that the goal that drove
them on has gone.

Page 105
If you think about collecting postage stamps another potential reason for it - Or, perhaps, a result of collecting
is its educational value. Stamp collecting opens a window to other countries, and to the plants, animals, or
famous people shown on their stamps.

Questions 1-7

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.

1 The writer mentions collecting __________ as an example of collecting in order to make money.

2 Collectors may get a feeling of __________ from buying and selling items.

3 Collectors’ clubs provide opportunities to share __________

4 Collectors’ clubs offer __________ with people who have similar interests.

5 Collecting sometimes involves a life-long __________ for a special item.

6 Searching for something particular may prevent people from feeling their life is completely __________

7 Stamp collecting may be __________ because it provides facts about different countries.

Page 106
Passage 2

The history of the poster

The appearance of the poster has changed

continuously over the past two centuries.
The first posters were known as ‘broadsides’ and
were used for public and commercial
announcements. Printed on one side only using
metal type, they were quickly and crudely
produced in large quantities. As they were meant
to be read at a distance, they required large lettering.
There were a number of negative aspects of large metal type. It was expensive, required a large amount of
storage space and was extremely heavy. If a printer did have a collection of large metal type, it was likely that
there were not enough letters. So printers did their best by mixing and matching styles.
Commercial pressure for large type was answered with the invention of a system for wood type production. In
1827, Darius Wells invented a special wood drill - the lateral router - capable of cutting letters on wood blocks.
The router was used in combination with William Leavenworth’s pantograph (1834) to create decorative
wooden letters of all shapes and sizes. The first posters began to appear, but they had little colour and design;
often wooden type was mixed with metal type in a conglomeration of styles.
A major development in poster design was the application of lithography, invented by Alois Senefelder in
1796, which allowed artists to hand-draw letters, opening the field of type design to endless styles. The
method involved drawing with a greasy crayon onto finely surfaced Bavarian limestone and offsetting that
image onto paper. This direct process captured the artist's true intention; however, the final printed image
was in reverse. The images and lettering needed to be drawn backwards, often reflected in a mirror or traced
on transfer paper.

Page 107
As a result of this technical difficulty, the invention of the lithographic process had little impact on posters until
the 1860s, when Jules Cheret came up with his ‘three-stone lithographic process’. This gave artists the
opportunity to experiment with a wide spectrum of colours.
Although the process was difficult, the result was remarkable, with nuances of colour impossible in other
media even to this day. The ability to mix words and images in such an attractive and economical format finally
made the lithographic poster a powerful innovation.
Starting in the 1870s, posters became the main vehicle for advertising prior to the magazine era and the
dominant means of mass communication in the rapidly growing cities of Europe and America. Yet in the
streets of Paris, Milan and Berlin, these artistic prints were so popular that they were stolen off walls almost as
soon as they were hung. Cheret, later known as ‘the father of the modern poster’, organised the first
exhibition of posters in 1884 and two years later published the first book on poster art. He quickly took
advantage of the public interest by arranging for artists to create posters, at a reduced size, that were suitable
for in-home display.
Thanks to Cheret, the poster slowly took hold in other countries in the 1890s and came to celebrate each
society’s unique cultural institutions: the cafe in France, the opera and fashion in Italy, festivals in Spain,
literature in Holland and trade fairs in Germany. The first poster shows were held in Great
Britain and Italy in 1894, Germany in 1896 and Russia in 1897. The most important poster show ever, to many
observers, was held in Reims, France, in 1896 and featured an unbelievable 1,690 posters arranged by
Questions 1-5

Complete the table below. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.
Early Printing Methods

Features Problems

Metal type ● produced large print ● cost, weight and 1 __________


Page 108
● mixed styles

Wood type ● Darius’s wood drill used in connection with ● lacked both 3 __________

another 2 __________
● mixed type

Lithography ● letters drawn by hand ● had to use a mirror or 5 __________ to

achieve correct image

● design tool - a 4 __________

Questions 6-9

Complete the flow chart below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.
Jules Cheret

1860s - invention of 'three-stone lithographic process

combination of both 6 __________ on coloured posters

1870s - posters used for advertising and 7 __________ in Europe

1884-86 - Cheret’s poster 8 __________ and book on poster art

1890s - posters represent 9 __________ around the world

Page 109


Homework 1: Listen to the following numbers and repeat after the speaker

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Homework 2: Listen to the recording and write down the numbers

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

Homework 3: Listen and fill in the blanks with a suitable ordinal number

a.My office is on the_______________floor

b.The team from Shanghai won the____________place in the tennis match

c.Jim was the___________in the marathon race

d.Mary’s birthday is on the ____________ of September

e.Our seats are in the _________row

f.The meeting will be on the _________of April

Page 110
g.The theatre is on the ________street

h.People celebrated the_____________anniversary of the school last year

i.Alaska was the_________state in America

j.The final exam is on the_____of June

Homework 4: Listen to the talk and write down the prices in the boxes provided

Transport Price

Bus fare (minimum)

Underground fare (minimum)

Taxi fare (minimum)

Coach fare

Homework 5: Listen to the rest of the talk and write down the prices in the boxes provided

Living Price

Rent for one room

Rent for one-bedroom flat

A local telephone call

Posting a letter

A bottle of beer

Use a large washing machine

Use a small washing machine

Page 111
Use a tumble drier

Washing powder (a medium-sized packet)

In London, accommodation is another very expensive thing. You would pay about 40 pounds a week for one
room. If you want to rent a one-bedroom flat, it will cost more. You would generally pay about 200 pounds per
week for it.

A telephone call to another London number costs 50 and posting a letter costs 40p.

A loaf of bread is 40; a bottle of beer is 1 pound 50.

Very few international students will have their own washing machines so it is likely that you will have to do
your washing at a launderette, which is a place where washing machines are provided for the general public.
Here are some prices for the use of a washing machine. It's 2 pounds 50 for using a large washing machine and
1 pound 80 for using a small one. You have to pay 1 pound 50 for using a tumble drier, about 2 pounds 40 for
a medium-sized packet of washing powder.

Homework 6: Complete the details below using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each

Card number:(1)____________________________________

Name: Carlos de Silva

Postcode: (2)______________________________________

Address: (3)_________________________Vauxhall Close, London

Date of birth (4)____________________

Mother’s maiden name (5)________________

Page 112
Homework 7: Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer

Hotel information

Length of stay: 3 nights

Ages of children (1)_________________________

Rooms available Two en-suites at 270

Payment method Credit card

Name Michael (2)______________

Date of birth (3)______________________

Address (4)________, Stanton Court, London

Postcode (5)_______________________


Homework 1: Match the activities with the pictures. Use the words in the box.

Cooking cycling playing computer games playing football reading books

swimming taking photographs watching films

Page 113





Page 114



Homework 2: Read the information about college clubs. Match the information with the clubs.

A Computer game club

Do you love playing computer games? The computer club meets every Monday and Wednesday at 4:00 p.m.
in the small hall. Bring your laptop and games and come and join other computer game fans. We play a lot
of different games, but sports and driving games are very popular with our members. Once a year, we have
a 24-hour games meeting, for the biggest fans of computer games.

B Book club
If you love reading books, come to our book club. We meet on the last Thursday of every month between
1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. in the college café to have coffee and cakes and talk about the book that our

Page 115
members chose to read in the last meeting. We read many different types of book, from books on history to
ghost stories, and we are always happy to try reading something new. We have many new members this
year, so it is a good chance to make new friends who also enjoy reading.

C Photography club
Come to our photography club to find out everything you need to know about taking fantastic photographs.
In the photography club, you will learn how to use your camera in different ways to take amazing pictures.
We meet every week at 3:00 p.m. in the college library, but we often go out to different parts of the city to
take photos. We hold a popular photography competition every year and put up the best pictures in the

D Cooking club
The cooking club is always popular with students at the college. We meet once a month in the college
kitchen near the big hall and cook dishes from different countries in every meeting. In the last meeting we
cooked an Italian pasta dish, and next we will cook a traditional Indian curry. Afterwards, we sit down and
enjoy the food together. Please see the cooking club poster to find out what food to bring.

1. This club meets once a week.

● A

● B

● C

● D

2. This club meets in a café.

● A

Page 116
● B

● C

● D

3. People need to bring food to this club.

● A

● B

● C

● D

4. This club has a competition every year.

● A

● B

● C

● D

5. This club meets twice a week.

● A

● B

Page 117
● C

● D

6. Once a year, this club has an event which lasts a whole day.

● A

● B

● C

● D

7. There are a lot of new people in this club.

● A

● B

● C

● D

8. This club meets near the big hall.

● A

● B

● C

Page 118
● D

Page 119
Homework 3: Read the letter from Rachel to her penfriend Susie. Complete the sentences with words from
the text. Write one word only in each gap.

Dear Susie,

Thank you for your letter. I’m writing to tell you about the sports I enjoy doing. I like playing tennis and
swimming, but my favourite sport is cycling. I got my first bike when I was 8, and I started cycling to school
with my sister, Helen, when I was 12. Now my sister goes to a different school, so I ride to school with my
friend Laura. At the weekend, I often go cycling in the countryside with my parents and Helen. We cycle all
day and take a picnic for lunch. We go cycling in winter and summer, but I prefer cycling in winter because
the countryside looks pretty. I like taking photos on my phone of the trees and animals.

I also go on cycling holidays with my family. We usually go to the north of England, but last summer, we
went to the mountains in the south of Spain. We all enjoyed cycling in the day and going to restaurants in
the evenings. It was sometimes difficult to cycle in Spain. It was not difficult to cycle in the
mountains because we had mountain bikes, but the weather was very hot, so we got quite tired. I would
like to go cycling in Spain again next summer, but my parents want to go cycling in Scotland.

I also cycle for my school team. My friend Laura joined the team two years ago, and I joined last year. We
race against cyclists from other schools. Last year, I won second prize in the 10km race. I was really happy,
but next year I will try to win first prize.

In your next letter, please tell me about the sports you like. What is your favourite sport? Are you in a team?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,


1. Rachel’s favourite sport is ___________ .

Page 120
2. She got her first bike when she was ___________ .

3. She often goes cycling with her parents at the ___________ .

4. In the summer, Rachel’s family normally go cycling in ____________ .

5. It was sometimes difficult to cycle in Spain because it was _____________ .

6. She is on the cycling _________ at school.

7. Rachel would like to know about the __________ Susie likes.

8. She would also like to know if Susie is in a ____________ .

Homework 4: Read the letter from Rachel to Susie again. Choose the correct answers.

Dear Susie,

Thank you for your letter. I’m writing to tell you about the sports I enjoy doing. I like playing tennis and
swimming, but my favourite sport is cycling. I got my first bike when I was 8, and I started cycling to school
with my sister, Helen, when I was 12. Now my sister goes to a different school, so I ride to school with my
friend Laura. At the weekend, I often go cycling in the countryside with my parents and Helen. We cycle all
day and take a picnic for lunch. We go cycling in winter and summer, but I prefer cycling in winter because
the countryside looks pretty. I like taking photos on my phone of the trees and animals.

I also go on cycling holidays with my family. We usually go to the north of England, but last summer, we
went to the mountains in the south of Spain. We all enjoyed cycling in the day and going to restaurants in
the evenings. It was sometimes difficult to cycle in Spain. It was not difficult to cycle in the
mountains because we had mountain bikes, but the weather was very hot, so we got quite tired. I would
like to go cycling in Spain again next summer, but my parents want to go cycling in Scotland.

I also cycle for my school team. My friend Laura joined the team two years ago, and I joined last year. We
race against cyclists from other schools. Last year, I won second prize in the 10km race. I was really happy,

Page 121
but next year I will try to win first prize.

In your next letter, please tell me about the sports you like. What is your favourite sport? Are you in a team?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,


1. Rachel started riding her bike to school when she was 8/12 .

2. Now Rachel cycles to school with Helen/Laura .

3. Rachel prefers cycling in summer/winter .

4. Last year Rachel and her family went to English/Spain to go cycling.

5. Rachel and her family enjoyed cycling/going to restaurants in the evenings in Spain.

6. Next year, Rachel’s parents want to go to Spain/Scotland to go cycling.

7. Rachel joined the school cycling team one year ago/two years ago .

8. Rachel won first prize/second prize in the 10km race.

Homework 5: Read an article about a teenager’s hobby. Choose the correct answer, True or False

Adam Jones has an unusual hobby for a 15-year-old boy. Most of his friends like to spend their time playing
sports like football and basketball or playing computer games, but Adam prefers to cook. Adam first became
interested in food from watching cookery programmes on television, but he learned how to cook from his
father who was a chef in a local Italian restaurant. His father says that Adam is now the best cook in the
family. In the past, Adam’s father did all the cooking for the family, but now Adam cooks most of the family

Page 122
meals. His parents love Adam’s cooking, and even his younger sister Sarah eats most of the food he cooks.

Adam likes cooking food from all over the world, but especially Italian, Indian and Thai food. Last year, he
went on holiday to India and Thailand with his family, and he enjoyed trying all of the different dishes. Next
year, he is going to travel to China and learn how to cook Chinese food. Adam also likes computers and has
his own website called ‘Cook with Adam’. He first made the website as part of a school project, but now he
uses it to tell people about his cooking and to teach young people how to cook. It has easy food recipes,
photos of his food and videos to show people how to cook his favourite meals. The website is very popular
with young people, and Adam hopes that it will make them more interested in learning to cook. His father
now has his own restaurant, and Adam has a part-time job as a chef there. When people go to the
restaurant, they are often surprised that the chef is so young. Adam’s father is happy for him to work there,
but only at the weekends because he doesn’t want him to be too tired for school.

Adam recently won the first prize in a cooking competition for young people in the UK. He made a chicken
curry with rice and vegetables and a chocolate and raspberry dessert. He was very surprised to be in the
final part of the competition, and he couldn’t believe it when he won first prize. He won £500 and a cooking
lesson with a famous TV chef. Adam’s whole family were very happy that he won the competition,
especially his father. After the competition, he appeared on a television news show and a cookery show. In
the future, Adam wants to move to London and work as a chef at a top restaurant. He would also like to
have his own cookery show on TV and to travel around the world and learn how to cook food from many
different countries.

1. Adam likes cooking more than playing football.

● True

● False

2. Adam learned how to cook from watching programmes on television.

● True

Page 123
● False

3. Adam now cooks most of his family’s meals.

● True

● False

4. Adam only likes cooking Italian, Indian or Thai food.

● True

● False

5. Adam went to China with his family last year.

● True

● False

6. Adam made his website for a school project.

● True

● False

7. Adam’s father allows him to work at the restaurant on any night of the week.

● True

● False

Page 124
8. Adam now has his own cookery show on television.

● True

● False

Homework 6: Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. I really enjoy doing/making/taking photos with my new camera.

2. I started doing/taking/playing football when I was 8 years old.

3. I do/go/play swimming once a week.

4. My older brother does/takes/plays a lot of computer games.

5. Every weekend I play/take/watch TV with my family.

6. My sister makes/takes/reads a lot of books.

7. I often go/ride/play my bike to college.

8. My father likes cooking and makes/plays/takes really good Italian food.

Homework 7: Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentences from a letter.

Your for thank you letter

1. _______ ________ __________ _________ _________ .

I'm to sport about tell writing you favourite my

2. _______ ________ __________ _________ _________ _________ __________

_________ _________ .

Sport favourite my is swimming

3. _______ ________ __________ _________ .

Page 125
Swimming I 8 started I first was when

4. _______ ________ __________ _________ _________ _________ __________ .

At I often go the swimming weekend

5. _______ ________ __________ _________ _________ _________ .

I on at the am my swimming school team

6. _______ ________ __________ _________ _________ _________ _________

_________ _________ .

In second prize last a year,I competition won

7. _______ ________ __________ _________ _________ _________ _________

_________ .

You to hope soon hear from

8. _______ ________ __________ _________ _________ _________ .

Homework 8: Complete Susie’s reply to Rachel’s letter. Use the adjectives from the box.

Big difficult exciting fun happy healthy tired

Dear Rachel,

Thank you for your letter. I also enjoy sports. I like playing basketball and swimming, but my favourite sport is
football. I like football, because it is an __________ game, and it is a good way to stay __________ . I started
playing football when I was 9. In the summer, I often go to a football summer camp. The summer camp is in
the countryside, about two hours from my city, Los Angeles. It is near a ___________ forest. We do football
training in the mornings and play matches in the evenings. In the afternoons, we do other sports like
swimming, walking and cycling. We work hard, but we have a lot of __________ too.

Page 126
I also play for a football team. I joined the school team when I was 12. We do football training twice a week,
and we usually play a match on Saturdays with other school teams. I always feel _________ after matches, so
I go to bed early! Sometimes we play on the football field at our school, and sometimes we travel to other
schools by bus and play there. Every year, our school enters a football competition with schools all over
California. Last year, our team won the competition, so we were all really ____________ , and we had a
special dinner at a restaurant to celebrate. Next year, I want to join another girl’s football team in Los Angeles.
It is a strong team with lots of good players, so it’s _______________ to get onto the team. I need to do a lot
of training this summer!

Hope to hear from you soon!

Best wishes,


Homework 9: Match the information with paragraph A or B.

A Thank you for your letter. I also enjoy sports. I like playing basketball and swimming, but my favourite
sport is football. I like football, because it is an exciting game, and it is a good way to stay healthy. I started
playing football when I was 9. In the summer, I often go to a football summer camp. The summer camp is in
the countryside, about two hours from my city, Los Angeles. It is near a big forest. We do football training in
the mornings and play matches in the evenings. In the afternoons, we do other sports like swimming,
walking and cycling. We work hard, but we have a lot of fun too.

B I also play for a football team. I joined the school team when I was 12. We do football training twice a
week, and we usually play a match on Saturdays with other school teams. I always feel tired after matches,
so I go to bed early! Sometimes we play on the football field at our school, and sometimes we travel to
other schools by bus and play there. Every year, our school enters a football competition with schools all
over California. Last year, our team won the competition, so we were all really happy, and we had a special
dinner at a restaurant to celebrate. Next year, I want to join another girl’s football team in Los Angeles. It is

Page 127
a strong team with lots of good players, so it’s difficult to get onto the team. I need to do a lot of training
this summer!

1. When Susie started playing football

● A

● B

2. When Susie joined the school football team

● A

● B

3. Information about a football summer camp

● A

● B

4. How Susie usually feels after playing football matches

● A

● B

5. Information about a football competition

● A

Page 128
● B

6. How often Susie plays football

● A

● B

7. Why Susie likes football

● A

● B

8. What Susie wants to do next year

● A

● B

Page 129
Lesson 3: Writing


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table below gives data on the hour of leisure time per year for people in Someland.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where

Activity 1: Fill in the blanks with “more/less/the most/the least”

According to the table, young and older people spend…………………..leisure time watching TV programmes and
other videos than the people from other age groups. TV watching consumes 1200 hours for teenagers and
1100 hours for elder population. This is…………………. popular leisure-time activity of people as they spend
………………. time on this activity than others.

Page 130
Writing materials

I. Quantifiers
Activity 2: Choose the correct answers for each sentence below

1) The number/amount of hours that people spent on video games increased significantly during the
2) There was a significant increase in the number/amount of time that people spent in video games
during the period


Activity 3: Fill in the blanks with the correct words

▪ The /pɚˈsen.t̬ɪdʒ/__________________- of hours that people spent on video games increased

significantly during the period

▪ There was a significant increase in the /prəˈpɔː.ʃən/_________________ of time that people spent

in video games during the period

Page 131

II. Comparative and superlative

Activity 4: Look at the graph and fill in the blank with the correct form of adjectives

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where

You should write at least 150 words.

It is clear that 0. the largest proportion of consumer spending in each country went on food, drinks and
tobacco. On the other hand, the leisure/education category has 1. ___________ (low) percentage in the table.

Out of the five countries, consumer spending on food, drinks and tobacco was noticeably 2. _________ (high)
in Turkey, at 32.14%, and Ireland, at nearly 29%. The proportion of spending on leisure and education was also

Page 132
3. ___________ (high) in Turkey, at 4.35%, while expenditure on clothing and footwear was significantly 4.
___________ (high) in Italy, at 9%, than in any of the other countries.

It can be seen that Sweden had 5. ___________ (low) percentages of national consumer expenditure for
food/drinks/tobacco and for clothing/footwear, at nearly 16% and just over 5% respectively. Spain had slightly
6. __________ (high) figures for these categories, but 7. __________ (low) figure for leisure/education, at only

Page 133
Activity 5: Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of adjective

▪ The spending on clothing and foodwear in Italy was______________than that in the UK.

Sentence structure:


▪ The spending on clothing and foodwear in Italy was_____________________among the five countries

Sentence structure:


Check-up 1: Translate these sentences into English

1) Chi tiêu vào các hoạt động giải trí/giáo dục ở Tây Ban Nha thấp hơn 2 quốc gia còn lại

2) Chi tiêu vào đồ ăn/thức uống/thuốc là ở Ireland là cao nhất trong cả 3 nhóm

3) Chi tiêu vào quần áo/giày dép ở Thuỵ Điển là thấp nhất trong cả 5 quốc gia

Page 134
4) Chi tiêu vào giải trí/giáo dục ở Thuỵ Điển cao hơn ở Ý
III. More/less/fewer
Activity 6: Choose the correct answer for each sentence

▪ Less/Fewer money was spent on hobbies than on education

▪ Less/Fewer people choose basketball as their favourite sport than football.


Check-up 2: Fill in the blanks with more/less/

1) (More/Less) money was spent on Food/drinks/tobacco in Ireland than in Italy

2) Spain spent (more/less) money on Clothing/Footwear than on Leisure/Education
3) (More/Less) money was spent on Leisure/Education in Spain than in any other countries
4) (More/Less) money was spent on Clothing/Footwear in Italy than in any other countries

Page 135
5) Sweden spent (more/less) money on Clothing/Footwear than any other countries.

Page 136
IV. Linking words/phrases
Activity 7: Fill in the blank with the right preposition (in/on). Then answer the question

▪ Among the five countries, spending on Food/Drinks/Tobacco in Turkey was the highest.

_____________contrast, that in Sweden was the lowest

▪ Of the three categories, spending on Food/Drinks/Tobacco in the whole five countries was the highest.

_______the other hand, that on Leisure and education was the lowest.
Question: Are the phrases used to make comparisons between or within sentences?




Activity 8: Fill in the blanks with the correct words

1) /waɪl/____________ spending on Food/Drink/Tobacco in Turkey was the highest, that in Sweden was
the lowest
2) Spending on Clothing/Footwear in Italy was the highest, /weərˈæz/ ____________ that in Sweden
wass the lowest

Question: Are the phrases used to make comparisons between or within sentences?



Page 137
Exercise 1: Fill in the gaps using comparatives and superlatives

1) 78% of boys like bike riding. 59% of girls like bike riding. __________boys_________ girls like
bike riding
2) 60% of girls like electronic or computer games. 81% of boys like electronic or computer
games.___________girls_________ boys like electronic or computer games
3) 100% of boys and girls like watching TV and videos. The percentages of boys and girls liking
watching TV and videos are_______________
4) 18% of boys like art and craft. The proportion of boys liking art and craft is________________
5) 60% of girls like electronic or computer games. 59% of girls like art and craft. Girls like electronic
or computer games___________ than art and craft.

Page 138
Exercise 2: Rearrange words to make full sentences
1) bike/riding/More/boys/girls/than/like

2) Fewer/than/boys/girls/eclectronic or computer games/like


3) percentage/The/boys/of/ watching TV and videos/the/highest/is


4) The/girls/of/proportion/Skateboarding or Rollerblading/the/ lowest/ is


5) genders/both/for,/watching TV or videos/popular/most/the/ leisure/activity/is


Page 139


Homework 1: Find and correct the mistakes

The bar chart illustrate how Australian children, between 5 and 14, spends their free time. Their
leisure activities are categorised into five different pursuits (Skateboarding, Bike riding, Watching
TV, Computer games, and Art). Overall, it is noticeable that watching TV or videos is by far the
more popular activity among Australian adolescents and rollerblading is the less common
venture among them.

According to the diagram, all Australian boys and girls are fascinated to watch videos or TV
programmes and this is the least typical leisure activity among them. The second least favoured
activity among these youths is playing computer games and 80% boys are engaged in this

Page 140
pastime compared to 20% less girls. 'Art & craft' as an activity is less favourite among Australian
girls than boys. Finally, skateboarding is the most traditional recreation activity among Australian

Homework 2: Choose the correct answer

The table 1.(compares/compare) the percentages of expenditure which college students from three countries
(spend/spends) on different living expenses each year.

Overall, students’ total expenditure in country A is 2.(the higest/higher than) while accommodation and food
account for 3.(the most significant/more significant than) proportions of the total cost of living in three

In country A, the total expenditure of students is 5000$, compared with 4500$ and 1500$ of students in
countries B and C respectively. Accommodation accounts for 45% of students’ expenditure in country A, which
is 4.(higher than/the highest) country B (35%) and country C (30%). In terms of food, students in country C
spend 5.(the largest/larger than) proportion of their budget (36%), while the figure for students in countries A
and B are 22% and 28% respectively.

A high percentage of students’ budget in country C is also spent on books, at 21% compared with 9% for
students in country B and just 3% for students in country A. 6.(By contrast/Similarly), students in countries A

Page 141
and B spend 22% and 23% respectively of their expenditure on leisure, 7.(wheras/by contrast) the students in
country C just spend 12% on this category.

