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Nonverbal communication can be defined as the process of sending and receiving

messages via means other than words. According to McConnell, (2003) it is behaviour other
than spoken or written communication that creates or represents meaning.

Nonverbal communication is expressed through non linguistic means. It is the action

or attributes of humans, including their appearance, use of objects, sound, time, smell and
space that have a socially shared significance and stimulate meaning in others.


According to Argyle et al,(1970) spoken language is normally used for
communicating information about events external to the speaker, nonverbal codes are used
to establish and maintain interpersonal relationships. It is considered more polite or nicer to
communicate attitudes towards others non verbally rather than verbally in order to avoid
embarrassing situations. Robert, Rosenthal & Bella, (1979) Agryle, (1988) assert that there
are five primary functions of nonverbal communication, namely:

❖ Express emotions
❖ Express interpersonal attitudes
❖ To accompany speech in managing the cues of interaction between the
speaker and listener(s).
❖ Self preservation of one’s personality
❖ Rituals(greeting)


(i)All nonverbal behaviour has value; while we can refrain ourselves from speaking, it is
impossible for us to stop behaving, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

(ii)You cannot stop sending nonverbal messages; As long as someone is aware of your
presence and is there to decode your nonverbal communication, it is impossible for you not
to communicate.

(iii)Nonverbal communication is ambiguous; although nonverbal cues are continuous and

frequently involuntary, others can evaluate them in different ways. That is what we
communicate may be ambiguous and subject to misinterpretation.

(iv) Nonverbal communication is predominantly relational; many find it easier to

communicate emotions and feelings nonverbally. We convey liking, attraction, anger and
respect for authority non verbally.
(v)Nonverbal communication may reveal deception; when a person says one thing but
means another we can use our deception skills to determine that the person’s behaviour
contradicts his/her words.


a) Kinesics.
Is the study of human body motion. It includes such variables as facial expression, gestures,
posture, walking speed and eye movement. Valuable communication information is
contained in the look on the face, whether you stare or avert you gaze, whether the
shoulders are straight or drooped, whether the lips are curved in a smile or signal contempt
with a sneer and whether the gait suggests eagerness or anxiety.

(i)Facial expression.

The face is the main channel we use to decipher the feelings of others. Quite simply the face
talks. Refers to the use of forehead, brow and facial muscles around the nose and mouth to
convey meaning. Facial expression can convey happiness, sadness, fear, anger, contempt,
disgust and surprise.

Sometimes the words that one utters may be contradicted by their facial expression. Faces
tell us many things including;

• Whether parties to an interaction find it pleasant or unpleasant.

• How interesting an individual is in sustaining or terminating contact.
• The degree of involvement of parties.
• Whether response during contact are spontaneous or controlled.
• The extent to which messages are understood and shared.

(ii)Body Movement and Postures.

Ones perceptions of other people are affected by the way they sit, walk. Stand up or hold
their head. The way one moves and carry themselves communicate a lot of information.
This type of nonverbal communication includes ones posture, bearing, stance and subtle


Gestures are entangled into the framework of our daily lives. People wave, point, beckon
and use their hands when they are arguing or speaking animatedly- expressing themselves
with gestures often without thinking. However, the meaning of gestures can be very
different across cultures and regions, therefore it is important to be careful to avoid
b) Chronemics
Deals with use of time as an element of communication. Time keeping does not mean “
Looking at the watch” and keeping time. The way one uses time tells others about their
personality just like our clothing, personal hygiene and personal habits.

c) Proxemics

Involves the use of space and distance in communication. Our use of time and space
reveal how we feel about ourselves and what we think of others.

Edward Hall an American anthropologist defined the four space zones;

➢ The intimate zone-(0-0.5M)

➢ The personal zone –(0.5-1.2M)
➢ The social zone- (1.2-3M)
➢ The public zone (3M)

This personal territory called the space bubble, when invaded can result into “\bubble
burst”, causing irritation and displeasure.


Focuses on touch as an element of embrace, hug, handshake, hand

holding and to exert control or power.Research shows two kinds of touch;

(i)Bodily contact; refers to touch that are accidental and unconscious any part of the
body may be involved.

(ii)Touching with hands; This implies the action is deliberate, conscious abnd made
primarily by hands. The need can be social, sexual or psychological.


Deals with vocal cues, more accurately refered to as the non phonemic qualities of
language. This includes accent, tempo, pitch, cadence, rate of speech, nasality and tone in
so far as they convey meaning.

• Vocal characterizers—laughing, crying,yawning, belching ,smiling

• Vocal qualifiers- volume, pitch, rhythm, tempo
• Vocal segregates—sounds such as mmmm......uhuhuh.......oooo..... fill gaps as we
think what to say next
• Vocal rate—speed

Deals with eye behaviour as an element of communication. There is a saying that” people
speak through their eyes.” Eyes are said to be the window to the soul and mirror the heart.

Of all the parts of the human bodythat are used to to transmit information, the eyes are the
most important and can transmit the most subtle nuances. The dynamics of our eye
movement have been labelled as “ Eye grammar” The main ones are according to Agryle
and others are;

▪ Staring eyes.- too much eye contact that either shows superiority or lack of respect,
a threatening attitude or a wish to insult.
▪ Too little eyes;-it has multiple interpretations. The contact gesture indicates
dishonesty, impoliteness, insincerity and shyness.
▪ Withdrawal of eyes;-this is considered as a sign of contact of submission.
▪ Frequently looking eyes;- this is generally an introvert’s away at people behaviour,
interest in knowing from distance reaction, or to dominate or to influence or
▪ Scarcely looking eyes. An introvert shows this kind of behaviour when discussing
intimate close proximity or difficult topics or dislike for the other person.


Is an aspect of nonverbal communication dealing with smell and scent. It includes the use of
perfumes and species.


Deals with the communication aspect of apparent objects visible in the room, art,
possession, clothing and appearance. In that these may be personal, indicative of status or
revealing life style.

There are non verbal message signals that an individual sends across through;

➢ Appearance
➢ Clothing
➢ Style
➢ Personal objects

Personal grooming and personal hygiene, have become important to professional image
Several things like clean finger nails, laced shoes, sober/ conservative colours, well brushed
hair are considered important.

(i) You can communicate with someone who cannot hear.

(ii) You can communicate in places where you have to avoid talking audibly.
(iii) You can communicate without others around you hearing what is
(iv) You can communicate when a person is too far away from you to hear what is
being communicated.
(v) Nonverbal communication makes conversation short and brief.
(vi) Nonverbal communication saves on time and can be used as a tool to
communicate with people who don’t understand your language.


(i) Long conversations using nonverbal communication are usually not possible.
(ii) Nonverbal communication varies from culture to culture.
(iii) Particulars of messages using nonverbal communication cannot be discussed
in details.
(iv) It is not used as a public tool for communication.
(v) It cannot be used everywhere and is less influential than verbal

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