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Objective: To fold properly and lay cloth napkins on the table appropriately according to napkins folding

style under the DepEd Philippines K to 12 Curriculum Guide.

Code: TLE_HEFBS9-12AS-Ie-f-3

Grade Level: 9-12

Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education

(1) Review: Ask the students if they have any experience in folding and laying cloth napkins on the table.
Show them pictures of different napkin folding styles and ask if they can identify any of them.

(2) Motivation: Show a video tutorial on how to fold and lay cloth napkins on the table appropriately
according to napkins folding style under the DepEd Philippines K to 12 Curriculum Guide. Ask the
students to take down notes on the steps in the video.

(3) Activity:

- Demonstration: Demonstrate the different napkin folding styles to the students. Ask them to take down
notes on each style.

- Group Activity: Divide the class into groups and assign a napkin folding style to each group. Provide
them with a cloth napkin and ask them to fold it according to the assigned style. The group with the
best-folded napkin wins.

- Individual Activity: Ask the students to choose a napkin folding style and fold a cloth napkin accordingly.
They will present their folded napkin to the class and explain the steps they took to achieve the style.

(4) Analysis: Ask the students to analyze the different napkin folding styles. Which style is the easiest to
fold? Which style is the most challenging? Which style is the most appropriate for a formal dinner?

(5) Abstraction: Discuss with the students the importance of proper table setting and how it reflects on
the host/hostess. Explain that a well-folded and laid napkin adds an elegant touch to the table setting.

(6) Application: Give the students a real-life problem related to the objective. For example, ask them to
plan a menu and table setting for a formal dinner party.

(7) Assessment:

1. What is the importance of proper table setting?

Answer: Proper table setting reflects the host/hostess's attention to detail and adds an elegant touch to
the dining experience.

2. How many napkin folding styles did we learn in class?

Answer: The number of napkin folding styles learned will depend on the demonstration.

3. Why is it important to fold napkins properly?

Answer: Properly folded napkins add an elegant touch to the table setting and show the host/hostess's
attention to detail.

4. What is the objective of this lesson?

Answer: The objective of this lesson is to fold properly and lay cloth napkins on the table appropriately
according to napkins folding style under the DepEd Philippines K to 12 Curriculum Guide.

5. What is the real-life problem given in the application section?

Answer: Plan a menu and table setting for a formal dinner party.

(8)) Assignment: For homework, ask the students to plan a table setting for a formal dinner party. They
should include a menu, tablecloth, centerpiece, and folded napkins.

Interactive Activities:

1. Napkin Folding Relay Race: Divide the class into two teams. Give each team a stack of cloth napkins
and a list of napkin folding styles. The first player in each team will choose a napkin folding style and fold
a napkin accordingly. They will then pass the folded napkin to the next player who will choose a different
napkin folding style and fold the napkin accordingly. The first team to finish folding all the napkins wins.

2. Napkin Folding Challenge: Choose a few students to participate in a napkin folding challenge. Provide
them with a cloth napkin and a timer. The student who folds the napkin the fastest and most accurately

3. Napkin Folding Art: Ask the students to create art out of folded napkins. They can create animals,
flowers, or any other creative designs using their napkin folding skills.

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