Homework 3: Write the full sentences

The two pie charts draw the conclusion of a survey of boys' and girls' cultural and leisure activities.

a. Overall/more/boys/girls/liked/reading

b. Playing computer games/more popular/boys/girls


c. Percentage/girls/who read/higher/boys

d. Most popular/activity/girls/dancing

e. Skateboarding/less/popular/activity/boys/girls

f. Reading/least popular/activity/boys

Page 142

g. Least popular/activity/girls/listening to music


h. Percentage/boys/like/playing computer games/highest


i. Proportion/girls/like/netball/higher/boys

j. Percentage/girls/like/listening/music/lowest

Homework 4: Translate these sentences into English

1. Ở Britain số tiền dành cho Camera là cao nhất


Page 143
2. Số tiền dành cho toys ở Bỉ thấp hơn tất cả các quốc gia còn lại
3. Số tiền dành cho outdoor game accessories ở Austria thấp hơn ở Anh
4. Trong 4 quốc gia, người Bỉ dành ít tiền nhất vào Books. Ngược lại, khoản tiền mà người Anh dành cho
Books là lớn nhất
5. Trong khi British chi nhiều tiền nhất vào console games, người dân của Austria chi ít nhất.

Page 144

Lesson 1: Listening and Reading

Lesson Preparation
1 Look at the pictures. What are these types of holidays? Match the pictures with the type of holiday, A-

A an adventure holiday B a city break C a language exchange D a beach holiday

Page 145

1. You are going to listen to a radio interview with a student called Anna, who has recently taken part in
a summer cultural exchange programme. First, look at the example question and the answer options, and
read the Bullet Box. Then, listen to Part 1 of the interview.

0 Why did Anna decide to go on a language exchange programme in Spain? Answer: C

A She is good at sports.

B She studies Spanish and not French.

C She wanted to go somewhere new.

2. Now, read Part 1 of the interview and the highlighted parts. In pairs, discuss why C is the correct
answer in Exercise 1.

Well, students can travel to France or Spain on a language exchange, or to the USA on a sports or music
exchange. I didn't go to the USA because I'm not very good at sports. However, I study French and Spanish at
school, so I had two options. I've been to France before, so I decided to go to Spain instead.

3. Listen to Part 2 of the radio interview and answer the questions. For each question, choose the correct
answer, A, B or C.

1 Where did Anna's host family live?

A in an apartment

B in a house

C on a farm

2 How long did Anna stay with her host family?

A two weeks

Page 146
B three weeks

C four weeks

3 How old do students have to be to take part in the language exchange programme?

A 13

B over 14

C 16

4 Students can go on the language exchange programme if

A they are 16 or over and their parents allow them.

B they study a language like French or Spanish at school.

C they play in a school sports team or in the school orchestra.

5 Anna thinks that her Spanish

A hasn't improved.

B has improved a little

C has improved a lot.

Page 147


In some exam reading tasks, you may be asked to complete a matching exercise where you match
descriptions to people. First, identity key words and ideas for each person.
Then match these words and ideas with the description

1. You are going to read about some people who want to book a holiday. First, read the descriptions of
eight different types of holiday. Which would be the best holiday for you?


Come ad learn about nature on your wildlife adventure holidays. Find out where your favourite animals live,
what they ear and how to protect them. Our guides will show you local wildlife in its natural environment.
Don’t forget your camera!


This is a great choice for families looking for fun on holiday. Choose from activities at zoos and water parks, as
well as day trips to local attractions such as museums, art galleries and shopping centres. Accommodation and
meals are all included, leaving you with more time to enjoy your favourite activities.


If you enjoy trying new food, you will love this holiday! This is the perfect chance to visit popular markets and
restaurants with other food-lovers, attend cookery demonstrations and prepare your own delicious eals with the
help of local chefs.


Page 148
Are you looking for a real adventure in the great outdoors? Try one of our mountain climbing, horse riding or
cycling tours! Our fully qualified activity instructors will share their knowledge of the area and entertain you
with true stories about their past adventures. No previous experience is required, but you need to have lots of


This is the perfect holiday for people who simply want to relax. We offer luxury accommodation in our beach
resorts, a variety of restaurants serving delicious local good and perfect cafes to relax and watch the sunset.
Water sports, including snorkelling, windsurfing and sailing, are also available.


Do you want to improve your language skills while experiencing life in another country? Our local host families
will give you the chance to practise speaking the language, teach you how to cook traditional food and take you
to the best local attractions. The Language Exchange holiday is a perfect way to make new friends and explore


Whether you are complete beginner or an experienced sailor, we can give you the perfect sailing experience!
Learn the basics of sailing or more advanced techniques with our qualified sailing instructors.

Do you enjoy visiting art galleries, museums or famous buildings? Do you want to visit other countries? On our
cultural tours in Europe, you can learn about the history of the city you are visiting. Every day includes a
different cultural visit.

2. Now, read what type of holiday each person wants to go on and read the holiday descriptions again.
Then, choose the best holiday for each person.

Remember to read the information in the texts carefully. Some, but not all of the information may match.

Page 149
0 Tom is 10 and is very active. He enjoys all kinds of sports and being
outdoors. He has done a lot of water sports in the past, like sailing and
0 Does Tom like to relax on
windsurfing but he would like to try something different for his holiday this
a beach or be more active?
year. He went to the beach last year, but got bored after a few days. Does he want to do water
sports or try something
Best holiday: D different?

1 Julia is 16 and would like to go on holiday with her best friend from school
1 Are Julia and her friend
during the summer holidays. They want to travel to a new place, visit local able to stay in a foreign
country without their
attractions and try new food. Their parents will not allow their daughters to
be in another country without any adults, but they will allow them to travel
on their own. Julia and her friend both study Spanish at school and are planning to take a Spanish exam next

Best holiday: ________

2 Charlie is 21 years old and has just finished university. He would like to MINI TIP
spend the summer doing something interesting with some friends before they 2 What is the most
start looking for jobs. He prefers holidays in the countryside to holidays in important information about
Charlie’s interests?
cities or at the beach. He thinks that he would like to get a job working with
animals in the future.
3 What are the two most
important things Joanna is
Best holiday: ________ looking for on her holiday?
3 Joanna is 32 and works as a teacher. She wants to book a holiday in August
with her husband. She is usually very tired after a busy term at school and 4 Does Roger just want to
visit museums and galleries
would like to go somewhere hot and near the sea. She wants to relax and not
do very much.

Best holiday: ________

4 Roger is 5 and wants to book a holiday for his wife and two children. They would like to do some cultural
activities, such as visiting museums and art galleries, but also some fun activities to entertain the children. They
also love shopping.

Page 150
Best holiday: ________

Passage 1

We often take air travel for granted today, but it is

actually the result of centuries of experimentation.
Since our earliest days, people have attempted to fly
like the birds that they observed in the sky. These
rudimentary attempts at flight included everything from
jumping off ledges with simple feather-covered wings to
elaborate flying machines like the one designed by
Leonardo da Vinci. Unfortunately, none of these were
ever able to overcome the inherent problems with flight - getting and keeping an object that is heavier than air
aloft. This would remain the case until the mid-1800s, when George Cayley ascertained the fundamentals of
aerodynamics. Using his newfound knowledge, Cayley was able to produce a rudderless glider that could lift a
human 100 feet into the air. Cayley’s work brought about even greater experimentation in aerodynamics.
Amongst those whose interest was piqued were Orville and Wilbur Wright. These American brothers used a
rudimentary air tunnel to perform tests on model wings. Using this device and Cayley's principles, the Wright
brothers observed how winds affected planes and developed accurate mathematical formulas for flight.
Eventually, they devised a way to change the wing configuration to control the plane's balance, in much the way
that ailerons do today, and a rudder system, which allowed for lateral steering of the vessel. Their main problem
was then figuring out a way to power the plane. Although steam engines of the day could've pushed the plane
fast enough to provide lift, they were incredibly heavy. Luckily, the internal combustion engines developed for
the burgeoning automobile industry were both powerful and light enough for the task. The Wright brothers
attached one of these engines to a propeller on their aircraft and made the first controlled, self-propelled flight at
Kittyhawk in 1903. This type of engine configuration became the standard in the aviation industry until the late
1930s, when the jet engine was developed.

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Page 151
1 Leonardo da Vinci's aircraft design was very complex, but

A it relied too heavily on the use of feathers.

B it weighed too much to become or remain airborne.

C it suffered several problems during its first flight.

D it did not have enough space to carry cargo.

2 The writer mentions that George Cayley

A invented the first powered aircraft.

B was inspired by da Vinci's work.

C worked with pilots like the Wright brothers.

D discovered the basics of aerodynamics.

3 Experiments by the Wright brothers allowed them to

A perform the calculations necessary for flight.

B develop an engine that could power aircraft and automobiles.

C invalidate some of the theories presented by Cayley.

D reduce the weight of steam-powered motors.

Page 152


Homework 1. You are going to hear a conversation between two friends. As you listen, write down some
of the details in the right columns. You will need to write a time, or length of time, or no more than two
words to describe the activities. Some of the items have already been completed.

Time Activities

Get up

7:00 – 9:00

Study at school

Work again


Do homework

9:30 – 11:30

Go to bed

Homework 2. Write down the percentages you hear.

Households 1975 1985

Car 1 …………………. 2 ……………………

Central heating 3 …………………. 4 ……………………

Television 94.8% 97.6%

Telephone 5 ………………….. 6 …………………….

Page 153
Home computer 7 …………………. 8 ……………………

Video recorder 9 …………………..

Homework 3. Now listen to the report on consumer’s expenditure in 1983 and in 1993 at market prices
and write down the percentage in the correct column.

Consumers’ Expenditure 1983 (%) 1993 (%)


Alcoholic drink



Recreation, entertainment and


Other goods and services

Homework 4. In this part of the IELTS test you listen to a dialogue and complete a form. Read the form
carefully before you listen.


Courses available:

Name of Course: (0) Getting Started

Time: Two hours from (1) ………………………..

Cost: Free

Course Content: Is starting a business right for me?

Writing a (2) ………………………..

Page 154
Some legal issues

Nearest Location: Hand bridge

Next Course Date: 20th March

Name of Course: (3) ……………………….

Length of Course: (4) ………………………..

Cost: (5) ………………………... or £20 for recently unemployed

Course Content: Day One: Legal Issues

Day Two: Marketing and Pricing

Day Three: Accounting and book keeping

Nearest Location: Renton

Next Course Date: 5th March or (6) ………………………..


Name: (7) ……………………………...

Address: (8) ………………………………, East Leigh

Email: (9) ……………………………….

Homework 5. You will hear a dialogue. As you listen, fill in the form below.

Time of Dr. Kent’s Lecture

Page 155
Monday 1 …………………………………….. Room No. 3 ………………………………
Friday 2 ………………………………………. Room No. 4 ………………………………

Page 156
Homework 6. You will hear a dialogue between a student and a landlord. The student has seen an
advertisement and is phoning the landlord to find out more about it. As you listen, fill in the form below.

Telephone number 1 …………………………………..

2 …………………………………..
Type of room
Rent 3 …………………………………..
Day rent due
4 £ ………………………………...
Deposit amount
House rues 5 …………………………………..
Public transport
6 £ …………………………………
When is the room available
7 …………………………………..

8 …………………………………..

9 …………………………………..

Homework 7. Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer.

Hotel Reservation Form

Name: William French

Billing Adress: 1 ……………………………


Mobile Number: 2 …………………………….

Check-in Date: 15th June

Check-out Date: 3 …………………………….

Payment Type: Credit card

Page 157
Amount 4 £ ………………………..

Page 158

Homework 1. Match the activities with the pictures. Use the words in the box.

airport beach castle fun park hotel museum restaurant skyscraper




Page 159




Homework 2. Read the information about a museum. Then complete the exercise.

Page 160
At the Nature Museum, you can find out about many different animals, from dinosaurs to dolphins. The
animals in the museum are not only to look at. Visitors are welcome to play with them, learn how they eat,
and of course, take lots of photos. From May until September, on the second floor, visitors can learn about
how dinosaurs lived in the past, play with our friendly model dinosaur, and even make their own dinosaur.

Visitors can take a group tour of the museum, or explore the museum on their own with our new mobile
phone app. If you get tired, you can visit our café on the third floor for hot drinks, sandwiches and cakes.
There is also a shop on the ground floor, where you can buy presents for your friends and family.

The museum is open from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday, and 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. at
the weekend. Tickets cost £6.00 for adults and £3.00 for children. A family ticket for two adults and
two children costs £12.00. The museum is free on the first Saturday of every month.

Complete the sentences with one word or a number from the text. Read the information on the first
screen again to help you.

1. Visitors to the Nature Museum are welcome to take __________ .

2. From May until September, there is a model of a ____________ that visitors can play with.

3. Visitors can take a tour of the museum in a ________________ or on their own.

4. The café is on the __________ floor of the museum.

5. The museum closes at ______________ at the weekends.

6. A family ticket to the museum costs £ ____________ .

Homework 3. Read the text about a famous building. Complete the gaps with the correct verbs.

The Burj Khalifa is a modern skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It is make/take of metal and glass and
it is over 800 metres high. Many people from all over the world travel/visit the Burj Khalifa every day. Visitors
can take a lift to the 148th floor and look out of the windows at the city. Inside the Burj Khalifa, visitors can eat
in the highest restaurant in the world, which serves fantastic food. Visitors can also look at and enjoy paintings
by famous artists from the Middle East. They can even leave/stay there for the night, in the world’s highest

Page 161
luxury hotel. The Burj Khalifa is not only for tourists as many people live in the building, in luxury apartments
or visit/work in one of the many offices inside the building. It is also a good place to celebrate special occasions.
For example, on New Year’s Eve, many people go to the Burj Khalifa to see the famous fireworks at midnight.

The Burj Khalifa is an important tourist place in Dubai, because it is the highest building in the world. It is also
the most popular place to visit in the United Arab Emirates. Many people from all over the world want to go to
the top of the world’s highest building and put/take their photos on the internet. Many people see/watch the
photos and then want to visit Dubai. If you like/want to visit Dubai, you should definitely go/see to the Burj

Homework 4. Read the postcard from Tom to his friend Adam. Choose True or False.

Dear Adam,

Hello from Coconut Island! I am having a brilliant time relaxing on the beach with my aunt and uncle and my
brother. It’s a shame that my parents aren’t here – they had to stay at home and work. The beach has beautiful
white sand, palm trees and clear blue water. I went swimming this morning, and the water was lovely. It
wasn’t too cold. There are a lot of different activities to do on the beach. Yesterday morning me and my
brother tried surfing. He was much better than me, but I still enjoyed it. My favourite activity was the boat
trip yesterday afternoon. We saw dolphins and a lot of colourful fish. Yesterday evening, we had dinner in a
restaurant next to the beach and ate fish. I usually don’t like fish, but the food at the restaurant was delicious!

See you next week.

Best wishes,


1. Tom is on holiday with his parents.

● True

● False

Page 162
2. The water was very cold when Tom went swimming.

● True

● False

3. Tom did some activities on the beach yesterday.

● True

● False

4. Tom’s brother was good at surfing.

● True

● False

5. Tom’s favourite activity was surfing.

● True

● False

6. Tom didn’t like the fish at the restaurant.

● True

● False

Homework 5. Read the text about a famous fun park. Match the headings in the box to the paragraphs

Page 163
Different times of year How to visit Things to do

What is Tivoli Gardens? Why is it so popular?

A ______________

Tivoli Gardens is a fun park in Copenhagen, the capital city of Denmark. The park was built a very long time
ago in 1843. In the past, Tivoli Gardens had many famous visitors, including the Danish children’s writer Hans
Christian Andersen and the American filmmaker Walt Disney. Today, the fun park is still one of the most
popular places for tourists to visit in Copenhagen and people who are both young and old enjoy visiting the park
every day of the year.

B ______________

There are a lot of popular things to do for visitors to Tivoli Gardens. It is most famous for its rides. The oldest
ride in the park was built in 1914, and people can still ride on it today. One quite scary ride is called ‘Vertigo’
and it travels at 100km per hour. This ride won the prize for the Best Ride of 2014. There are also many
restaurants, where people can eat food from all over the world. There are many old buildings and the beautiful
gardens are a very good place to relax.

C ________________

Many people ask the same question about Tivoli gardens – how does it still get so many visitors after all these
years? One reason why so many people love Tivoli Gardens is because there is something there for everyone.
Some of the rides are old, and others are new. Some rides are scary and others are relaxing. The rides are not
just popular with children. Adults enjoy them too because they make them think about when they were young. It
has beautiful buildings and gardens, and coloured lights at night time, so people feel relaxed and happy.

D ________________

Tivoli Gardens is open all year, and there are different things to see and do all year round. In spring, visitors can
enjoy the beautiful flowers in the gardens. In summer, the park is open until late, and there are dance shows.
There are pumpkins, spiders and witches for Halloween, and in winter there are many coloured lights on the
trees and a market. It is a popular place to go to celebrate the New Year, when there are fireworks at midnight.

Page 164
E _______________

There are two different types of ticket that visitors can buy to visit Tivoli Gardens. They can pay to enter the
gardens and pay for the rides later, or they can pay a little more for a ticket which includes as many rides as they
like. This is generally the best ticket to choose, as it saves spending a lot of extra money on rides. If guests have
a Copenhagen visitor card, they can enter the Gardens for free. People can buy tickets at the gardens or on the

Homework 6. Read the text about the Burj Khalifa. Then complete the exercise.

A The Burj Khalifa is a modern skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It is made of metal and glass and
it is over 800 metres high. Many people from all over the world visit the Burj Khalifa every day. Visitors can
take a lift to the 148th floor and look out of the windows at the city. Inside the Burj Khalifa, visitors can eat
in the highest restaurant in the world, which serves fantastic food. Visitors can also look at and enjoy
paintings by famous artists from the Middle East. They can even stay there for the night, in the world’s
highest luxury hotel. The Burj Khalifa is not only for tourists as many people live in the building, in luxury
apartments or work in one of the many offices inside the building. It is also a good place to celebrate special
occasions. For example, on New Year’s Eve, many people go to the Burj Khalifa to see the famous fireworks
at midnight.

B The Burj Khalifa is an important tourist place in Dubai, because it is the highest building in the world. It is
also the most popular place to visit in the United Arab Emirates. Many people from all over the world want to
go to the top of the world’s highest building and put their photos on the internet. Many people see the photos
and then want to visit Dubai. The Burj Khalifa is popular with people of all ages. Young people, families and
older people will all enjoy visiting this amazing building. If you want to visit Dubai, you should definitely go
to the Burj Khalifa.

Match the information with paragraph A or B. Read the text about the Burj Khalifa on the first screen
again to help you.

1. Where to eat.

Page 165
● A

● B

0. Why the building is important.

● A

● B

0. People of different ages like visiting the building.

● A

● B

0. A place to stay.

● A

● B

0. How some people find out about the building.

● A

● B

0. A description of the building.

● A

● B

Page 166
Page 167
Lesson 3: Writing


I. OVERVIEW: IELTS writing task 2

1. Instruction

Activity 1: Fill in the blank

Some people think that the best way to solve global environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Number of words:…………………………………………………

Length of time:…………………………………………………….

2. Types of essays

Activity 2: Decide which types of essays these following topics belong to. Write A, B, C, D, E or F in the
given space.

A Discussion

B Opinion

C Advantage and disadvantage

D Cause and effect

E Problem and solution

Page 168
F Two-part questions

______ Some people think that governments should give financial support to artists, musicians, and poets.
Others think that it is a waste of money. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

______ Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school
rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

______ Obesity in children is becoming a big problem in many countries. What are the reasons behind this and
how does this issue affect people?

______ It is more important for schoolchildren to learn about local history than world history. To what extent
do you agree or disagree?

______ One problem faced by almost every large city is traffic congestion. What do you think the causes are?
What solutions can you suggest?

______ In some countries, people spend long hours at work. Why does this happen? Is it positive or negative

______ Some people think that zoos are cruel and should be closed down. Others, however, believe that zoos
can be useful in protecting wild animals.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

3. Structure

Activity 3: Fill in the blanks

Body 1 Overview Introduction Body 2

Paragraphs Function

Cities are often seen as places of opportunity, but there are also some major drawbacks of living
in a large metropolis. In my opinion, governments could do much more to improve city life for

Page 169
the average inhabitant.

The main problem for anyone who hopes to migrate to a large city is that the cost of living is
likely to be much higher than it is in a small town or village. Inhabitants of cities have to pay
higher prices for housing, transport, and even food. Another issue is that urban areas tend to
suffer from social problems such as high crime and poverty rates in comparison with rural areas.
Furthermore, the air quality in cities is often poor, due to pollution from traffic, and the streets
and public transport systems are usually overcrowded. As a result, city life can be unhealthy and

However, there are various steps that governments could take to tackle these problems. Firstly,
they could invest money in the building of affordable or social housing to reduce the cost of
living. Secondly, politicians have the power to ban vehicles from city centers and promote the
use of cleaner public transport, which would help to reduce both air pollution and traffic
congestion. In London, for example, the introduction of a congestion charge for drivers has
helped to curb the traffic problem. A third option would be to develop provincial towns and rural
areas, by moving industry and jobs to those regions, in order to reduce the pressure on major

In conclusion, governments could certainly implement a range of measures to enhance the quality
of life for all city residents.


II.Basic information

Page 170
The IELTS writing task 2 essay should be of at least 250 words (approximately 27 lines). You should spend
around 40 minutes on this part of the IELTS writing test.

There are 6 main types of essays, including



Advantage and disadvantage

Cause and effect

Problem and solution

Two-part questions

The marking criteria are illustrated in the following table:

Page 171

Exercise 1: Rearrange the paragraphs to form a complete essay.

0. For a variety of reasons, it would be wrong to reduce taxes for families

who pay for private education. Firstly, it would be difficult to calculate the correct
amount of tax reduction for these families, and staff would be required to manage
this complex process. Secondly, we all pay a certain amount of tax for public
services that we may not use. For example, most people are fortunate enough not
to have to call the police or fire brigade at any time in their lives, but they would
not expect a tax reduction for this. Finally, if wealthy families were given a tax
discount for sending their children to private schools, we might have a situation
where poorer people pay higher taxes than the rich.
Body 1:…………….....
B. Some people believe that parents of children who attend private schools Body 2: ……………...
should not need to contribute to state schools through taxes. Personally, I Conclusion:………….
completely disagree with this view.

C. In conclusion, I do not believe that any financial concessions should be

made for people who choose private education.

D. In my opinion, we should all be happy to pay our share of the money that
supports public schools. It is beneficial for all members of society to have a
high-quality education system with equal opportunities for all young
people. This will result in a well-educated workforce and in turn a more
productive and prosperous nation. Parents of children in private schools
may also see the advantages of this in their own lives. For example, a
company owner will need well-qualified and competent staff, and a well-
funded education system can provide such employees.

Page 172
Exercise 2: Analyze the sample based on two criteria (Lexical resource and Grammatical Range &
Accuracy) then try to make it better

I agree that it is better for students to work before their university studies. This is because students can earn
money to help their finances when students go to university and meet lots of new people. Learning workplace
skills are another good reason for students to work early. Some of the people students meet may help find a job
when they leave university.

Common mistakes you should avoid:

Repetition of lexical resources

Subject-Verb disagreement

Page 173


1. Read the introduction and choose the appropriate type of essay.

When they finish school, teenagers face the dilemma of whether to get a job or continue their education. While
there are some benefits to getting a job straight after school, I would argue that it is better to go to college or

A Discussion

B Causes and effects

C Advantages & disadvantages

Humans are responsible for a variety of environmental problems, but we can also take steps to reduce the
damage that we are causing to the planet. This essay will discuss environmental problems and the measures that
governments and individuals can take to address these problems.

A Causes and effects

B Two-part questions

C Problems & solutions

Nowadays, working overtime is increasingly common for employees in many different parts of the world. There
are many reasons behind this phenomenon and I believe this brings more harm than good to people.

A Two-part questions

B Problems & solutions

C Causes & effects

Page 174
2. Rearrange the outline of this following essay

The use of social media is replacing face-to-face interaction among many people in society. Do you think the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

A keep in contact with our loved ones

B affect the style of speaking and writing

C face-to-face communication is being replaced with online conversations; the benefits social media bring to
our lives are overweighed by its drawbacks

D reduce the quality of interpersonal communication

E for the reasons mentioned above ; that the positive effects that social media has on our communication are
outweighed by the disadvantages

F companies can keep their clients updated


Main body (Paragraph 1)

Idea 1:

Idea 2:

Main body (Paragraph 2)

Idea 1:

Idea 2:


Page 175
3. Analyze the sample based on two criteria (Lexical resource and Grammatical Range & Accuracy) then
try to make it better. There are total 8 mistakes on the paragraphs.

These days, face-to-face communication replace with online conversations using social media apps, such as
Facebook, WhatsApp or Tumblr. It seems to me that the benefits these technologies have brought to our
lives overweigh by their drawbacks.

In terms of the advantages, social networking sites have made it much easier for us to keep in contact with our
loved ones, regardless of geographic location. Students studying abroad, for example, can keep in touch with
their loved ones on a daily basis use the video call features of Skype, Facebook or various other apps. Skype or
Facebook is also a powerful tool in marketing and business. In this digital age, companies can keep their clients
updated regarding newly-released products or promotions by posting their campaigns on social media, which
help save a great deal of time and expense compared to the traditional methods of advertising in newspapers or

Common mistakes you should avoid:

Repetition of lexical resources

Subject-Verb disagreement

4. Complete each sentence of this body paragraph using the words given

Despite the above/I personally/ that / it come to/communication/ social media /more harm/ than good.

