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Allegory is a literary device used for expressing complex ideas in an approachable and
understandable manner. In simple terms, allegory is a work of art, maybe a painting or a story
in which the characters, events or images will act as symbols.The writers often use allegory to
illustrate a historical situation, political situation or spiritual truth.

Allegories have been used widely in literature works for centuries across different cultures. It
is a literary device that is used in the Bible and other famous prose, poetry and drama.
Usually, it takes a strong literary skill to write an effective allegory. You can use allegory to
address controversial topics and make your readers understand your concepts or ideas.

Here is an example of allegory in literature.

Animal Farm written by George Orwell is a satirical allegorical novella. In this farm fable,
animals run the society and reflect Leon Trotsky’s rise and the Russian revolution. This story
can be read as a fable of farm animals ruling a society or it can be considered to be the
author’s criticism of communism.

In order to explore biblical allegories, you can check the chronicles of Narnia, the Prodigal
Son, the Good Samaritan, The Divine Comedy, the Adventures of Pinocchio, The Divine
Comedy, etc. Other famous examples of allegory include Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist, Yann
Martel’s Beatrice and Virgil, etc.

2. Allusion
The allusion is another popular literary device the writers used to reference any object outside
of the literature work. The object of reference can be a fictional or a real person, quote, event
or any piece of work that contains artistic expressions. You can use allusions to build
characters or storylines by creating strong bonding with well-known works.

Many people often use allusions in daily conversation. The allusion technique was also used
by some popular literary writers to create a context in classical mythology and literature.

Here are some common examples of allusion.

Allusion to Cupid – Arrow of love

Allusion to Satan- Snake
In the Little Mermaid, King Triton resembles the god of the sea, Poseidon.
3. Alliteration
Alliteration is a literary device that reflects the repetition of same consonant sounds at the
beginning of words. This technique creates a rhythm and grabs the attention of the readers to
the lines. More commonly, in poems, alliteration refers to the repeated sound of the consonant
in the stressed syllable of a line.

William Shakespeare in his Sonnet has used alliteration techniques frequently. Other than the
literature, alliteration has also been used widely in tongue twisters, fictional character names
and everyday speech.

Mentioned below are a few examples of alliteration

Money Matters
Picture Perfect
Bugs Bunny
Donald Duck
She sells seashells by the s
Then can I grieve at grievances foregone- Shakespeare’s Sonnet 30
4. Anaphora
The repetition of a phrase or a word at the beginning of phrases, sentences or clauses is called
Anaphora.It is one of the popular rhetorical and literary devices. The writers generally use
anaphora to emphasize, reinforce and convey meaning. It is a stylish literary technique that
you can use while writing a poem, lyrics, prose and a speech.

With the help of Anaphora, you can make your readers enjoy your piece of writing, evoke
emotions, create a call-to-action and emphasize a concept. One of the famous examples of
Anaphora in literature is the opening sentence written by Charles Dickens in “A Tale of Two

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of
foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of
light, it was the season of darkness…

Other examples of Anaphora are

Stay Staywell. Stay happy.

Be Be brief. Be gone.
We came, we saw, we
5. Anachronism
Anachronism is an error of timeline in a piece of literature work. In simple terms,
anachronism is referred to as anything that is out of place and time. You can find
anachronisms in paintings, literature and other works.

In general, anachronism is considered to be an unintentional mistake or an error the writers

commit due to carelessness and lack of research. But, at times, some writers smartly employ
anachronism as a literary device in order to create a unique artistic effect in their work and
grab the attention of the readers.

You can find the implementation of anachronism in William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar play
– Act 2 of Scene 1.
Brutus: “Peace! Count the clock.”
Cassius: “The clock has stricken three.”

This play dates back to 44 A.D. where the mechanical clock mentioned in the above dialogue
has not been invented. But the mechanical clock was present during Shakespeare’s time.
Hence, the clock mentioned in this play is an anachronism.

6. Foreshadowing
Another popular literary device used by novel writers and screenwritersto narrate a story is
foreshadowing. It is a technique that gives a hint to the readers about something that is to
appear later in the story. By using foreshadowing effectively, you can create suspense and
tension for the readers.

Time, colors, weather, character reactions, dialogues, the place are some common elements
the writers use while foreshadowing. At times, the title of a literary work is used to
foreshadow the plot events. You can find foreshadowing in many popular novels, TV shows,
movies and dramas. The foreshadowing can be direct or indirect.

Foreshadowing MovieTitle Examples: Murder on the Orient Express, Love in the Time of
Cholera, A Telephone Call

The foreshadowing technique was used effectively in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, John
Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, Flannery O’ Connor’s A Good Man is hard to find.

