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Objective: Interpret a food processing procedure under the DepEd Philippines K to 12 Curriculum Guide.

Code: TLE_AFFP9-12 UT-0b-2

Grade Level: 9-12


(1) Review: Ask students to recall their previous knowledge about food processing procedures and
discuss it with the class.

(2) Motivation: Show a video clip of a food processing procedure and ask the students to identify the
steps involved in the process. Discuss the video with the class.

(3) Activity: Divide the class into groups and assign them a specific food product (e.g. canned goods,
frozen foods, baked goods). Ask each group to research and present the step-by-step procedure for
processing the assigned food product. Make sure to include safety measures, quality control, and
sanitation procedures. Each group should present their findings to the class.

(4) Analysis: After the group presentations, ask the class to compare and contrast the different
procedures presented. Identify the similarities and differences among the procedures.

(5) Abstraction: Discuss with the class the importance of following standard procedures in food
processing. Emphasize the role of quality control and sanitation in ensuring the safety and quality of of
food products.

(6) Application: Ask the students to identify a real-life problem related to food processing (e.g.
contamination, spoilage, quality control). Divide the class into groups and ask each group to come up
with a solution to the identified problem. Each group should present their solution to the class.

(7) Assessment:


1. What is the importance of quality control in food processing?

Answer: Quality control ensures that the food products meet certain standards and are safe for

2. What are the safety measures that should be followed in food processing?
Answer Answer: Safety measures include wearing appropriate clothing and protective gear, following
sanitation procedures, procedures, and handling food products properly.

3. Why is it important to follow standard procedures in food processing?

Answer: Standard procedures ensure consistency in the quality of food products and reduce the risk
of contamination or spoilage.

4. What are the different steps involved in food processing?

Answer: The different steps involved in food processing include cleaning, sorting, grading, processing,
packaging, and labeling.

5. What are the common causes of food spoilage?

Answer: Common causes of food spoilage include microbial contamination, physical damage, and
exposure to air, light, and moisture.

(8) Assignment: Ask the students to research and write a short essay on the importance of quality
control in food processing. They should include examples of how quality control measures can prevent
food contamination and spoilage.

Interactive Activities:

1. Food Processing Simulation: Set up a simulation of a food processing plant in the classroom. Ask the
students to take turns playing different roles in the process (e.g. inspector, processor, packager). This
will give students a hands-on experience of the different steps involved in food processing.

2. Food Safety Quiz: Create a quiz game that tests students' knowledge of food safety measures. Divide
the class into teams and ask them to answer questions related to food processing procedures,
sanitation, and quality control.

3. Food Labeling Activity: Ask the students to Food Labeling Activity: Ask the students to bring in food
product labels from home. In class, have them analyze the labels and identify the different information
included (e.g. ingredients, nutritional value, expiration date). This will help students understand the
importance of labeling in food processing.

**Note: Please make sure to follow safety protocols and guidelines when conducting any hands-on

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