The overuse of/reduce/ the quality/ interpersonal communication.

Many people/ so addicted/social networking sites that/ constantly stare at/screens/ dinners with their families/ actually/
attention/ the people around.

The frequent/of/ social media/affect the style/ speaking and writing/ especially/young people.

These days, many teenagers/ a habit/ use abbreviated words/which/frequently/ in text messages/in posts on social media/in
their academic essays/formal emails.

Page 176
5. Translate this sentence into English

Tóm lại, vì những lý do nêu trên, tôi cho rằng những tác động tích cực mà mạng xã hội mang lại cho việc giao
tiếp của chúng ta ít hơn những nhược điểm của nó.

Page 177
I. Underline the correct word to complete the sentences
1. I often play/do tennis after school.
2. My brother is doing/going karate now.
3. When do you usually play/go gymnastics?
4. In this photo, my family is going/doing hiking.
5. I don’t know how to play/go bowling, but I would like to learn.
6. My sister has so many hobbies! At the moment, she is going/playing horse-riding.
7. It is interesting to do/go hiking when you want to take a break.
8. Which one is your hobby, play/do skiing or play/go basketball?
9. I don’t like doing/going boxing, I prefer going/playing cycling.
10. Let’s play/go sailing to relax.
II. Choose the best answers A, B or C
1. Does Eddie _______rugby for the university?
A do B make C play

2. You should _______ some exercise everyday if you want to lose weight
A take B make C play

3. They often _________ jogging in the streets near their home.

A. make B. go C. do

4. I expect our team will ______ the game tomorrow.

A. succeed B. gain C. win

5. I hope our team doesn’t ________ the match on Saturday.

A. lose B. fail C. defeat

6. Our football team will have to ________ France 2:0 if they want to get a place in the World Cup final.
A. win B. succeed C. beat

Page 178
7. If the two players ____________, they will have to play the game again.
A. equal B. match C. draw

8. You will need to __________ hard to get a place on the Olympic team.
A. train B. develop C. learn

9. If our team manages to __________ another goal, they’ll be national champions!

A. hit B. score C. enter

10. Which football team do you _________?

A. support B. encourage C. accept

III. Complete the sentences using the suitable words

visit water parks see famous buildings go on cultural visits

visit beach resorts go mountain climbing try traditional food

go on day trips go on cycling tours

1. There are many popular tourist attractions to visit. However, my vacation time is short so I think I will
2. I think that it would be fun to ____________ with my friends because they are interested in playing
different water games.
3. I would prefer to ___________ such as visiting museums and art galleries than to go on shopping.
4. Denmark is one of the most bike-friendly countries in the world. With thousands of kilometers of
cycling routes, it is popular to ___________ here.
5. I often _____________ every weekend because it is good for my physical health.
6. As my mom like to go to the beach for holidays, my family will __________ in the next summer.
7. My dream is to ______________. There are places all over the world that are so beautiful and amazing
with their architecture, history and design.
8. It’s fun to ___________ when I go on holiday. Last summer, I went on a trip to Korea and had the most
delicious meal in local restaurant.

Page 179
IV. Fill in the blank with Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple
1. My mother ________ (cook) breakfast every day.
2. She ________(not go) to school last year.
3. He ________(not do) his homework at the moment. I ________(think) he ________(play) games.
4. ________(she/bake) cakes yesterday?
5. We usually ________(drink) tea in the afternoon, but now we ________(have) coffee.
6. David ________(see) a big tiger 2 years ago and ________(be) very excited.
7. Listen! My little sister ________(sing).
8. I ________ (like) eating ice-cream so much.
9. Last week, he ________(take part in) a basketball competition.
10. What ________(she/study) last Monday?
11. She can’t go out with her friends now because she ________(help) her family to paint the house.
12. I often ________(visit) my grandparents on Sundays.
13. Yesterday, Peter ________(do) exercises, ________(dress) and ________(have) breakfast.
14. When he ________(be) small, he often ________(go) fishing with his grandfather.
15. Look! A man ________(swim) in the lake!
16. Don’t turn on the TV. The children ________(learn) English.
17. Yesterday, after he ______ (arrive) home, he ______ (eat) dinner and ______ (do) homework.
18. I ________(look) for a bicycle, but I can’t find anything good.
19. My brother often ________(go) to school by bus, but today he ________(go) to school by bike.
20. The bus ________(leave) at 9am.

Page 180

Read the text below and answer Questions 1-8.


At this College, we recommend the Multiplan policy.

Travel insurance requirements

As this course includes a total of three months' travel outside

Australia, travel insurance is compulsory. If you are sick or have
an accident in Australia, your medical bills will be fully covered -
however, you cannot assume that everything will be covered
overseas, so please read the following requirements carefully.

1. Medical

Australia has reciprocal medical arrangements with the governments of the eight nations you will be visiting.
This arrangement will cover all emergency hospital treatment. However, students will have to take out
insurance such as Multiplan to cover the costs of all visits to doctors, and other non-emergency medical

If you have a serious accident or illness, Multiplan insurance will cover the cost of your flight back to Australia,
if required. Depending on the circumstances, this may also pay for either medical personnel or a family member
to accompany you home. Multiplan insurance may not cover all pre-existing medical conditions - so before you
leave be sure to check with them about any long-term illnesses or disabilities that you have.

If you do require medical treatment overseas, and you want to make a claim on your insurance, the claim will
not be accepted unless you produce both your student card and your travel insurance card.

2. Belongings

The Multiplan policy covers most student requirements. In particular, it provides students with luggage
insurance. This covers any loss or theft of your everyday belongings. For example, this insurance covers:

Page 181
• the present value of items that are stolen, provided that you have purchase receipts for every item; if no
receipts, no payment can be made

• replacement value of your briefcase or backpack and study books

• portable computers and CD players, if you specifically list them as items in the policy

3. Cancellation

This insurance covers any non-refundable deposit and other costs you have paid if you have to cancel due to
'unforeseen or unforeseeable circumstances outside your control'. It does not provide cover if you change your
study or travel plans for other reasons.

Questions 1-8: Classify the following events as being

A covered by government arrangements

B covered by the Multiplan policy

C not covered by the Multiplan policy

D covered in some situations

1 A student travelling overseas suddenly needs hospital treatment.

2 A student consults a doctor regarding a minor problem while abroad.

3 A parent goes overseas to bring an injured or sick student to Australia.

4 A student is treated overseas for an illness he/she had before leaving Australia.

5 A student who requires medical treatment has lost his/her travel insurance card.

6 A student's study books are lost.

7 A student's laptop is stolen.

8 A student changes his/her mind about plans to study and decides not to take the booked flight.

Page 182
Listen to the conversation and fill in the missing information in the right place.

Message to Ms. Proctor

Date: July 8 at 10:30

From …………………………


The meeting is on ……………….. at ……………………… room


Please call him ……………………………..

Telephone number: …………………………………

Message to …………………………………..

Date July 15 at 3:30

From ……………………………..


The is a ………………………… at Bob’s house on …………………………………

Bob’s address: ……………………………….

Please call back ……………………………….

Telephone number: ………………………………….

Page 183

Message to Professor …………………………

From ………………………………….


The meeting on ………………………… is …………………………

Please call him ………………………..

Telephone number: ………………………….

Page 184
The graph below shows the average number of UK commuters travelling each day by car, bus or train
between 1970 and 2030.

INTRODUCTION: Rearrange the words given to form an introduction

1. The line graph /using/ daily travel / compares / for / three / by/ forms of transport / workers / different/
over a period / figures / in the UK / of/ 60 years.


OVERVIEW: Translate each sentence into English

2. Rõ ràng là xe hơi là phương tiện giao thông phổ biến nhất cho hành khách nước Anh trong suốt thời gian
được nêu ra.

Page 185
3. Ngoài ra, trong khi số lượng người sử dụng xe hơi và xe lửa tăng dần, số lượng người dung xe buýt
giảm dần

BODY 1: Complete the sentences using the words given

4. 1970/5 million/ UK commuters/travelled/car/on a daily basis/the bus and train/used/4 million and 2

5. 2000/driving to work/rose/7 million/rail passengers/ reached/3 million


6. There/drop/0.5 million/bus users


BODY 2: Complete the sentences using the hints below

7. (2030) car: 9 million

train: rise to 5 million

8. bus: less popular, 3 million


Page 186
Exercise 1: Work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions.

1. What is your hobby?

2. How many hours a week do you spend on your hobby?

3. Which hobbies are the most popular in your country?

4. Did you have any hobbies when you were a child?

5. Are there any hobbies you would like to try?

6. Which hobbies do you think are the most difficult?

Exercise 2: Describe a special trip you have been on

You should say:

• when you had it

• who you went with

• where you went

• what you did

• and explain why it was a special trip

Page 187


Exercise 1: Listen to people telephoning an office to speak to the people below at 10 AM. Write down the
time when each people will return.

STT Name Arriving at

1 Mr Day 11.00
2 Ms Lewis
3 Mr Grant
4 Mrs Ginatti
5 Mr Frank
6 Ms Taylor

Exercise 2: Listen to people phoning their friends. Tick where each person is.

Kathy Bill Susan Terry Mr Lee Helen

In the garage

In the bathroom

In the bedroom

In the kitchen

In the living room

He/she has gone out

Page 188
Page 189
Exercise 3: Listen to people opening bank accounts. Write down their names.

STT Name Surname

0 Tosh Asada

Exercise 4: How long have these people been in Britain? Listen and write the number of weeks, months, or
years they have been here.

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8


READING PASSAGE 1: Circle A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer

Few people have packed more into a day trip than Michael and Lillian Long from Kent who took the ferry from
their home in England to Boulogne in France in 1987. On Easter Sunday this adventurous couple went for a
short walk around the town. In no time they were spectacularly lost and showing all the qualities of born

'We walked and walked,' Mrs Long recalled, 'and the further we walked to try to get back, the further we
walked away from Boulogne.' Unable to speak French, they felt embarrassed about asking the way, so they
walked throughout the night until finally the next morning a driver gave them a lift to a small village they did
not recognise. Here they caught a train to the wrong destination - Paris. In the French capital they spent all
their remaining money on catching what they thought was the express train back to Boulogne. After an
enjoyable trip they arrived in Luxembourg on Monday.

Page 190
Two hours later police put them on the train back to Paris, but it divided and their half ended up in Basel, an
attractive medieval town in the north of Switzerland. Having no money, they tried to find work, but without
success. The railway company offered them a free ticket to Belfort, thinking that this was where they had
come from. Once they got off the train, our heroes hiked forty-two miles to Vesoul, hitched a lift to Paris and
then nearly boarded the train to Bonn in Germany. Diverted just in time to the right platform, they finally
reached Boulogne a week after they had set out on their walk. They had covered a distance of almost 1,700
km without luggage, maps or any idea of where they were. When he arrived at Dover harbour, Mr Long said it
was the first time they had travelled abroad and that they would not be leaving England again.

1. What could be the best title for the passage?

A. How to avoid getting lost? C. Not wanting for help?

B. The least successful trip D. Never go travelling!

2. The word “qualities” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to

A. qualifications B. boldness C. characteristics D. appearances

3. According to the passage, when the couple first got lost, they did not ask for direction because

A. they did not recall what happened C. a drive was willing to drive them to their destination
B. it was late and there was no one on the road D. their French was not very good

4. The word “it” in paragraph 3 refers to

A. trip B. trip C. train D. ticket

5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage

A. The couple decided to take a train in the hope of coming back to where they left

B. The police wants the couple to go on the wrong train to Paris

C. Mr and Mrs Long failed to seek for jobs when they were in an ancient town

Page 191
D. The couple did not recognise where they had gone.

READING PASSAGE 2: Complete the sentences below. Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each

Though collecting hundreds or even thousands of postcards, chocolate wrappers or whatever, takes time,
energy and money, there are millions of collectors around the world. Why do they do it?

There are the people who collect because they want to make money - this could be called an instrumental
reason for collecting; that is, collecting as a means to an end. They'll look for, say, antiques that they can buy
cheaply and expect to be able to sell at a profit. But there may well be a psychological element, too - buying
cheap and selling dear can give the collector a sense of triumph. And as selling online is so easy, more and
more people are joining in.

Many collectors collect to develop their social life, attending meetings of a group of collectors and exchanging
information on items. This is a variant on joining a bridge club or a gym, and similarly brings them into contact
with like-minded people.

Some may spend their whole lives in a hunt for this. Psychologically, this can give a purpose to a life that
otherwise feels aimless. There is a danger, though, that if the individual is ever lucky enough to find what
they're looking for, rather than celebrating their success, they may feel empty, now that the goal that drove
them on has gone.

If you think about collecting postage stamps another potential reason for it - Or, perhaps, a result of collecting
is its educational value. Stamp collecting opens a window to other countries, and to the plants, animals, or
famous people shown on their stamps.

In the past - and nowadays, too, though to a lesser extent - a popular form of collecting, particularly among
boys and men, was trainspotting. This might involve trying to see every locomotive of a particular type, using
published data that identifies each one, and ticking off each engine as it is seen. Trainspotters exchange

Page 192
information, these days often by mobile phone, so they can work out where to go to, to see a particular

1. The writer mentions collecting ......................... as an example of collecting in order to make money.
2. Collectors may get a feeling of ......................... from buying and selling items.
3. Collectors’ clubs provide opportunities to share ......................... .
4. Collectors’ clubs offer ......................... with people who have similar interests.
5. Collecting sometimes involves a life-long ......................... for a special item.
6. Searching for something particular may prevent people from feeling their life is
completely ......................... .
7. Stamp collecting may be ......................... because it provides facts about different countries.
8. ......................... tends to be mostly a male hobby.


Exercise 1: Answer these questions about your house

A. Where is it located?

B. How many rooms does it have?

C. What is your favorite room?

Exercise 2: In pairs, tell your friends about your house

Page 193

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the given words

lower compares increased experienced

a considerable increase overall rose significantly almost

The line graph 1 __________ the percentage of people in three countries who used the Internet between
1999 and 2009.
It is clear that the proportion of the population who used the Internet 2 _______________ in each country
over the period shown. 3 _______, a much larger percentage of Canadians and Americans had access to the
Internet in comparison with Mexicans, and Canada 4 _____________ the fastest growth in Internet usage.
In 1999, the proportion of people using the Internet in the USA was about 20%. The figures for Canada and
Mexico were 5 ________________ , at about 10% and 5% respectively. In 2005, Internet usage in both the
USA and Canada witnessed 6________________ to around 70% of the population, while the figure for Mexico
reached just over 25%.
By 2009, the percentage of Internet users was highest in Canada. 7 ______________ 100% of Canadians used
the Internet, compared to about 80% of Americans and only 40% of Mexicans.

Page 194
Exercise 2: Use the given words to create full sentences.

1. The line graph/ compare/ percentage/ people aged 65/ or more /in three country/ over a period/ 100
2. It/clear/ the proportion/ elderly/ person/ increase/ in each country/ between/ 1940 and 2040.
3. Japan/ be/ expected/ see/ the most dramatic changes/ in its elderly population.
4. In 1940/ around 9% of Americans/ be/ aged 65/ or over/ compare to/ about 7% of /Swedish person/ and
5% of/ Japan person.

Page 195
5. The proportions/ of /elderly person/ in the USA and Sweden/ rise gradually/ over the next 50 year/,
reaching just under 15% in 1990.
6. By contrast/ the figures for Japan/ remain/ below 5% until/ early 2000s.
7. Looking/ into/ future/ a sudden increase/ the percentage of elderly people/ is predicted/ for Japan, with
a jump of /over 15%/ in just 10 year /from 2030 to 2040.

8. By 2040/ it is thought that/ around 27% of the Japanese population/ be 65 years old or more/ while the
figures for Sweden and the USA will be slightly lower, at about 25% and 23% respectively.

Page 196
Exercise 3: Describe the graph by periods of time
The line graph shows the figures for the incidence of X disease in Someland. Summarise the information by
selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

a, 1960
b, 1960-1975
c, 1975-1990
d, 1990-1995

Page 197

Lesson 1: Listening and Reading

Lesson Preparation
1 Look at the pictures. Match the countries in the box with the pictures of different food.

Saudi Arabia The United Kingdom China Italy Brazil

Page 198

1. You are going to listening to Mark and Jane discussing the food festival. What is the main topic of
their conversation? Listen and choose the best answer, A, B or C.

A The activities they want to see there.

B The friends they will invite to the festival.

C The reasons their other friends can’t go.

2. Listen again and match the people, 1-6 with the reasons, A-H.

A is going sightseeing

1 Marco B can’t afford to go

2 Mohammed C is working

3 Pierre D is going to restaurant

4 Hang Yie E is helping someone

5 Lucy F is doing something with their flatmate

6 Larissa G is in a different country

H is studying

3. Listen again and check your answers.

4. You are going to listen to a chef giving a cooking demonstration. Listen to the introduction. Which
recipe is he going to cook? Choose the best answer, A, B or C.

Page 199
5. Listen to the second part of the chef's demonstration. Complete the descriptions of the diagram using
the words in the box.

boil chop(x2) cut fold mix(x2) roll

1 You need to __________ water with 2 You need to __________ the 3 You __________ the meat and
flour to make the cases. cabbage to make the filling. cabbage by hand.

5 You need to __________ the 6 Then you __________ the dough

4 You need to __________ the spring
dough in to 20 equal pieces to make into flat cases.
onions and shrimps into small pieces.
the cases.

Page 200
7 You __________ the dough into half-moon shapes. 8 You __________ the dumplings three times and they
are ready to eat.

Page 201

1. You are going to read an article about the Chinese food festival in London. Skim the text once quickly.
Which of the ideas does it mention?

Food stalls Famous chefs Traditional activities Arts and crafts Fairground rides

2 Read the article again and the sentences, 1-6. The information in bold in the sentences is incorrect.
Correct the sentences by choosing the best answer, A, B or C.

1 The Chinese food festival is in London every year.

A True B False C Not Given

2 The festival only includes Chinese cooking.

A True B False C Not Given

3 You can learn to make some of the Chinese food at the festival.

A True B False C Not Given

Page 202
4 Children can come to the festival.

A True B False C Not Given

5 The festival is only about cooking.

A True B False C Not Given

6 If you don't download a ticket, you must pay to enter on the day.

A True B False C Not Given


3 Read the instructions about making a Korean dish called Bulgogi and look at the pictures. First, put the
pictures A-F in the correct order.

0 __B__ 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____ 4 _____ 5 _____

First, take a large onion and some spring onions and chop them into small pieces.

Then, in a large bowl put some soy sauce and a cup of cold water.

Page 203
After this, add the onions and spring onions and mix them all together.

Then, you will need to take your beef and cut it into slices and then add it to the ingredients in the bowl. Put the
bowl into the fridge for four hours. Afterwards, remove the meat from the bowl and fry for 5-10 minutes.

Finally, put the food on the plate and serve to your friends. Add salt and pepper of you wish.


4 Read the text and choose the best answer, A, B, C or D.

I don't usually like 1 ______________ meals and because I live alone, I often go 2 ______________
restaurants or eat fast food in the week. 3 ______________ the weekend, I have more 4 ______________ time,
so I usually cook my favourite meal. My 5 ______________ meal is chicken curry with rice and vegetables. I
don't have an oven, so I 6 ______________ the chicken on its own in a pan and 7 ______________ the rice in
water. I like this meal so much that sometimes I also order it in restaurants. I sometimes also eat it four times a
week! It is very popular 8 ______________ my country, too. I think a lot of people like it because it is healthy
and easy to make. You can also change the recipe so it is spicy or not, so everybody can enjoy it.

1 A cooking B cook C do D doing

2 A in B at C to D for

3 A For B At C In D With

4 A extra B free C off D hobby

5 A lovely B liked C favourite D popular

6 A fold B mix C fry D chop

7 A fry B cut C roll D boil

8 A in B with C at D on

Page 204
Passage 1

The True Cost of Food

For more than forty years the cost of food has

been rising. It has now reached a point where a
growing number of people believe that it is far too
high, and that bringing it down will be one of the
great challenges of the twenty first century. That
cost, however, is not in immediate cash. In the
West at least, most food is now far cheaper to buy
in relative terms than it was in 1960.

The cost is in the collateral damage of the very methods of food production that have made the food cheaper: in
the pollution of water, the enervation of soil, the destruction of wildlife, the harm to animal welfare and the
threat to human health caused by modern industrial agriculture.

First mechanisation, then mass use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides, then monocultures, then battery
rearing of livestock, and now genetic engineering - the onward march of intensive farming has seemed
unstoppable in the last half-century, as the yields of produce have soared. But the damage it has caused has been
colossal. In Britain, for example, many of our best-loved farmland birds, such as the skylark, the grey partridge,
the lapwing and the corn bunting, have vanished from huge stretches of countryside, as have even more wild
flowers and insects. This is a direct result of the way we have produced our food in the last four decades.
Thousands of miles of hedgerows, thousands of ponds, have disappeared from the landscape. The faecal filth of
salmon farming has driven wild salmon from many of the sea lochs and rivers of Scotland. Natural soil fertility
is dropping in many areas because of continuous industrial fertiliser and pesticide use, while the growth of algae
is increasing in lakes because of the fertiliser run-off.

Page 205

Put it all together and it looks like a battlefield, but consumers rarely make the connection at the dinner
table. That is mainly because the costs of all this damage are what economists refer to as externalities: they are
outside the main transaction, which is for example producing and selling a field of wheat, and are borne directly
by neither producers nor consumers. To many, the costs may not even appear to be financial at all, but merely
aesthetic - a terrible shame, but nothing to do with money. And anyway they, as consumers of food, certainly
aren’t paying for it, are they?

But the costs to society can actually be quantified and, when added up, can amount to staggering sums. A
remarkable exercise in doing this has been carried out by one of the world’s leading thinkers on the future of
agriculture, Professor Jules Pretty, Director of the Centre for Environment and Society at the University of
Essex. Professor Pretty and his colleagues calculated the externalities of British agriculture for one
particular year. They added up the costs of repairing the damage it caused, and came up with a total figure of
£2,343m. This is equivalent to £208 for every hectare of arable land and permanent pasture, almost as much
again as the total government and EU spend on British farming in that year. And according to Professor Pretty,
it was a conservative estimate.

The costs included: £120m for removal of pesticides; £16m for removal of nitrates; £55m for removal of
phosphates and soil; £23m for the removal of the bug Cryptosporidium from drinking water by water
companies; £125m for damage to wildlife habitats, hedgerows and dry stone walls; £1,113m from emissions of
gases likely to contribute to climate change; £106m from soil erosion and organic carbon losses; £169m from
food poisoning; and £607m from cattle disease. Professor Pretty draws a simple but memorable conclusion from
all this: our food bills are actually threefold. We are paying for our supposedly cheaper food in three separate
ways: once over the counter, secondly through our taxes, which provide the enormous subsidies propping up
modern intensive farming, and thirdly to clean up the mess that modern farming leaves behind.

Questions 1-4

Reading Passage has seven paragraphs, A-E.

Page 206
Which paragraph contains the following information?

Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use any letter more than once.

1 a cost involved in purifying domestic water

2 the stages in the development of the farming industry

3 the term used to describe hidden costs

4 one effect of chemicals on water sources

Questions 5-8

Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage?

In boxes 5-8 on your answer sheet, write

YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer

NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

5 Several species of wildlife in the British countryside are declining.

6 The taste of food has deteriorated in recent years.

7 The financial costs of environmental damage are widely recognised.

8 One of the costs calculated by Professor Pretty was illness caused by food.

Passage 2

Page 207
What a British Person Should Know When Eating Out in America

Eating out may be a simple thing, but for British people who have just come to America, it could be an
experience full of surprises. Here are five main differences a Brit should pay attention to when eating out in a
restaurant in America.

Ordering Drinks

The first thing a waiter would ask when you sit down in an American restaurant is whether you would like
bottled or tap water. If you choose bottled, you will then be asked whether you would prefer still or sparkling.
Soon, the water you ordered will be brought to you. Coffee and soft drinks will also be gladly refilled. The
waiter will proactively ask if you want another coffee or coke. In Britain, water and soft drinks must be
requested and they are not free.

The Service

Waiters in American restaurants are more pleasant and attentive. They are always chatty and often come to your
table during the meal to refill drinks and check everything is okay. In England, waiters are less likely to
frequently check on customers. If you need something, you can raise your hand and waive at the waiter or else,
you will be left alone for hours.

The Menu

In an American restaurant, picky eaters can customize the menu to suit their exact preferences by reeling off
special requirements and substitutions. You can order salad but without tomato or with a special dressing to
accommodate your diet. There is a friendly atmosphere that encourages you to have exactly what you want and
satisfy your appetite. On the other hand, people in England tend to order a meal with all the options that come

Page 208
with it. It is less common for them to complain about the food or have the waiter send dishes back to the

Picking up the Bill

In America, a waiter will bring you the bill even though you have not asked for it. This would be seen as very
impolite by British customers, as it implies that they are being hurried out of the restaurant.


