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No single anesthetic agent is perfect

The ideal IV anesthetic:
 Hypnosis
 Amnesia
 Rapid onset (time of arm-brain circulation)
 Propofol has become the “GOLD
STANDARD” (rapid onset – recovery after
bolus - redistribution and utility as continuous
IV anesthetics have a rapid onset, rapidly distributing to
higher perfused and vessel-rich tissues,
Their lipophilicity allows for rapid crossing of the
blood–brain barrier. The slight delay between target
blood concentration and effect organ (brain) response is
known as Hysteresis, occurs because of differences
between peak plasma concentration and peak drug
concentration in the brain, and terminated by the
Initial bolus – desired plasma concentration –
redistribution (initial clearance), if in infusion, the
rate should be decreasing to maintain the desired
blood concentration.

Bolus- rapid increase of blood concentration and

decreases over time, first phase rapid onset, second
phase: slow distribution, third phase: elimination.

The three-compartment model is used to describe the behavior of an

IV anesthetic,
The first administration, fills the central compartment, then is
distributed to the peripheral compartments, starting to the smallest
ones to the largest, one rapid and the other slowest
The rate of distribution can be matched with an appropriated
infusion rate, that allows to maintain the desired blood concentration,
over time it will begin to accumulate because of the less removal
from the central circulation, with prolonged time due to the
contributions of the stored anesthetic it will require less infusion to
maintain the target blood concentration, but also leads to a longer
awakening time.

This leads to the concept of half time (time required to reduce the
plasmatic concentration of the drug to 50%, after stopping an
infusion) and elimination half time (time required to excrete or
metabolize the 50% of the drug out the body)

 (2,6-diisopropylphenol)  induction
 Rapid- onset  maintenance
 predictable context-sensitive half-time  (ICU) sedation
 rapid recovery  sedative-hypnotic
 antiemetic property  lipophilicity and relative insolubility in aqueous
anaphylactic reactions 1% propofol + 10% soybean oil + 2.25% glycerol + 1.2% egg phospholipid emulsifier +
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) (milky white consistency

 hepatic metabolism (renal and pulmonary)  clearance rate (20-30 ml/ kg / min = 1.5 L/min)
 water soluble protein inactivation  t ½ 2-4min (bi compartmental)
 renal excretion and a small fraction from feces  t ½ 1-8 min – 30-70 min (tri compartmental)
 hepatic and renal disease don’t affect the  t ½ elimination 2-24 hrs
metabolism significantly

 GABA inhibitory pathways
 α-adrenergic receptors
 Nmethyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors
 low doses of propofol produce sedation
 mid doses paradoxical excitation may occur, where a patient disinhibited, has unpredictable movement, broken
speech, and is not readily arousable
 high dose of propofol leads to loss of consciousness, apnea, relative relaxation of muscles, loss of brainstem
reflexes, and subsequently necessitates airway support

 low dose increase in beta-waves
 induction dose deep non-REM sleep, low
frequency, high amplitude activity ↓β, ↑αδ
 low O2 consumption rate
 ↓ ICP - ↓ CBF
 ↓ CPP
 Antioxidant properties
 Generally considered an anticonulsivant
 Can cause dependence
 Physostigmine reversible (cholinomimetic)
 Dose dependent
 ↓ systolic/diastolic pressure without tachycardia
 ↓ cardiac output
 ↓ stroke volume
 ↓ vascular resistance
 Arterial vasodilation and venodilation
 Ø baroreceptor response
 Suppression on supraventricular tachycardia

 Dose dependent
 HIGH DOSE apnea
 MAINTENANCE DOSE ↓ tidal volumes, ↑ RR
 Blunt response due to hypoxia due to side effects on chemoreceptors, as well as decreased respiratory response
to hypercarbia
 Potent bronchodilator

 Rapid and smooth induction and emergence
 Sedative-hypnotic
 Induction dose 1-2.5 mg/ kg, loss of consciousness (3 μg/ kg)
 Elderly can be sensitive due to the cardiac effects
 Alcoholics need a higher induction dose
 Maintenance 100-200 μg/ kg/ min + inhaled anesthetics
 Malignant hyperthermia
 Sedation, minor procedures, off-site anesthetics, ICU sedation 25-75 μg/ kg/ min
 TIVA with Propofol alone—or together with opioids as part of balanced anesthetic—has been utilized
successfully for all types of surgery

 Pain on injection site  Rhabdomyolysis
 PRIS (propofol infusion syndrome)  Hepatomegaly
 Metabolic acidosis  Renal failure
 Hyperkalemia  ECG changes
 Hyperlipidemia  Arrythmias, with progression to cardiac failure


