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533 BOEKBESPREKINGEN — FARAONISCH EGYPTE 534 ce sont 18 les qualités d’un bon catalogue. On ne peut que féliciter et remercier les éditeurs et leurs collaborateurs. Bon nombre de ces objets alimenteront encore longtemps les réflexions et les recherches Juillet 2004 Claude Vandersleyen LACOVARA, Peter, and Betsy TEASLY TROPE (Eds.) — ‘The Realm of Osiris. Mummies, Coffins, and Ancient Egyptian Funerary Art in the Michael C. Carlos Museum, Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University, Atlanta, 2001. (27 em, XI, 73). ISBN 1-928917-04-6. Until recently, Egyptologists mainly knew the Michael C. Carlos Museum in Atlanta from three exhibition catalogues: Beyond the Pyramids, Reflections of Women in the New King- dom and The Collector's Eye.') Since these publications pre- sent Egyptian material from other collections, the rich Egypt- ian holdings of the museum itself remained relatively unknown, Besides a general article on the archaeological col- lections,?) the only publications were a study of a Ptolemaic Book of the Dead fragment’) and a museum handbook with a brief contribution on the Egyptian section.) In 1999, how- ever, the situation changed completely as a result of the acquisition of the Egyptian collection from the Niagara Falls ‘Museum. The purchase by the Michael C. Carlos Museum of ‘an almost forgotten but important collection from a small, private museum in Canada and especially the intriguing pos- sibility that one of the mummies in the collection might be that of King Ramesses T have generated worldwide media coverage.*) The catalogue under review, published on the

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