Tipping in England is optional. You will tip if you are satisfied with the meal and service, which is generally
about 10%. If you are dissatisfied, you do not need to tip and this is quite common. In America, a tip of 15-20%
is generally mandatory. For American waiters, tipping is the main source of their income. Even if the service is
bad you should still tip, but it makes sense to give a smaller tip.

1 What would a waiter ask first in an American restaurant?

A Whether you would like water or soft drink.

B Whether you would like bottled or tap water.

C Whether you would like coffee.

D Whether you would like a cocktail.

2 What is a waiter in Britain less likely to do?

A Check on customers.

B Ask for tips.

C Bring the menu.

D Take an order.

3 What are British customers less likely to do when eating out?

A Order salad without tomato.

B Order hamburger without mayonnaise.

Page 209
C Substitute the drink.

D Substitute the menu.

4 How do customers pick up the bill in British restaurants?

A Wait until a waiter come.

B Put money on the table.

C Raise a hand and waive.

D Go to the cashier.

5 How much should you tip a waiter in America?

A Less than $10.

B About 10%.

C Between $15 and $20.

D Between 15 and 20%.

Page 210


Homework 1. Listen to the conversation. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A

1. Customer's name: ………………………………..

2. When to book: ………………………………..

3. Type of room: a ………………………………

4. Room number: ………………………………..

5. Floor: ………………………………..

6. Day to come: ………………………………..

7. Day to leave: ………………………………..

8. Requirement: Wake up at …………………..

Homework 2. Listen to the conversation. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER

American families are different from (1) ………………. one in several ways. People in the

USA get married (2) ………………. Many of them get married before the age of (3) ………………. A lot of
women work after they (4) ………………. . Most women who have babies go back to work fairly soon. (5)
………………. of them return to work within a year of

a having baby.

A lot of Korean women (6) ………………. and take care of their families. The article says (7) ……………….
of women with children work. And (8) ………………. of children under six have two parents who work or a
single parent who works.

Page 211
Homework 3. Listen to the news. Tick the three items which are mentioned

News headlines Tick

A. Two planes crashed in North America

B. Bush fire out of control in West Alabama

C. A powerful earthquake rocked Seattle and rolled Victoria

D. Nurses on strike in Vancouver

E. Bus drivers strike threats British Columbia

F. Millionaire to become first ocean tourist

G. Millionaire to become first space tourist

Homework 4. Listen and choose the right answer

1. Where did the first people playing jazz come from?

A. Europe B. America C. Canada

2. When did they first start to play jazz in New Orleans?

A. Around 1900 B. Around 1990 C. Around 1919

3. Jazz is mixed from various styles of music, EXCEPT

A. Work songs B. Pop music C. Blues

4. When did jazz become well-known in Canada and in the U.S?

A. Between 1930s and 1940s B. Between 1913 and 1914 C. Between 1913 and 1940

5. How long do old musicians play jazz in each evening?

A. Four hours B. Half an hour C. Four and a half hours

Page 212
Page 213
Homework 5. You will hear a conversation at the customs in Gatwick Airport. As you listen, fill in the
form below

Surname: (1) ………………………………………….

First name: (2) ………………………………………….

Sex: (3) ………………………………………….

Date of birth: (4) ………………………………………….

Nationality: (5) ………………………………………….

Occupation: (6) ………………………………………….

Reason for travel in the UK: (7) ………………………………………….

Address in the UK: (8) ...... Halefield Road, Tottenham, London

Homework 6. Circle the appropriate letter

1. What did the landlady leave for Mike?

A. notebook B. key

C. note D. bag

2. What was the first complain about Mike?

A. bathroom B. smell

C. appearance D. noise

3. Mike often talks about

A. his difficulties at his house B. finding a place to live

C. the parties he went to D. his friend's house

4. Mike wants to move, but he wants to live

A. alone B. in a quiet place

C. near the school D. with his parents

Page 214
5. How many people live in Tom's house besides Tom?

A. 2 B. 3

C. 4 D. 5

6. The expenses which Tom and his housemates share DO NOT include

A. food B. rent

C. light D. heating

7. When is Jane leaving?

A. 22nd C. 30th

B. 20th D. 29th

Homework 7. Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD/OR A NUMBER for each answer

Transport Survey

Name: Luisa (1) …………………..

Address: (2) ………………….. White Stone Rd

Area: Bradfield

Postcode: (3) …………………..

Occupation: (4) …………………..

Reason for visit to town: to go to the (5) …………………..

Suggestions for improvement:

● Better (6) …………………..

● Have more footpaths

Page 215
● More frequent (7) …………………..

Things that would encourage cycling to work:

● Having (8) ………………….. parking places for bicycles

● Being able to use a (9) ........................ at work

● The opportunity to have cycling (10) ............................ busy roads

Page 216

Homework 1: Match the activities with the pictures. Use the words in the box.

dumplings fish meat noodles pasta rice soup vegetables





Page 217




Page 218
Homework 2: Read Richard’s letter to his friend, Alessandro. Choose the correct words to complete the

Dear Alessandro,

Thank you for your email. You asked me to tell you about the food in the UK. Some people think that British
people eat unhealthy, fried/heat food like fish and chips all the time. However, this is not true. A lot of British
people prefer to eat food from other countries. Chinese and Indian food is very like/popular in the UK. Many
people eat Chinese or Indian food at the weekend, and some people cook it at home. I like Indian food a lot and
think that it is very boring/tasty , but some dishes with a lot of chilli are a bit too spicy for me. Many people also
think that British people have afternoon tea every day at 4:00 p.m. This is also not true! People sometimes have
afternoon tea with sandwiches and spicy/sweet foods like cakes, but only on special occasions.

You also asked me about what food I like. My favourite/popular dish from my country is called Shepherd’s Pie.
It is a cold/hot dish made of meat and vegetables and potato, which is cooked in the oven. It tastes really good. I
usually eat it with a lot of fresh vegetables like peas or cabbage, so it is quite a fat/healthy dish. My mum
usually cooks it for me and my brother when we come home from university. I like to eat Shepherd’s Pie in the
winter when it is cold, because it makes me feel warm. My favourite cold/sweet dish is apple pie which is
baked. Many people believe that British food is not so tasty, but I think we have some boiled/delicious dishes.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,

Homework 3: Read the email from Jenny to her friend, Karen. Then complete the exercise.

Hi Karen,

I hope you are enjoying your summer holiday in France with your family. I’m having a great time on the
school exchange in Turkey. I am staying with a nice girl called Alev. She is very friendly and funny, and her
parents are very kind. They cook for me every day. I didn’t know very much about Turkish food before I
came here, but everything is delicious. In the morning we have a big breakfast with bread, eggs, cheese and
jam. It is quite similar to breakfast in the UK. For lunch, we usually have a lot of small dishes. My favourite

Page 219
Turkish foods are borek, a dish with cheese and potatoes, and dolma, a vegetable and rice dish. I also tried an
interesting drink made from yoghurt called ayran. I didn't like it very much, but Alev’s mother says that it is
a very healthy drink, so I drank it all. For dinner last night, we went to a traditional Turkish restaurant and
had a kebab, which is the most famous dish in Turkey. It was delicious. After dinner we had coffee. The
waiter also gave us baklava, which are small sweet cakes made of honey. I am going to bring some home so
that you can try them. I know that you love sweet things!

See you soon at school.

Best wishes,


1. Jenny is in Turkey with her family.

● True

● False

0. Jenny knew a lot about Turkish food before she stayed with Alev.

● True

● False

0. The breakfast in Turkey is not very different from breakfast in the UK.

● True

● False

1. Borek is a dish with rice.

● True

● False

0. Jenny didn’t like the Turkish yoghurt drink.

● True

Page 220
● False

0. Baklava is a sweet dish.

● True

● False

0. Jenny tried a famous Turkish dish in a restaurant.

● True

● False

0. Jenny is going to bring some coffee back from Turkey.

● True

● False

Homework 4: Read the magazine article about street food. Then complete the exercise on the next screen.

One of the most popular activities that people do when they go on holiday to another country is to try the
local food. However, eating dinner in a restaurant every night can be expensive, and many people find the
restaurants they choose are full of tourists and not many local people. A much better way to try local food is
to eat ‘street food’, food made and sold not in a restaurant, but on the street, from a ‘stall’ or large table. It is
often very tasty and you can try many different small dishes. It’s also cheaper than eating in restaurants.
Different countries have their own famous types of street food. France is famous for baguettes, which are a
type of French bread filled with cheese or meat with salad. You can buy baguettes from stalls on the street in
many French cities. In Italy, there are slices of pizza, and arancini which are fried balls of rice with cheese,
meat or vegetables inside. The name arancini means ‘oranges’ in Italian. Mexico has tacos, a dish with spicy
beans and meat. Eating street food is also a great way to learn about new places and to talk to local people
about the food in their country. So, the next time you travel to a new country, don’t go to a restaurant, go to
the street instead! You will love the delicious food you can find there.

Complete the sentences with one word from the text. Read the magazine article on the first screen again to help

Page 221
1. Many people like to try the local ___________ when they visit another country.

2. Many restaurants have a lot of __________ but not many local people go there.

3. Street food is usually ___________ than food in restaurants.

4. You can buy baguettes on the ____________ in many cities in France.

5. Arancini is the Italian word for ___________ .

6. Tacos are a popular street food in ____________ .

Homework 5: Read about food in four different countries. Then complete the exercise on the next screen.

A Japan
Japanese food is fresh, healthy and tasty. It includes a lot of fish, vegetables, tofu and rice. Typical dishes are
ramen, a type of soup with noodles and vegetables or seafood, and curries with chicken or tofu. Japanese
people usually eat small amounts of food. They also like to eat their food very slowly and this stops them
from eating too much. For this reason, Japanese people are among the healthiest people in the world and do
not get ill very often. Japanese people do not eat a lot of sweet dishes, but they enjoy eating fruit and small
cakes called dorayaki. To celebrate the new year, Japanese people often eat cakes made of rice, and a special
soup called ozoni.

B Italy
When many people think of Italian food, they think of delicious but not very healthy food like pasta with
meat sauces, lots of cheese, and, of course, pizza. However, Italians don’t eat these dishes every day. They
eat a lot of healthy foods, including vegetables, tomatoes and olive oil. A typical Italian meal usually includes
several different small dishes. Italians stay healthy by eating a lot of vegetables and only a little meat. Lunch
is the main meal of the day and Italians like to have long lunches at home. Sometimes Italians will get
together with their friends and family in the evening and go to a pizzeria to eat pizza. After dinner, they might
have a gelato, a type of Italian ice cream, which has many delicious flavours.

C China
Chinese people eat a lot of vegetables, which are usually steamed or fried. They eat some meat and fish, but
usually not very much, and often on special occasions. Rice, noodles and dumplings are popular Chinese

Page 222
dishes. A lot of Chinese dishes use garlic and ginger, which are tasty and are good for the stomach. Green tea
is a popular drink in China, and many people believe that it helps them to stay healthy. China has many
festivals, and people often eat special food during these times. People eat dumplings to celebrate Chinese
New Year, and for the Autumn Festival people eat special cakes called moon cakes. Festivals are often
special times for families to get together and eat delicious food.

D Poland
Polish people like to eat food that keeps them warm in winter. Soup, meat and small dumplings called pierogi
are all popular dishes. Pierogi can be sweet or savoury. Polish dishes are usually served with vegetables,
especially carrots, potatoes and cabbage. Polish people also like sweet dishes, especially cakes. Cheesecake
and doughnuts are popular for dessert, and people make special cakes for weddings and festivals. Polish
people usually eat four small meals a day. They eat the main meal of the day in the afternoon, usually at
about 2:00 p.m. This meal usually has three dishes, a soup, a meat dish and a dessert. In December, Polish
people eat a special meal to celebrate Christmas, which includes 12 different dishes!

Match the information to the countries. Read about food from four different countries on the first screen
again to help you.

1. A healthy drink is popular in this country.

● Japan

● Italy

● China

● Poland

0. People from this country eat soup to celebrate the New Year.

● Japan

Page 223
● Italy

● China

● Poland

0. Healthy food in this country often includes olive oil.

● Japan

● Italy

● China

● Poland

0. People from this country usually eat meat for their main meal.

● Japan

● Italy

● China

● Poland

0. Many people eat ice cream in the evening in this country.

● Japan

● Italy

Page 224
● China

● Poland

0. Sweet dumplings are a popular dish in this country.

● Japan

● Italy

● China

● Poland

0. People from this country eat meat on special occasions.

● Japan

● Italy

● China

● Poland

0. People from this country eat their meals slowly.

● Japan

● Italy

● China

Page 225
● Poland

Homework 6: Read part of the text. Then complete the exercise.

A Thank you for your email. You asked me to tell you about the food in the UK. Some people think that
British people eat unhealthy, fried food like fish and chips all the time. However, this is not true. A lot of
British people prefer to eat food from other countries. Chinese and Indian food is very popular in the UK.
Many people eat Chinese or Indian food at the weekend, and some people cook it at home. I like Indian food
a lot and think that it is very tasty, but some dishes with a lot of chilli are a bit too spicy for me. Many people
also think that British people have afternoon tea every day at 4:00 p.m. This is also not true! People
sometimes have afternoon tea with sandwiches and sweet foods like cakes, but only on special occasions.

B You also asked me about what food I like. My favourite dish from my country is called Shepherd’s Pie. It
is a hot dish made of meat and vegetables and potato, which is cooked in the oven. It tastes really good. I
usually eat it with a lot of fresh vegetables like peas or cabbage, so it is quite a healthy dish. My mum usually
cooks it for me and my brother when we come home from university. I like to eat Shepherd’s Pie in the
winter when it is cold, because it makes me feel warm. My favourite sweet dish is apple pie which is baked.
Many people believe that British food is not so tasty, but I think we have some delicious dishes.

Match the information with the two paragraphs. Read the text on the first screen again to help you.

1. A description of Richard’s favourite dish.

● A

● B

0. Food from different countries.

● A

● B

Page 226
0. Who cooks Richard’s favourite dish.

● A

● B

0. A winter dish.

● A

● B

0. Something that British people don’t have very often.

● A

● B

0. Richard’s opinion of British food.

● A

● B

Page 227
Lesson 3: Writing
(Background statement) - Lesson preparation

Exercise 1. Match each word with the suitable synonym

Word/Phrase Synonym Answer

1. social skills a. pursue 1. ………..

2. study/follow b. Finish school 2. ………..

3. University and college c. interpersonal skills 3. ………..

4. Get a job d. Higher education 4. ………..

5. After school e. Apply for a job 5. ………..

6. Internet f. Online education 6…………

7. Distance learning g. Technological development 7. ………...

Exercise 2: Choose the best answer

1 I have great _________________, and can speak in front of a large audience

A. university B. interpersonal skills C. job D. education
2 After she_______________, she attended ULIS university.
A. pursued B. applied C. finished school D. well-paid
3 _________________-is a new technique of studying efficiently
A. University B. College C. Online education D. School
4 After finishing high-school, she decided to _______________ education
A. pursue C. learn D. go
5 After graduating, he decided to__________ for a job.
A. applied B. did C. found D. chose

Page 228
English Vietnamese

Higher education Đại học

finish school Tố nghiệp

Apply for a job Tìm 1 công việc

Online education Giáo dục online

Technological development (N) Sự phát triển của khoa học

Interpersonal skills Kỹ năng xã hội

Activity 1: Match column A with column B to make a complete sentence

Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they
should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

A B Answer
Sentence 1. People have different views about 0. I believe that everyone should be able to 1.
study the course of their choice
Sentence 2. While some argue that it would be b. how much choice students should have 0.
better for students to be forced into certain key with regard to what they can study at
subject areas, university
c. the factors that contribute to the success

Page 229
of a firm

I. Structure of an introduction
1. Introduce the topic by paraphrasing the question:
2. Summarize the main idea of the essay:

Exam information: An introduction paragraph for an IELTS writing task 2 essay requires only two statements.
A Background Statement – This is a paraphrase of the essay question. All essays must have this statement. A
Thesis Statement – A direct answer to the essay question and task.


I. Background statement
Topic: Many students now have the opportunity to study in other countries. Studying abroad may
bring some benefits to some students, but it also has a significant number of disadvantages.

Background statement: An increasing number of students are deciding to study overseas and many find this
option very attractive.

Overseas has been used as a synonym of abroad and other countries.

● Note: The background information is a paraphrase of the original question making sure that no phrases
are copied.

II. Steps to write a background statement:

1. ………………………………………….
2. ………………………………………….

III. How to paraphrase

1. Using synonyms

Page 230
0. Example
It is important that young students are taught social skills to prepare for future jobs. To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this opinion?
Choose the best background statement for the above topic

0. It is urgent that young pupils are taught interpersonal skills to prepare for future jobs.
A. It is significant that young people are taught interpersonal skills to prepare for future jobs.
B. It is crucial that young learners are taught interpersonal skills to prepare for future jobs.
=> Paraphrase technique 1: Use synonyms

b. Steps
Step 1: ………………………………………….
Step 2: ………………………………………….
Step 3: ………………………………………….
c. Check-up 1: Write a background statement for the following topic
Many people believe that children should learn a foreign language at an early age. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
Argue ->

Learn ->

A foreign language ->




0. Changing word forms

0. Example
It is important that young students are taught social skills to prepare for future jobs. To what extent do you

Page 231
agree or disagree with this opinion?

Fill in the blank with the correct form of word:

It is of ………… that young students are taught social skills for ……………. of their future jobs. To what
extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

● Paraphrase technique 2: changing word form

b. Steps
Step 1: ………………………………………….
Step 2: ………………………………………….
Step 3: ………………………………………….

c. Check-up: write the background statement for the following topic

Many people believe that children should learn a foreign language at an early age. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
Believe ->




0. Changing the sentence structure

0. Example
It is important that young students are taught social skills to prepare for future jobs. To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this opinion?

Page 232
Rearrange word to make a full sentence

Important/is/it/young students/to teach/social skills/for future jobs/to prepare

● ………………………………………………………………………………………………

● Paraphrase technique 3: ……………………………………………………………

b. Steps
Step 1: ………………………………………….
Step 2: ………………………………………….
Step 3: ………………………………………….


Topic: We are now using computers more and more in different aspects of their lives, such as education. Do
the advantages of using technology as an educational tool outweigh its disadvantages?

● Using



0. Using templates
1 Trong xã hội đương thời, cái gì đang ngày càng trở nên phổ biến hơn
2 Trong xã hội đương thời, cái gì đang ngày càng nhận được nhiều sự phổ biến hơn
3 Trong xã hội đương thời, cái gì đang ngày càng nhận được nhiều sự quan tâm cộng đồng
4 Trong xã hội đương thời, cái gì đóng vai trò quan trọng ở đâu
5 Trong xã hội đương thời, cái gì đang trở thành một vấn đề đáng lo ngại

Page 233
6 Trong xã hội đương thời, mọi người có quan điểm khác nhau về điều gì
It is ……………………
It is …………………… + ………………… …
There is ……………………
Note: Useful phrases

Page 234
Ex 1. Choose the suitable word

Topic 1: University education should be free to everyone, regardless of income. To what extent do you agree
or disagree?

The opinion/opinions/ideas that every citizen/citizens/people should have the right/left to study/learn/follow at
school or university for free is very controversial one.

Ex 2. Write a background statement (by using synonyms, changing word form or changing to passive

Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while others
believe that it is better to get a job straight after school. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Believe ->

studying at university or college ->

a successful career ->

get a job ->

straight after school ->



Ex 3. Write a background statement (by using synonyms, changing word form or changing to passive

Page 235
Universities and colleges are now offering qualifications through distance learning from the Internet rather
than teachers in the classroom. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the

Universities and colleges ->

Offer qualification ->

Internet ->

Distance learning ->



Page 236


Exercise 1: Write a background statement for the topic below

Some people believe it is a good idea for students to work part time to ensure better opportunities in future.
Others are of the opinion, having a job while in university distracts the individual.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Suggestion: People have different views about/beneficial to/detrimental to…


Exercise 2: Write a background statement for the topic below

Education should be accessible to people of all economic backgrounds. All levels of education, from primary school to
tertiary education, should be free.

To what extent do you agree with this opinion?

Suggestion: People have different views about/beneficial to/detrimental to…


Page 237

Exercise 3: Write these sentence in English

1. học sinh cần tập trung mọi nỗ lực để đạt điểm cao

-> ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

2. Giáo dục miễn phí có thể mang lại bình đẳng cho xã hội.

-> ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

3. Vì nhiều gia đình không có khả năng đóng học phí, một số em phải bỏ học.

-> ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

4. mọi người cần biết tài năng và mong muốn của họ để có một nghề nghiệp đúng đắn

-> ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

Page 238

Lesson 1: Listening and Reading

Lesson Preparation
1. Match the words in the box with the photos 1-5.

satue castle stadium tower bridge

Page 239

1. You will hear Part 1 of some information about a new shopping centre. While you listen, circle the
words and numbers that you hear.

7am Thursday £2.50

10am 356 £3.00

6pm 635 £3.50

8pm 790 £15.00

Tuesday 729

Wednesday £2.00

2. Listen again to Part 1 of the information and complete the text with the missing information.

Northfields' shopping centre information

Name of architect who designed Northfields: 1 John __________

Address and postcode: Forest Drive, 2 __________

Opening hours: 10am to 6pm

Late night shopping until 8pm on 3 __________


By car - free car park

By bus- there are 4 __________ buses.

Underground - From the town centre it only takes 5 __________

Page 240
3. You are going to listen to Part 2 of the information. Before you listen, match the phrases with the

next to on the left of opposite between on the right of

4. Now listen to Part 2 of some information about a new shopping centre. Look at the map and the list of
shops. Match the shops with the correct letter, A-F.

1 cinema __________ 4 pharmacy __________

2 supermarket __________ 5 book store __________

3 Green's department store __________ 6 mobile phone shop __________

Page 241

Exercise 1: Read the signs and messages. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

Page 242
1 What does the supermarket notice say?

A You can pay £2 to leave your car in the supermarket car park all day.

B Supermarket customers can only park here for 2 hours at a time.

C You don't need to pay if you finish shopping within 2 hours.

2 Why did Harry write this message?

A To give Tom and Jim instructions on how to get to the park.

B To invite Tom to play football with him and Jim.

C To find out what time Tom would like to play football.

3 What is the notice telling passengers?

A They should wait for news about the weather before travelling.

B Some passengers will be late today because of the weather.

Page 243
C The station is closed until the weather improves.

4 What does Lee suggest?

A To book the flights as soon as possible.

B To choose a less expensive flight.

C To change the date of his and Su's flight.

5 What does George say?

A His sightseeing trip included a visit to a museum and castle.

B He visited the castle and museum after going on the boat trip

C He hopes to do a boat trip and an open bus tour before returning home.

6 What are train passengers told at the station?

A They must not leave bikes at the station.

B Cycle parking is only for members of station staff.

C If they need to know more, they can ask someone who works there.

7 What should Alice do?

A Contact Tim if she would like a lift to the theatre.

B Tell Sonia what her travel plans are for this evening.

C Let Tim or Sonia know if she's going to the theatre.

Page 244
Passage 1

Around 2000 B.C., a new invention emerged that

changed warfare during the period, the horse-drawn
chariot. These light carriages provided cavalry
archers with a flat platform from which to attack
their enemies. Prior to this time armies that wished to
proceed rapidly rode on horseback, but this was
cumbersome because saddles and stirrups had not
been invented. This made it difficult to steer, hold on
to the horse and fire at the same time. Charlots made
this much easier. At their most basic, chariots were
wheeled platforms drawn behind one or more horses. Perhaps the most famous of these lighting vehicles were
used by the ancient Egyptians. Although they did not invent the chariot, the Egyptians adapted them to improve
their usefulness. One of the biggest changes was lightening the overall weight of the chariot by utilising newly
invented spoked wheels rather than the traditional disk wheel. This made it easier for the horses to pull the
chariots faster. However, speed was not the only benefit of the changes implemented by the Egyptians. They
also made them much easier to control through the use of the yoke saddle and basic design changes. The yoke
saddle was a saddle-like pad that sat on the horses' backs with leather pieces across the horse's chests and bellies
to prevent slippage and increase control. The riders' platform, which was connected to the yoke saddle by a long
wooden rod, was also redesigned. By moving the rider closer to the chariot's axle, it became more stable for the
riders, making it easier to aim and fire at their enemies. Finally, the Egyptians covered the axle with metal to
prevent friction against the chariot's platform. This not only improved the vehicle's movement, but it also
reduced damage to the vehicle, making them more reliable. Unfortunately, none of these improvements
corrected other problems inherent with the chariot's design, and by 1500 B.C. cavalry troops on horseback had
replaced them in most military settings. However, they did remain in use as racing vehicles for hundreds of
years to come.

Page 245
Label the diagram below.
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.

Page 246
Passage 2

Urban Farming

Over the course of the last century, farming

was transformed from a small-scale,
subsistence-based activity to an
industrialised global enterprise. However,
the industry is currently under extreme strain
from a lack of arable land. Furthermore,
studies have shown that people will
increasingly abandon farming in favour of
more reliable work cities. This will put
added pressure on an already stretched
global food supply. Societies must create
innovative new ways of ensuring that their residents' fundamental need for sustenance continues to be met.

