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Ul ti mate

I. G.

H e rb a l i s m
The Pol l u ti on Mi crocosm

B ra d l e y C ro u c h

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Ultimate Herbalism ‐ The Pollution Microcosm Interjection Games

Pollution It Which Clings (Herb)

Microcosm: Pollution
Microcosm Summary: Whether or not a living thing Point Value: 4
will be successful in a niche can be determined, albeit Duration: 1 round
primitively, by some fairly simple calculus. First,
assume that whatever the niche happens to be is one Appearance: It which clings is one of nature's
that the creature can exploit. The attractiveness, and, supreme gambits: a plant that can survive just about
thus, the chance of success, of a particular niche then anywhere, but is so inefficient that it can barely feed
becomes a function of how lucrative the niche is versus itself. Thus relegated to the most toxic, most disgusting
how many other species are hitting that niche up. In this places on the planet, it which clings always has no more
way, we can explain how some utterly horrible niches than one finger on the precipice off of which lies
are home to a few select species. oblivion, but still, it always endures.

Where it can be found: Plants of the pollution Effect: When one unit of it which clings is chewed as a
microcosm grow in the toxic cesspools of the world. standard action, the chewer becomes immune to its
Whether created by natural forces or rampant industry, choice of one of the following conditions for the
the pollution microcosm is slimy, caustic, and duration; however, it must be currently suffering from
downright hostile to all life that hasn't specifically that particular condition in order to become immune to
altered itself to handle it. Polluted rivers, poorly­ it in this manner: dazed, dazzled, fatigued, shakened, or
regulated dumping grounds, and flamboyantly toxic hot sickened.
springs are examples of the pollution microcosm in
action. Starting at 7th level, the chewer may also choose from
confused and nauseated.
Caustic Coals (Fungus)
Microcosm: Pollution Starting at 15th level, the chewer may also choose from
Point Value: 2 blinded, staggered, and stunned.
Duration: 7 rounds
Siphonweed (Herb)
Appearance: Dull red puffballs that are still Microcosm: Pollution
perpetually warm to the touch, caustic coals decompose Point Value: 1
other plants that just can't survive extreme habitats. Duration: see text
This usually results in a bloom of mushrooms when
pollution suddenly arrives, and a ring of them about Appearance: Woody and brittle, siphonweed draws
established areas of toxicity. pollutants out of its vicinity and stores it in oversized
vesicles. This makes the plant a natural reclaimer of
Effect: When one unit of caustic coals is crushed in the toxic territory.
hand as a standard action, a jet of acid strikes a single
weapon or suit of armor within 30 feet, causing it to Effect: One unit of siphonweed may be applied to the
grow progressively more acidic. Treat this as equivalent skin, or what passes for skin, of a creature as a standard
to heat metal, save that all damage is acid damage action. Record the damage type of the next point of
rather than fire damage. ability damage the subject takes over the next minute.
When the minute elapses, or when the subject has taken
Greasy Ragweed (Herb) its full complement of ability damage, siphonweed
Microcosm: Pollution produces a tiny bubble of toxic material. This toxic
Point Value: 1 material remains fresh for 1 hour; while fresh, it may be
Duration: 1 round/level applied to a weapon as though it were a dose of poison
with the following profile.
Appearance: Slimy to the touch, a firm squeeze is all it
takes to reduce the greasy ragweed to jelly; however, its Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude DC 10 + 1/2
almost­spongelike mode of vegetative reproduction herbalist level + Wisdom modifier
means that the mass of goo produced after a windstorm Frequency 1/round for 1 round
will simply grow into clones of the original. Effect Ability damage as recorded above
Cure 1 save
Effect: As a standard action, one unit of greasy
ragweed may be hurled as a thrown splash weapon with For every five herbalist levels the picker possesses,
a range increment of 10 feet. It explodes in the square in record up to 1 additional point of ability damage dealt to
which it lands, creating a 10­foot­radius spatter of slick the subject.
slime as the grease spell.

Bradley Crouch Pollution

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