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Student’s Name: Tajanlangit, Johlian V.

Course and Year: BSED ENGLISH 3-A ISAT U

Miagao Campus Herminia N. Falsario
Associate Professor V

Worksheet No.1 “Beowulf”

Express Yourself! What are your significant learnings from “Beowulf”? Provide
a good title for it. (20 pts.)

Learn From a Hero

“We don’t need to be perfect to do good deeds in the world, but we need
to be sincere in our efforts.

Beowulf is commonly referred as an old English Epic Poem telling about

the heroic dead of Beowulf In helping the Geats to fight against a monster. After
reading the Epic Poem “Beowulf”, I have ponder about the lessons I could learned from
it. Beowulf as a hero still shows sense of honor. He politely ask permission from the
king to allow him to travel to Heorot to help. This taught me that we should always honor
and value the people above us or the people that stands as our guardian. When
Beowulf have finally defeated the monster named Grendel, the people of Heorot give
thanks to him by giving him gifts. This shows gratefulness, it taught me to be grateful to
those who have help me succeed and survive life.

The people of Heorot accepted that Beowulf is the bravest of them all.
Beowulf after defeated Grendel did not just receive gifts but he also became the king.
This taught me acceptance. If you know how to accept your weakness and
imperfections you will not be able to get envious of others success and that can make
life better.

In the Beowulf died after fighting against the dragon. The poem, therefore,
ends on a lesson of heroism and rewards that one who leads a heroic life is
remembered well in death. It taught me that if you live your life living legacy you will be

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