7. Hyperbole
Hyperbole is a literary device and a figure of speech used predominantly by writers to elevate
the content with exaggeration. It is often used for creating ironic, comic or serious effects in
literature work. In order to make the readers believe your ideas, you can use hyperbole in
your piece of writing.

Hyperbole can be used inyour everyday speech. Also, you can use this literary device while
creating slogans for advertising campaigns and movie lines.

Some examples of hyperbole include

I’m the King of the world- Titanic Movie

Red Bull gives you wings – Red Bull advertisement
I love you the moon and the back.
I’m so tired that I could sleep for a week.
8. Imagery
The imagery focuses on the use of figurative language to induce a sensory experience. It is a
literary device that helps to create a picture with words for a reader. The writers more
commonly use figurative language and descriptive language to appeal to the reader’s senses,
feelings and emotions along with visual representations.
In order to evoke emotions in readers, you can use imagery to add depth to your story or
poetry. Don’t overuse imagery because your readers may find it difficult to understand the
purpose of your writing. Using the imagery techniques, you can present your ideas in a
straightforward manner.

Here are some examples of imagery in everyday speech.

The kitten’s fur is milky.

The light under the door looked buttery.
My head is pounding like a drum.
9. Irony
A contradictory situation or a statement that reveals a reality that is different from the
expectation is called irony. It is one of the popular literary devices used in literature. The
common types of irony include verbal, dramatic and situational irony.

The irony is generally used to portray a discrepancy between reality and expectation. With
irony, the writers create humor, suspense and also highlight a character or a theme in a literary
work. In order to give a different experience to your readers or viewers, you need to be aware
of their expectations of reality.The irony is a powerful literary technique that you can use as a
plot device to showcase the behavior of characters and reveal twists.

Below are some examples of irony.

Walking into an empty theater and saying “it’s too crowded”.

A police station is burglarized.
A retired CEO of theCrayola Company suffered from colorblindness.
In Hansel and Gretel, the witch who intended to eat Hansel and Gretel is trapped in her own
oven by the children.
10. Juxtaposition
A literary device that indicates a comparison or contrast is juxtaposition. Writers use this
technique to create an ironic or dramatic contrast. It allows the readers to find out how the
entities are similar and different.

In order to create a rhetorical effect, writers use juxtaposition by placing the two entities side
by side to highlight the differences between the entities. It is used predominantly in novels
and stories.

Listed below are a few examples of juxtaposition.

Good and Evil

Urban and Rural
In the ‘Harry Potter Series’, Muggle and Wizard worlds
In ‘The Great Gatsby’, East Egg and West Egg
11. Metaphor
A figure of speech that creates a comparison between two unlike things is called a metaphor.
When used as a literary device, a metaphor creates a comparison without using “like” or “as”.

For creating a direct comparison between two different things, metaphor is used. Writers use
metaphor while writing both prose and poetry. As a writer, you can earn a lot of benefits by
using metaphor in your piece of work. With the help of metaphor, you can create imagery and
evoke emotions.

Find below a few examples of metaphors.

His heart of stone surprised me.

Time is money.
Love is a battlefield.
You sit on a throne of lies.
12. Personification
Personification is a literary device that refers to nonhuman things with human characteristics.
It is a form of metaphor that gives human attributes to an idea or thing. Writers use
personification to create life.

Personification is a popular figure of speech that helps to demonstrate creativity, enhance

imagination and create humor. Poets predominantly use personification while writing poetry.

Here are a few examples of personification.

My phone is not cooperating with me today.

The wind is whispering.
Time waits for no one
Her eyes are not smiling.
13. Simile
Like a metaphor, a simile is also an effective figure of speech in which two dissimilar objects
are compared together with the use of “as” or “like”. The simile explicitly creates a
comparison between two different things. With the help of simile, you can generate thoughts
and create imagery. You can use simile in your everyday conversation and also when writing
poetry and prose.

Here are a few examples of similes.

That poem is like a punch in the gut.

Love is like a friendship caught on fire.
Life is like riding a bicycle.
The pizza isasflat as a pancake.
14. Oxymoron
Pairing two contradictory words together is called an oxymoron. As a literary device,
oxymoron creates an impression, enhances a reader, and also entertains the reader. Writers use
oxymoron to gain the attention of the readers through the pairing of contradictory or opposing

Oxymoron is a figure of speech that enhances drama in writing, indicates irony, creates
humor, and demonstrates linguistic skills. Apart from using oxymoron in literary works, you
can also use oxymoron in your daily conversation and when writing titles and quotes.

Mentioned below are a few examples of oxymoron.

She ate the whole piece of the pie.

