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Basic Tutorial About CSS Program

Certainly! Here's a basic tutorial to get you started with CSS programming:

Step 1: Linking CSS to HTML To style your HTML document with CSS, you need to link your CSS file to your
HTML file. Add the following line of code within the <head> section of your HTML file:

Make sure to replace "styles.css" with the path to your CSS file.

Step 2: Selecting HTML Elements CSS uses selectors to target specific HTML elements for styling.
Here are a few common selectors:

 Element selector: Selects elements by their tag name. For example, h1 selects all <h1> headings.
 Class selector: Selects elements by their class attribute. For example, .my-class selects all
elements with class="my-class".
 ID selector: Selects an element by its unique ID attribute. For example, #my-id selects the element
with id="my-id".

Step 3: Applying CSS Styles CSS styles are applied using property-value pairs. Here are some
commonly used properties:

 color: Sets the text color. For example, color: red;.

 font-size: Sets the font size. For example, font-size: 16px;.
 font-family: Sets the font family. For example, font-family: Arial, sans-serif;.
 background-color: Sets the background color. For example, background-color: #f1f1f1;.
 margin: Sets the margin around an element. For example, margin: 10px;.
 padding: Sets the padding inside an element. For example, padding: 20px;.
 border: Sets the border properties. For example, border: 1px solid black;.

Step 4: Applying Styles to Selectors To apply styles to a selector, use curly braces {} and specify
the desired properties inside. For example:
In this example, the <h1> headings will have blue text and a font size of 24 pixels, elements with
class="my-class" will have a yellow background and 10 pixels of padding, and the element with
id="my-id" will have a red border.

Step 5: Further Styling Techniques CSS offers additional techniques to enhance your styling:

 Box Model: Understand the box model, which includes properties like margin, padding, width, and
 Selectors: Explore more advanced selectors, such as attribute selectors, pseudo-classes (e.g.,
:hover), and pseudo-elements (e.g., ::before).
 Layout: Learn about positioning, floating, flexbox, and grid layout to control the layout of elements
on the page.
 Responsive Design: Use media queries to make your page adapt to different screen sizes and
 CSS Frameworks: Consider using CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS to simplify and
speed up your styling process.

Step 6: Experiment and Practice The best way to learn CSS is through hands-on practice.
Experiment with different styles, properties, and layouts. Create small projects or try replicating
existing website designs to hone your skills.

Remember to refer to online resources, such as the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) CSS
documentation, for more in-depth explanations and examples as you progress in your CSS
programming journey.

Thank you for open this file 

Maker: Novemas Heka Alfarizi
Made: 2023 – 06 – 13
From: Indonesia, East Java

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