One trend that city planners around the world are embracing to address concerns about the growing lack of
agricultural land is urban farming, which utilises infrastructure found in cities, such as buildings, vacant lots,
and backyards to grow crops. One benefit of this practice is that fewer resources are used to transport food as
growers and buyers are provided with fast access to agricultural yields. Also, because many urban farming
projects use hydroponics, a method of growing plants in nutrient-enriched water, soil - which is increasingly
facing mineral degradation due to harmful farming practices - is conserved. Finally, urban agriculture solves the
problem of sometimes losing crops to extreme weather as city structures make it easier to cultivate plants in a
strictly controlled environment.

An exemplary model of urban agriculture is a farm located beneath Pasona headquarters in Tokyo, Japan, where
more than 200 plant species grow in a 43,000-square-foot space. The plants are grown using both hydroponic
and soil-based farming methods, and an intelligent climate control system monitors humidity, temperature, and
breeze, Because the farm at Pasona is located underground and has no direct sunlight, which plants need to
survive, artificial lighting sustains the crops planted there. On the other side of the globe, in New York City,
people are turning to rooftop greenhouse farming. One such operation, called BrightFarms, boasts automated

Page 247
sensors to activate lights, fans, shade curtains, and heat blankets. It also has tanks to catch and store rainwater.
Selling nearly 500 pounds of produce each day to local supermarkets and restaurants, BrightFarms is able to
avoid the expense of investing in delivery vehicles while keeping its carbon footprint to a minimum.

It is important to note that despite the success urban agriculture has so far experienced in places like Tokyo and
New York, there remain significant obstacles to overcome. One challenge lies in supplying farms with adequate
amounts of uncontaminated soil as soil in and around urban areas often contains high amounts of lead, which is
poisonous to humans. Not using soil at all and relying instead on hydroponic systems is not yet an option
everywhere since reliable and safe freshwater sources are scarce in many parts of the world, especially with
global climate change negatively affecting precipitation rates. However, new developments, such as the ability
to remove salt from ocean water for safe use in hydroponic systems and the creation of methods to treat
contaminated soil, may help to resolve these issues one day soon.

Complete the table below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Problem Solution

More people will give up farming and move to Societies need to start developing new ways of
cities. feeding their people.

There is a lack of land on which to grow Grow plants using urban 1 ……….
agricultural crops.

Crops are sometimes lost because of the 2 ………. Take care of plants in a 3 ……….. environment.

The farm beneath Pasona headquarters gets no 4 Use artificial lighting to keep the plants alive.

Buying and using delivery vehicles is an additional Sell products to 5 ……….. clients.

There has been a negative effect on 6 ………. due Remove the salt from seawater so it is safe to use
to climate change. on crops.

Page 248
Page 249


Homework 1. Listen to the talk and complete the notes. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for
each answer

1. In Britain, people start to decorate their house a ……………………… before December 25th.

2. In Christmas time, the most important activity is the ………………………

3. The British people put their gifts ……………………… of the Christmas tree.

4. The British opens their Christmas present on ………………………

5. Children leave a long sock or stocking at the ……………………… their bed on Christmas Eve, hoping that
Father Christmas will bring small presents from the chimney.

6. The British family have a ……………………… and Christmas pudding for the dinner on Christmas Day.

7. The Queen delivers her traditional Christmas ……………………… to the United Kingdom and
Commonwealth later in the afternoon.

8. On Boxing day, people usually visit friends and relatives or ………………………

Page 250
Homework 2. Look at the map. Follow the direction then write the letter next to the name of places

1. Administration Building ………………………

2. Bookstore ………………………

3. Tennis Club ………………………

4. Computer Centre ………………………

5. Cafeteria ………………………

Homework 3. Listen to the talk and choose the right answer

1. Where are most of London's big department stores?

A. In Trafalgar Square

B. In Oxford Street and Bond Street

C. In Oxford Street and Regent Street

D. In Soho and Bond Street

Page 251
2. Where is Nelson's statue?

A. In the middle of Leicester Square

B. In the middle of Trafalgar Square

C. Behind the National Gallery

D. In the centre of Soho

3. Which country sends a huge Christmas tree to Britain every year?

A. Sweden

B. Denmark

C. Germany

D. Norway

Homework 4. Listen to the talk. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER

Time First day - What to do Second day- What to do

Morning Visit an (1) ................................., Belfast Visit Ulster Museum and see (4)
................................ years of
Cathedral and City Hall.
human history in Ireland and the
16th century Spanish gold

Afternoon Visit the (2) ................................ Visit the Botanic Gardens and
see rare plants and visit the Palm

Evening Go to a (3) ................................ at Ulster Hall Free time, you can go to some

Page 252
(5) ................................ pubs.

Homework 5. Listen to the conversation. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS

First name: Toby Surname: (1) ………………………..

Address: (2) ……………………….. Street, Wokingham, Berkshire

Date of birth: 5th April (3) ………………………..

Telephone: (4) ………………………..

Occupation: (5) ………………………..

Distance from home to workplace: (6) ………………………..

Method of transport to work: (7) ………………………..

Free-time activities: cooking, (8) ……………………….., travel

Homework 6. Listen to Jane on the tape talking about her relatives. Tick (V) if the information is correct,
or write in the necessary changes

Example: Answer

Aunt Elme is my father's sister. Mother's

She has got 2 grown-up children. V

She is a housewife. 1. …………………………….

Louise is a housewife. 2. …………………………….

She is divorced. 3. …………………………….

Uncle Tom is a bank manager. 4. …………………………….

Lewis lives in Paris. 5. …………………………….

Page 253
Roger is Jane's uncle. 6. …………………………….

He is a sales manager. 7. …………………………….

Mark studies in Oxford University. 8. …………………………….

He is talking to his sister. 9. …………………………….

Homework 7. Listen and circle the correct answer

1. He ………………………. 4. She ……………………….

a. does not have a lot of experience. a. thinks that salary is good.

b. has been working there awhile. b. is looking for another job.

c. works at a theater. c. likes her co-workers.

2. He ………………………. 5. He ……………………….

a. works in the manager's office. a. works for a magazine.

b. meets interesting people. b. writes about sports news.

c. hates the work. c. isn't famous.

3. He ………………………. 6. She ……………………….

a. sees the TV producer every day. a. works there only part time.

b. helps with movie productions. b. is a waitress.

c. doesn't know how to write. c. doesn't work anymore.

Page 254

Homework 1: Match the activities with the pictures. Use the words in the box.

airport Bus station department store market

museum park restaurant train station



Page 255



Page 256


Homework 2: Read a magazine article about a city. Then complete the exercise on the next screen.

Madrid, the capital city of Spain, is a great place to visit. It is possible to see some of the important places in
one week, but it is better to stay for two weeks if you want to see all of them. It is good to stay in a hotel in
the city centre, because you will be close to most places to visit, but it can be expensive. It is cheaper to stay
in the north of the city, and it is easy to travel to the centre by bus or train. The bus is slower than the train,

Page 257
but you will be able to see the different parts of the city. There are a number of interesting museums and art
galleries in Madrid. The most famous museum is the Prado, which has many famous paintings. This museum
is close to a big, beautiful park with many trees and flowers, and a big lake, where you can rent a boat. Many
people like to walk or ride bicycles in the park.

There are many great places where visitors to Madrid can have lunch. Instead of going to a restaurant, try the
Mercado de San Miguel, a big indoor market with many types of tasty Spanish food. Remember that Spanish
people eat dinner later, between 9:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m., so most restaurants will not be open between 5:00
p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Don’t wait until you arrive at the airport to buy presents to take home. There are many
good shops, and a famous department store which is the best place to buy food, clothes and gifts.

two weeks in Madrid. is the most famous museum in in the park.


is a good place to eat lunch Between 9:00 p.m. and 10:00 by bus or train

1. It is a good idea to stay

2. You can travel to the city centre

3. The Prado

4. You can rent a boat

5. The Mercado de San Miguel

6. Most Spanish people eat dinner

Homework 3: Read the magazine article again. Then complete the exercise.

Madrid, the capital city of Spain, is a great place to visit. It is possible to see some important places in one

Page 258
week, but it is better to stay for two weeks if you want to see all of them. It is good to stay in a hotel in the
city centre, because you will be close to most places to visit, but it can be expensive. It is cheaper to stay in
the north of the city, and it is easy to travel to the centre by bus or train. The bus is slower than the train, but
you will be able to see the different parts of the city. There are a number of interesting museums and art
galleries in Madrid. The most famous museum is the Prado, which has many famous paintings. This museum
is close to a big, beautiful park with many trees and flowers, and a big lake, where you can rent a boat. Many
people like to walk or ride bicycles in the park.

There are many great places where visitors to Madrid can have lunch. Instead of going to a restaurant, try the
Mercado de San Miguel, a big indoor market with many types of tasty Spanish food. Remember that Spanish
people eat dinner later, between 9:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m., so most restaurants will not be open between 5:00
p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Don’t wait until you arrive at the airport to buy presents to take home. There are many
good shops and a famous department store, which is the best place to buy food, clothes and gifts.

Choose True or False. Read the magazine article on the first screen again to help you.

1. In one week, you can see all of the important places in Madrid.

● True

● False

0. It is difficult to travel to the centre from the north of the city.

● True

● False

0. The Prado museum is not very famous.

● True

● False

0. It takes longer to travel by bus than by train.

● True

Page 259
● False

0. A lot of people like to cycle in the park.

● True

● False

0. The writer says that visitors to Madrid should have lunch in a restaurant.

● True

● False

0. Between 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m., most restaurants in Madrid are closed.

● True

● False

0. The writer says that visitors to Madrid shouldn’t buy presents at a department store.

● True

● False

Homework 4: Read the texts about different cities. Then complete the exercise.

A Joel from London

There are so many different activities to do in London that you will never get bored. My favourite thing about
London is probably the choice of food. You can find everything from Italian to Iranian food! A lot of people
think that it is expensive to eat in London, but it depends where you go to eat. There are plenty of good
markets that sell excellent and cheap food. The worst thing about living in London is definitely all the cars. I
never drive there because it is too dangerous.

B Alice from Birmingham

Many people say that Birmingham is not a beautiful city, but I don’t think this is true at all. There are some
lovely parks and green areas, especially around the university. Birmingham is also a great city for eating and

Page 260
shopping and it is much cheaper to live there than in London, where I lived for two years. The thing I dislike
about living in Birmingham is the pollution, the dirty air. It is worse now than it was in the past because of all
the cars.

C David from Cardiff

Cardiff is quite a small city, but there are a lot of interesting museums and art galleries to visit. It is also a
really good place for watching sports games like football and rugby. Because Cardiff is not a very big city, a
lot of visitors find that people are very friendly and will always help you to find your way around. The worst
thing about living in Cardiff is the weather. It rains a lot in the winter.

D Fiona from Edinburgh

Edinburgh is a nice city with beautiful old buildings. It is very good for food and entertainment. Because it is
a small city, you can walk to places easily and you do not normally need to use public transport. The worst
thing about living in Edinburgh is that it can be very busy in the summer when there are a lot of tourists. I
prefer it in winter, when it is cold and snowy.

Match the information with the correct paragraph. Read the texts about different cities on the first screen again
to help you.

1. You can watch a lot of sports games in this city.

● A

● B

● C

● D

0. This city is not good for driving.

● A

Page 261
● B

● C

● D

0. This city is not expensive to live in.

● A

● B

● C

● D

Page 262
0. The people in this city are helpful if you get lost.

● A

● B

● C

● D

0. There are a lot of people visiting this city in the summer.

● A

● B

● C

● D

0. The food in this city is not as expensive as people think.

● A

● B

● C

● D

0. It is easy to travel on foot in this city.

Page 263
● A

● B

● C

● D

0. A lot of people think that this is not an attractive city.

● A

● B

● C

● D

Homework 5: Read the newspaper article about cycling in cities. Then complete the exercise .

Today, many large cities around the world have too many cars on their roads. This is bad for cities, because it
takes people a long time to travel to work, and there are many more car accidents. However, the biggest
problem with cars is that there is lot of pollution in cities. This is bad for people’s health. One way to stop this
problem is for people to leave their cars at home and use public transport, for example buses and trains. Many
cities like London and Paris now have a new cleaner way for people to travel. They can rent bicycles to travel
around the city. It is a healthy and cheap way to travel, and many people now prefer to use bicycles for short

In London, there are special stations to rent bicycles. People take a bicycle from one station and return it to a
different station later in the day. It costs £2.00 to rent a bicycle for 30 minutes, £3.00 for one hour, and £5.00
for two hours. There are many different bicycle stations around the city. Most of the stations are in the city

Page 264
centre, but there are also some stations in areas where people live and near places like parks and museums.
The most popular time for people to use these bicycles is at the weekend, but many people also use the
bicycles to travel to work in the mornings on weekdays. In Paris, people can rent bicycles in the same way as
they can in London, but Paris has more bicycle stations than London.

There are many cities around the world where people can rent bicycles in this way. The first bicycle stations
were in Amsterdam in the Netherlands, while Hangzhou is the first city in China to build a set of bicycle
stations. Copenhagen in Denmark has the most modern bicycles. The bicycles there have computer screens
which give people directions to different places in the city. Copenhagen is a very good city for riding
bicycles. There is a lot of space for people to cycle on the roads, and there are even some special traffic lights
for bicycles. It is not surprising that more people travel by bicycle in Copenhagen than by car. In the future, it
is likely that people will be able to rent bicycles in many more cities around the world. This means that there
will be fewer cars and less pollution.

Riding bicycles is not only a good way to stop pollution. Many people say that they also feel happier when
they ride a bicycle than they do when they drive a car, or take a bus or train. This is because they feel
healthier, have more energy and can also save money. More people now travel to work by bicycle in many
cities than before and people are more likely to go shopping in areas of the city that are close to bicycle
stations. The areas close to bicycle stations are even becoming popular places for people to live.

Choose the correct answers. Read the newspaper article on the first screen again to help you.

1. The most important problem with cars in cities is longer travel times/ more car accidents/ more

2. To rent a bicycle in London for one hour costs £2.00/£3.00/£5.00 .

3. Most of the bicycle stations in London are in the city centre/near people’s houses/near parks and

4. The most popular time for people to rent bicycles in London is at the weekend/in the mornings/on
weekdays .

Page 265
5. In Paris, the number of bicycle stations is smaller than in London/larger than in London/the same as in
London .

6. The first country to have bicycle stations was China/Denmark/The Netherlands .

7. For people riding bicycles, Copenhagen has a lot of space/stations/traffic lights .

8. Bicycle stations in cities have changed where people go shopping/where people work/where people live.

Homework 6: Look at the maps of New City in 2007 and 2017. Complete the sentences with the missing

1. New City has a river in the middle/north/south of the city.

2. The bus station is in the east/north/south of the city.

3. The train station moved to the north/east/west of the city in 2017.

4. The hospital in 2017 is smaller than/bigger than/the same as it was in 2007.

5. In 2007, there were fewer/more/no places to go shopping in the city.

Page 266
6. The new airport is west/north/south of the shopping centre.

7. The river is now the busiest/quietest/smallest area of the city.

8. There are fewer/more/less schools in 2017 than in 2007.

Page 267
Homework 7: Choose the correct words to complete the paragraph.

There were some big/bigger/biggest changes to New City between 2007 and 2017. Perhaps the most important
change is that there are now a lot/more/most types of transport. There is a new bus station and an airport. The
buildings are also much tall/taller/tallest than they were in 2007. There are many new modern apartment
buildings and the new hospital is much modern/more modern/most modern than the old one. In 2007, the river
was quiet/quieter/quietest than it is now. There were not a lot of/the most/most shops and restaurants. Now there
are more shops and restaurants and the area is much busy/busier/busiest than it was before. Most people who
live in New City think that it is a good/better/best place to live now than it was in 2007.

Homework 8: Put the description of two maps of a city in 2007 and 2017 in the correct order.

Firstly, there are more types of transport than in the past. In 2007, New City had just one train station in the
west of the city. The city now has an airport in the north east and a bus station in the south west. In addition,
people can rent bicycles in several areas of the city centre.

It is an attractive city with a river and several green areas. The main centre is opposite a large park. The two
biggest changes to New City that we can see are the different types of public transport and buildings.

Secondly, the buildings in New City are very different today. In 2007, most people lived in houses. Now,
there are new apartment buildings. There is a bigger, more modern hospital, and there are many more shops
and restaurants, including a large new shopping centre in the east of the city.

The two maps show some of the main changes to a city between 2007 and 2017. The name of the city is New

Page 268
Lesson 3: WRITING


Lesson preparation
Fill in the blanks with the correct words

1 The lower tax rate is particularly ……………… to poorer families.

2 Despite their high level of education these women were mostly in a ……………… position on the job market.
3 The teacher was a passionate ………………
4 The anti-smoking campaign ……………… on young people.
5 The ……………… is a big motivator when choosing a job
6 After the graduation, she decided to ………………
7 He needs to pass this examination to improve his ………………
8 He is really proud of his ………………
9 You need to fill in this form to ………………
10 To ………………, you need to finish the course work on time.

Vocabulary Meaning
Exert an impact on
The size of salary
Be likely to V
Continue one’s study
Beyond school level
Career prospect

Page 269
A thriving career
Apply for a job
Obtain qualifications

Thesis statement
Read these thesis statements and decide the type of essay (Discussion/Opinion/Cause, effect and
solution/Advantages and Disadvantages/two-part question)

This essay will discuss environmental problems and the measures that governments and individuals
can take to address these problems.
While some people disagree with the idea of government support for artists, I
believe that money for art projects should come from both governments and other sources.
I completely disagree with the idea that these sports are too dangerous, and I therefore believe that
they should not be banned.
Although there are some drawbacks of Internet-based learning, I would argue that there are far more
Music is a vital part of all human cultures for a range of reasons, and I would argue that traditional
music is more important than modern, international music.

0. Advantages and disadvantages

Topic: Modern technology has been used more and more in different aspects of our lives, such as education.
Do the advantages of using technology as an educational tool outweigh its disadvantages?

Thesis statement 1: Although it possesses both pros and cons, I believe its benefits outweigh the drawbacks

Thesis statement 2: Although it possesses both pros and cons, I believe that the benefits are far more

Page 270
● Useful structure

1. To indicate the writer’s viewpoint

● ……………………………

● ……………………………

● ……………………………

● ……………………………

0. To make comparison:
0. …………………………………………………
a. …………………………………………………

II. Discussion
Topic: Computers are being used more in education. Some people say that this is a positive trend, while
others argue that it is leading to negative consequences.

Thesis statement: While there are negative consequences of using technology in education, I personally
believe that using computers is more beneficial for both teachers and students.

● Useful structure: To indicate more than one viewpoint

III. Opinion
Technology has a positive effect on education. Do you agree or disagree?

Thesis statement: I strongly agree that the application of technology in education exerts numerous positive
impact on teaching and learning process
Useful structure
To indicate the writer’s viewpoint

Page 271
● …………………………………………………

● …………………………………………………

● …………………………………………………

● …………………………………………………

IV. Cause/effect/solution
In some countries, young people have little leisure time and are under a lot of pressure to work hard on their
What do you think are the causes of this?
What solutions can you suggest?

Thesis statement: Within this essay, I intend to discuss the cause of this problems and suggest several
practical solutions.

● Useful structure


When choosing a job, the salary is the most important consideration. To what extent do you agree or
Activity 1: Write a thesis statement for the above topic based on the given words

Background statement: People/choose/jobs/based on/the/size/salary/offered.

Thesis statement: Personally/I/disagree/idea/money/key consideration/deciding on/career, because/ believe/

other factors/ equally important



Page 272

Activity 2: Choose a suitable conclusion for the above topic

0. In conclusion, while salaries certainly affect people’s choice of profession, I do not believe that money
outweighs all other motivators.
a. In conclusion, while salaries certainly affect people’s choice of profession, I believe that money
outweighs all other motivators.

Activity 3: Compare the above introduction and conclusion

Function: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Vocabulary: ………………………………………………………………………………………




Useful structure:

Activity: Choose the phrases that are suitable for the conclusion

Conclusion: ……………………………, while salaries certainly affect people’s choice of profession, I do not
believe that money outweighs all other motivators.

A. Finally

B. To conclude

C. In a nutshell

D. In general

E. In conclusion

Page 273
=> Usage: …………………………………………………………………………

Note: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Page 274
Check-up: Write a conclusion for this essay question

Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while others
believe that it is better to get a job straight after school. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Introduction: Some people hold a belief that pursuing higher education is the best route to a thriving career
while others believe that it is better for students to apply for a job after they finish high-school.


Suggestion: Restate the idea by paraphrasing the above thesis statement:

Useful structure: S + be likely to be successful/continue their studies/ beyond school level.



Page 275
Ex 1. Choose the correct answer:

Some people believe the aim of university education is to help graduates get better jobs. Others believe there
are much wider benefits of university education for both individuals and society. Discuss both views and give
your opinion.
These days, (many/much/few) people are making the (choice/choose) to go to university. While some people
hold a (believe/belief) that the only purpose of university education is to improve job prospects, I believe that
society and the individual benefit (in/at/on) much broader ways.

(To conclude/In a nutshell/In general), although colleges can (lead to/lead in/lead into) brighter career
prospects, this should not be (considered/consider/considering) the be all and end all, and instead we should
(considered/consider/considering) the socio-(economics/economy/economic) benefits that make higher learning
(valuable/value/values) to their communities.

Ex 2. Write an introduction and a conclusion for the topic below:

In the past, the main role of teachers was providing information. Today with various sources of information
available to students, teachers have no role in modern education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Introduction: recent years/we/witnessed/an increase/in/number/online courses.

which/decreased/dependence/traditional classroom education/. However,/ opinion/ role/ teachers/ cannot/
replaced/ by/ other mode/ education.



Conclusion: Conclude/though/popularity/online courses/increasing,/it/cannot replace/ teachers/ traditional



Ex 3. Write an introduction (by using synonyms, changing word form or changing to passive voice)

Page 276
Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while others
believe that it is better to get a job straight after school. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

1. Background statement:
Suggestion: Using synonyms (Suggested words: finish school, apply for a job, continue the education,
thriving career), changing word form or changing the structure of sentence



0. Thesis statement (Support the 1 idea – go to university/college)


Useful structures: ……………………………………………………………………………



0. Conclusion (summarize and restate writer’s opinion)

Useful structures: it seems to me that + clause/ S + be likely to V/ continue one’s studies/ beyond
school level.



Page 277
Ex 4. Write the introduction for the topic below:

Universities and colleges are now offering qualifications through distance learning from the Internet rather
than teachers in the classroom. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the

1. Background statement:
Universities and colleges -> ……………………………………….

Offer qualification -> ……………………………………….

Internet -> ……………………………………….

Distance learning -> ……………………………………….



0. Thesis statement
Possess both pros and cons

More advantageous



0. Conclusion
Gain more than lose from online learning



Page 278


Exercise 1: Write an introduction and conclusion for the topic below

Some people believe it is a good idea for students to work part time to ensure better opportunities in future.
Others are of the opinion, having a job while in university distracts the individual.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Background statement: People have different views about/beneficial to/detrimental to…


Thesis statement: Drawbacks outweigh advantages.


Conclusion: Summarize the idea and restate writer’s opinion


Page 279

Exercise 2: Write an introduction and conclusion for the topic below

Some people think that it is beneficial for old people to learn something new while others believe that once a person is
past 65 years of age it is too late to learn.

What is your opinion?


Background statement: People have different views about/beneficial to/detrimental to…


Thesis statement: Agree or disagree


Conclusion: Summarize the idea and restate writer’s opinion


Page 280
Exercise 3: Using these words to complete a sentence

1. On/ one hand,/ it/ great achievement/ work/ become independent of/ parents.

-> ___________________________________________________________________

2. instance,/ it/ necessary/ everyone/ interact/ strange people.

-> ___________________________________________________________________

3. In fact, having regular practice/ brain through the process/ learning and obtaining new information, will
basically lead/ stimulating/ ability.

-> ___________________________________________________________________

4. During/ working life, workers required/ be up-to-date and be familiar/ latest innovation related/ their career.

-> ___________________________________________________________________

Page 281


I. Choose the word that make a suitable phrase

1. They bake/boil their own bread and cakes
2. Chop/slide up the onions and carrots roughly.
3. Liquid nitrogen burns/boils at a very low temperature.
4. Shall I fry/grill you an egg, or would you prefer boiled?
5. Break/mix the eggs into the flour.

II. Match the activities with the places

A stay for a few days 1. post office

B have a meal 2. museum

C look at things from the past 3. restaurant

D relax on the grass 4. sports centre

E exercise 5. hotel

F send a parcel 6. park

III. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words

1. The post office is ………………… of the library.

2. The shop is ………………… the underground station.
3. The Italian restaurant is ………………… of the café
4. There is an intersection ………………… King’s Road
and Bond Street.

Page 282
IV. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words to finish the following definitions
1. Her daughter is______than her. (clever)
2. In the past, people were______than today. (happy)
3. Which house is______, my house or your house? (tall)
4. What’s ______river in the world. (long)
5. Ha Noi City is______than Ho Chi Minh City. (small)
6. This is______book she has ever read. (wonderful)
7. Jack is singing______than he used to do. (badly)
8. Sam is______in his family. (young)
9. China is far______than the UK. (large)
10. That flight ticket is______of all. (expensive)

V. Choose the best answer

1. Of the four dresses, I like the red one (better/ best).
2. Bill is the (happier/ happiest) person we know.
3. Pat’s cat is (faster/ fastest) than Peter’s.
4. This poster is (colourfuler/ more colourful) than the one in the hall.
5. Does Fred feel (weller/ better) today than he did yesterday?
6. This vegetable soup tastes very (good/ best).
7. Jane is the (less/ least) athletic of all the women.
8. My cat is the (prettier/ prettiest) of the two.
9. The colder the weather gets, (sicker/ the sicker) I feel.