 D+ enantiomer of imidazole derivate
 Propylene glycol – veno-irritation and
 Quick onset
 Fast resolution
 Three compartment kinetic model
 Adrenal suppression with continuous infusion
 Hepatic metabolism
 Renal and bile excretion
 75% protein bound


 GABA-A agonist
 potent vasoconstrictor reduces CBF, ICP, and CMRO2
 CPP is either maintained or increased
 Epileptogenic activity
 Undesirable inductor
 Increase of the of the latency intervals, measured in somatosensorial-evoked potentials
 Hemodynamically stable induction
 Less depression of the airway reflexes
 Relaxes the smooth vasculature of pulmonary vasculature

 Adrenocortical suppression
 inhibits the activity of the enzyme 11β-hydroxylase and prevents the conversion of
cholesterol to cortisol

 Phencyclidine (PCP; angel dust)
 “dissociative anesthesia”
 marked nystagmus
 significant analge sia and unconsciousness
 emergence delirium, hallucinations, and alterations in
mood and affect
 low-dose ketamine has an opiate sparing effect in the
management of acute pain
 antihyperalgesic, antiallodynic, or toleranceprotective

 chiral compound
 racemic mixture of S and R enantiomers
 IM 93% bioavailability
 transnasal administ ration has 25% to 50%  CSF levels were about 0.2 mg/mL 1 hour after
bioavailability dosing
 rectal or oral administration has 16%  α-elimination phase CNS to peripheral tissues
bioavailability (11 minutes)
 high lipid solubility  β-elimination phase is 2.5 hours
 low protein binding (20%)  metabolized primarily in the liver by
 rapid uptake cytochrome P-450 enzymes (CYP 3A4 > CYP
 fairly rapid redistribution 2C9 > CYP 2B6)
 onset 30-60 seconds  principal metabolite norketamine only has one-
 t ½ 10-15 min third to one-fifth the activity, eliminated by renal
 induction dose 0.5 to 2 mg/kg IV or 4 to 6 excretion
mg/kg IM  Due to its lipophilicity, ketamine is only
 Peak plasma levels averaged 0.75 mg/mL partially removed by dialysis

PHARMACODYNAMICS  Ketamine binds to μ, δ, and κ opioid receptors;

 Antagonism of the NMDA however this does not account for its analgesic
 also has clinical effects at opioid, noradrenergic, effects.
cholinergic, nicotinic, and muscarinic receptors.  The primary analgesic mechanism of ketamine
 binds preferentially to the NMDA receptors on is believed to be in the prevention of developing
inhibitory interneurons in the cortex, limbic hyperalgesia.
system, and hippocampus  causes stimulation of CNS noradrenergic
 promote uncoordinated increase in neuronal neurons and inhibition of catecholamine uptake,
activity and an active EEG pattern, and produce which provokes a hyperadrenergic state (with
unconsciousness. increased release of norepinephrine, dopamine,
 nociception and serotonin).
 Ketamine binds to an interchannel site of the  effect on noradrenergic neurons is partly
NMDA decreases the amplification of repeated responsible for the hypnotic, psychic, and
stimulation of the NMDA receptor analgesic effects observed
 Ketamine has been found to bind to opioid,  affects CNS cholinergic neurons, and the
noradrenergic, and cholinergic anticholinergic physostigmine can antagonize
 receptors the hypnotic effects of ketamine.
 dissociative amnestic
 Induction doses of ketamine are 1 to 2 mg/kg, onset of 1 minute and a duration of 10 to 20 minutes
 good choice for anesthetic induction in the hemodynamically unstable patient
 unsuitable for some cardiac patients

 burn patients during wound care
 pediatric patients for painful procedures such as
reduction and casting of bone fractures in the  preventing hiperalgesia
emergency department  Intranasal ketamine was found to significantly
lower the intensity of breakthrough pain
 acute postoperative pain DEPRESSION
 lower pain scores and decrease opiate  treatment for major depression
requirements  decreased depression symptoms and suicidal
 prevention of hiperalgesia and decreases in ideation within 1 hour
central nervous system sensitization

 of administration

 psychogenic reactions  increased heart rate and increased blood pressure
 hallucinations and out-of-body experiences  direct myocardial depression
 lateral gaze nystagmus  cardiovascular collapse
 maintains spontaneous respiration
 Hypoxia
 Bronchodilator
 increased salivation – laryngospasm
 not recommended in patients with elevated ICP
 neuroprotective
 associated with epileptiform activity on EEG;
α2-adrenergic agonist similar to clonidine, it has seven to eight times greater affinity for the α2-
adrenergic receptor it’s usually used in ICU sedation in mechanically ventilated patients, for
procedural sedation, and as a component of general anesthesia

 rapid distribution phase
 distribution half-life of approximately 6 minutes
 elimination halflife of approximately 2 hours
 state volume of distributions of approximately 118 L
 0.2 to 0.7 μg/kg/hr IV infusion for up to 24 hours
 protein binding is 94%
 complete biotransformation with very little unchanged dexmedetomidine in the urine and
 direct glucuronidation and cytochrome P450-mediated
 metabolism
 terminal elimination half-life is approximately 2 hours
 clearance≈ 39 L/hr, (lower in hepatic impairment)

