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1- Skim the text and predict what it will be about. Justify your opinion in Spanish, please.

2- Read part A and answer these questions:

A- Can you find variety of children in a drama class?______________

B- How are the teachers?____________________________________
C- Are all the schools equal?__________________________________
D- What is the most important ability a child can learn at a drama class?
E- Can it help adults? How?__________________________________

3- Read part B and find an example of :

An idiom (explain its meaning):

A connector:

A verb:

A noun:

An adjective:

4- Find in the text the words that correspond to the following definitions:

-The faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not
present to the senses. Noun (Part B or C.)________

-A situation requiring a choice between equally undesirable alternatives. Noun (Part


-Free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere. Adj ( Part B).__________

-A number of people or things that are located close together or are considered or classed
together. Noun ( Part B or C)._________

- Producing good results or helpful effects. Adj. (Introduction or part B).___________

5- Read the 6 subtitles below and put them in the correct paragraph.

A -Is Drama Class Right For My Child?.

B- What Types of Children Go To Drama Classes?.

C- Productions.

D- Part of a Group.

E- Self-Expression Learned Through Drama Can Improve Your Child's Life Skills.

F - New Friendships.

6) Decide the best title for the text according to its main topic.

A) Advantages of drama for teens.

B)The benefits of drama classes for children.
:C) Exploring body language in early childhood.

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