Page 283


Professor Pretty draws a simple but memorable conclusion from all this: our food bills are actually threefold.
We are paying for our supposedly cheaper food in three separate ways: once over the counter, secondly
through our taxes, which provide the enormous subsidies propping up modern intensive farming, and thirdly to
clean up the mess that modern farming leaves behind.

So can the true cost of food be brought down? Breaking away from industrial agriculture as the solution to
hunger may be very hard for some countries, but in Britain, where the immediate need to supply food is less
urgent, and the costs and the damage of intensive farming have been clearly seen, it may be more feasible. The
government needs to create sustainable, competitive and diverse farming and food sectors, which will
contribute to a thriving and sustainable rural economy, and advance environmental, economic, health, and
animal welfare goals.

But if industrial agriculture is to be replaced, what is a viable alternative? Professor Pretty feels that organic
farming would be too big a jump in thinking and in practices for many farmers. Furthermore, the price premium
would put the produce out of reach of many poorer consumers. He is recommending the immediate
introduction of a'Greener Food Standard’, which would push the market towards more sustainable
environmental practices than the current norm, while not requiring the full commitment to organic production.
Such a standard would comprise agreed practices for different kinds of farming, covering agrochemical use, soil
health, land management, water and energy use, food safety and animal health. It could go a long way, he says,
to shifting consumers as well as farmers towards a more sustainable system of agriculture.
Questions 9-13

Page 284
Complete the summary below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Professor Pretty concludes that our 1 ……………………. are higher than most people realise, because we make
three different types of payment. He feels it is realistic to suggest that Britain should reduce its reliance on 2
……………………. . Although most farmers would be unable to adapt to 3 ……………………. . Professor Pretty wants
the government to initiate change by establishing what he refers to as a 4 ……………………. . He feels this would
help to change the attitudes of both 5 …………………….


Exercise 1. Listen and circle the correct answer

1. He ………………………. 4. She ……………………….

a. does not have a lot of experience. a. thinks that salary is good.

b. has been working there awhile. b. is looking for another job.

c. works at a theater. c. likes her co-workers.

2. He ………………………. 5. He ……………………….

a. works in the manager's office. a. works for a magazine.

b. meets interesting people. b. writes about sports news.

c. hates the work. c. isn't famous.

3. He ………………………. 6. She ……………………….

a. sees the TV producer every day. a. works there only part time.

Page 285
b. helps with movie productions. b. is a waitress.

c. doesn't know how to write. c. doesn't work anymore.

Page 286
WRITING: Write the introduction and conclusion

As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no role for teachers in the classroom.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Background statement:




Thesis statement:








Page 287

Exercise 1: Work in pair. Ask and answer these questions.

1. What’s your favorite food?

2. Have you always liked the same food?

3. Is there any food you dislike?

4. What is a common meal in your country?

5. Do you think fast food is good to our health?

Exercise 2: Prepare your talk.

1. What is the place which is important to you?

2. How can you get to this place?

3. What does it look like?

4. Why you like this place?

Page 288

Lesson preparation

Lesson 1: Listening and Reading

1. Look at the photos. What are the people doing? Write A-D in the boxes.

A helping the elderly B wearing a uniform C meeting D studying

2. Match the jobs in the box with the pictures.

waiter chef lifeguard shop assistant receptionist teacher cleaner doctor

Page 289
3. Complete the missing information in the jobs advertisement using the words in the box.

experience friendly and helpful sports, art or music energy

long hours speak another language hard-working weekend


Waiter/Waitress needed for popular Italian restaurant. You do not need to have 1 __________ of
working in a restaurant, but you should be 2 __________ and happy to work in a team. You will work 3
__________, especially at the weekends when we are very busy.

Receptionist for busy city hotel, who can 4 __________ (French, German or Spanish). You should be 5
__________ to guests and tell them any information that they need about tourist attractions, local restaurants
and transport in the city.

Summer Camp Leaders to teach children 6 __________ at a summer camp. You should have a lot of 7
__________ because you will spend all day with the children. You will need to work weekdays and at the 8
__________, but you will have one day off each week.

4. Read and match the skills and abilities A-J with the pictures, 1-10.

A write well talk B to new people easily C read a map D play sport well E cook many types of food

F work for long G understand maths H speak many I remember a lot of J do well in exams
hours easily languages information

Page 290
5. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in the box.

get learn(x2) teach pass start (x2)

fail take(x2) finish study

1 I __________ my driving test last month. Now, I drive to school every day.

2 My older sister is __________ law. When she __________ university, she wants to be a family lawyer.

3 I think that it is difficult for young people to __________ a good without experience.

4 My father __________ me how to cook when I was a child.

5 I didn't __________ how to play a musical instrument when I was younger. I would like to __________ piano
lessons, but they are very expensive.

6 Many students __________ the exam. They will __________ it again next month.

7 I __________ my computer course last week. I want to __________ how to design my own website.

8 My friend is __________ her new job tomorrow. She feels a bit nervous.

Page 291
6. Match the two halves of the sentence.

1 John works many hours, but he doesn't mind because he A can cook many types of food.

2 Julia learnt Spanish very quickly this year. I think it is B could already speak two other languages.
because she
C can't understand maths very easily.
3 I have improved a lot. I got top marks for my essay, but just
D couldn't even talk to new people easily a few
a year ago,
months ago
4 Jim's results are really impressive and he didn't even study
E Can you remember a lot of information?
that much. He
F can finish early on Fridays.
5 In the job interview, it's important that you don't forget
anything. G couldn't even write very well.

6 Matteo will become a chef one day, I think. He H Could he play sport well when he was a child, too?

7 Sandra is very popular and has so many friends. It's difficult I can't read maps very well.
to believe that she J can just do very well in exams.
8 I know it is simple but I need to use my calculator because I

9 Joseph is really good at football, tennis and basketball.

10 Lucy is late. I think she is lost. She

Page 292

1. You are going to listen to a radio advertisement about a TV programme called Before They Were
Famous. In pairs, read the notes once quickly. Think about what information could be missing.

Before They Were Famous: Jack Riley, famous 1 __________

TV Programme details

Day: 2 __________

Channel: 3 __________

Time: 4 __________

Jack's life before he was famous

left school at the age of 5__________.

failed exams in both 6 __________ and 7 __________.

got a job in an 8 __________ restaurant near his home.

trained to be a chef in 9 __________.

Jack's life now

has presented a radio show called 10 __________ since 2006.

wrote his first bestselling cookbook in 11 __________.

worked as head chef at The Lemon Grove between 12 __________ and 13 __________.

married with 14 __________ children.

2. Now, listen to the radio programme and complete the notes.

3. Listen again to the radio advertisement in Exercise 2. In pairs, talk about what TV chef Jack Riley
could and couldn’t do in the past and what he can and can’t do now.

Page 293
4. Now, complete the table with TV chef Jack’s abilities in the box.

Understand maths easily Write well Write books Do well in exams

Cook only one types of food Cook many types of food Work long hours

Present Past

Able to can could

1 __________ 3 __________

2 __________

Not able to can’t couldn’t

4 __________ 5 __________


6 __________


7 __________


Page 294


1. Read the introduction to a factual text about summer jobs. Then, in pairs, answer the questions.

1. What do you think a career advisor does ? Tip

2. What will she do in this article? Reading the text
quickly will help
you understand the
2. Read the article and answer the questions main ideas.
1. Why is it good for young people to get summer job or do a short course?
2. How many different types of summer jobs does the author write about?


A summer job will give you the chance to earn money and get some work experience, as well as learn new
skills. Many teenagers think that it will be difficult to find a job because they don't have as much experience as
an adult. However, that's not the case at all. Many employers like to give jobs to young people because they
have lots of energy and enthusiasm. Before you apply for a job, make a list of the skills you have so you can
write them on your application form. Not sure which job would be best for you? Here are some ideas to get you


Can you play football, basketball or tennis? Are you good at teaching people new skills? Then this could be the
job for you. Working as a sports coach allows you to spend time outside, play the sports you love and get paid

Page 295
for it! It will give you useful experience of working with young people, which is ideal if you are thinking of
doing a teaching course in the future.


Working with elderly people is a really good way of helping others while giving something back to the
community. You will help elderly people who can't go to the supermarket, so having a car would be very useful.
However, if you don't there are a lot of other things that you can do. You can help them use computers, clean
their homes, do the gardening and simply be there to keep them company. Contact your local care home to find
out about opportunities for summer work.


Being a lifeguard is an excellent choice if you want to become more confident and develop your decision-
making skills. To get a job as a lifeguard, you need to take a swimming test and get a certificate. You also need
to do a short training course in the summer months, local swimming pools are often busier and are open for
longer, so there will be a lot of lifeguard jobs available, but you might have to work long hours on some days of
the week


How about working in a designer clothes store during your summer holiday? There are plenty of opportunities
to use a variety of skills. You can use your fashion knowledge to help people choose the right outfit or use your
knowledge of technology to show people how the latest designer smart watch works. This type of job is often
very sociable as sales assistants will need to speak to customers and with other members of staff. It is a good
opportunity to work as part of a team.


Are you interested in computers and learning how to design computer games? You probably won't be able to
find a job in an IT company, but many of them have training programmes for young people during the summer
holidays where they can learn a wide range of IT skills. This is a great choice for anyone who is thinking of
studying a computer-related course at university. These courses and jobs are very popular these days, so it will
definitely be useful to get some experience!

Page 296
3. Read the question then read the Exam strategy box about answering True, False, Not given questions
0. Helen Green thinks that it is difficult for young people too find a summer job.
A. True B. False C. Not Given

Answer: C (She says it’s not the case at all.)

If the exact information in
the statement is not
mentioned in the text about
the statement, then the
answer is not given

4. Read the article carefully then decide whether these statements are TRUE, FALSE or NOT GIVEN by
writing T, F, NG in the brackets.

_____ 1. Young people should give employers information about what they can do.

_____ 2. Sports coaches at a summer camp don't get paid very much money.

_____ 3. You need to have a car to get a job working with older people.

_____ 4. Young people who work in designer clothes stores can help customers decide.

_____ 5. Sales assistants in designer fashion stores shouldn't talk to other staff at work.

_____ 6. You only need to get a certificate, to get as job as a lifeguard.

_____ 7. In the summertime, lifeguards often need to work in the evenings

_____ 8 Many IT companies offer jobs to young people in the summer.

Page 297
Page 298
Passage 1

Industrialisation and corporate growth in the late 19th century created an

environment in which business correspondence inc

reased monumentally, calling for a way to transcribe messages more quickly

and legibly than handwritten script. The first device capable of fulfilling this
need was the Sholes and Glidden typewriter. However, before it would become
a commercial success, certain issues needed to be remedied. For instance, the
type bars in their earliest typewriters moved very sluggishly, and the keys and
other components tended to jam often. To fix this problem, Sholes - the
designer - rearranged the layout of the keyboard so that the letters in
subsequent versions of his machine no longer appeared in alphabetical order. Instead, he placed the keys with
the intention that the most commonly used letter combinations in the English language, like ST and TH, would
be spread far apart from one another. This modification caused a dramatic decline in mechanical jams and
typing errors because the new arrangement increased the time it took for users to locate letters. Thereby it
ensured that each key had enough time fall back into its position before the next one was struck. These
seemingly small changes were key to making typewriters a useful transcription and correspondence device.


TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

1 Industrialisation created a need for a writing method that was faster than handwriting.

2 The type bars on early typewriters had to be replaced often.

3 The redesign made locating letters more time-consuming.

Page 299
Passage 2

The ability to make a good impression on people is

important to many of us as humans are inherently social
creatures driven by a desire to connect with others.
However, it can sometimes be difficult to interpret exactly
what other people think of us. It would be easy if they all
simply saw us the way we try to appear. Unfortunately,
everyone we encounter views the world through his or her
own unique lens, and people tend to not be very direct about
how they feel about others unless in the privacy of their own trusted social circles It is for this reason that, in
order to determine how other people view us, it is sometimes necessary to rely on our metaperceptions.

A metaperception is how a person views others' perceptions of him or herself. Metaperceptions are usually
fairly accurate in individuals who have a strong sense of self because these sorts of people are easily able to
pick up on how others respond to their words or actions. This enables them to know whether they are liked or
not. Individuals with a good sense of who they are tend to have no problems adjusting their behaviours to better
suit the situation - if, that is, being liked is their end goal. People with a weak sense of self, on the other hand,
are often wrong about how others see them. This is because they often lack self-confidence in the first place and
therefore have numerous personal biases. They might, for example, not really like themselves for any number of
reasons and therefore think that everyone else hates them, too, when this is not necessarily the case. Conversely,
others might believe that they are witty and fun to be around when the reality is that they are rude and
burdensome. Unfortunately for people like these, social exclusion and all the negative consequences associated
with it sometimes occur as a result.

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage?


TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

Page 300
1 People are generally honest about how they perceive others.

2 Those with a strong sense of self usually know how others see them.

3 Individuals with weak self-perception fail when they try to adjust their behaviours.

Page 301


Homework 1 : Listen and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER

1. First, you should __________________ who you are and what you want to be.
2. You need to _________________ for your goals.
3. Write down your short-term goals and break them into ______________ so you know exactly what you
need to do each week.
4. Break down your projects or goals into small, __________ steps and work towards them ___________
at a time.
5. You can reward yourself with a treat, for example some healthy snack or game, for making progress on
a _____________.
6. You can work with ___________ and encourage each other,
7. You can design your own study ____________ and stick to it.
8. Be in control. Don’t ______________ your study tune for phone calls or TV shows.

Homework 2: Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.

1. Morag started having lessons at home because

A. She was unhappy at school.
B. She was not learning much at school.
C. She lived a long way from the nearest school.
2. What does she dislike about learning at home?
A. Her mother always knows what she is doing.
B. She has to study for most of the day.
C. She is unable to spend time with friends.

Page 302
3. She thinks that working on projects
A. Takes too much time.
B. Helps her to understand the subject.
C. Teaches her how to use the Internet effectively.
4. What does she find most difficult about working on projects?
A. Writing reports
B. Finding information
C. Planning the project

Homework 3: Listen to the audio and do the tasks that follow.

3.1: Choose the correct answers

1. The speaker works within the Faculty of

A. Science and technology
B. Arts and Social Sciences
C. Architecture
D. Law
2. The Faculty consists firstly of
A. Subject
B. Degrees
C. Divisions
D. Departments

3.2: Complete the notes. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS

The subjects taken in the first semester in this course are psychology, sociology, history and 3 _________
Students may have problems with 4 _____________ and 5 ______________

Page 303
Homework 4: Complete the notes with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS.

The first-year students’ life can be 1 ________________ but terrifying the first week. Many students will feel
very 2 ____________ since it is their first time away from home. The first-year students will live in a hall of
residence on 3 _______________. It soon helps them to make some 4 ____________ friends. They may move
out into a rented room in their second or 5 ____________ year, or share a house with friends.

During the first week, all the clubs and societies will hold students’ fair during which they try to persuade new
students to join their society. Marti wants to join some 6 ______________ clubs so he can have something to do
in his spare time. The first week students may be taken to visit the campus. You can see 7 ___________ of
students walking around the huge campus and finding their way around in the first week of university. And at
weekends, the university may 8 __________________ some trips to places nearby.

Homework 5: Listen to the audio and do the tasks that follow

5.1: Answer the following questions. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS

1. Where does the student come from? ________________________________________

2. How long has the student been in this country? _______________________________

3. What is the student studying at the moment? _________________________________

5.2: Circle the correct answer

4. What does the student worry about now?

A. Her English study hours.

B. That her qualifications may not be accepted here.

C. Her working experience in her own country.

D. Her tutoring at school.

5. What kind of course does the counsellor suggest the student to apply for?

Page 304
A. Civil engineering diploma course.

B. Master's degree in English.

A. Her English study hours.

C. English diploma.

D. Master’s in engineering

5.3: Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS in the blank

6. Did the student study engineering at a university? _____________________________________________

7. How long did the student work for a big company? ______________________________________________

8. When does the counselor suggest the student apply for a degree course? __________________________

Page 305

Homework 1: Match the sentence halves.

a job in a bank. a lot of essays this week. maths when I was at school.
two new languages this year! a computer to do my homework. to people on my course.
a test before I start college. a lot of my time studying.

1. I use
2. I have to write
3. My brother wants to
4. I have to take
5. My sister has just got
6. I enjoy talking
7. I spend
8. I was good at doing

Homework 2: Read the blog posts by people with different jobs. Choose the correct words to complete the
blog posts.

James, 23. The best part of my job is the children. They say so many busy/clever/easy things and know so
much already. I often feel like I can see them learning. It is important to be very boring/difficult/kind to do this
job and not to get angry. And, of course, you need to be able to talk in a way that young people can understand.
I work very clever/easy/hard and I often have to take work home at the weekends and in the holidays. But it is
worth it at the end of the school term, when the children tell me how much they enjoyed being in my class.

Isabelle, 34. The part of my job that I enjoy the most is meeting new people and finding out about their health.
Speaking to people is very awful/busy/important in my job, because I need to be able to explain things clearly to

Page 306
sick people and their families. This can be a clever/difficult/friendly job. When I first started working in the
hospital, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to take care of everyone, especially when the hospital was very
busy/interesting/kind , but the other staff were very helpful, and I really enjoy working there now.

Gary, 28. The best part of my job is that I can spend so much time doing a sport I enjoy and get paid for it. I
also have the chance to travel around the world and it’s great that I can get to meet so many
easy/favourite/interesting people. I love talking to fans and taking photographs with them. Of course, the job is
not always fun. It makes me very tired and it can be very difficult, especially on the days when I don’t play
well. I have to play the best I can at all times and that isn’t always easy/kind/popular .

Sarah, 19. My favourite part of the job is talking to people and helping them to decide what to buy. I prefer my
job when the shop is busy and there are a lot of people to help. It can be a bit boring/busy/interesting when the
shop is really quiet. I like making the clothes look nice so that customers will want to buy them. I also enjoy
seeing the new clothes before anyone else and wearing the latest fashions. Of course, there are some difficult
people, but most of them are really nice and awful/favourite/friendly .

Homework 3: Read the blog posts about different jobs again. Then complete the exercise.

James, 23. The best part of my job is the children. They say so many clever things and know so much
already. I often feel like I can see them learning. It is important to be very kind to do this job and not to get
angry. And, of course, you need to be able to talk in a way that young people can understand. I work very
hard and I often have to take work home at the weekends and in the holidays. But it is worth it at the end of
the school term, when the children tell me how much they enjoyed being in my class.

Isabelle, 34. The part of my job that I enjoy the most is meeting new people and finding out about their
health. Speaking to people is very important in my job, because I need to be able to explain things clearly to
sick people and their families. This can be a difficult job. When I first started working in the hospital, I was
worried that I wouldn’t be able to take care of everyone, especially when the hospital was very busy, but the
other staff were very helpful and I really enjoy working there now.

Gary, 28. The best part of my job is that I can spend so much time doing a sport I enjoy and get paid for it. I
also have the chance to travel around the world and it’s great that I can get to meet so many interesting
people. I love talking to fans and taking photographs with them. Of course, the job is not always fun. It makes

Page 307
me very tired and it can be very difficult, especially on the days when I don’t play well. I have to play the
best I can at all times and that isn’t always easy.

Sarah, 19. My favourite part of the job is talking to people and helping them to decide what to buy. I prefer
my job when the shop is busy and there are a lot of people to help. It can be a bit boring when the shop is
really quiet. I like making the clothes look nice so that customers will want to buy them. I also enjoy seeing
the new clothes before anyone else and wearing the latest fashions. Of course, there are some difficult people,
but most of them are really nice and friendly.

Choose the correct answers. Read the blog posts on the first screen again to help you

1. Who is happiest when busy?

A.James B. Isabelle C. Gary D. Sarah

2. Who needs to be kind to do the job?

A.James B. Isabelle C. Gary D. Sarah

3. Who doesn’t always do the job well?

A.James B. Isabelle C. Gary D. Sarah

4. Who had help from other people when starting the job?
A.James B. Isabelle C. Gary D. Sarah

5. Who often does work at home?

A.James B. Isabelle C. Gary D. Sarah

6. Who often talks to families?

A.James B. Isabelle C. Gary D. Sarah

7. Who is the person that sees new things?

A.James B. Isabelle C. Gary D. Sarah

8. Who travels to different countries?

A.James B. Isabelle C. Gary D. Sarah

Homework 4: Read about subjects that are taught in schools. Then complete the exercise.

Page 308
Most students learn subjects like English, Maths, Science and Geography at school. However, some people
don’t think that these subjects are so useful for students. They think that these subjects will not help students
to get a job later, after they leave school. So, some schools have started to teach new subjects to their
students, which they think will be more useful to them in the future.

Some schools want their students to study subjects which they think will be more helpful for them to get a job
in the future. One school in the United States has decided to teach their students how to do different things
using computers. Their students are learning how to write computer programs and how to design mobile
phone apps. Their students enjoy these new subjects, and would like to have more lessons to improve their
computer skills.

Other schools want their students to learn more daily life skills. A school in the UK is teaching their students
about what they should eat to stay healthy and how to cook healthy meals. In the past, most children learnt
how to cook at school, but today, many schools have stopped teaching cooking, so that they can spend more
time on subjects like Science and Maths. However, this UK school teaches cooking as well as other skills
such as how to save money.

Finally, learning how to speak and write well is very important for both work and family life. Some people
think that children do not learn these skills properly in school, because they spend so much time studying for
tests. Therefore, a school in Singapore has started teaching their students how to speak and write well, and
how to speak in a good way to young people and adults.

Complete the summary with words from the box. Read about subjects that are taught in schools on the first
screen again to help you.

Future job money practice skills subjects work

Some schools are now teaching new things to their students which will be more useful to them in the
___________ . Some of the new ___________ , such as Computer Programming, can help students get a
___________ when they leave school. Others help them to learn important _____________ in the home, for
example, how to cook healthy meals and how to save _____________ . Finally, more __________ in speaking
and writing can also help young people get on well with other people when they leave school, both at
____________ and at home.

Page 309
Homework 5. Read the essay about tests in school. Label the paragraphs with the correct phrases from
the box.
Agree with the title Disagree with the title
Introduction of the topic Summary of the main points
These days, children do too many tests at school

Every year, many students do tests at school. These tests are important because they show that children
understand their school subjects, but some people think that it is not good for children to take too many tests. I
think there are advantages and disadvantages to taking tests.

Some people think that children do too many tests at school. They think that children spend too much time
studying for tests and this makes children bored of the subject. For example, if students spend a lot of time
studying for English tests, this might make them think that learning English is boring. Children may also feel
worried about taking tests. If they fail the test they might think that they are not good at learning.

However, other people think that it is important for children to take a lot of tests. They think that tests can help
teachers see if children understand the subjects. They also think that teachers can make tests fun for their
students by playing games to help them prepare. These people think that if children have a test they will pay
more attention to their lessons and they will do more work at home and at school.

It is important for children to do tests in school because teachers need to know that their students understand the
subject. Doing tests also helps children to pay attention in class and spend their time well. However, schools
should not give too many tests to their students, because this will make children feel bored.

Page 310
Page 311
Lesson 3: Writing

Question: Where can we put reasons for our opinion?

Answer: ……………………

1 Definition


2 Position


3 Components


Requirement of each paragraph:

● …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

● …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

● …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Check up: Choose the correct answer

1 What is the right structure of an essay
A Introduction – Conclusion – Body
B Introduction – Body – Conclusion
C Body – Introduction – Conclusion
2 What is the function of a body
A to tell readers what your topic

Page 312
B to restate the main argument
C to explain and develop the main ideas
3 How many requirements are there for a paragraph and what are they?
A 1 – interesting to readers
B 2 – relate to one central idea and summarise all main points
C 3 – relate to one central idea, logically organised and relate to essay thesis
Elements of a paragraph:

● Topic Sentence:

● Concluding Sentence: ………………………………………………………………………………

● Development (Give idea): ………………………………………………………………………………

Exercise 1: Identify the function of each sentence in the following paragraph

1 On the one hand, there are several advantages of having one language globally
2 It would enable greater understanding between countries and remove the communication
3 For instance, when everyone speaks the same language, there will be no barriers to
communication, and everyone will be on the same page, which will make life easy and remove
misunderstandings between the countries
4 Therefore, if everyone speak one official language, there would be no difficulties in
communicating with people across the world.
Exercise 2: Arrange the sentences into a complete paragraph:
Paragraph 1:
1 Second, advertisements on foods and drinks that contain high level of sugar and fat should be restricted on TV
and other means of mass media.
2 On one hand, there are several effective solutions on this problem that the government should consider.