The carpenters left the table completely unfinished.
I had a friendly fight with my sister.
15. Paradox
Paradox is a statement that appears to be contradictory in the first, but it makes sense upon
reflection. In simple terms, a paradox is made up of contradictory sentences or phrases.

It is a common literary device used to engage a reader to find out the underlying logic in a
self-contradictory phrase or a statement.

For the writers, paradox serves a lot of benefits. It is one of the excellent literary devices that
help the writers to set up a conflict in literature work, create situational or verbal irony. You
can find paradox examples in a lot of movies.

Here are a few examples of paradoxes.

Change is the only constant

It is the beginning of the end
“I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse.”- a dialogue from the Godfather
“I had to come to prison to be a crook.”- a dialogue from the Shawshank Redemption
16. Repetition
Repetition is a literary device that focuses on the intentional use of a word or a phrase
multiple times in a speech or a piece of writing in order to create an effect. In order to make a
repetition identifiable, the words or phrases should be repeated within a close limit. Repetition
allows a sense of sound in your literary work and creates emphasis.Writers often use this
literary technique to create clarity to an idea and make it memorable for the readers.

Don’t just use repetition for the sake of repeating a word or a phrase. Also, don’t overuse
repetition in your literary work. When you use repetition properly, you can intensify your idea
and generate a focus on your concept.

Mentioned below are a few examples of repetition.

Hour to hour
All for one and one for all
James Bond– All James Bond Movies
Stupid is as stupid does- Movie line from Forrest Grump
Words, words, words– Hamlet
The sad truth is that the truth is sad- Lemony Snicket
17. Rhyme
A rhyme is the repetition of different words with similar concluding syllables. It is an
essential literary device used more often in poetry. A rhyme often appears at the end of the
poetic lines. Remember, a rhyme focuses on sound and not spelling.

Rhyme is an essential literary device for poets, but it is not mandatory to include rhyming
words or patterns in all the poems. Writing rhyme is difficult, but to include rhyme in your
poem, you need to be a master. In order to develop your rhyme writing skill, you can explore
different poetic forms and types of rhyme, and then write creative and attractive poetry using
any rhyme scheme.

A few examples of rhyme are mentioned below.

Jack and Jill went up the hill

Too cool for school
Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet.
18. Symbolism
The use of symbols in literary work is called symbolism. It usually represents something that
is beyond the literal meaning. In literature, the writers use symbols in the form of a word,
character, object, action or concept to evoke additional meaning and build a sensory

Symbolism is an effective literary device that demonstrates the artistic use of language in a
way to create both literal and figurative meanings for words. Apart from the literary work,you
can also find the usage of symbols in everyday life and movies.

Here are a few examples of Symbolism.

Symbols that represent love- Red rose and heart

In the movie Godfather, doors symbolize separation and transition
In the movie Forrest Grump, feathers symbolize the beginnings and endings.
19. Foil
Foil is a literary device the writers often use for illustrating or revealing the traits and values
of one character by comparing it with another character. In order to draw the attention of the
readers towards the protagonist, the writers implement a foil technique in their literary work.
It is one of the effective techniques used to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of a character
in a story.

In the films, foil characters were used to entertain the audience through drama, humor, and
empathy. Literary writers often use foil to showcase the difference between two characters.

Mentioned below are a few examples of foil traits and foil character pairs in popular movies
and literature.

Generous and stingy

Ambitious and content
Foolishness and Wisdom
Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter series
Edward Cullen and Jacob Black in the Twilight series
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in theSherlock Holmes series
Brutus and Cassius in William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar play
20. Diction
Diction is a literary device that refers to the linguistic choices used to convey a point of view,
an idea, a thought or a story in an effective way. In general, the voice and style of literary
work are identified only based on the writer’s vocabulary and the arrangement of words.
Therefore, it is mandatory to understand diction and how to use diction effectively in a piece
of writing.

Diction has a close association with characterization. You can use diction to represent the
values, attitudes, and ideals of a literary character along with their outer appearance.

Diction is one of the effective devices used to communicate with the readers. It can be used in
all forms of writing, from poetic to concise wording. Your diction can be formal, informal,
poetic, colloquial, abstract, slang, pedantic, and concrete.

Here are a few examples of diction.

I am tired because I was binge-watching a show last night- Colloquial diction

Text me when you are ready to go home, so I can pick you up- Informal diction
Final Words
Till now, we saw some essential literary devices that you can use in your academic writing.
Other than the literary techniques mentioned in this post, there are still a lot of literary devices
available in the English language for writing prose and poetry. If you struggle to tune your
work with the right literary device, then reach out to us. Our team of writers who are masters
of literary devices will help you in revising your literature work and transform it into a
creative work by adding the essential literary devices at the appropriate places in your piece
of writing.

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