 α2-adrenergic receptors in the spinal cord and brain
 effects are primarily at the locus coeruleus that activates sleep centers in the brain
 resembles non-REM sleep
 bradycardia and hypotension (7 mmHg decrease in systolic blood pressure and a
decrease in mean heart rate of 1 to 8 bpm)

 sedation for mechanically ventilated patients in the ICU
 ICU sedation in neurosurgery
 analgesic properties, and can reduce opiate requirements in ICU patients who are
mechanically ventilated
 procedural sedation
 sedation during awake fiberoptic intubation
 MAC sedation alone or in combination
 0.5 to 1 μg/kg loading dose over 15
minutes, followed by an infusion of 0.3 to
0.7 μg/kg/hr.
 anesthetic adjuvant for regional anesthesia.

 hypotension,
 bradycardia - cardiac arrest
 dry mouth
 nausea
 hypertension

Anxiolysis + anterograde amnesia + sedation +
relaxants and anticonvulsants

highly protein-bound (less drug is free to cross the blood–brain
and highly lipophilic (rapid-onset of action)
Metabolism - hepatic cytochrome P450 system via
oxidation and glucuronic conjugation.


most commonly used parenteral benzodiazepines
1. lorazepam
2. diazepam
3. midazolam
Lorazepam and diazepam are not soluble in water and often cause vein irritation due to the propylene glycol admixture, an
alternative formulation are available as a lipid emulsion, but with a decrease in bioavailability. Midazolam is water-
soluble and undergoes conformational change in the bloodstream, becoming more lipophilic. Midazolam is manufactured
as an acidic formulation that may produce mild local tissue and vein irritation.
 GABA-A receptor complex
 decrease both the CMRO2 and CBF,
 maintain carbon dioxide

 anticonvulsants
 muscle relaxants (supratherapeutic
 hemodynamically stable induction

 Anaphylaxis
 Pain
 Thrombophlebitis

Used in clinical practice are the thiobarbiturates thiopental (2.5%) and thiamylal (2%), and the oxybarbiturate
methohexital (1%).
The thiobarbiturate solutions are produced as racemic mixtures, despite unequal potency between their two stereoisomers.
Methohexital has two chiral centers and four potential stereoisomers, but not all isomers are included in the final product.
Barbiturate solutions are highly alkaline, allowing for formation of water-soluble salts.

Primary metabolism, hepatic, yielding water-soluble inactive metabolites that are subsequently eliminated in urine and
Thiopental has a relatively long elimination half-life (12 hours), and its clearance rate (3
mL/kg/min) is 10-fold longer than that of propofol. Methohexital elimination half-life (4
hours) is also shorter than thiopental, secondary to a more efficient hepatic extraction of the drug
(clearance rate 11 mL/kg/min).

cortical and brainstem GABA inhibitory pathways, leading to loss of consciousness, as well as
respiratory and cardiovascular depression, inhibition of central excitatory pathways,
specifically those mediated by glutamate via NMDA receptors and acetylcholine

 EEG changes, dose-dependent
 low doses can generate a light level of
anesthesia often associated with a high-
frequency and low-amplitude EEG pattern
 higher doses, both burst suppression and an
isoelectric EEG can be attained
 Thiopental (anticonvulsant)- treatment of status
epilepticus, “smaller concentrations -
proconvulsant properties”
 decrease in CMRO2 that is dose-dependent
 decreased CBF and ICP.
 CPP is often unchanged or even impr
 Neuroprotective

 decreases MAP and cardiac output  respiratory depression dose-dependent
 reduction of venous vascular tone  central apnea
 Baroreceptor-mediated heart rate increase
 negative hemodynamic effects in patients with
underlying cardiovascular disease and in
hypovolemic states

CLINICAL USES  Methohexital-induced pain on injection

 Tiopental- induction dose is 2.5 to 5 mg/kg,  Inadvertent arterial administration of thiopental
resulting in light stages of anesthesia in 15 to 30 has to be managed promptly - formation of
seconds, and deeper stages in 30 to 40 seconds crystals (vasospasm and thrombus formation),
that last for approximately 1 minute pain at the arterial site, and possible tissue
 Methohexital- shorter elimination half-life, necrosis
infusion doses of 50 to 150 μg/kg/min has been
used for maintenance of sedation and general
 can cause discomfort

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