Page 313
3 By this way, people will be encouraged to have an active, healthy diet and lifestyle.
4 In fact, since 2017, a ban on junk foods and soft drinks advertisement before 9 p.m. has come into effect by
the UK.
5 First, the government may conduct official conferences and news on the symptoms and effects of obesity to
raise public awareness.
Paragraph 2:
1 One of the main causes that make children overweight and unhealthy is the choice of daily diet by their
2 Therefore, young students have more chances to do exercises to keep fit and stay healthy.
3 On the other hand, parents and schools are also responsible for maintaining low level of obesity among their
4 As the lack of physical exercises can also lead to an obese child, an adequate amount of physical education
sessions needs to be held weekly.
5 A healthy nutritional balanced diet is necessary for every children to grow up normally without having any
serious diseases.
Exercise 3: Fill in the missing conjunctions in the following paragraph:
Topic: In many countries, fast food is becoming cheaper and more available. Do you think the
advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?
One of the most significant advantages of fast food is that it offers a complete meal at an affordable price.
…………………., a combo meal from some of today’s industry leaders costs only under five dollars,
…………………. it would have cost consumers half their month’s salary if they purchase organic
…………………. healthy food at supermarkets. …………………., the fast-food industry is extremely
convenient. When people are exhausted after a long day at work, the last thing on their mind is spending hours
preparing dinner for everyone, …………………. they will have fast food ready to serve in five minutes or less
at fast food establishments.
However, fast food consumption does present many drawbacks, the most obvious of which is that it can harm
our health. The reason for this is that fast food contains a lot of oil, hazardous food coloring agents,
…………………. unhealthy trans fats. …………………. , regular junk food intake leads to long-term health
problems such as obesity, emotional and self-esteem issues, and chronic illnesses in later life. Another danger of

Page 314
fast and processed food is it can create adverse effects on society. The growth of fast food availability in the
country seems to coincide with the growth of obesity, which puts a strain on the healthcare system.

Page 315
Exercise 4: Complete the sentence using given words
1. recent/years/obesity/become/the most/serious/problems/people/all/ages/children.
2. Although/people/believe/the government/should/responsibility/find/solutions/problem/I/argue/ parents and
3. On/one/hand/there/several/effective/solutions/problem/the government/consider.
4. First/the government/conduct/official/conferences/news/symptoms/effects/obesity/raise/public awareness.
5. /By this way/people/will/encouraged/have/active/healthy diet/lifestyle.
6. Second/advertisements/foods/drinks/contain/high level/sugar/fat/restricted/TV/other means/ mass media.
7. In fact/2017ban/junk foods/soft drinks/advertisement/before 9 p.m/come into effect/the UK.

Page 316


Exercise 1: Read the essay about tests in school. Label the paragraphs with the correct phrases from the box.

A. Agree with the title B. Disagree with the title

C. Introduction of the topic D. Summary of the main points

These days, children do too many tests at school


Every year, many students do tests at school. These tests are important because they show that children
understand their school subjects, but some people think that it is not good for children to take too many tests. I
think there are advantages and disadvantages to taking tests.


Some people think that children do too many tests at school. They think that children spend too much time
studying for tests and this makes children bored of the subject. For example, if students spend a lot of time
studying for English tests, this might make them think that learning English is boring. Children may also feel
worried about taking tests. If they fail the test, they might think that they are not good at learning.


However, other people think that it is important for children to take a lot of tests. They think that tests can help
teachers see if children understand the subjects. They also think that teachers can make taking tests fun for their
students by playing games to help them prepare. These people think that if children have a test, they will pay
more attention to their lessons and they will do more work at home and at school.


Page 317
It is important for children to do tests in school because teachers need to know that their students understand the
subject. Doing tests also helps children to pay attention in class and spend their time well. However, schools
should not give too many tests to their students, because this will make children feel bored.

Exercise 2: Complete the paragraph. Use the words and phrases from the box. One word or phrase is used

Firstly for example however I think many students secondly

____________ use computers to help them with their school work. ______________ there are advantages and
disadvantages with using computers at school. ______________ , using computers can be helpful for finding
information about different school subjects. ___________ , students can find websites and games to help them
learn a different language. ______________ , young people enjoy using new technology and they often work
better when they use computers. _______________ , using computers can also stop young people from
studying because there are so many other things they can do. ______________ , they might check their email,
play games or watch videos instead of working.

Exercise 3: Rearrange the sentences to form a complete passage

A. They have many years of work ahead of them when they finish their studies.
B. Most young people are already under enough pressure with their studies, without being given the
added responsibility of working in their spare time.
C. When young people do have some free time, we should encourage them to enjoy it with their
friends or to spend it doing sports and other leisure activities.
D. School is just as demanding as a full-time job, and teachers expect their students to do homework
and exam revision on top of attending lessons every day.

Page 318
Exercise 4: Fill in the gaps with the appropriate sentences

A. Music and arts are an indispensable part of our life.

B. Music allows us to connect and resonate with other people
C. Music helps people to relax after working hard
D. Music expresses emotions in a way that words alone cannot.

Music is something that accompanies all of us throughout our lives. As children, we are taught songs by our
parents and teachers as a means of learning a language or simply as a form of enjoyment. Children delight in
singing with others, and it would appear that the act of singing in a group creates a connection between
participants, regardless of their age. Later in life, people’s musical preferences develop, and we come to see our
favorite songs as part of our life stories. _________________

Exercise 5: Use the given words to create full sentences

1. In/ opinion/ we/ should/ all/ happy/ pay/ our share/ of/ money/support/ public schools.
2. It/be/beneficial /for/ all/ member/ society/ have/ a high-quality education system.
3. This/ will/ result/ a well-educated workforce/ and/ in turn/ more/productive and prosperous/ nation.
4. Parent/ of/ child/ in private schools/ may/ also/ see/ the/ advantage/ this/ in /their own lives.
5. For example/ a company owner/ will/ need/ well-qualified and competent/ staff,/ and/ a/ well-funded
education system/ provide/ such/ employee.

Page 319

Lesson 1: Listening and Reading

Lesson preparation
1. Look at the pictures. In pairs, ask and answer the questions.

● What sport do you play?

● How do you like to keep healthy?

● Are there any activities you enjoy / don't enjoy doing? Why / Why not?

2. Match the activity words in the box with the pictures.

play tennis go cycling watch TV play basketball

drink water enjoy art and music eat fruit and vegetables get enough sleep

Page 320
3. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in the box.

get(x3) drink(x2) do(x2) eat have join go(x2) play(x2)

1 It can be expensive to __________ a gym, but they often have a lot of modern equipment.

2 It is very important to __________ plenty of water whenever you __________ exercise.

3 I __________ lots of fruit and vegetables and __________ yoga twice a week.

4 I like to __________ running in the park so I can __________ some fresh air when I exercise.

5 It is a good idea to __________ a personal trainer to __________ advice about living healthily.

6 I __________ tennis three times a week and __________ for walks in the park.

7 It is important to __________ lots of sleep every night.

8 When you __________ green tea, it can help you relax.

9 Many young people __________ a sport or do exercise at school.

4. Match the two halves of the sentences.

1 It is a good idea to pay A great way to keep fit.

2 Joining the gym B a healthy diet.

3 It is more fun when you go C for a personal trainer.

Page 321
4 It is important to follow D running with other people.

5 I think it's better to do E can be expensive.

6 Running is a F yoga than go to the gym.

Page 322

1. You are going to listen to Part 1 of a conversation between three friends, Samantha, Tom and Sarah.
The first voice you will hear is Samantha. Listen to the first part of the conversation and answer the

1 Where does Tom plan to go? __________

2 What is Sarah thinking of doing? __________

2. Now, listen to Part 2 of the conversation. Find and underline the key words in each opinion. Then, tick
the person, Samantha, Tom or Sarah, who gave the opinion.

Example: Joining the gym is too expensive.

Opinion Samantha Tom Sarah

1 Joining the gym is too


2 Running is a boring way

to exercise.

3 It is more fun to exercise

with other people.

4 It is better to exercise

5 It is a good idea to pay

for a personal trainer.

6 It is important to follow a
healthy diet.

Page 323
Page 324
3. You are going to listen to five people talk about their favourite way to relax. Listen and write the

4. Listen again and choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

1 Jim thinks that people who feel sad shouldn't 4 How much time does Mike usually

A forget about their problems. spend outside on his lunch break?

B read a funny book A 20 minutes

C read a sad book. B 30 minutes

2 Elena thinks that if you want to do yoga, you should C 60 minutes

A do it at your own home. 5 Which does Mark do to help him relax?

B find the right teacher. A He drinks some green tea.

C not pay lots of money. B He has a cup of tea before bed.

3 According to Kate, a common reason for not doing C He tries to get enough sleep.
regular exercise is

A it takes too much time.

B it is too expensive.

C it will make a person tired.

Page 325
Page 326

An opinion based essay

1. You are going to read an essay about the importance of Tip
exercising while studying from exams. Take two minutes The skills of skimming and
to scan the essay very quickly. Which of the activities scanning are important when
reading a text. First skim a text
from Exercise 4 does the essay talk about? quickly to understand the main
idea. Then, read the text again at a
normal speed, scanning, looking
Essay question: Students who are studying for important school for particular information and
exams should stop sports lessons. Discuss.

Some parents may think that while their children are preparing for important school exams, they shouldn't have
sports lessons. This could be because they want them to focus on exam subjects more, like science and maths.
For a similar reason, some parents think children should also stop painting and music lessons in the final school
term so they can spend more time studying. However, I disagree with these views, and believe that children
should continue to have sports lessons. These lessons help students keep healthy and happy during the exam

Firstly, schools need to encourage young people to follow a healthy lifestyle and get regular exercise. Many
young people don't do enough exercise. They prefer to spend their free time indoors on their computers or
watching TV than going to the park and playing tennis, or going cycling.

Many people today are overweight and have health problems. There is a lot of information about eating
healthily, but people often forget that regular exercise is equally important. Secondly, exercise helps us feel less
stressed and tired. It also improves memory and helps us think clearly. When students are studying for exams,
it's a good idea to take regular breaks and do something active for 20 minutes. Exercise also helps us to
concentrate better on difficult tasks and helps us sleep better at night. Doing exercise may even help students
get better results in their exams.

Page 327
In conclusion, believe that students who are revising for important exams should continue to have sports lessons
because regular exercise is good for their body and mind.

2. Read the exercise again and answer the questions.

1. Does the writer of the essay agree or disagree with the essay question?
2. What opinion does the writer give in response to the essay question?

3. Now, look at the question and read the exam strategy.

1. The writer believes that children who have important exams
A. Need sports lessons to keep healthy
B. Don’t need to focus on other subjects.
C. Need to spend all their time studying

In some reading exams,
you will need to answer
multiple-choice questions.
There is only one correct
answer option and the
two are distractors. Read
the question and answer
options, then read the text
again to find which answer
option matches the
information in the text

Page 328
4. Read the essay again and use the exam strategy to answer the multiple-choice questions. Choose the
best option A, B, C or D
1. The writer says many young people prefer to spend their free time
A. riding their bikes.
B. in the park.
C. in front of their computers.
2. The writer thinks that exercise for young people is
A. less important than diet.
B. just as important as diet.
C. more important than diet.
3. The writer believes regular exercise can make people feel
A. more active
B. less stressed
C. more tired at night
4. The writer thinks that exercising
A. benefits the body and the mind.
B. can affect studying in a negative way
C. will help you get better exam results

Page 329
Passage 1

AroundThe Psychology of Emotion

Since they encompass such a wide spectrum of human

behaviour, emotions have always been a central site of
psychological study. One of the first figures to introduce a
theory of emotion was the Greek philosopher Aristotle, who
thought that they were connected to appetites. This idea held
sway for centuries, until Charles Darwin formulated an
evolutionary concept of emotions. Darwin suggested that
emotions had evolved through natural selection and therefore must have a purpose. However, his ideas were
supplanted as the field of psychology became more prominent.

A highly influential theory of how emotions work was developed independently by two scholars, William
James and Carl Lange, in the late 19th century. This theory, which has come to be known as the James-Lange
theory, suggested that physiological arousal leads to the experience of emotion. This was a reversal of the
conventional conception that emotion was primarily mental in character. In James and Lange's conception, the
body was the source of the emotional response. James suggested that the sense organs are the first part of the
body to experience the stimulus of an outside object, and that the information from these is then passed to the

As the James-Lange theory became the dominant conceptualisation of emotion in the early 20th century, it
inspired criticism from other researchers. One critical response came from the Harvard physiologist Walter
Bradford Cannon and his student Philip Bard in the 1920s. Cannon and Bard believed that emotional responses
were the result of cognitive reactions within the hypothalamic structures of the brain, with the thalamic region
being the centre of emotional response. According to Cannon and Bard, the physical responses to emotion could
be considered separate from the mental responses, and did not always precede them.

Page 330
While the James-Lange theory foregrounded the body, and the Cannon-Bard theory prioritised the brain, the
two-factor theory of emotion offered a more balanced approach. This theory - put forward by Stanley Schachter
and Jerome E. Singer in the 1960s suggested that emotional reactions are based on two factors: physical arousal
and mental labelling. Therefore, when a person experiences an emotion, they initially feel some form of
physiological arousal, and then they search their environment for things they can use to label this as an emotion.
This can occasionally result in misattribution, as when someone feels the physical symptoms of anxiety, but
believes them to be related to romantic arousal. With no clear consensus emerging within psychologica circles,
it seems that the debate over whether it is in the mind or the body that emotions are formed is set to continue.

Complete the sentences below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

1 The James-Lange theory countered the traditional idea of emotion as a ………. experience.

2 James believed that the ………. experience a stimulus before the brain does.

3 The signs of ………. can sometimes be confused with romantic sensations.

Page 331


Homework 1: Listen and do the task that follow

1.1: Listen and choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer

1. When are the tuition fees going to increase?

A. October 2000 B. December 2000

C. September 2001 D. December 2001

2. The reasons that cause the fee to increase is that

A. Faculties and staff salaries have increased
B. International Students Office have been enlarged
C. New staffs have been added to the Home office
D. Tuition fees have been increased in many other universities
3. Since 1998, the tuition fees

A. have been increased many times B. have been increased only once

C. have been increased continually D. have never been increased

4. The University College of the Caribou is raising its fee to

A. 3600$ per term B. 3800$ per term

C. 13,800$ per term D. 13,800$ per year

5. At many institutions, the tuition fees for academic courses

A. in the first two years are higher than those for the last two years
B. in the last two years are higher than those for the first two years
C. for the four years are the same
D. are different in each year

Page 332
Page 333
1.2: Decide these following statements are TRUE, FALSE or NOT GIVEN by writing N, F or NG.

_______ 6. The university has decided to charge the same tuition for all four years.

_______ 7. The speaker would like to discuss only the fees with students in the office.

_______ 8. The speaker’s office is in building 539.

Homework 2: Listen and do the task that follow

2.1 Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer

1. The focus of the lecture series is on

A. coping well with campus life B. being a confident student

C. settling in at university D. eating well at university

2. The lecture will be given by

A. The President of the Students Union B. The coordinators of the Student Union

C. The course director D. The tutor

3. Today’s lecture is on

A. studying well B. eating well

C. being involved in campus life D. meeting the tutor

2.2 Fill in the blanks with the suitable word

Good morning and welcome to our regular lecture on being a confident student. This series of lectures is
organized by the Students 1……………… and we want to help you to 2………………… with the life on
campus. Today it's a great pleasure for me to welcome Ms. Diana Sheerin who is the 3……………….. of the
Students Union and she has been kind enough to give up her time to come along and talk to us.

To become more involved in campus life, use your college's resources, which include places to go for help,
people who can help you, and publications that can help you. Your 4……………. academic advisors,
counsellors, department heads, resident advisors, 5…………………. and club sponsors are among the people
you can ask for help. Become familiar with the services your college provides and know where to get them. The

Page 334
Registrar's Office answers all questions about records and grades. The Career Centre can help 6. ......................
your interests and skills. The 7………………… course selection and scheduling and may offer personal
8…………………. as well.

Learning labs and 9…………… provide equipment and learning resources to help you improve your skills and
meet course requirements. The 10…………….. Office handles questions about fee payment, 11…………
grants and jobs available on campus . If you need more 12 ............... than you are getting in the classroom, your
college may provide a tutor.

Homework 3: List the places the students went to and the reasons they went to these places.

Example Place Reason

West Building To register

Homework 4: Listen and do the task that follow

4.1 You are going to hear a talk about the Student Union. Fill in the gaps with the suitable words.

All 1 _________________ students automatically belong to the Student Union and have full 2 ____________
and memberships rights. Part-time students also have 3 _______________ to what the Union has to offer.
Further details of this are available from the Student Union offices. The Union is affiliated to the NUS, which
represents student on a 4 ____________ level. Students can take advantage of 5 ______________ travel
faciliteis and a wide range of reduction on 6 ___________ goods, through the Student 7 ____________ Card.

4.2 Decide these statements are TRUE, FALSE or NOT GIVEN by writing T, F, NG.

Page 335
_______ 8. The talk gives an introduction to the Student Union.

_______ 9. The Social Committee is responsible for entertainment on campus.

_______ 10. The Student Union finances all the clubs and societies at college.

Page 336

Homework 1: Match the sentence halves.

exercise class sugar and salt water

sleep college or work fruit and vegetables gym

1. Eat plenty of
2. Drink plenty of
3. Walk to
4. Don’t eat too much
5. Get enough
6. Join a
7. Take an

Homework 2: Read the article giving advice on how to follow a healthy diet. Choose the passage A, B, C
or D that contains the following information.

A Introduction
The new year is the most popular time for many people to think about what they eat and to try to be healthier.
However, it is not always easy to change what you eat and many people give up their healthy diet after just a
few weeks. Only a small number of people manage to lose weight. Here is some advice to help you continue
your diet, and to feel healthier and happier.

B Healthy snacks
Most of us get hungry in between meals, especially after a busy day at work or college. A lot of people will
eat the first thing they can find and this is often something not so healthy, like a bar of chocolate or some
biscuits. To avoid eating these unhealthy snacks, cut up some fresh fruit and vegetables and keep them in the
fridge for when you are feeling hungry. Dried fruit and nuts are also healthy snacks and will hopefully stop
you from eating chocolate or biscuits when you feel like eating something sweet. Many people enjoy drinking

Page 337
tea or coffee with sugar, even in the evenings before they go to bed. Try to drink herbal teas, which are
healthier and which will help you to sleep better at night.

C Eating in restaurants
Many people think that if they are following a healthy diet, they shouldn’t go out for dinner. However, it is
possible to eat healthy food in a restaurant. When you get the menu, look for healthy dishes which come with
a lot of vegetables. If you are not sure how healthy a dish is, you can always ask the waiter to help you to
choose something. You should also try not to order dessert, or choose something healthy, like fruit. Finally,
drink water with your meal. Fizzy drinks and juices contain a lot of sugar.

D Cooking at home
It is good to cook at home when you are following a healthy diet, because then you will know exactly what
you are eating. Avoid buying ready-made meals, because they usually have a lot of salt and sugar. You can
make your cooking healthier by using less sugar, oil and salt. Instead, use herbs and spices to give your dishes
more flavour. When you cook meat or fish, try to grill or boil it rather than frying. Always include plenty of
fresh, steamed or boiled green vegetables as part of your meal. You may find it useful to buy a cookery book
of healthy recipes, or to look up healthy recipes online. Finally, remember it’s better to avoid having a second
serving. If you still have food left, save it for the next day!

1. You should not have more than one serving.

2. People often want to eat something between breakfast and lunch, or between lunch and dinner.
3. Ask someone for advice about healthy dishes.
4. You can find information on the internet.
5. Many people find it difficult to continue a healthy diet.
6. A popular time for people to change their diet.
7. Choose water rather than other drinks.
8. You should change the type of tea that you drink.

Page 338
Homework 3: Read a leaflet from a sports centre. Complete the summary with one word or a number

Would you like to feel fitter, healthier and happier? Come to Mountain View Sports Centre. We have a
variety of sports and fitness activities, new facilities and good prices. The Sports Centre is open from 7:00
a.m. until 10:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday, and 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.

You can exercise in one of our gyms, take a swimming class, do exercises classes and yoga in our new fitness
rooms or join our tennis club. You can even book a session with a personal trainer. The centre has very new
facilities, including two gyms, one swimming pool for children and one for adults, ten exercise rooms,
five tennis courts and a café serving healthy snacks and fresh juices.

If you want to save money, you can buy a monthly pass, which costs £200 a month, or you can pay each time
you use the facilities. The gym costs £4.00 for a session, the swimming pool £5.00, and exercise classes are
£6.00. Lower prices are available for children and people over 60.

Mountain View Sports Centre

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 7:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m.

__________ and __________ : 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m.

Facilities Prices
Monthly pass: £200 per month
____________ gyms
Gym session: £ ___________
_____________ swimming pool Swimming pool: £5.00

Adult’s swimming pool _____________ classes: £6.00

____________ exercise rooms

Five ____________ courts


Page 339
Homework 4: Read Luke’s email to his friend, Andrew. Then decide whether the statements are true or

Dear Andrew,

Happy New Year! I hope that you enjoyed the party you told me about in your last email. Do you have any
good plans for the new year? I have decided that I am going to be much healthier this year. Last year, I had a
lot of exams, so I didn’t do very much exercise, and I ate too much chocolate and too many biscuits. This
year, I want to follow a healthy diet and to do more exercise.

I joined a gym last week. It’s in a nice new sports centre, which has a swimming pool and different rooms
with a variety of exercise classes. I tried the yoga class last week and I really enjoyed it. I am going to go to a
class once a week, and to the gym twice a week. I think that this will help me to get fit very quickly. I have
also started to walk to college instead of taking the bus. When I go to the library, I go by bike because it is
quite far. I feel much better and less tired if I walk or cycle.

I have started to cook more meals at home. I have found some good healthy recipes on the internet. Last
night, I cooked baked fish with steamed vegetables. It was delicious, and I didn’t feel hungry at all
afterwards. I have also decided not to eat junk food like chocolate and crisps for one month. I take dried fruit
and nuts to college with me as a snack, and I eat fruit or yoghurt in the afternoon instead of biscuits or cake.
The next time I see you, I promise to cook you something healthy.

Look forward to hearing from you soon!

Best wishes,


1. Luke did not follow a healthy diet last year.

2. He wants to join a gym soon.
3. He tried an exercise class last week.
4. He wants to go to the gym once a week.
5. He walks to the library.

Page 340
6. He doesn’t eat biscuits or cake in the afternoons.

Homework 5: Read an essay about young people’s lifestyles. Choose True, False or Not Given.

How healthy are young people’s lifestyles today? What can they do to be healthier?

Today, many young people have busy lives at school and at home. Most teenagers today spend less time
doing sports and activities outside, and eat more unhealthy food than they did in the past. Some people today
are worried that young people do not have healthy lifestyles. In this essay, I will explain two problems with
young people’s lifestyles today and suggest some ways to improve their health.

The first problem with young people’s lifestyles is that they spend a lot of time indoors. In the past, young
people spent more time outside, doing activities such as riding bicycles and playing sports. Today, however,
many young people have to do a lot more work at school and homework at home. Furthermore, young people
now prefer to spend their free time watching television or sitting in front of their computer screens. This
means that they get less exercise, and spend less time outside. I think this is a problem, because exercise is
good for both the body and the mind. Young people will not only feel healthier if they do regular exercise,
they will also feel happier and more relaxed. Therefore, I think that young people should have the chance to
do a variety of different kinds of exercise at school and in their free time.

The second problem is that many young people eat less healthy food than they did in the past. Instead of
eating healthy food cooked at home, many teenagers now prefer to eat fast food, such as burgers, kebabs and
pizzas. Also, fizzy drinks with lots of sugar, such as cola, have become very popular and many young people
have these drinks instead of drinking water. This is a problem because if people have bad eating habits when
they are young, they are more likely to eat unhealthy food as adults. In my opinion, parents need to make sure
that their children don’t eat fast food or drink fizzy drinks with lots of sugar too often and also need to teach
them how to cook healthy meals. They should also make sure their children eat plenty of fresh fruit and
vegetables, and that they don’t eat too much sugar and salt.

In conclusion, young people today do less exercise and eat less healthy food than their parents did in the past.
This is a problem because if teenagers develop unhealthy habits when they are young, they will find it
difficult to stop the bad habits when they are adults. I think that it is important for young people and their

Page 341
parents to make sure that they eat healthy food and do enough exercise.

1. Most young people get more exercise today than they did in the past.
2. Young people don’t go outside as much as they did in the past.
3. Young people now have to do more tests at school than they did in the past.
4. In the past, children ate more food cooked at home.
5. Cola is the most popular soft drink in the world.
6. It is easy for adults to give up unhealthy eating habits.
7. The writer thinks that children should learn how to cook healthy food.
8. The writer thinks adults should take their children shopping for healthy food.

Homework 6: Match the sentence halves.

A, more exercise. B, drink so many fizzy drinks. C, need to keep fit. D, following a healthy diet.
E, to music to relax. F, stop eating so many sweets. G, to walk than driving H, for a walk every day

1. They should 5. I think it’s better

2. Young people should do 6. You could listen

3. We shouldn’t 7. In my opinion, we

4. He shouldn’t stop 8. I try to go

Homework 7: Read a paragraph from an essay. Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.

Many young people eat less healthy food than they did in the past. Firstly/However , a lot of teenagers now
prefer to eat fast food, instesd of/such as burgers, kebabs and pizzas. For example/secondly , fizzy drinks, like
cola have become very popular and many young people are having these drinks instesd of/such as water.
Also/However , some parents are trying to change the bad habits of their children. For example/In my opinion
they are trying to stop their children from eating fast food or drinking fizzy drinks too often. Also/Finally , some

Page 342
parents are teaching their children how to cook healthy meals. Also/In my opinion , changing children’s eating
habits is not easy, but it is important for their future health.

