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Expected Questions from Unit 1 in Exam

Q1 What do you mean by Data Structure? Explain types of Data Structure.

Q2 How data structure is represented? What operations can be performed on DS Explain them?
Q3 Write down the applications / importance / need of data structure.
Q4 What do you mean by data types and data objects?
Q5 What Operations can be performed on data structure?
Q6 Explain elementary data organization(data, elementary data item, grouped data item, record, file)?
Q7 What do you mean by algorithm complexity (time & space)?
Q8 What do you mean by Time complexity? Explain constant, linear, quadratic, cubic, logarithmic complexity with
examples of each?
Q8 What do you mean by Time complexity? Explain constant, linear, quadratic, cubic, logarithmic complexity with
examples of each?
Q9 What are the asymptotic notations? Explain Big O, Theta & omega?
Q9 Explain the term Time-Space trade off with example?

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