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Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust's

Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology

Department of
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

Student Name: Ajay Yache

Class: SY Division: C Roll No: 273071

Semester: 3rd Academic Year: 2022 - 23

Subject Name & Code: ADUA21206: Data Visualization

Title of Assignment: Hierarchical category visualization


Download data set from Kaggle/ Tableau / data world. Visualize the dataset using
hierarchical category: Tree diagrams & ring charts/sun burst.


Problem Statement :

1. What is tree map and ring chart/sunburst and their use

2. Details of datasets
3. What questions are addressed with the visualization and Snapshot of the

Resources Used :

1. Dataset:
2. Microsoft Excel
3. Tableau

Background Information:

• Dataset-

The dataset contains the information about the superstore, its total number of sales of various
products and also about sales in a particular area or region. And all this is represented in the

• What is tree map and ring charts/sunburst charts and their uses-

1. Tree Map: A tree map is a type of data visualization that represents hierarchical data using
nested rectangles. The size of each rectangle corresponds to a specific attribute or value, while
the hierarchy is represented by the nesting of rectangles within larger rectangles. The
rectangles are typically color-coded to represent different categories or groups.

The main uses of a tree map are:

• Visualizing hierarchical structures: Tree maps are effective for displaying hierarchical data,
such as organizational structures, file directories, or product categories. The nested
rectangles allow users to see the overall structure and the relative sizes of each category or
• Comparing values: The size of each rectangle in a tree map represents a quantitative value. By
comparing the sizes of the rectangles, users can quickly understand the relative magnitudes
of different values or categories within the hierarchy.
• Highlighting patterns and outliers: Tree maps can reveal patterns or outliers within
hierarchical data. Users can identify areas with larger or smaller values based on the size
and colour of the rectangles, enabling insights into areas of focus or concern.

2. Ring Chart/Sunburst: A ring chart, also known as a sunburst chart, is a circular data visualization
that represents hierarchical data using concentric rings. Each ring represents a level of the
hierarchy, and the arcs within the rings represent the subcategories or subdivisions. The size of
each arc corresponds to a specific value, while the colours represent different categories or

The main uses of a ring chart/sunburst are:

• Showing hierarchical relationships: Ring charts are effective in displaying hierarchical data and
the relationships between different levels of the hierarchy. Users can easily grasp the
structure and organization of the data, starting from the center and moving outward.
• Visualizing proportions: The size of each arc in a ring chart represents the proportion or value
of a specific category or subcategory. By comparing the sizes of the arcs, users can quickly
understand the relative contributions of different categories to the whole.
• Exploring data at different levels: Ring charts allow users to drill down and explore data at
different levels of the hierarchy. Users can interact with the chart to focus on specific
subcategories or expand/collapse levels of the hierarchy, enabling detailed analysis and
• Facilitating storytelling: The circular layout of a ring chart provides a visually engaging and
storytelling aspect to data presentations. Users can guide the viewer's attention through the
hierarchy and highlight key insights or narratives within the data.
• Details of dataset-

Sample superstore database-


1. Order id
2. Order date
3. Ship date
4. Ship mode
5. Customer ID
6. Customer Name
7. Segment
8. Country
9. Quantity
10. Discount
11. City
12. State
13. Pin Code
14. Region
15. Product ID
16. Category
17. Sub-Category
18. Product Name
19. Sales
20. Profit

• What questions are addressed with the visualization-


Visualization shows category and subcategory share in sales. Inner ring depicts technology,
furniture, office supplies and outer ring category outer ring shows sales of each subcategory that
is which are highlighting the annotations of highest sales subcategory product of all the three

Tree map-

It shows regional and state wise sales with quantity. The size of rectangles shows quantity sold
and color depicts sales generated.


• Dataset-

• Visualization showing the sales with the quantity of the items sold -
• Visualization showing quantity of items sold category wise and sub
category wise-



In conclusion, hierarchical category visualizations offer a powerful means to represent

and explore complex hierarchical data structures like tree map and sunburst charts.

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