Homework 8: Put the sentences in the correct order to complete the paragraph

A. Firstly, if you have to make a short journey by bus or car every day, you could try
2. walking or cycling instead.
B. For example, if you play a game of volleyball once a week or go for a run together, you
will improve your health, and make new friends.
4. C. For example, you could walk up the stairs instead of taking the lift, and make sure that

5. you go for a walk during your breaks.

D. Secondly, you can be more active while you are at work or college.
6. E. However, there are many ways that we can keep fit for free and without taking time out

7. of our busy days.

F. This may take a little bit longer, but you will feel healthier and you will have more
energy if you do this every day.
G. Many people today say that they don’t have time to exercise, because they are too busy
with work, college or school.
H. Finally, you could try a new sport with your colleagues or classmates.

Page 343
Lesson 3: Writing

EX1: Choose the suitable word.

In order to solve traffic problems, governments should tax private car owners heavily and use the money to
improve public transportation.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution?

a. Introduction

Traffic (lights/congestion/rules) in many cities around the world is severe. One possible (solution/cause/reason)
to this problem is to impose heavy taxes on car drivers and use this money to make public transport
(better/worse/more expensive). This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks (about/on/of) such a

b. Conclusion

(In conclude/To conclusion/To conclude), this solution is worth considering to (repair/improve/convert) the
current situation, but there are advantages and disadvantages of introducing such a policy.

Some people think international car-free days are an effective way of reducing air pollution; however, others
think there are some other ways.

Discuss both views and give your opinion

a. Introduction

While (national/international/local) car-free days are thought to effectively reduce the level of air
(polluted/pollutants/pollution), some other people (believe/believing/have believe) there are alternatives that are
also effective. I will discuss both (about/of/on) these views in my essay below.

Page 344
Page 345
b. Conclusion

In my view, those measures are all effective in addressing the problem of air pollution, but only to a certain
(amount/area/extent). Such a problem needs to (dealing/be dealt/deal) with by different approaches and I always
feel that if there is only one way (being implemented/implement/implemented), it will not be enough.

EX2: Translate into English

Some people think that it should be compulsory for people to retake their driving test every five years.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing this?
a. Introduction

Những vụ tai nạn xảy ra trên đường là một trong những góc nhìn nguy hiểm. Thật không may, người ta khẳng
định rằng mọi người không thể loại bỏ chúng hoàn toàn. Tuy nhiên, xã hội phải suy nghĩ về các cách để giảm số
lượng các tình huống khó chịu do ô tô gây ra. Cá nhân tôi nghĩ không cần phải vượt qua kỳ thi lái xe hơn 5 năm.
Bây giờ, tôi sẽ chứng minh quan điểm của mình.





b. Conclusion

Để kết luận, hãy xem xét mọi thứ, các đạo luật nghiêm ngặt tiết lộ mong muốn phá vỡ tất cả. Đó là lý do tại sao
các người có quyền nên phân tích các cách khác để ngăn ngừa tai nạn trên đường hơn là làm lại bài kiểm tra.
Ngay cả khi họ làm như vậy, một số lượng lớn gian lận sẽ xảy ra.





Page 346
EX3: Write the introduction and conclusion based on the given words.

In some cities and towns all over the world, traffic jam is a problem.

What are the causes of this and what actions can be taken to solve this problem?
a. Introduction

Background statement

Traffic jams/ one of the major issue/ affect/ standard of living/ urban areas.


Thesis statement

Prime reason/ be/ migration/ job-seekers/ urban areas/ and/ secondary/ be/ substandard facility/ however/ these/
be/ resolved/ certain steps/ authorities.

b. Conclusion

Conclusion/ traffic jams/ rising/ metropolis/ all over the world/ because/ increase in resettlement/ countryside/
and/ ineffective/ public transit.

Reduce/ situation/ authority/ should/ steps/ establish/ industries/ small cities/ and/ advance/ public


Page 347
EX4: Write an introduction (by using synonyms, changing word form or changing to passive voice)

The impact that the growing demand for more flights has on the environment, is a major concern for many
Some people believe that one way to limit the number of people traveling by air is to increase the tax on

To what extent do you think this could solve the problem?

a. Introduction

Background statement

Using synonyms (Suggested words: airways, issues, continue the education), changing word form or changing
the type of sentence.

Suggested answer:


EX5: Choose the correct words.

One of the first benefits of such a measure is that the heavy taxes would discourage car owners from using their
cars (therefore/ however/ because) it would become very expensive to drive. This would mean that they would
begin to make use of public transport instead, thus reducing traffic problems and pollution as well. (Another/
More / Addition) benefit would be that much more use would be made of public transport if it (improve/ was
improved/ being improved). It is often the case that public transport in cities is very (cheap/ rich/ poor). For
example, we often see old buses and trains that people would rather not use. High taxes would generate enough
money to make the necessary changes.

Nevertheless, there are drawbacks to such a solution. First and foremost, this would be a heavy burden (on/ for/
between) the car drivers. At present, taxes (is/ are/ was) already high for a lot of people, and so further taxes
would only mean less money at the end of the month for most people who may have no choice but to drive

Page 348
every day. In addition, this type of tax would likely be set at a fixed amount. This would mean that it would hit
those with less money harder, whilst the rich could likely afford it. It is (however/ although/ therefore) not a fair

EX6: Rearrange these sentences into a complete paragraph.

1 By having some days without cars on the road, no harmful smoke will be released into the atmosphere, and
this will therefore improve air quality.

2 Since this car-free policy was strictly operated, the air quality of the city has greatly improved.

3 It is true that exhaust fumes from cars are majorly responsible for polluting the air as they contain a relatively
high proportion of pollutants such as CO2.

4 Take Beijing, the city known for its dirty air and its atmosphere covered with smog, for example.

5 This policy is extremely effective in big cities around the world.

Right order: …………………………………………………………

EX7: Practice writing a complete paragraph

The best way for governments to solve the problem of traffic congestion is by providing free public transport
24 hours per day, and seven days a week.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

a. Introduction


Page 349
b. Body


c. Conclusion


Page 350
I. These young people are looking for a job. Select the most suitable jobs for them.
Doctor Teacher Shop assistant Waiter

Cleaner Chef Receptionist Lifeguard

1. _______________ Susan likes to cook for her family.

2. _______________ Wendy likes to work with children and teach them new things.
3. _______________ Vernon can swim very well.
4. _______________ Rei likes to work in a restaurant but can not cook well.
5. _______________ Jennie enjoys cleaning and organizing things.
6. _______________ Irene likes to help people feel better when they are ill.
7. _______________ Ryan can talk well and likes to work at a hotel
8. _______________ Lisa likes to work at a shop and helps people do their shopping.

II. Match the two halves of the sentences

1. We should have A. many modern equipments
2. Mark goes running B. a healthy diet
3. Children have to C. lots of fruits and vegetables
4. Drinking green tea D. to keep fit
5. The gyms have E. helps us to relax
6. It is essetnial to eat F. get enough sleep

III. Give the correct form of the verbs

1. My older sister is ____________ (study) laws at university.
2. My mother hopes that I _____________ ( be) a doctor when I grow up.
3. Chloe tries hard and ____________ (pass) the exam easily.
4. It is difficult ____________ ( keep) if you do not eat enough fruits and vegetables.

Page 351
5. Going to the gym ____________ (help) you to stay in shape.
6. Betty usually __________ (do) yoga with her friends.
IV. Fill in the blanks with the activities in the box.
A. Enjoy music B. Read a map C. Learn English D. Cook E. Exercise

F. Take exams G. Write emails H. Go cycling I. Drink water K. Play piano

1. Mr Smith can _________ well.

2. Drives have to learn to ________.
3. Young people like to ________ in the park with their friends.
4. It is necessary for people to __________ even when they are not thirsty.
5. We go to a concert every month to ________.
6. Every Vietnamese students have to ________ at school.
7. Mrs Eva likes to _______ for her family.
8. Receptionists often have to ________ to customers.
9. We should ________ to stay healthy.
10. Students _________ every semester to check their studying.

Page 352
Sleep is a necessity for all animals which, according to some scientists, could reveal something about our shared
evolutionary ancestry. Because of its universality many early sleep researchers felt that it must have begun very
early in animal evolution. However, this view is contested by some scientists, such as Jerry Siegel of the
University of California, who suggests that the need for sleep could have developed in each species separately.
‘It could be more of a case of convergent evolution', he states, suggesting that sleep is 'an adaptation to an
animal's environment' rather than a trait inherited from a common evolutionary ancestor. Siegel's theory is
backed up by the massive variation in sleep patterns across different species, from possums that can sleep for up
to 18 hours a day, to birds that take hundreds of short naps every day. He has also discovered that dolphins,
which are renowned for their ability to put one side of their brain to sleep at a time, have another unique sleep
pattern. After an adult dolphin gives birth, neither she nor her offspring will sleep for an extended period of
time. This practice, the opposite of what occurs in land mammals, suggests that animals adapt their own system
of sleep, rather than inherit a universal one. Nonetheless many scientists still hope to find an overarching theory
for why all animals need sleep. Paul Shaw, a researcher at Washington University in St. Louis, claims that
because 'sleep is costly' in terms of vulnerability to ambush from other animals, there must be an underlying
evolutionary reason for its universality. Shaw cites sleep research pioneer Alan Rechtschaffen, who stated, 'If
sleep doesn't serve an absolutely vital function, it is the biggest mistake evolution ever made.’

Look at the following findings and the list of scientists below.

Match each finding with the correct scientist, A, B or C.

1 Animals developed unique sleep habits to match their specific surroundings, List of Scientists
rather than inheriting a general trait.
A Alan Rechtschaffen
2 The importance of sleep is evident when we consider how a sleeping animal is
B Paul Shaw
much more open to attack from a predator.
C Jerry Siegel

Fill in the blanks with the words from the passage

3. Researchers think that sleeping begun early in the evolution of animals because of its ___________.
4.Siegal discovers that dolphins have _________ sleep patterns.

Page 353
4. The practice of dolphins suggests that animals ______ their own sleeping system.

Listen and fill in the blank

Good morning, everyone. Welcome to the International Language Centre for the 2000-2001 1_____________
year. We hope this year will be a year of success for you. Now let me give you a quick rundown of our calendar
for the first quarter. The orientation for 2 ______________ will be held next Thursday, August 31. September
4 will be our holiday, that is Labour Day, so there will be no school on that day. The first day of class will be on
Tuesday, September 5. About one month later, there will come another holiday, Thanksgiving Day. That's
October 9. There is no school On that Monday. November 9 will be our last day of class. That's Thursday. The
following day will be 3 ___________ day. Please remember that's November 10 and be prepared for the
examination. I'd like to tell you that regular. 4 ______________ at this school is necessary in all classes and
lectures. We expect at least 90% attendance. Attendance is taken by each 5 ___________ teacher. You know,
you cannot succeed in school if attendance is irregular. Absences of 20% or more will result in students being
placed on probation- for one quarter. Continued absences may result in the students being required to
withdraw from the school. It's our expectation you will all grow to realise your full potential and contribute
your 6 ______________ to this year's activities.


1. Answer the questions to think about your future jobs

a, What skills are you good at?

b, What do you enjoy doing?

c, Who do you want to work with?

d, Where would you like to work?

2. In pairs, talk about what you want to do in the future.

Page 354
Page 355

I. Complete the sentences using the given words

1. On/one/ hand, I/agree/ a large proportion/ of state budget/ should/ be allocated/ to activities or
campaigns/ promote/ a healthy lifestyle.

2. This/ be/ because/ a lot of/ disease/ nowadays/ be/ actually/ the direct result/ of/ people’s unhealthy

3. For example/ children/ who/ eat fast food/ on a daily basis/ common/ can/ suffer from/ a range of
health issues/ such as/ weight problem/ and obesity.

4. These diseases/ can/ be prevented/ if people/ are/ made/ more/ aware of/ the severe consequence/
of an unhealthy diet.

5. In addition/ there be/ a number of/ incurable diseases/ such as HIV, AIDS/ and/ many forms of cancer.

Page 356
II. Rearrange the sentences to form a complete body paragraph.

A. From a personal perspective, it can be argued that these courses provide more job opportunities,
career progression, better salaries, and therefore an improved quality of life for students who take
B. Finally, a focus on technology in higher education could lead to new inventions, economic growth, and
greater future prosperity. 5
C. There are various reasons why people believe that universities should only offer subjects that will be
useful in the future.
D. They may assert that university courses like medicine, engineering and information technology are
more likely to be beneficial than certain art degrees.
E. On the societal level, by forcing people to choose particular university subjects, governments can
ensure that any knowledge and skill gaps in the economy are covered.

III. Practice writing a complete paragraph.

Topic Some universities now offer their courses on the Internet so that people can study online. Is this a
positive or negative development?

Page 357


Exercise 1: Listen and write the day each person arrived and the day they are leaving.

Page 358
Exercise 2: Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER for each

Health club customer research

Example Answer

Name: Selina Thompson

Occupation: 1

Age group: 2

Type of membership: 3

Length of membership: 4 years

Why joined: Recommended by a 5

Visits to club per month: Eight (on an average)

Facility used most: 6

Tennis courts
Facility not used (If any):
(because reluctant to 7 )

Suggestions for improvements: Have more 8

Install 9 in the gym.

Open 10 later at weekends.

Page 359
Exercise 3: Listen to the audio and do the task that follow.

1. Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

1 According to the manager, what do most people like about the job of kitchen assistant?

A the variety of work.

B the friendly atmosphere.

C the opportunities for promotion.

2 The manager is concerned about some of the new staff’s

A jewelry.

B hair styles.

C shoes.

3 The manager says that the day is likely to be busy for kitchen staff because

A it is a public holiday.

B the head chef is absent.

C the restaurant is almost fully booked.

4 Only kitchen staff who are 18 or older are allowed to use

A the waste disposal unit.

B the electric mixer.

C the meat slicer.

2. Choose two letters to answer the question:

According to the manager, which TWO things can make the job of kitchen assistant stressful?

A They have to follow orders immediately.

B The kitchen gets very hot.

C They may not be able to take a break.

Page 360
D They have to do overtime.

E The work is physically demanding.

5 ________ 6 ________

3. What is the responsibility of each of the following restaurant staff?

Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-F.


A training courses

B food stocks

C first aid

D breakages

E staff discounts

F timetables

Restaurant staff

______ 7. Joy Parkins

______ 8. David Field

______ 9. Dexter Wills

______ 10. Mike Smith

Page 361


Our human body is made up of many muscles. All these muscles work together to help you move. They form
the muscle system. 650 muscles are wrapped around your bones. They basically cover the bones like a blanket.
Muscles are fastened to the bones by tough bands. These bands are called tendons. You can see your tendons
when you wiggle your finger. Moving your fingers back and forth makes your tendons move.

These muscles around the bone must be told when to move. They are controlled by your thinking. If you want
to walk, talk or smile, you send a message to the brain. Your brain picks up the message. It receives it and
processes it. Then it sends out an electrical signal through the nerves. The nerves make connections until the
signal reaches the proper muscle. This signal tells a muscle what it has to do. The muscle simply does exactly
what the brain tells it to do. When you jump, hundreds of muscles work to help you do that.

Muscles work by contracting. They shorten and pull the bone to move the body. They always pull and never
push. Muscles work in pairs. One muscle pulls, while the other relaxes. Then they switch around. For instance,
when you move your forearm, you use one pair of muscles. The muscles on the inside of your arm is the biceps.
It contracts to make you bend your arm. The muscle on the outside is the triceps. It relaxes when you bend your
arm. If you want to straighten your arm, the muscles switch roles. The biceps relaxes, whereas the triceps
contracts. The biceps and triceps are long and thread-like. The longest muscle, the sartorius, helps you cross
your legs. The shortest muscle is in your ear.

However, you cannot control all your muscles. Some muscles work without you thinking about them. This is
the case with your heart muscle. Heart muscles are stripped and oval in shape. They are extremely powerful and
pump your heart. This pumping motion gets the blood moving through your body. As well, the stomach muscle
mixes food around in your stomach. Then it pushes the food through your intestines and into the blood system.
Stomach muscles are short and have pointed ends.

Muscles work all the time. They even work when you are fast asleep. They keep your body firm and strong.
Therefore, it is important to be in good shape. You need to stay healthy so that your muscles can remain
powerful too. One thing that muscles need is good food. Muscles develop when they have protein. Milk, eggs,
red meat, fish and beans are rich in protein. A healthy diet includes these food types. Muscles also need to be
exercised to remain firm and toned. Regular exercise makes your muscles bigger, strengthens your heart and
lungs and makes you more flexible. Good ways to exercise our walking, swimming, cycling, dancing or playing
soccer. These activities improve your stamina. If you have good stamina, you can keep going for a long time
without getting tired.

Question 1-6

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

1. What is the topic word of paragraph 1?

Page 362
A Muscles

B The muscle system

C Bones

D Tendons

2. In what order do the following happen?

A Processed message, nerve connection, electric signal, execution

B Execution, electric signal, nerve connection, processed message

C Execution, nerve connection, electric signal, processed message

D Processed message, electric signal, nerve connection, execution

3. Choose the right word below to fill in the blank.

“Muscles work by _____."

A Shorten

B Squeezing

C Pushing

D Relaxing

4. What happens after the biceps contracts?

A The triceps contracts.

B The arm straightens.

C The arm bends.

D The muscles switch around.

Page 363
5. What is true about the heart muscle?

A It is the most powerful muscle in the whole body.

B It helps you move food into the blood.

C It looks different than other muscles.

D It is controlled by your brain.

6. What does the author think about regular swimming?

A It is better than walking or dancing.

B It is not as good as playing soccer.

C It makes you stronger and more flexible.

D It helps you to keep going for a long time without getting tired.

Questions 7-8

Choose TWO letters, A-D.

Write the correct letters.

What are two things muscles need to stay strong?

A Protein

B A lot of food

C Good exercise

D A lot of sleep


Page 364
Erno Rubik first studied sculpture and then later architecture in Budapest, where he went on to become a
teacher of interior design. It was while he was working as a teacher that he began the preliminary work on an
invention that he called the ‘Magic Cube'.

Rubik was inspired by geometric puzzles such as the Chinese tangram, a puzzle consisting of various triangles,
a square and a parallelogram which can be combined to create different shapes and figures. However, unlike the
tangram, which is two- dimensional, Rubik was more interested in investigating how three-dimensional forms,
such as the cube, could be moved and combined to produce other forms.

His design consisted of a cube made up of layers of individual smaller cubes, and each smaller cube could be
turned in any direction except diagonally. To ensure that the cubes could move independently, without falling
apart, Rubik first attempted to join them together using elastic bands. However, this proved to be impossible, so
Rubik then solved the problem by assembling them using a rounded interior. This permitted them to move
smoothly and easily. He experimented with different ways of marking the smaller cubes, but ended up with the
simple solution of giving a different color to each side. The object was to twist the layers of small cubes so that
each side of the large cube was an identical color.

Rubik took out a patent for the Cube in 1977 and started manufacturing it in the same year. The Cube came to
the attention of a Hungarian businessman, Tibor Laczi, who then demonstrated it at the Nuremberg Toy Fair.
When British toy expert Tom Kremer saw it, he thought it was amazing and he persuaded a manufacturer, Ideal
Toys, to produce 1 million of them in 1979. Ideal Toys renamed the Cube after the toy’s inventor, and in 1980,
Rubik’s Cube was shown at toy fairs all over the world. It won that year’s prize in Germany for Best Puzzle.
Rubik’s Cube is believed to be the world’s best-selling puzzle; since its invention, more than 300 million Cubes
have been sold worldwide.

Fill in the blanks. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Originally named the 1 , Rubik’s Cube consists of a number of smaller cubes organised

in 2 .

Page 365
The smaller cubes can be twisted in almost any way, though not 3 . The Cube’s 4 is
shaped in a way that allows the smaller cubes to move smoothly. Each side of the smaller cubes has a different
colour, and the aim of the puzzle is to organise the cubes so that the colours on the sides of the large cube

are 5 .

The manufacturers of the puzzle changed the name of the Cube to the name of its 6 it has now sold

more than any other 7 in the world.


Willis Carrier designed the first air-conditioning unit in 1902, just a year after graduating from Cornell
University with a Masters in Engineering.

At a Brooklyn printing plant, fluctuations in heat and moisture were causing the size of the printing paper to
keep changing slightly, making it hard to align different colours. Carrier’s invention made it possible to control
temperature and humidity levels and so align the colours. The invention also allowed industries such as film,
processed food, textiles and pharmaceuticals to improve the quality of their products.

In 1914, the first air-conditioning device was installed in a private house. However, its size, similar to that of an
early computer, meant it took up too much space to come into widespread use, and later models, such as the
Weathermaker, which Carrier brought out in the 1920s, cost too much for most people. Cooling for human
comfort, rather than industrial need, really took off when three air conditioners were installed in the J.L. Hudson
Department Store in Detroit, Michigan. People crowded into the shop to experience the new invention. The
fashion spread from department stores to cinemas, whose income rose steeply as a result of the comfort they

To start with, money-conscious employers regarded air conditioning as a luxury. They considered that if they
were paying people to work, they should not be paying for them to be comfortable as well. So in the 1940s and
’50s, the industry started putting out a different message about its product: according to their research, installing
air conditioning increased productivity amongst employees. They found that typists increased their output by
24% when transferred from a regular office to a cooled one. Another study into office working conditions,
which was carried out in the late ’50s, showed that the majority of companies cited air conditioning as the single
most important contributor to efficiency in offices.

However, air conditioning has its critics. Jed Brown, an environmentalist, complains that air conditioning is a
factor in global warming. Unfortunately, he adds, because air conditioning leads to higher temperatures, people
have to use it even more. However, he admits that it provides a healthier environment for many people in the
heat of summer.

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Page 366
1 When Willis Carrier invented air conditioning, his aim was to

A make workers feel cooler.

B produce more attractive paper.

C set up a new business.

D solve problems in a factory.

2 Home air conditioners were not popular at first because they were

A too big and expensive.

B not considered necessary.

C too inefficient.

D complicated to use.

3 Employers refused to put air conditioning in workplaces at first because they

A could not afford to pay for it.

B thought it was more suitable for cinemas.

C did not want to spend money improving working conditions.

D thought people would not work so hard in comfortable conditions.

Page 367
4 What was the purpose of the research done in the 1940s and ’50s?

A to make office workers produce more

B to compare different types of air conditioner

C to persuade businesses to buy air conditioners

D to encourage employees to change offices

5 What does Jed Brown say about air conditioning?

A In the future, everyone will need it.

B Turning it off will not reduce global warming.

C It can seriously damage people’s health.

D It is good for people, but bad for the environment.


Exercise 1: Answer these questions about your favorite restaurant.

A. What is it called?

B. Where is it?

C. When was the first time you went there?

D. Who did you go there with?

E. How often do you go there?

Exercise 2: In pairs, tell your friends about your favorite restaurant.

Page 368

Exercise 1: Write an introduction to this topic using the given words

It is inevitable that traditional cultures will be lost as technology develops. Technology and traditional cultures are

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

1. Some people/ believe/ technological development/ lead/ to/ loss/ traditional/ cultures.
2. I/ partly/ agree/ this assertion/ while/ it/ may be true/ in the case of /some society/, others/ seem/ to be
unaffected /by/ technology/ and /modern world.

Exercise 2: Rearrange the sentences to form a complete paragraph

When choosing a job, the salary is the most important consideration.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

A. If people chose their jobs based on enjoyment or other non-financial factors, they might find it difficult
to support themselves.
B. On the one hand, I agree that money is necessary in order for people to meet their basic needs.
C. Most people consider it a priority to at least earn a salary that allows them to cover these needs and have
a reasonable quality of life.
D. Artists and musicians, for instance, are known for choosing a career path that they love, but that does not
always provide them with enough money to live comfortably and raise a family.
E. For example, we all need money to pay for housing, food, bills, health care, and education.

Page 369
Several languages are in danger of extinction because they are spoken by very small numbers of people. Some
people say that governments should spend public money on saving these languages, while others believe that
would be a waste of money.

Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

A. This money might be better spent on other public services.

B. There are several reasons why saving minority languages could be seen as a waste of money.
C. Governments could cut all kinds of costs related to communicating with each minority group.
D. Firstly, if a language is only spoken by a small number of people, expensive education programmes will
be needed to make sure that more people learn it, and the state will have to pay for facilities, teachers
and marketing.
E. Secondly, it would be much cheaper and more efficient for countries to have just one language.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Exercise 3: Translate these sentences into English

Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while others
believe that it is better to get a job straight after school.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

1. Một mặt, tôi nghĩ rằng việc tiếp tục đi học sẽ có lợi hơn cho học sinh.

2. Đầu tiên, bằng cấp được yêu cầu trong rất nhiều ngành nghề.

3. Ví dụ, bạn không thể đi làm bác sĩ, giáo viên hay luật sư nếu như không có bằng cấp liên quan.

4. Bởi thế, cử nhân sẽ có nhiều cơ hội tiếp cận việc làm tốt hơn, và họ cũng có xu hướng nhận lương cao
hơn những người có ít bằng cấp.

Page 370

5. Thứ hai, thị trường việc làm đang ngày càng cạnh tranh, và đôi khi có hàng trăm ứng viên cho cùng một
vị trí trong công ty.

6. Người trẻ không có bằng cấp từ đại học sẽ không thể cạnh tranh được.

Page 371

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